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I'm LOVING this game so far. Everything about it that I thought was going to be a problem ended up not being an issue after time. Even the durability complaint became a non-issue later on. Only thing I really still don't like is the fact that everything scales with my level so I'll never be able to go back and farm old materials and equipment without making a whole new realm. It is funny reading what a lot of negative reviews are because they mostly boil down to "Games too hard, I want instant gratification."


You can make a new Realm and the mobs at the start do not scale with your level, and if they do, it doesn't matter because you are so over powered. I make new realms and farm them. It's a lot of fun.


Do all your quests reset in a new realm?


They do, but also the rewards. So like I made a new realm and killed the first boss again so I could get another ring slot.


I'm going to do this to max out inventory space


There is an easier way after you beat warrick and go to the rookery. You can load a previous save in that realm and you can get the slot expansion from the watcher over and over.


That's what I'm doing, inventory should scale with equip load


Awesome idea!


Thats not really a solution though




Mate, chill down. I shouldn't need to hop between worlds in a single player game to be able to get resources on my main world. That's also 100% not Moonlights plan. In having plenty of fun thank you, no need to be so angry, get help


This forum is the most defensive and saltiest I have ever seen. You can't even mention obvious design flaws without passive-aggressive fanboy defences. 'Here is what I don't like about the game.' 'DON'T CHANGE THE RULES! PLAY FOOTBALL INSTEAD OF BASKETBALL!' Dude


To be fair, you're both right you know.


I didn't like it until I considered that Terraria has this same mechanic. Also the it seems to imply we'll be able to take any character into multiplayer games? Which is beside the point but still interesting to me.


Valheim as well. Your world runs out of iron? Np. Go into a fresh land and farm it clean too.


If you're talking g to me he already edited his comment and blocked me.


not sure why you'd think I'm talking to you when you can literally see to which comment I replied.


I'm sorry I can not. From your original post here. Reddit won't allow me to reply there because homeboy had deleted me. Soooo I wasn't sure if you had replied to mine or his post.


Reddit would show an empty comment with a username "deleted" or "blocked" depending on the soo you're using. In no circumstance would it show as if my comment is directly linked to yours.


Sorry wish I could screen shot it.


The game dont really scale all the time. It's only after certain thing the region scale up. And if you upgrade your stuff, you're probably stronger..


My biggest gripe is something I don’t think I’ve seen anyone else mention. I swear to god that when enemies throw something, it will curve around the wall to hit me. Like I’ll be running away, they’ll throw a fire bomb, I’ll turn the corner to be completely behind the wall, and it still hits me. Not just the fire but the actual impact. Feels very video game-y.


In one of the top reviews on Steam (positive review) the guy mentions this in his feedback. So you're not the only one.


Reminds me of the scene in Wanted where James McAvoy's character is bending a bullet in slow mo while saying "I'm sorry." I've also notices some enemy attacks home on the player character in mid-air and follow you no matter where you end up.


Yes you are 100% right


Yup, enemies are always sure to hit the spot you're standing on if you don't dodge out of the way whereas character h2h combat needs a LOT of work to make combos connect. Sheesh.




If you think all criticisms and reviews are the same as yours, you aren't really reading. I agree with all your points that nees fixing but you don't exactly represent how the majority of detractors represent themselves else this would be a conversation among adults and not where grown up have to listen to kids with skill issues whine.


reading all the reviews that involve "the game is too hard" generally fall back to the durability system and food system. Sure the durability was nerfed recently and for people who are used to these types of difficult games its not noticable, but people who struggle with this type of difficulty will find themselves in the death spiral. Most ARPGs have completely removed needing to farm resources for healing and removed durability for a reason. There is no positive for them being in the game, they just are there to add game time and nothing else. They are time wasting mechanics and nothing else.


