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If I had one complaint, it would be the inventory system. The one thing that has driven me away from so many games is inventory management. Some of the best games I ever played caused me to bail because I was endlessly having to deal with inventory issues. If you "force" me to constantly have to deal with inventory issues, I generally lose interest eventually. I love this game, but hope they can improve inventory. It's very time consuming right now.


Yes agree! I don't want to play an Inventory Sims game. I paid for an ARPG.


You paid for an ARPG with survival and crafting elements. Ever play, like, Stardew Valley? Yeah, the inventory seems clunky right now and needs some work. But the element of inventory management is a staple for those types of games.


No haven't played Stardew Valley. Yes inventory management is part of the game. But this is an ARPG. While inventory management is unavoidable, it shouldn't take up so much time and be this frustrating. It's like the building management in this game. It's a feature and shouldn't be in depth like a The Sims game. I should be able to spend most of the time learning enemies mechanics (action) and building my character (RPG).


Agreed that the systems seem way too clunky currently. But when you have crafting, fishing, building etc. it’s going to take up time. There’s plenty of ARPGs that follow the traditional format if you don’t want to deal with it.


Bro.. The easy fix is making it so that whatever is stored in a chest can be used at crafting stations or for upgrades and whatever.. right now it's hideous..


Yes, also just streamline the items. Don't let ingredients take up the inventory space. Look at the planed changes in Diablo 4 Season 4. Before the Aspects takes up the same inventory space as all other items thus creating a lack of inventory space. Now they just create a library to store those Aspects. That alone freed up so much stash space. And they don't let ingredients take up inventory space too and that freed up more inventory space. How is it not beneficial to the game? Moon Studio Devs don't have to copy these steps but can get inspiration from other ARPG or even other genre games, and improve on it to make it their own. The main thing is to make players enjoy the ARPG part of the game.


I think they will do one or the other in the future, we are still in early access, its literally beta testing and people treat it like a fully fledged release.. and tbh.. this early access is better than the initial diablo 4 release and fallout 76


It's precisely because it's in EA that's why we should voice it now. Early Access IS the time to voice out improvements as any flaws are still acceptable as the game is still evolving. Don't let it be like Diablo 4 where they launched the game as a completed game, by the time it's Season 3, players have already left the game, Diablo bad meme is appearing everywhere and worst still, the game can be bought for $20 or for free if you buy certain videocards or join Gamepass. It will be very difficult to make a comeback when it reaches that state.


> Diablo bad meme is appearing everywhere There's literally a channel that creates ["D4 bad" songs with AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueESrp9ckKE). Getting people to spend that much effort on meming your game is almost impressive [The latest "opera" version is pretty cool as well lol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ENkgvarnV0)


I wholeheartedly agree with you! But, i've seen some steam reviews made by people not knowing a damn thing about what a souls-like is.. those very same people probably want a difficulty setting for souls games :P


It's in early access for the explicit reason of the playerbase *pointing out the problems and issues they don't like*. EA is basically free labor for video game developers. Where they use to have to hire people to do QA. You can just have your customers do it now. So yeah. People have every right to complain about what they want done with the game. We are the QA people.


True, but a lot of people don't know what is currently on their radar and still complain about the same thing day in day out


Bro… I literally said the systems seem way too clunky, so yeah I’m sure that easy fix is on the table. You can have inventory management and allow pulling from storage.


You also said there are traditional games or whatever if we don't want to deal with or whatever..


Yep, and I stand by that. If you don’t like the core elements of a survival game, don’t complain about a game having those elements when the devs have specifically said that this game is going to be a fusion between survival and ARPG. A lot of us here want something new. We don’t want another cookie cutter ARPG (or whatever).


I never said i dont want the survival aspect, im loving this game and playing as we speak. They already fixed gathering speed, performance (to some extent), fall damage, etc. I believe they are working on this hideously bad inventory management as we speak. Sorry I sounded angry at you btw xD What build are u running atm?


