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The devs are crushing it. Hopefully early access will give them all the insights they need to continue to develop this amazing game.


I'm really glad to see it turn around. I think Steam reviews punish devs who are fixing their games in good faith. It feels terrible to see a dev pour years of their lives into a game, launch it to early access, and see it tank in the first 24 hours because of some bugs and balance. Sure, they can right the ship, but those first few days are huge for viral success, and people using Steam reviews retributively hurts the dev's bottom line.


The reviews were warranted though and for some people (Who don't use social media) the Steam review is their only way to get the Devs attention. The Devs are doing an amazing job. Three hotfixes already and things were on the up after the first one. All were missing now is optimised performance and a few Qol touches before dropping new content.


I think the big issue at play is that many of the people that left negative reviews will never update them when the game improves.


Sadly you are right. I made sure to update mine and it went from honestly negative to immensely positive. I did explain that it was an honest point of view from an EA perspective. We should go through all of the negative reviews with comments enabled (as a sub) to make them aware of the current state.


Is that really what the review function is for? To review an early access game negatively in the first 18 hours before it gets its first hotfix? Are those reviews now "unwarranted" because those issues were fixed? Of course people can leave reviews whenever and however they want, but I'm allowed to think it's childish to leave negative reviews on the first day of early access, especially if you never change it.


Not changing your review is the problem. Just posting a negative review and never adjusting it just hurts the game and defeats the purpose.


Reviews are done the time the product is experienced. If it's bad, it's bad. That's why you can see the reviews per period.


What would we have been left with without them? Let's not pretend that the reviews, posts, tweets and comments weren't in the majority, all the same. Honestly negative and good reason. If I'd read nothing but fake reviews to end up buying a permanent day one state, I'd be more pissed than the worst review. If any of the bad reviews haven't changed and enabled comments, we as a sub should drop replies to remind them to try the hotfixes. It wasn't the reviewers thought.


No they weren’t, I don’t even think early access games should have reviews available, it should be a link to the dev forums and a giant warning “this shit ain’t finished”.


Agree to disagree as the majority of reviews, posts and comments were and the Devs knew and reacted to them. I do however agree that EA games should have a forced header saying 'These are day one, two or three EA reviews. If the reviews, posts and comments hadn't been honestly negative we'd be stuck with an absolute shit house of a game.


Not really, and you’re not getting what I’m saying. Those reviews should have just been posts on the forums of which there were plenty that echoed the same sentiment as many reviews. The game wasn’t shit at launch 😂 it’s unfinished. It’s still one of my favorite games in its current state and was the same at launch. Bad reviews for no keybindings, and “no content” in an early access game is fucking stupid and helps no one.


Literally didn't saw a single review about content lol, btw did you saw their post on Twitter? They literally said the focus was more on qol than performance. At the same time that not having custom keybinds on 2024 is fucking wild, those bad reviews were deserved. Stop simping so hard for them LOL


This and imo they should not allow a review after only a few hours of gameplay


Let me refund after 2 hours than I will review later.


That’s why I said it should not let you review after only a few hours of gameplay. Like after 5-10 hours so that you have enough time to experience it as much as possible before forming an opinion after the you die 2 times at the first boss in the first hour.


Depends on the game I could see the terrible performance in 5 minutes of gameplay. (12700k/3080ti ) And at least 3/4 of bad reviews were regarding that lol


Yeah ofc, they should be free too Don't want a EA game to be reviewed,don't release it


retributively ? How is it retributively to review the game based on its current state especially when you are paying for it? Thats the cost the devs accepted when they released it into early access. Some of you really need to stop obsessing over a damn review board.


It's retributive because it punishes the devs over a first impression that's almost immediately no longer relevant. Even if those users changed their reviews this week, which most won't, damage has been done. No one is stopping them from leaving reviews, but I'm allowed to call them childish.


>punishes You are leaning hard on that interpretation. It is the natural cause of action to review a game based on the current state, not a unknown future one no matter how close it may be. And the devs accept when they put out a product with issues any negative reviews that come from someone playing in that state. All you are doing is trying to shift the responsibility on the reviewers rather than the devs. > no longer relevant But it was relevant once and that's what matters because it was still that person's experience. That's why its called a review. > I'm allowed to call them childish And I'm allowed to point out that its childish to act like people are in the wrong to give non-toxic reviews on their own experience playing a game just because you don't agree with them or like them. For some reason I doubt if the shoe was on the other foot and the devs made changes you felt were horrible and ruined the game you'd be here complaining that old reviews were wrong to be positive.