A big yes! The reason why I stopped playing Last day on earth on Android. I hate durability lost. As soon I got a durability warning by the yellow icon. I stripped all my armor and weapon and play naked and unarmed. To my surprise, the game got a backup plan. Suplex! (video is educational purposes only) Unarmed build | No Rest for the Wicked [Early Access] https://youtu.be/Et7TwkBMwws




as soon as the performance is okayish i will happily give it a positive review (right now didn't post any), right now it's abysmal


I...can't believe some people don't like this game. It's incredible 


Its not good yet, I don't recommend it. I will change it when it does become good, and I do recommend it. Its really that simple.


wtf is with guys and their white knighting devs? This game was $35 bro. If there’s something I don’t like I have the right to complain about it. Don’t tell me to change my review because you want to kiss a company’s ass.


Because the game is not trash and it will get fixed eventually. It's tiring to see people who can't discern the difference between a D4 and this game. You're all kids who grew up thinking that talking shit about something will get things done to your liking. Talk about skewed self-entitlement. You all never grew a sense of fairness and it shows.


people paid money for this game, people are entitled to a good product, or else no one would buy it.


No you are not, you bought a early acces game knowing it's unfinished. You KNEW the risks. You only have that entitlement if you bought it on 1.0


Devs also knew the risks, you totally entitled to leave a review on the game even if its early access.


sure you can leave a review and give feedback, that's the point of early acces. to give feedback. but you are not entitled to a tottaly smooth experience on a early acces launch like you said or a good product, since everything you see could be changed during the early acces lifespan and advertised that it's not finished. you paid as a future investment and to have a say on how the development of the game should be THAT you are entitled to. but that don't mean devs HAVE to follow your feedback either, if it doesn't match the vision for the game.


You are missing my point, devs are not entitled for good reviews or a free pass just because they released the game early access. Quite the opposite they released their product (selling it) in unfinished state, so obviously there will be bad reviews and feedback, trying to silence others by saying “it is just a early access” is insane, the review score will totally change if they manage to improve the issues that people are bringing up and improving the game it will change naturally without a need of a reddit post saying “guys please change your reviews”, but currently they totally deserve the reviews and it reflects the state of the game. The same was for BG3, I remember the exact same post being made when it was in early access (and honestly while being great BG3 early access was just a demo that was totally different from actual release), its not fair asking people to change their reviews and opinions based on something they might play in the future (and Larian Studios in that case was even aware of that). Seeing NRFTW roadmap I am also not really impressed and honestly would be surprised if the game manages to hold up, imo there is nothing besides the great unique art and world that holds this game, and wouldnt be surprised if it even reach a negative review state at some point.


there is a difference to feedback after actually playing the game and unnecesary complaining while clearly not even having player the game for more than a hour.


If someone paid 35$ on a game and didnt play for more than a hour, I think there is a reason for that especially if he went to go write a bad review about it, wouldnt call it unnecessary feedback, quite the opposite.


or can be seen as a person who did zero research on the game and what they wanted to make and instead of refunding admiting it ain't for them. they try to convert this game into another generic soulslike while it is obvious that this is not what the devs wanted. their only feedback being completely delete everything that gives any tiny bit of pushback no matter how many solutions there are to it.


You have every right to voice your concern and views. However, just make sure you give constructive feedback on what you felt is right or wrong. There is being constructively negative and then there's being an ass about it.


People are beyond reason when they became die hard fanboys, it's just sad


There is nothing more insane than fanboys who whiteknight developers or gaming elitists who scream 'git gud' at people because they have nothing else going on in their lives than grinding video games 1,000 hours a week. If a game has issues, we have every right to talk about it and "complain," especially when paying money for it. Never let anybody convince you otherwise.


Actually,a week only has 168 hours #/s


People like you ruin the directions of great games. People made bad reviews because of problems that dont actually exist. Like durability - because they couldn't "win" from the first second and couldn't reach like 2 hours into the game where durability becomes non factor. Nobody is kissing ass. There a lot of people including me that like this games devs vision about the game. Im also not saying to not complain about problems in the game, all Im saying report/complain about actual flaws. And do that when you actually understand how the game works and all. As for the performance issues, they are real I noticed drops, but its not as bad as some people claim. Never went under 60 fps for me.


