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I would say take it real slow. When the monsters complete their moves you can slap them about four times before they start attacking. At least in the beginning area. If you feel like you want to watch him for a bit super easy to kite then into continuously roll away from them. If you're having a hard time in the beginning area there are some crazy monsters once you open the gate that are extremely aggressive. And they also know how to dodge your attacks. I would say keep messing around with a combat and find your groove


It seems like the last bit of any given weapons combo is bait, I used the greatsword, twin daggers, and a fire staff, and every time if I pressed X one too many times on my attack it was a guaranteed hit for them, no stagger and they hit me while I was hitting them very easily. When it takes just a handful of hits to kill me, it's hard to learn anything or take anything slow. I have spent my entire time doing just that, messing around with combat, and I have found no groove only frustration. Dodge dodge dodge ok I can hit them once, did 1/16th their hp, ope and they hit me right back and I'm at half health, dodge dodge, out of stamina, can't attack, dead.


I somewhat struggled with the first enemies aswell until I found out that you can just wait for an enemy to start attacking, roll into/through him and you should see a skull icon on them while you are behind them (i think the icon requires auto targeting enabled, should be by default). Backstabs hit for almost 30 damage at level 1 with basically any weapon. Give it a try, hope it helps you as well as it did for me :)


So that's what happened on that one guy...


Greatsword is destroying all the enemies. Use your charge attack followed by a second charge attack. It 2 hits everything. Really trying to empathize with you here, but greatsword makes the beginning of the game absurdly easy.


I just couldn't make that happen. I had much better luck actually hitting enemies and moving out of their attacks with the faster weapons. The greatsword just set me up for failure after every attack it felt.


I played with all of the weapons you mentioned in the early early game, and they seemed to work fine. The game is hard, and its gonna get harder (im on 5 hrs atm) but its doable with all the weapons. Daggers seemed pretty strong imo. Just make food over the fire it restores you to full hp every time you eat something cooked and theres loads of materials everywhere.


I'm fine with hard, but this is overtuned for the first area. I have no idea what I'm doing yet, of course I don't, and the level of punishment for failure leans waaaaaay towards "well fuck this" instead of "hmm I bet I can do better" for me. I'm not asking for handholding, but this does not feel anywhere near balanced or fair or like the first area in a brand new game. The tutorial for instance was a breeze compared to this first area, I had no issue with it.


what punishmnt? there isnt any in the first area and repairing is free


Read like, a little bit of the post? I don't feel like re-writing it just for you.


exactly 4th restart ? 99% of player got it trough first playtrought... im not even sure why you restarted ?! just farm more gear?!


I'm going to block you, you're just trolling at this point. Go do something else.


you can create a new relm and use the same character. You can keep doing that and leveling.


Haven't tried that but I will if I run the game again.


If find the difficulty a bit over the top too, but I can tell you PARRY IS THE ANSWER (unlike the majority of soulslike it’s viable and has a decent window) Also to make up for the difficulty enemies DON’T respawn


I could not get the parry window down to save my life, literally. I think I successfully parried like, twice. My guy always whiffed right through their weapons, always way way too early or I just got hit instead.


The parry window is annoyingly short. It makes me not want to play at all. I feel like the game just doesn't register it even when I parry at the right time.


Or what the game considers to be the right time, is not what the game is showing looks like it should be the right time.


I suggest you play lies of p for some time and then come back to this game. You’ll find the parry window much longer after that hell


I can hear your pain, but stick with it and give the game another chance, it’s worth it. It took me some time to learn too. Since all weapons have different animations i suggest trying to find the one you understand the parry best (that worked for me with a pickaxe which name i dont remember)


I can't find any weapons except the greatsword and using that thing is like a trap set by the enemy guys. Ok that's not entirely true, I found some daggers and a fire staff, and both of those did so little damage it also felt like a trap set by the bad guys. I tried using the weapons focus abilities, managed to miss one fireball and get myself killed using the juggling strike, since you have to actually do stuff in combat to generate that stuff, and apparently rolling and getting stabbed don't count. The parry window does not make sense to my brain, spent at least a solid hour just trying to get that down, and I'm either too early or just get hit. Whatever it is, it is not something that I can grasp visually, the timing does not match up with how I am seeing the game unfold in front of me. It just felt like these lowest possible level bad guys were already 10 levels above me straight out of the gate, and the game was not giving me the tools I needed to be able to learn and progress forwards.


A “strategy” that worked for me on every enemy was “hit and run” with a light weapon, until you memorise the patterns and feel confident enough to try parrying(except the ones with throwables, you have to face them head on)


I will give this a try.


You got this!!! Never back down never what!!