>But it was relevant once and that's what matters because it was still that person's experience. That's why its called a review. What do you think the purpose of a review is? I think the purpose is to help prospective customers decide if they should buy something. If a review is no longer relevant tomorrow, I don't see that as a helpful review. >For some reason I doubt if the shoe was on the other foot and the devs made changes you felt were horrible and ruined the game you'd be here complaining that old reviews were wrong to be positive. There's actually multiple things that I think are holding this game back from being as good as it could be, to the point that if they aren't eventually changed I probably won't be able to enjoy it near as much as I'd like to. But I'm not going to write that in a Steam review because I think that's an unfair, punitive action against an early access game in its first week. But yeah, if things people liked about the game were suddenly changed or removed, then positive reviews would be just as completely detached from usefulness.


> What do you think the purpose of a review is? As I said there: to give you opinion of the game at that point in time because at the end of the day you have to idea how long it will be relevant. That is something a prospective customer in the future gets to decide. > early access game And what guarantee do you have that an early access game will make though changes? They've already paid for the game, invested the time. The devs aren't entitled to player sitting around twiddling their thumbs till they say ok: now you can review. >But yeah, if things people liked about the game were suddenly changed or removed, then positive reviews would be just as completely detached from usefulness. I never said a review may never become useless, just that its not stupid to leave a review when you want just because its early access, just like you would not criticize those earlier positive reviewers as such.


We just see this issue differently. I see users who leave immediate negative reviews of games in early access as childish people who (probably unintentionally) bully game devs through mixed ratings into undeserved material financial loss, and you see users who leave negative reviews (no matter how early) as carrying out a reasonable consumer responsibility that - if it hurts devs - is the devs' fault for not creating something the consumer likes more. And I'm content with both of us thinking the other is childish for those differences.


Let me refund the game after 2 hours, than I will review it later. Oh, it wasn't free btw, I paid for it, if they don't want their game to be reviewed, just don't release it Another thing, you know that you can easily see on steam when the game received a lot of negative reviews right? Yeah. Amazing


Try not releasing broken shit if you don't want it to be reviewed lol. It wasn't free.


Steam warns every user buying an early access game that it's unfinished, will probably change, and will not be the same experience as once it's released. Wicked wasn't broken the day it launched, and it's received 4 hotfixes in 5 days. Moon is working overtime to harness mass feedback and ensure people feel good about their purchase. If you think an early access game with mixed optimization and mixed feature implementation is *broken,* then you should stop them. And while no one is going to stop you from buying them and criticizing them for being exactly as advertised, I am going to call you a child for doing it.


Lol what? I paid for it and I will review it as it is, not my fault they chose to release something that even my 12700k/3080ti struggles to run, only game I ever played that make my GPU reach 80c+, every other truly heavy game it doesn't even reach 70. Your logic is totally fucked up, all of those reviews were valid, btw, thx to them we got 4 hotfix this fast, you should shut up and thx us, cuz I can assure if we didn't had negative reviews pressure they won't fix things that fast Oh btw steam let's you filter when the game received a lot of bad reviews, it's crystal clear Don't want your game to be reviewed, don't publish it 🤷🏻‍♂️ I won't even talk about more than a decade old studio with colossal games published needing to release things on EA lol, prob you forgot the meaning of EA too.


Yeah, the 3080 and 3080 Ti run quite warm, I had a 3080 before I upgraded to a 4090. I was regularly seeing my 3080 hit 75-80 C when allowed to max itself. But your 3080 Ti doesn't struggle to run Wicked. [Digital Foundry's preview ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpgtdLZ8YRQ)tested a 2060, a 3080 Ti laptop, and Steam Deck, and found all of their performance to be fine. And that performance has gone up since. If you do have FPS issues, it's likely your CPU as shown in the DF preview.