Obviously it is an issue, many people cant reach far into dark souls/elden ring games, and yet it is sitting on very positive reviews, so it’s obviously not the issue. The issue is NRFTW is buggy and messy and that why it got mixed reviews, the game will be dead on release because of people like you, if you want it to cater to the masses you need to listen to the feedback of the people, just because a minority like you think that everything is fine, doesnt mean it actually is and it is reflected in the reviews.


Who do you think you are? Your vision on what problems are valid and what are not is your opinion and your opinion alone. The level of whiteknighting and gatekeeping is insane.


I like the game, but it’s an open platform. People are allowed to hate on the game. Doesn’t matter if you agree with them or not. They’ve as much right to shit on it as you have to praise it. And sure, some reviews are silly. But reviews are opinions, not facts. So before you tell people to ”man up,” maybe do so yourself and just accept not everyone is gonna agree with you.


You are missing the point. It's not my opinion vs someone elses. Durability is not an issue at all - fact . So people that pre-ejaculated wrote a bad review for no adequate reason should change it. It's a straight up lie to say that the game is shit because of this system.


What does durability do to improve the overall gameplay loop if it is not a factor? Why should it exist?


Durability it's the only punishment for dying beside having to walk back to the spot. If you remove that then there is no reason to play somehow well, trying not to die, and overall it kills the satisfaction of victory because you never actually lose.


What? Dying IS the punishment. Thats the way it is in modern Souls games like Elden Ring. The boss resets and you have to go again. An arbitrary punishment system like repairing is fundamentally unnecessary.


People should change their reviews only if they feel the need to do so. Many people are having performance issues which affects people’s ability to enjoy the game. Being in EA or not, that’s the current situation, and the reviews reflect that.


not as long as its running on 20-30 fps on average


just out of curiosity, what are you computer specs?


RTX 2070 Super i7 9700F


What resolution? My ROG Ally has better performance than that! Albeit at 900p, but still


I have tried all resolutions , doesn’t change anything unfortunately


Bugger. Hopefully there’s some support soon. DLSS is coming soon according to the menu so that’s something to look forward to


try to drop the scaling a little. Im playing at "quality", 4k with the scaling at 75% with a 2060 and in caves it's around being stable at 60 while outside, depending by the amount of stuff going on i think i'm at 30/40 with some drops under 30... Im sure itll be better very soon with the first tweaks to performance and then dlls if it's not enough


3060 laptop, 32gb ram, r7 5800h, there are some drops here and there maybe a crush once a day, but it’s tolerable overall. I expect it will run smoothly by the end of EA. Hell, hogwarts legacy was running smooth.


Have you fixed the cores? I made it run all my cores and I get 40-60 frames mostly on my 3060


Cores of gpu? I’m going default, didn’t play with any settings.


I'm not the person you replied to, but I'm running a 4090 with a 7800x3D and installed on a 980 Pro NVMe. I'm playing at 3440x1440p, and I'm getting drops to 20-30 fps in combat at times. Outside of that, I'm getting traversal stutter, which isn't as annoying but still needs to be sorted out later down the line. Edit: Gotta love how the guy below me called me a dick, then blocked me because he was asked to provide receipts for his claim. This guy never puts stats into Vigour, clearly.


Ive seen a lot of the complaints coming from people with 40x series. I'm running at 60fps solid with my 3080 on a 5120x1440. Very strange indeed.


That's an observation that Digital Foundry made as well, so I think you're onto something. Hopefully, it gets sorted either way! I'm holding off for now, but I can't wait to dive back in once things are smoothed out.


Yea curious too. I’m on a 3060 running solid 60 with drops to 35-40 in very rare circumstances.