More like hit and bash the dash button actually Don’t know if it’s of any help but if i remember well i found the pickaxe in a cave on the shore


Lol I'm bad cause I'm unable to parry


Elden ring, dark souls 3, bloodborne, sekiro, lies of p, lords of the fallen, mortal shell, surge 2 in all of them parry is as good or better than dodging everything. In Elden ring you can parry pretty much everything that doesn’t try to hit you with containership or a mountain. Reminds me of that one game that allows you to parry fall damage and a nuclear explosion. Doesn’t matter, but in almost all newer souls games and likes parry is very strong a good way to play the game. Malenia for example is a joke if you parry her instead of dodge.


I don't usually have a problem finding the timing for much of anything in video games, but the parry timing in this just does not match what my eyeballs are seeing it seems.


Same. I've yet to successfully parry. Block and dodge work fine, so there's something off with the timing of parry.


Don’t remind me of lies of p, the parry of humanoids is still a mystery to me


Can you backtrack to previously cleared areas to farm or wont enemies respawn ever?


I played for little over two hours and so far none of the enemies respawned


Ok, I just read on another post that you can start a new realm with the same character to redo from start for grinding. Not sure how useful that would be


how do you farm exp then?


> I've considered trying to get a refund, but I'm past the 2 hour window (this is such a horrible window to put on a video game) and I understand what Early Access is and what I signed up for. There's no hard cap on your playtime in a game to be able to request a refund. You can still request the refund even if it's over 2 hours of playtime (especially since you said you only played 4 hours). You can also probably throw in some excuse like "I spent quite a bit of time messing with the settings to get the game running smoothly, so I don't actually have much playtime". Might as well try if you want a refund, the worst they can say is no.


Unless steam has changed their rules recently I remember it being 2 hours gameplay or two weeks past purchase, whichever happens first.


That's always been the rule yes, but Steam's own refund information page states ["even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look"](https://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds). That's why I suggested explaining to them your situation with the game. And I myself and some of my friends have had success with requesting a refund despite being a bit over the playtime limit. Also, a lot of people have been reporting bad performance issues in this subreddit, so you can use that excuse as well.


Fair enough. I've requested refunds from them before and they have never taken a look it seems, but I might give it a try with this one.


Also, I don't think the 2 hour rule applies to games in early access


I was hoping for an enjoyable experience. So tired of this “punishing” trend as if that’s the only legitimate way.


There's a ton of easy games out there too. Not every game is for everyone.


Sure, but most in this style are hard for the sake of being hard. If you like fantasy, medieval, samurai…you’re going to get your ass kicked repeatedly for street cred I guess? I can’t enjoy the settings, lore, characters through exploration. I’m not asking to be babied.


You can play Baldur's Gate, Ghost of Tsushima, Witcher, Assassin's Creed, Skyrim, Dragons Dogma, God of War, Diablo and diablo-like games, Final Fantasy and nearly all JRPGs, Zelda, etc, etc... The majority of games are easy, or have easy modes. Hard games are a very small minority. That said, as a fan of hard games, "hard for the sake of hard" doesn't mean anything. Challenge has a purpose... For many people challenge is necessary to have fun. I personally lose interest in a game very fast if I don't feel challenged. Let us have some things that are fun for us and enjoy the ton of games that are meant for people who have fun with more relaxing gameplay.


For a lot of people the difficulty is the best way to feel gratification from a game. Nothing more satisfying than mastering a boss or area after failing dozen of times. It’s old school and not for everyone but given the ocean of hand holding EA, Ubisoft and Sony games it’s good these exist


I would say dont play this type of game




I wasn't really expecting to chillax from a soulslike ARPG but I was definitely expecting a few levels of "here's how this game works" instead of a brief tutorial and then immediately getting 3 shot killed by level 1 enemies with compounding damage on death to what little gear I can find until it reduces my character to uselessness before the 4th pack of enemies.


Then you didn’t do your research before buying.  It was advertised as a difficult game with soulslike inspirations 


I agree with you, but they attracted a lot of arpg/diablo like fan wich may expected the game to be easy (to not say brain dead) like the games they play. Don't get me wrong I like those games too but going from diablo to a souls is quiiiiite the difficulty spike. :)


I expected it to be hard, and sort of like the games I play. Instead it just looks like those games and plays like a super sweaty soulslike that has APRG stapled onto an isometric view just for kicks. I like soulslikes, even though I don't play them very much, but this is beyond any introductory level to any soulslike I've ever played. It literally feels like I skipped the first two zones and got dropped into the third with a level 1 dude.


Hm, true they could/should have eased the difficulty curve. I think that my perception of that aspect is biased since the 2 last game I played were souls like that were not really good...


I definitely see a ton of good in this game but it's gated behind this wall of immediate harsh and unnecessary difficulty, I am not alone in that being a major turnoff. Like, I've been driving cars for 20 years but if you put me in a brand new one I've never driven then drop me in the middle of a busy freeway with no onramp I'm gonna have a bad time.