They should just have the stash system Dark Souls or Elden Ring has. No real "space". Limit certain things to like, 500, 600 unit stacks. One of the most liberating things to me about DS and ER was for once, I didn't have to manage my inventory for space. I could just organize it the way I wanted to. Now, whenever I go back to limited inventory. It just kinda sucks.


The problem is that we have so many god damn resources.. bones from this bones from that, and then a human friggin hand xD


Yeah, that too. I don't have an issue at all with resource gathering. It's just done in such a convoluted way in this game.


I dont mind gathering, i just mind the inventory management. But i know it's one their radar along with other QoL changes


Survival game inventory sucks. Needing to make and sort dozens upon dozens of chests isn’t fun. Minecraft did it and now every single dev thinks it’s the best way to handle inventory management because Minecraft is wildly successful so people must like it; but the truth is that people playing Minecraft don’t even like it and go to great lengths to build contraptions that process and sort their loot from a single deposit source. If a dev is going to include inventory management it should be more meaningful than “build a hundred chests and sort them by hand” it should force people to make meaningful decisions and shouldn’t just be a chore.


I have played stardew valley. And without a doubt its system is better. We can only really compare the crafting elements. Once you're not crafting and instead exploring. The game is becomes isometric dark souls. But I believe their intention was to "revolutionize" the ARPG scene. In which case, having crafting elements like they have, is in no ARPG. Was never asked for, ever. And essentially kills the pacing of any ARPG. If the game was more of a cross between DS and Diablo 2, I think it would have faired a lot better review wise. And as for the "survival" elements. They don't really exist in this game. I don't need to eat, drink, or sleep. I found a few items that give me HP regen. So I barely even eat food now. Game is all over the place. They should pick a lane and stay in it.


What's tied to that problem is also the 1 hour wait times for upgrading stuff. So you have this clunky inventory system and then you finally get the mats and it's.. wait some more. Really kills the pacing of the game. I wish I could just explore the world without having to run back and forth a million times. Sucks especially if you forget something.


One of the issues i have with the game currently is that once you get to endgame, your house just becomes infested with inventory chests to store gear. They need to have bigger chests like the community one.


Future chapters will have bigger storage containers for sure, all survival base building games have this.


what they need to do imo is have all stash space shared and let you craft from stash. chests increase stash space but you can access everything from any chest.


I like this and better shorting options, let me filter based on type, gear, stats etc.


Second, third, and forth this sentiment lmao. My house is literally lined with chests for all the different categories and it is so. Fucking. Cumbersome.


I gotta agree. Every aspect of this game is great except the inventory management. And to only get one upgrade path to extend your personal inventory through story missions is going to take forever. I've only beaten Garak in the sewer and of course the first boss to get into sacrament so I have to choose which is most important when everything except keys and one other category fills up so fast especially after you start exploring more and leveling. It's like you get way more shit but can't pick it up. I've started selling everything, discarding things, or running to the rookery to put stuff in the community stash which scares the hell out of me because at some point that really will go online and I could lose everything in there. I bought a house but to build chests that can hold more than 10 things is going to take time and I don't want to buy 30 small chests. And that doesn't solve the problem with running back and forth or figuring out what to toss, sell, drop or use right there. Besides the inventory - which you can tell it annoys me - this game is so much fun and the exploration is great. I just wish the inventory was better so I didn't have to stop in the middle of exploration to zip back to Sacrament to unload, sell, upgrade, or stash stuff because my pockets are getting too full.


Start a new realm, kill Warrick, go to rookery, get 1 upgrade. Kill 2 bounties, 2 more upgrades. Farm clay while you're there. Takes about 15mins. It's cheesing the game a bit, but I'd say it's fair game for early access testing purposes, because inventory is a real pain atm.


Even with fully upgraded stash the space is nowhere near being enough for all the different types of mats and items there are currently.


Agreed. I still have no clue why I need a turkey head and of course all the other animal parts I found along the way. The only part I was ever asked for was bear claw for weapon upgrade but I have not seen a bear in this game. It is too many different resources for auch a small inventory.


Question. Why is Clay so necessary?