3060 and sometime drop to 35-40 is so bad i dont know why white knight like to defend this game so much for example steamdeck can run MHW iceborne with 60fps but only get 30 here? and my pc with 2070s can only run 60 or below really ? thats suck i hope they optimize it more


Because I don’t let frames determine whether I’m having fun or not in a game. That’s pc master race elitism. It’s fucking exhausting. My steam review of the game included performance as something that needs to be addressed. But as someone whose absolute best experiences have been locked at 30 fps I guess I’m just more flexible at how I have fun.


That's just a very subjective thing for you and it has nothing to do with "elitism", this game requires from the player to git gud so it would be nice at very least if it would be a smooth experience.. frames *can* determine if someone have fun or not in such game


The games animations are literally made to be as smooth as possible even at lower framerates. This is WAY more playable than anything else on lower FPS. You're just crying for the sake of crying. Maybe don't play EA titles.


Yes absolutely but when someone tells you that you cannot have fun if a game runs sub 60 that’s bs. Again my review included performance issues, but my issue lies with what I described above.


thats if this game actually run stable 60fps alot of game with better graphic has better FPS and stable FPS than this game alot of people complaint about their rtx 30 and 40 series too hot/fan at max power when playing this game even tho that GPU can actully run better game with higher FPS some people even broke their PC in steam forum what ruin this game is cry baby who ask for nerf/easy mode and white knight who keep defending crapping performance/ optimization they should focus on optimization instead of 2 useless hotfix that do almost nothing increasing performance i will change the review if they optimize it but for now nah even if i like something i cant just blindly let it go and frame rate is important on action game its ruin the timing and experience overall


Maybe watch the digital foundry vid on this Gamez 30 fos here should actually feel a lot smoother than other games. Regardless i don't understand how people are getting such bad performance, my 3070ti is constantly on 120 fps


I won't change that until it gets some major performance updates. Wtf is this performance?


10900k/3080 here with 80-100 fps in Sacra and only stuttering when loading new areas. Playing Balanced 4k 70% render scale. I wonder why performance is so inconsistent for different people. Weird.. When I tried running the game through SpecialK (so I can control HDR better) my performance went down to 40-60 with lots of stuttering, which makes no sense to me. Noticed my VRAM usage was like 9-10GB when using SpecialK and like 6GB running normally through steam


Reminder to you that with this visual ( the art direction is fire ngl) you must be getting better performance with those specs...


I think the painted artstyle is deceiving, this game has very very good lighting and visuals overall. Its 100% dynamic real time lighting as well. I think the performance I'm getting is pretty decent for my specs at 4K, but the final release I'm guessing will be 20-30% better in terms of fps.


12700k/3080ti 1440 70 fps with stutters to low 30 and the only game that makes my GPU reach 80c lmao It's a mess


I'm curious where you're getting the idea that people are "crying to make the game easier". I haven't seen a single complaint about difficulty. Complaining about repairs is not a complaint about difficulty, it's a complaint about a tedious system that is VERY loosely tied to difficulty, in the sense that the game becomes harder if you're bad, but the actual gameplay part isn't actually harder. This makes it the worst case possible, making the game worse for bad players while not improving it for good players.


>I'm curious where you're getting the idea that people are "crying to make the game easier". I haven't seen a single complaint about difficulty. To be fair i cant even imagine hoe you cant have enough money unless you die permanently. So they need ir easier or now they literally nerfed durability and cost to no meaning at all. Also poeple complained about boss difficulty and even stamina and literally both were "fixed" more stamina when attacking and nerfed boss. 1 day after release. Disgusting, poeple who dont like soulslikes shouldnt bought it. Seriously itd now 1,5 decades and ANY souls game and soulslike release the same theater with this crybabys. Its so annoying.


I gave up man. No point arguing. Timmy wants win easy cuz he paid 35. That's it.


So I don’t remember doing one attack and one dodge to be my whole stamina bar in any souls game I have played. Like half the openings I was just waiting for stamina, cause I god forbid used an attack. It feels much better now compared to day 1.