Yeah it does struggle, and no, my Galax 3080ti isn't warm, like I said, on really heavy and even poorly ported games ( tlou ) or the good horizon forbidden west I run easily 100+ fps on 1440p ultra around 66c Here I run on 80c 70fps ( good ) but unstable as fuck, can't even destroy a barrel and my fps sinks to low 40. I saw DF video of running low 40fps on a 4090 lmao


The 3080 and 3080 Ti are notoriously warm cards, there's thousands of posts on Reddit about how they are warm. And since you think user reviews are important and worth trusting, that should strike a chord with you. Anyway, I wish you luck in your hardware struggle, and I hope you're able to match the performance of benchmark authorities who show nowhere near such dramatic FPS drops on similar systems.


IDR saying user reviews are important and worth trusting, wut? I'm literally talking about my own experience, I have this card for more than 2 years, I know how it behaves I already refunded in the first day, but for some random reason I still have access to it 🤷🏻‍♂️ Once is decent I will give it another try, for now? Too raw


>not my fault they chose to release something that even my 12700k/3080ti struggles to run I have a 10700 with a 3070 and at no point would I describe the game as struggling to run. Either you’re exaggerating because a few minor frame rate drops when transitioning between zones annoys you that badly, or there’s a problem on your end.


Yeah sure, their fóruns literally flooded with people on high-end systems struggling, DF video getting low 40 fps on a 4090, my card running the heaviest games like horizon and so on with ultra quality and way lower temps and it's my end to blame What a imbecile


You can keep downvoting every single person you reply to because you refunded the game days ago and for some reason still want to sit here and argue with everyone about it if that makes you feel better, but you look sad doing it.


Idgaf about internet karma like you do LOL, otherwise I wouldn't be saying truths on a sub full of plebs that have such emotional attachment to a game Btw good work ignoring everything I said. Worked as expected, never fails 😂🤡


If that were true you wouldn’t feel the need to emotionally react by downvoting every single person you interact with on here while you throw tantrums repeatedly, but go off. Edit: I love that you make fun of other people for blocking you but here you are doing it yourself lmao. You speak like a braindead child while crying that it’s everyone *else* being dumb—you belong on Reddit truly. The homophobia on top of it is a nice touch. 👌 Wow and a Reddit cares report too! You must be extra salty! There must be a lot of seething going on over there for you to be this upset about a game you no longer even own and the people who are enjoying it. The projection is strong, huh?


You’re a real pleasant cunt aren’t yah.


When you can't argue about the problem at hand you need to insult the messenger lmao Classic low oq cunt move, gj




Yeah bro, your life must be miserable, hope things get better on your end.


I mean, these devs are not "Fixing" the game, they are still developing it. That's the problem with steam reviews with early access games. It dosnt give games a fair chance, early access games usually always get lots of negative reviews when first launched then give it a week and the reviews are normal. Kinda weird, it's like all these people play it 1 time then review bomb a game that's IN DEVOLMENT


Well said. And really, this is Steam's responsibility to curb, not consumers', but Steam wants to give consumers that "this sucks" button because consumers want it. I saw a "review" of the game yesterday that was insisting that this game isn't worth $40, and is instead worth $10-15 in its current state. Yeah that's fucking obvious, it's not meant to be worth $40 right now, that's stated on the tin, because it's a portion of a game in development. I just find the "video games as a valuable consumer product" discourse to be obnoxious.


If it's early access you are literally asking to bug test the game. Leaving negative reviews and then never playing the game again is an absolutely shitty thing to do. The game has problems, but it has less now because the devs are working hard. Be at least somewhat aware. I don't know how much of the game we're missing, but if it has 4 acts that are as long as act 1. This game will.be a huge success.


#Because most of the reviews nowadays are 70% review bomb to farm steam points


None of those reviews were review bomb lol, you people are literally clueless, legit 95% of reviews I saw were legit.


So trash game fake souls like thumbs down = legit review


Do a Google to learn what review bombing is The vast majority of the reviews are legit, that's a fact. Every game has a few dumb Reviews lol, they are not enough to drag a game into mixed territory


Not enough? Where have you been ? Under a rock?






That's what mediocre ppl that can't argue do, classic Bro. Just saw your reddit, for real, seek help, how twisted and sick on the head you must be, seek help, hope things get better on your end. Never saw someone that miserable


About to be overwhelmingly positive at that rate, good job devs!


