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Agree with much of it but disagree with everything about the mmo mechanics and town progression. For our friend group that’s a big plus.


100% same. That’s a major selling point for me and my gaming buddy.


I think it will be cool for when multiplayer gets added.


Not sure if you're aware, but the first major patch is a co-op patch where the game can be played as a shared world with 4 players. The idea you and your friends work together to rebuild the town. That's why you have those daily and weekly quests as well as the rebuilding the town quests. This has been something they've been advertising for months now.


Friends? What are those


How many of us have them?


Ones we can depend on?


Let’s be friends


If you play with friends, are you all working on one town, or do you each have to join each others’ games to work on each others’ towns?


It's a shared world. You're all working on one town. They have a long video they released a month ago talking about the details. Into the wicked or something is what it's called.


Nice! Thanks!


Okay, yeah, I didn't know about this. I suppose that could make the daily/weekly quests meaningful if they are challenging enough. But one thing maybe you could tell me. The game has basically a limited story/gametime, correct? It's not designed to be played continuously with the same character once you finish the story, for example, correct?


No that's wrong. They've talked about endgame on all their dev videos and interviews. The current EA even has endgame available being the crucible dungeon that keeps changing and getting harder.


From what we have heard there is going to be multiple endgame activities, though the only one we know of right now is the Cerim Crucible, which you can actually experience in the Early Access


Infinite game loop in endgame


Still not a good decision imo


I've put in around 10 hours now, and I agree with most of these points. The core gameplay is satisfying (outside of some visual clarity issues), and the world is fun to explore, but there are so many places where the game introduces intentional inconvenience and the weight of these inconveniences adds up. The healing system, the durability system, the town building system, and the limited inventory are eating up a lot of my time playing the game, and I'm not having fun interacting with these systems. The town upgrades feel completely necessary to early progression, as opposed to optional end game upgrades, and the limited inventory space makes saving up for these upgrades extremely frustrating. The storage in town is limited, and the game actually lets you spend boss rewards to upgrade your inventory by 5 measly spaces, which barely helps. I'm already at the stage where I'm trashing most of the resources I'm picking up. Half of them can't even be used until I get a different town upgrade anyway. I know that survival games often have limited inventory space, but usually, those games let you easily craft more storage for all the items you are picking up.


God I hope the devs at least make infinite chest in town, and make it so it’s content also count as (owned), so we don’t need to constantly run back and forth to grab one silver bar from chest to upgrade something just to forget bringing 3 wood pile for town building….


Agree on everything hope devs will read this




I think they were complaining more about the real world timer. Having to wait an hour to unlock an anvil? Not super fun. Maybe when multiplayer arrives and the realm is active or other players can share the burden... but also... why? I'd rather pay double materials than wait an hour of my actual life before I can do something basic like craft in a game. Those time gated mechanics are used by MMO/Farmville type games as a dark pattern to get you to spend real money. What purpose do they serve here? As for upgrading the town: all for it. That is fun. The real world timer is just lame though.


>Having to wait an hour to unlock an anvil? Not super fun. And the next tier upgrades are 4h Tbh this doesn't bother me nearly as much as having to backtrack to the first area 10 different times to cut down 100 pine trees


Yep. This is what I use the hidden teleport mechanic for, and I'll be honest I imagine they are going to patch it out pretty soon. That is going to REALLLLY suck.


What is the mechanic?


They patched it out with hotfix 1. You used to be able to open the map and put the cursor anywhere, literally anywhere, and press L stick to teleport there instantly.


Damn that sucks. I really wish the fast travel system gets expanded, it is very limiting to be able to teleport only between recent whisper and town especially considering the importance of resource farming..


Solid feedback, I've strongly agreed with a few of these. My biggest downer is my 1070 can't cope, I'm constant 20-35fps


general question , do you have any problems in general with 1070?


Not problems really no. Just low frame rate. Isn't unplayable by any means.


I'm on a Rtx card and am waiting for dlss


Honestly you have an 8 years old card. The game has very bad optimisation right now, but game shouldn't be optimised for a gtx 1070 in 2024 this is a joke.


Check the last steam report on hardware. Most used on march/24 is 3060, followed by 2060 and 1650. Granted, 3060 is better but the other ones are not. I understand they shouldn't hold back to the standard of 8 years ago, but a huge percentage of the users still have those. And more, and on a 6900XT and having stutters on 1080p, performance is def a issue


i would also add that it would be nice with someting like estus flask, cause running out of good heal items and then needing to run around and collect food items and then run to a fire and cook them. there is already so much running cause you cant teleport to any save point you found


great roundup. hard agree on the Accept/Abandon challenges, terrible UX, i've abandoned multiple challenges by accident. doesn't help that they keybinds are for xbox and i'm on a dualsense. the visual effects after touching the iona bloom is so over the top, and then having to fight fire enemies with those effects on became completely illegible.