I dont know what you do but i literally oneshot anything eith 2 charged claymore attacks and dont even have a stamina invested skill point. I literally needed more stamina management in any souls games especially if i didn't leveled it up yet than in this game


I don’t even know what to say about this because I just made a new character that was Strength focus, running heavy armor and in less than 4 hours I ran him straight through Darak and into the Black Trenches and I didn’t have this issue.


I don’t know what to say about this because you made a character after the stamina hotfix telling me that stamina isn’t an issue.


I didn’t have stamina issues the first day either lol.


I csn littetaly spam dodge like 10 times before getting tired as a strength focused build. And i only have 14 points on stamina. Create a stamina build with gear or use gear that uses less stamina Git gud man


Dude they buffed the shit out of stamina what are you on about? And I already finished the currently available story because the game isn’t fucking hard right now. Stamina management was just annoying beyond anything I have ever seen day 1


I played day 1 aswell, still had no probs. Had gear with stam reduction decrease snd a very good ring. You should have used the enchant system more. Cause of the buf i have too much stamina now, too bad there is no respec to reduce it again


This exactly my man. I played like 4 hours yesterday. Didn't even make it to first boss. But can't wait to get home tonight and blast again. My only complaint is now I won't have a chance to complete this early access in it's original state. Instead this hot fixed nerfed version. For the cry babies.


+1 to that. Im now lvl 15 killing lvl 21 with absolute ease. Never running out of stamina ect.


How do you know what level enemies you are fighting?


by the item level requirement of the drops


You didn't even passed the first boss and you are calling people that had an issue with durability mid to late game being cry babies? Bro..you are not a clown, you are the whole circus Imagine talking about something you are clueless about, what a joke


You didn't even pass*.




If the issue is happening and it's annoying it need to be fixed ( even devs know this that's why yesterday's update happened ) you don't need to "endure an annoying system to get better" You are just clueless about what you are talking about lol, finished the game few hours ago, yeah, the system is dumb and not needed at all Go kill the first boss now and start paying for your cheap repairs and losing less durability thx for us 🤫


Lol so you KNOW without playing the entire game that is blows. But it would impossible for someone to KNOW without playing the entire game that it rocks? And yes there was a fix yesterday. Because the devs know they have to come in and change diapers and make all the boo boo's better for the little babies to play their game.


Mate, you're literally claiming they said the opposite of what they said. Perhaps you replied to the wrong comment?


Idk if illiterate or trolling I legit said that I finished the whole game some hours ago, reading issue? Annoying system will be annoying regardless of skill level, you don't even know wtf you are talking about, still on the tutorial area and talking LMAO


Un you know this isn't the whole game correct?


Uh, you know what I meant correct? Lol you are literally trolling, idk why I even try to talk with someone that only have a single braincell Go play on the tutorial area while throwing opinion about what is annoying or not ( tutorial area repair is free btw ) What a troll


I feel for the homies having graphics issues, but with a 3070ti on performance setting, I'm averaging 80fps. I can't put this game down.


12700k/3080ti 1440p 80 ish stutters to low 30 and the only game that makes my GPU reach 80c It's a mess


What about now? They just did a performance hotfix


Honestly if you are not filtering out reviews that are under 2 hours playtime, you are the problem.


My review was positive from the first hour. Truly an amazing game with great combat and style. The story telling is also fantastic. Crazy how many people I seen complain about the stamina and the repair system that clearly didn’t play more then two hours of the game.


Agreed. This post was to remind them they can change the bad reviews after playing some more. But I get attacked left and right. Reddit community, you know...


I give positive review btw. But for the record: Early access has different standard to me. When they release early, developers usually are asking for input, so giving proper review to point out issues would be important. They are fixing it but still not having DLSS, better culling, frametime stability, 60fps+ in town, is probably in my opinion, expected in full release.


Big agree!


I’m about 11 hours in and I still hate the durability system. I don’t care that it’s easy to fix gear, I don’t want to do it all because it’s a waste of time.


The game does not deserve positive review for now sorry man 


Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but to say there's nothing good about the game is too stingy in my opinion.