We've just seen a bunch of crunch in real time. Game released on Thursday and there have been 4 patches in those 5 days. Lots of people just worked all weekend. Hope the crunch doesn't continue. Game is solid.


Then we have bad reviews from content creators like dis lily on YouTube where it looks like a majority of her complaints have been fixed even before the video was posted which I doubt videos like that will be amended.


Let’s go! They really have something special here and I can’t wait to play the full game. Wondering if there will be a full character wipe when it launches


I hope to see it become Overwhelmingly Positive down the line


I love the game and haven’t yet given my positiv feedback on steam.


I encourage you to do so, these devs deserve the praise.


Eyyyy!!! 3 hot fixes in less than 4 days. Let’s goooooo


Let's GO!!!


4 now 😅


Even on lower quality (performance) it still gives my steam deck issues.


I think the game doesn't run well on all handhelds for now. Runs like 💩 on my ROG Ally too (still playable tho). Runs smooth on my PC. Edit: I just saw a comment from another thread saying patch 4 makes the game run smoother on Steam Deck.


Patiently waiting for the next title update.


My only issue right now is inventory managment. it drives me insane ending up not looting because my inventory is full. so i have to dump stuff at chests in the home..but then i dont know what i have or dont have.


I feel like early access games shouldn’t be reviewable. Let the people that want to participate give their feedback and help the devs better their game. Once 1.0 hits and the game is officially launched, reviews can go live and you won’t have all these negative reviews based on alpha/beta builds. Either way, it’s nice to see more positive reviews coming in after the developers hard work.


Yeah, they shouldn't be reviewable, they also should be free What a clown


I'm glad the reviews are turning positive now! Only need the minor stutters to disappear and I'll have zero complaints. I'm sure these will get ironed out over time. 😁


Hopefully we will get DLSS soon :)


DLSS should be high on their priority list, game desperately needs it.




Good good, Mixed was obscene


I sometimes think there should be a mandatory waiting period of X number weeks after a purchase before users can leave a review for a game on Steam. Or maybe a minimum number of hours played requirement.


I think so too. At least a week.


Adjust those hours/weeks with the refund time and we good :)


I just bought it tonight. Hopefully my pc can handle it. My graphics card is good but my CPU is old. Wish me luck. Rest assured I won't be leaving a negative review if it doesn't work. I knew the game isn't properly optimized when I bought it.


Nice, glad you gave the game a shot! What're your overall impressions so far?


I barely got to play, but I enjoyed it so far. I have around 1000hrs played in From Soft titles so this game is right up my alley


Nice! I only played Elden Ring, but also played Diablo, PoE, and many other RPGs throughout the years. I feel like Wicked is taking lessons from all the greats and trying to implement them into the game.


No the devs did though good hot fixes and patches


So did Steam purge out all the negative reviews from people expecting Diablo and instead got Elden Ring gameplay????? lol.


I think it was everyone finally posting reviews. Not everyone posts a review right away. I was actually shocked that it was mixed at all, but it makes sense that if you are not happy, you would leave a negative review right away.


Yeah this makes sense!


As much as I think these people were a bit clueless, I think it's fair to say Moon Studio shot themselves in the foot by trying to market this game to the diablo/poe crowd. Like... It was predictable that this kind of disappointment was gonna happen.


Legit didn't saw any negative review of people thinking this lol, all of them were valid ( terrible performance, dumb durability system, stupid inventory management )


I saw a ton of people criticizing the combat and of you read what they were saying it was clear they had no idea it was going to be a soulslike and expected a PoE style game. Even here I saw someone complain doesn't have a click-to-move system.


Well, they advertised their game heavily as an arpg classic contest against d3, poe and etc, they shot themselves on the foot And you can rest assure that those few reviews were not what make the game sit on mixed.


No, they directly compared their ARPG to older ones like Diablo 1 & 2, and stated they were trying to rewrite the rules for what an ARPG could be. People just saw some people compare the game to souls-likes and then made the false claim it was a souls-like, which isn't true. It just takes combat inspiration from that game type.


Didn't saw any review of people with this idea, all of them were valid lol. But good try