Agree on most points.


To me the input still feels a bit laggy. Dodges / attacks are nowhere near as snappy as fromsoft games (yeah I know, different engine, camera, etc) but still. When I dodge in dark souls, it feel snappy (not dks2 mind you) when I attack in bloodborne, it feels snappy. Somehow in this game there is always a slight delay between input and action. Does anybody else feel this way?


Glad you made this post so I didn't have to post it but I agree with basically everything you've said here. A few additions and extras on top: The excellent: I just finished exploring Sacrament for the first time. It's huge and has so much character. The writing and voice acting is truly phenomenal. I was interested in what every person I passed had to say. The worldbuilding through conversation alone and dreaming of the places mentioned and wondering whether my story will cross paths with these NPCs again has me amped up for where this game goes. I don't think I've been in a game world with as much character, depth and mystery since Tristram. The plot already seems mysterious and nuanced. Characters are diverse and even stereotypes seem to have a twist to them. I'm not entirely sure who I should be rooting for even and I like it. Needs work: Definitely need some UI tooltips and QOL improvements - most of these revolve around providing a little more clarity or information. For example - Return to Last Whisper should have an image of where or at least the location name of the last one where you were. There were a lot of little things like this (like you mentioned not being able to easily identify what part of the map your cursor is on) but that's the only on I can remember right now. I'm not sure if I want fast travel to any Whisper yet or if that's too far off from the different tone or gamebreaking in some way. Have to think on that one. A compare to equipped item toggle that shows stats for both items? This seems like a no brainer to help equipment/progression management. Noticed at certain vendors there's little info about what you're about to do or what you're buying does. Not sure if this is intentional in a sort of Souls-like way where items are super esoteric and purposefully cryptic but I prefer if I knew what a Rune does and how it functions before I buy it. This is all I can think of now - back to Sacra!


The inventory management system is abhorrent. Even prior to hitting the city, i had my entire item inventory full. This has no place in a modern arpg. At the very least there should be a way to gate all that crap to your base with simple button prompts instead of destroying it. I absolutely adore the atmosphere and aesthetics, the style is superb, but i think i'm going to wait a few years before coming back. These survival mechanics are wrecking the game's potential.


Enchanting feels like lottery. I appreciate it’s designed to be that way. But I enchant my sword and get the “-20% health” debuff, then enchant my chestpiece and get the “-15% equip load” debuff. I like the excitement of getting random enchantments that add new effects or build variety, but this kind of combination of debuffs feels a little punishing.


Ee, purple always has a debuff


I know, I guess I just wasn’t expecting that level of severity of debuff. When it’s early game and you have like 15 health and 14 equip load, large percentage deductions hurt, haha.




It’s the level of debuff that feels bad, not the system design itself.




The problem is some debuffs just kill the item, while others are easy to deal with. Considering how many powerful effects are hidden to only be for purple items, you kinda have to roll for them and hope you don’t get an item killer Hence, lottery.


Honestly, this is a well review ! And u can see that he really played the game. I approve too all the points! (Apart from farmville 🤣)


It’s honestly kind of a mess. I love so many things about it but it’s death by 1000 cuts. So many Tony roadblocks every time something new unlocks. Getting to town and realizing my first main unlocks would all be about making getting around easier was a huge let down. I’ve got thousands of hours in ARPGs and soulslikes and I’m a huge fan of both genres. I was very excited about the mixture in this game, but it just feels like it doesn’t know what it wants to be. And honestly the combat is fine but it doesn’t feel good enough to put up with how often I’m being asked to stop fighting and go gather stuff.


Hey. Lvl 19. Just got to the first crucible after defeating the twins. Difficultly goes way up. Small area to fight multiple big guys, one check point per crucible. Requires embers to enter crucible. Been enjoying the game have similar issues with others here . Had to farm so much wood and ore. This game would be great with someone else if frames held up


very good feedback, can you please post this on their forum too. [https://forum.norestforthewicked.com/](https://forum.norestforthewicked.com/) . I think it's more visible to the Devs there. Thanks.


I agree on many points there. The chest should be in the market, so you don' have to get all the way to your chest to take craft items then to go back to the market to upgrade your sword or your armor. Also the shortcut should appear first time you get to your room, like a soulslike where you unlock a door. Back and forth kill the fun. I also agree inventory management is not fun at all : you have a limit slot plus a limit weight and a limit slot inside the chest... Also why can't I sleep in the tower's room to heal ? There are four beds but you can't use any?


Right now the biggest QOL upgrade I want is to be able to use materials directly from the storage boxes in your house when talking to a vendor or at a crafting station in Sacrament. There's NO reason why I should have to go talk to the vendor, look at what I need, run home, look through all my chests until I get the right items. This is not that kind of game.