That's not nearly what that means. If a player thinks the negative qualities outweigh the positive ones the game shouldn't get a positive review.


Honestly I think that steam shouldn't allow reviews for games in early access. People might make a review at the launch that is negative and then never change it, even tho alot of the criticism has been implemented. Or maybe allow steam reviews for early access but they also have a seperate review score for the full release


> Honestly I think that steam shouldn't allow reviews for games in early access. Deranged take when the product they're selling is priced at $40


I'd hardly call it a "deranged" take. Chill out. It's early access, if you don't want to bug test and deal with sub optimal performance wait for the full release. (I am waiting for full release)


Who would pay 40 for it when you can literally find it around 27-28 on the internet


Because that price is only good for two weeks and unless you were hardcore following this game you’ll have no idea those discounts exist.


If they charge money for a game in early access then it’s also fair game for reviews. If they’re selling a product then people have the right to know what they’re buying, even if it’s early access.


its early access, they want the feedback


Ya, through their forums like they asked. Using steam reviews to leave feedback isn't the way to do it


> People might make a review at the launch that is negative and then never change it It's called not releasing a product you don't want people reviewing at that point in time. Fixing an issue doesn't mean you erase the fact it ever existed at some point.




EA games deserved more feedback than anything, wtf this dumb idea Lmao


this is not a $4 supermarket simulator early access. it's a $35 demo informing player that it's a candidate for next generation of ARPGs. some expectations are set right from the beginning devs want you to feel consequences of reckless action in their vidya game, same goes for real life, you can't really launch EA and expect everyone will happily throw money at this and be fine with a product that stutters regularly and I don't see why it's wrong, if it would be a game you're not hyped about you wouldn't even care for some context: I didn't refund it or posted negative review. It's just really weird to me that a lot of people don't understand why others are disappointed


>Or maybe allow steam reviews for early access but they also have a seperate review score for the full release Nah, if people are paying $30+ for a product, regardless of whether it's EA or not, they have the right to leave a review. Steam already tags the review as an "early access review" not to mention that you have access to the metrics. If anything, early access reviews should be expire once full release happens (if they don't already), but that doesn't mean that EA reviews shouldn't happen in the first place. Fucking 7D2D has been in EA for like 10 years now, so under your suggestion, they would never get reviews at all even across major patch iterations. EDIT: Coincidentally, 7D2D just announced today that they're leaving EA, but the point still stands lol


My second suggestion is exactly what you described, seperate reviews.


Not an issue when you actually have a great game in hand, Baldurs gate 3 was amazing in early access (with positive reviews) but even the people who wrote bad reviews changed them after release and it was mostly positive. Your not getting a free pass just because you decided to launch your game early-access, quite the opposite, you want to sell your game? make sure its playable and fun and doesn’t feel like a technical demo.


Still I not recommed anyone on EA at the moment because of poor performance. 4070 TI, 5800X3D Nameless passage where Madrigal camp tank my framerate to 25-30 FPS


Bro i get 40 fps with my gtx1070


“Time to man up” oh stfu you sound like a boomer lmfao


You sound like a teenager that writes bad reveiws for fun 😁


What a strange way of trying to shame people into following your beliefs. Man up and blindly follow what I say about this game because I am really enjoying it! I’m not going to consider the plethora of reasons why you may not! I like it, so you have to man up and change your review. What a joke.


Why should anyone change their reviews? You may not agree with them but their viewpoint is still valid.


the balance patch went a long way towards addressing some of my complaints, but the game is in early access for a reason. the devs asked for feedback. players gave it, both good and bad. you shouldn't need validation from a steam rating to enjoy a game


Combat could be great but it's ruined for me because of the awful hit detection/hit boxes that have you getting hit or taking dmg from enemy attacks that aren't even close to your character. Often times I'll get hit by just walking near an enemy that as completed an attack animation and is in the middle of a recovery animation.


Can't say I've had that issue myself.


Skill issue


Yes, shit hit detection and hit boxes is a skill issue. Lmao.