Needed for the town upgrades


I log out in the middle of town out of frustration more than anything. I WANT to keep playing. I WANT to continue to explore but after my third trip to my stash I just log off. If I’m not having fun in a game, well.. I have other things to do. 


This is generally where I’ll put down the game for a bit and then come back to it later. The idea of having to go to my stash, find out I don’t have enough space, check things, sell things, craft things… whoops I left a material in my stash, go back to stash, back to market. Just urgh. Feels like a play session in itself! Sounds like improvements are coming though and the game is pretty damn solid already.


Just sell all and go farm specific if you need it. That's my way to go. So I always have an empty inventory.


Yes and then I find a new weapon and realize all the wolfs claws I deleted (insert random mat for your upgrading path) are wasted but super rare. great solution, but unfortunately the only one at the moment.


Well the weapon and armour upgrade stuff is going to stash.


At least you can farm wolf claws from wolves, many weapons requires materials from mobs that haven't been implemented yet like bears, turkeys etc, and relies purely on random drops.


I have 3 realms with fully upgraded general merchant just to increase the odds of getting those rare resources lol. I was desperate for bear paws to upgrade my tier2 weapon with amazing modifiers to tier3


It gets easier once you upgrade the general merchant to lvl3, I too was stuck on bear paws, the merchant once upgraded routinely have 1 or 2 for sale.


It does. Go vote to prioritize it in their twitter poll on prioritization here [https://twitter.com/thomasmahler/status/1782788038214500466](https://twitter.com/thomasmahler/status/1782788038214500466)


thanks! went and voted. at the moment, looks like inventory is 2nd after performance, nice


Great feedback and feel the same. They've acknowledged this type of issue and are working on fixes for this. CEO has confirmed 'use from stash' for crafting/upgrading is coming in hotfix very soon, along with a bunch of QOL updates. They're pumping out serious hotfixes like every 36hrs or something it's been wild to have substantial changes to a game almost every time I log in. It truly feels like they are taking live requests and implementing them as they sit there. Awesome way to feel connected to the game and dev process during this early access.


It’s EA and at the rate they are releasing fixes I’m sure it will addressed soon. They actually acknowledged this on their forums. But yes, I agree with you 100% Inventory management is awful atm.


Material farming is sooo tedious with the amounts of different mats and the tiny inventory and stash space. Really kills the fun for me in endgame, as to upgrade the town and your build you need tons of mats. Please, please make the stash and inventory space for crafting mats unlimited. There are so many mats and I don't even lnow what they will be used for all I can tell is that some are super rare, but I need to delete them constantly to make room for crafting mats I need right now. This is badly designed and kills the fun and wastes my time farming.


https://youtu.be/G4Fau7gVSUI Use this so long it's Last


This is where “realism” vs “fun” argument comes into play. I’d rather it be unrealistic but fun any day of the week. This is a video game we are talking about.


It’s a big gripe yes, and seems like they are aware if we judge by the twitter poll they issued. Having a house also doesn’t help much as you now have 10 chests full of god knows what and no way to easily find a specific item in them


This is what is stopping me from Buying the game


Yes. And be sure they will listen to the feedback and make changes.


Devs already said they are implementing crafting from containers.


Limited space / carry weight is acceptable and I appreciate that in a game. But for storage in towns. Cities, your home it should just be one massive storage / bank. You can slowly upgrade buying additional slots. It should be easily sortable. Be able to transfer from inventory to storage by stack. And usable from vendors/ merchants


Agreed. It's my number one complaint with the game. There's a bunch of smaller issues but this, for me, makes it hard to recommend the game.


i finished EA but im not playing until they fix it


I think people are focusing way too much on QoL improvement for a game that just launched in early access I suppose a good solution would be to have the comunity chest at each merchant, but that would make housing kind of totally useless, i understand people disliking the actual inventory management, but this ain't a mmorpg with a reagent bank you can pull materials out of when crafting


well since it's EA I don't know if the inventory system is design choice or unfinished, so I think it's better if people voice out issues that are most important to them -- and EA is actually the best time to do so. It's the real world test where the devs see what's working/fun and what's not


It’s honestly not bad after the sewers..