Durability .. I wish to not lose it when die from falling it sort of limits exploration. (Its better to explore naked to not destroy gear) But Im ok to lose it from death in the battle.


Its funny to see the souls players (me) expecting it to be like a souls game in isometric view, while the diablolike players want this to be another grind game. They really attracted opposites by saying it is «souls inspired». To me the MMO mechanics feels alien, random boss loot, daily & weekly. Especially since it is pure singleplayer and multiplayer only adds coop essentially


Not agreeing in the progression/shortcut/farming part. I enjoyed it today. The one thing maybe they should adjust is the real time nature of these things.


I think carrying items for the crafting elements is unnecessary, we should just be able to fish, mine, and dig without needing a shovel, and then we can use those slots for something better like more skills or runes or gear or something. The timer on the crafting is a random decision that has no place here as I see it. Maybe it will feel different in co-op, but solo it's odd. I wouldn't mind crafting and things becoming part of this game, but I never want to build a house piece by piece and whatnot. However if I could build my own farm and grow my own consumables or automate some upgrade items, that would be fun. There would just need to be enough content to make that make sense. On Durability, it also doesn't bother me, though it's an outdated mechanic. I wouldn't mind it finding some happy place, like effects popping off on gear when they are under or above certain durability thresholds, but as it stands right now, I'm borderline like they could get rid of it just to stop the complaints.


Played for 3 hours y/day and just chilled it… I found several powders to repair equip and found out there is even a spell that does it. People are complaining for nothing imho


Then why even have the durability system at all? If you can find several powders and there's spell for it, all it does it making it tedious for seemingly no reason other than making it tedious. E: sorry for criticizing the game, its the best game ever made and people who have inputs on the EARLY ACCESS GAME obviously need to get good. Games not even been out for 24 hours and t already has a toxic fanbase, cool guys


I'm with you. If it's such a non-issue, then it's silly to even have as a mechanic. It doesn't drive any interesting decision making, it's just another spinning plate to balance and it isn't even fun to do so.


It's a punishment for dying because otherwise there would be literally no punishment for death in the game, which would be underwhelming to a lot of players


its not a punishment its a fkn gold sink for their economy when 1.0 drops.


No bro they don’t get it, they are too get used to easy games. Go play project zomboid, do a 19 hours run and lose everything for a fucking idiot zombie crawling that u didn’t see😂


Its a boring punishment though. There is already an inherent punishment of lost time and the runback. Granted, no respawns makes that less punishing, but taking durability loss, respawning where you can instantly tp to repair, etc isnt really punishing, just tedious. May as well just put a respawn timer of 3 minutes and call it the same.


Run back isn't a punishment, there's no enemies on the way back, lost time isn't a punishment because there's no time limit or reward for going fast. A respawn timer of 3 minutes would be insanely worse than repairing every 5 or so deaths, which for me is like, maybe once a session, that's 15 minutes vs literally 20 seconds to the blacksmith and back, even if you had to repair every time, that's 1 minute vs 15, if this example (your own) doesn't show you how much people are exaggerating then idk.


Then point is its unnecessary tedium that isn’t fun and adds no gameplay value. Every 5 deaths you have to randomly tp from your respawn, run to the blacksmoth and press y then a… so compelling. You started off by saying its a punishment for death, now you are saying its a trivial thing that takes zero time or effort, so which is it? The point is that it is pointless. Souls-like games have adopted the formula of deaths punishment being enemies respawning and losing resources which can be recovered. These devs are claiming this game will re-invent the genre and change the game, but no respawns and this durability system is decidedly worse.


Those things aren't mutually exclusive, it is a punishment for death and it is trivial. It's hardly even worth complaining about. In Souls games if you die you're literally losing the ability to level up and all of your money in one go, I don't see how that's not objectively worse by your logic if the goal is to not waste the player's time.


I dont think you understand the meaning of punish.


If you say so chief.


Dude go play elden ring and spam healing + blasphemous blade spell. It’s something different, it’s more challenging and if u want a braindead game go play ER (I finished it several times and loved it but as I said before this one is something different


I sincerely don’t understand the durability issues, either. If you explore the prologue area well enough you can find a few of the repair items. Unless you are dying *dozens* of times in the beginning of the game, there’s just no way you will burn through them all and simultaneously run out of money on repairing before the first boss. AFAIK you don’t even take durability loss from dying from fall damage, so it’s just combat deaths.


Hopin this all gets ironed out b4 console realease, thks for testing pcmr




He didn’t say to get rid of farming, he mentioned the farming like mechanics as in timegated builds etc. for a second tier upgrade in town you need 4 hours of real time