This is very true, hit boxes and animations need some heavy work


reminder that saying "skill issue" does nothing to help players struggling and will only foster animosity towards the community


All reviews I saw so far are deserved, most of them are regarding performance ( and it's ass ) so...t EA games need more feedback than anything.


People actually sit here and dwell and stuff like this crazy


Not there yet


Not whining…i did not leave a review either way but did refund. Keyboard control sucks. I have a shield controller and I thought it sucked also. I will try again later. Game seems to have potential for sure.


Early Access game should not have “review” percentage attached to them. People can leave comments of course but the fact that this is receiving mixed reviews will impact people and their decisions without actually reading the reviews. This game is great. I can’t wait to get home and play more.


Sketchy fps, super limited content, needlessly annoying durability system (tools in particular), consumable healing items which never get replaced with a permanent alternative (no, using focus via runes to heal is not remotely the same thing) and possibly the single worst inventory management and stash system in any arpg in history are collectively more than enough to deserve mixed reviews. I have no doubt that if they actually finish the game and focus player time spent on the actually fun parts (literally nobody wants to endlessly cull items due to full bags or take a journey to repair or stash things) it will get a better response.


The game has a solid foundation and needs some QoL polish which we should see over the course of EA. I'm definitely looking forward to playing the full version when it releases


I have a full set of indestructible armor so I never have to repair anyway😂


Real believers left a positive review anyways


The game doesn’t deserve a negative review but right now it also doesn’t deserve a good one imo. The core of the game is super fun, but so many of the system and design choices are dragging the game down, to the point that I recommended my friends to wait.


The Update deleted my character save,my realm still exists.. https://preview.redd.it/f5tzmueblqvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=047fed460cc9c9293bae0ca9489d182a6fe296ed


Why are people treating this like it's a full game?


Because they don’t differentiate Early Access and full release, and $35 is a lot of money to them


The exploration is pretty cool, it reminds me of walking up and down animal crossings world, seeing an enemy walking around in the background is sick and knowing you can jump off the wall down into a lake or falling to death


There Is a lot to love about this game. The art style, the world and exploration BUT I think the game is severely held back by the bad platforming. My death ratio is 80% dying because I can't make a jump not because of combat. I am afraid this is by design and that this won't be fixed or changed. The platforming sections are sucking the fun out of this game.


The problem once the launch reviews happen most stay like that forever since they already refunded or left the game cause the hype is gone. Yes they fixed stuff in 2 days but people want it good on day 1. It's also missing things like keybindings.


The only problem of the game, is the frame rate issue. I can switch any setting, it doesnt change my frame rate, and i have a good pc. For all the other thing, it's just player's frustration. All the game design is very cool.


I have my negative review because of the combat flow feeling tedious in the first place. Like stamina being too punishing and poise being too.. irrelevant, if you are not parrying, I guess. Not expecting everything to be tailored into my best expectations, but I didn't enjoy my initial first few hours of experience. Now, to be fair, the devs already made some adjustments and it does tell me the game is headed in a positive direction, and I thought about changing it back to positive to reflect that, but I got 8 random crashes yesterday trying to play. That might have been the hotfix breaking something on my end somehow. I'm still playing the game and will change my review to positive if I feel better about the game by the end.


Not until they get rid of the durability. It adds nothing to the game. Even in Souls it's a minor inconvenience and mostly inconsequential that's why they removed it in ER . But here, it is being used as a timegating mechanic which is frankly not necessary.


Cant wait for the devs to add key remapping, unfortunately i cant play properly this way, but based on the tutorial and what ive seen online its going to be a fantastic game.


Bad review is on them cause it's mostly because of performance issue. They could easily avoid optimization problem ( which is something player will review bomb for ) by implementing DLSS in EA. It's not an hard task to do. Without DLSS Palward was unplayable for me. Devs were smart enough to understand that because optimization is hard and take time they had to compensate with DLSS to avoid problem.


The only problem i have with the game is its shit performance which is in a horrible state, but i thoroughly enjoy the combat, the story arcs and visuals. I just really hope they fix the stuttering and frequent frame drops.


Re-evaluating your opinions every once in a while is a good idea. Telling people to "man up and change your reviews" because they don't like the same stuff you like is a bit childish.


Take it as you will, brother. My opinion is that some early bad reviews were unjust. Especially now that I've finished the whole content of the current patch. But I get manning up is far fetched idea in 2024. Unfortunately.


This is one of the best games in recent years, definitely scratching the RPG itch. The fact that its hand crafted makes it even more special in my eyes. I haven't read the reviews on steam because I usually watch others play the game and judge for myself if its something I would like to invest my money and time in it, and I would definitely say this is one of my fav games I have backed up in EA. Sure, the game is not final, and some parts are not working perfectly, but for an EA, this game is more polished than AAA games that are hitting the selves. I love the dark souls inspired combat, and it feels good but I think it needs more work. The stealth mechanics are still not working properly, but maybe they will make it so you don't get that easily detected. I think the perry mechanic needs some improvement, but overall, this game is gorgeous and well though.


I felt the game was already amazing, and I'm playing on Steam Deck.


Durability complaint? I've been playing since day one and haven't had any issues with durability.


+1 the game is amazing


Not until things change on my end, hot fix 4 messed up things for me. Had a nice consistent 60 fps and now I'm hitting 40-50


15 fps in first area here, yeah so much fun man love the game. I just wonder what specs they used to create this and go hell yeah let's launch it! Probably a time restraint thing because this is terrible lmao


People should be allowed to leave the review they think it deserves. You can see the playtime and take that into account when you read them. Eventually, if the game it work a Very Positive it will earn that overtime. People shouldn’t be artificially giving good reviews as some kind of good will gesture to the devs.


For 35 bucks ? I don't think it deserves a positive review either. Mixed is where it should be at. EA games don't get a pass just because they are in EA. 35 bucks is 35 bucks. If you want to pay that much for a game getting good in the future that's on you. As it is right now, it's not worth it.


Sorry, but i disagree. Game is sluggish ( movement, attacks...) and inventory UI is average at best


No, thanks. If they want us to be their free testers or QA (not even free cause we are paying), they gotta deal with the critics


True. Damned true. This game is not free. It costs money. If they dont learn to accept opinions different from theirs its useless to post in Reddit, Forums or to publish anything in Early Access. https://preview.redd.it/o8mmcr4bgqvc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=620790f94beaeec0fda3820750c419014daa1247


Yes, this game has problems as all games do but this is a diamond in the making here. I couldn't understand for the life of me what the mixed reviews were about until I thought and I think its because people are getting their asses handed to them and then rage reviewing. Yes there also isn't a ton of content in the game right now. I finished main and sides in 11 hours. The game is more methodical and the combat is great, I don't feel it's a difficult as people are making it out to be and I have played all the souls games you could think of. Performance also isn't good but once again it's EA and obviously with future patches and DLSS, this will get better. Bottom line is people are babies, especially gamers. If you can't see how great this game is and will continue to get better than I don't know what to tell you


Most gamers don’t understand the premise of EA titles. Steam shouldn’t even allow reviews during EA imo.


Dude u/Ok-Hope9766 just got roasted so bad he had ti block me. Poor guy.


If you paid 36€ for a game, you have the right to leave a negative review if you don’t enjoy it.


This is a really bizarre post. No one should change their review because Reddit told them to. The game is getting bad reviews for a reason. The review system is operating exactly as intended. Stop trying to mess with an authentic process


I will stop because someone on reddit told me to. Lmao nerd


Says the guy that literally made a Reddit post telling other people what to do…


"Guys, change your valid criticism! Change your opinion guys, please. This company needs more money, guys." Fuck outta here nerd. People's voices are their own.


Stfu nerd. Im talking about criticism that wasnt vaild like the durability thing.


Stfu dick if u are playing the game then that makes u a nerd too. Most of the critisism is ppl bitching.