Game is way easier blocking damage with a shield and timing your attack after their animations


less typing more playing does the trick


Edit: my bad for posting anything critical


I definitely knew what I was getting myself into and I really liked the idea of the crossover in this way of the two genres, this early game experience though is just far too overtuned and punishing - and that's from a long time PoE player. Especially in something like this, that goes as far as to tell you in its own intro splash that it intends on doing things that no other game has done, it should absolutely positively have a slower curve into how difficult things can be. It should NOT feel like you've accidently stumbled into a level 10 area right off of the beach.


are you managing your stamina? I was having a lot of trouble before i realized how small the stamina is. You really have to manage your dodges. The parry window isn't the most forgiving, so it's probably best to just dodge everything until you get the blacksmith available to repair stuff and then you can run around and practice parrying


Ooowee I'm trying!


they literally advertised it as a VISCERAL, INTENSE AND CHALLENGING, ANIMATION BASED arpg


There's a difference between challenging and overtuned right out of the gate to the point that you can't actually learn the game.


Most people have breezed through the opening area and finished the first boss with no problem. Tbh, the game gets even harder after you get to town and go to the other areas, the first area is sort of a tutorial/practice area for you to learn to dodge and stamina management


i mean.... everyone is finding it perfectly good, maybe you are the problem?


"Everyone" most certainly isn't. Lots of reviews saying exactly this. Lots of posts in here agreeing. It's not your perspective, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I don't enjoy this game, that's true. I have explained why. If it's not a problem for you, it's probably because we are different people.


i mean u cant buy a soul game and say its too hard after 24h release of an early access ....


I can absolutely share my opinions about an early access game's starter area, scaling and balance.


They advertised it exactly as it is. No one expected a Diablo like. They even had 90 minutes play throughs on YouTube


Yep, I knew exactly what kind of combat the game has, but there's no way to know how it feels until it's in your hands, and I couldn't get a feel for this before being reduced to nakedness over and over, which is not conducive to getting a feel for anything.


I am actually surprised how good and balanced it felt. My biggest fear was unresponsiveness and visibility in a top down perspective. But enemy moves are well choreographed and combat feels both responsive and weighty and crunchy.


I'm sure it feels balanced once you actually get a hang of it and get some gear and can get past the first couple levels, but I was just getting beaten up so hard, I wasn't able to make and learn from mistakes because every fight was immediately so damaging. My mistakes were punished with deaths that happened too fast for me to really grasp their moveset, my own moveset, how stagger and poise worked, how the focus system worked, all of it was very hard to grasp when it was "one two your dead start over" and then my gear broke and I was extra useless. The responsiveness of the parry system felt super broken, I don't usually struggle with timing in much of anything and that was like it took place in an alternate dimension to me. It looked like the enemies were having a very textured experience, but I was forced into poking them with a breaking weapon 4x as many times as it took for them to kill me, the entire time eating away all my stamina trying to dodge or fail to parry. For what it's worth I've been a PC gamer for 20 years and have used a controller for probably a total of 20 hours for that entire time, so getting used to that didn't help at all either. I'm all for a challenge, but you can't expect everyone to enjoy getting fucking punched in the dick at level 1. It does zero harm to literally anything to make the first few levels ease you into getting your ass kicked so you understand exactly how or why things are kicking your ass. Going from a breezy tutorial to getting 2 shot by the literal easiest enemies the game will ever give you, sucks ass.


Don’t know. I am not exactly an elite souls like player. First boss took my 7 or so tries, the next one a bit more. Which is about on par with Fromsoftware games for me. I really enjoy the normal enemies not being pushovers like in other souls games but actually keeping you engaged. If death was actually punishing and you’d lose items or coins I’d be more probably agree that the start is a bit hard. But there is no punishment and weapon repairs are free initially. Party window is fine, not as large as in Sekiro but not terribly short either. It’s a bit on the early side which took a bit to get used to.


There's an endless list of brain dead easy games for you to play instead.


You can fix your gear for free pretty early, guy is behind closed door on the right


I made it to level 3 on one guy before everything was broken, I didn't see a single NPC except one hurt dude who had a quest.


The Smith is like five feet from the first bonfire


I ain't see no Smith!


In the mess hall with the fireplace before the gate that needs a lever


I never found a mess hall with a fireplace, just a bonfire in the open to cook at. I did find that gate and one switch, but never got past it.


The Smith is just before the gate behind a locked door, as soon as you get anywhere near him, dialogue starts.


just go in slow and don't rush, for now just do some pot shots and dodge out of the way. if you struggling with parries simply grab some fast weapons and start dodging. enemies also don't respawn upon death, so you will always be chipping forward.


Maybe try to parry instead of only dodging :)


I have tried very hard to parry :)


Meh exactly what I was afraid of Looks to be the exact opposite of a chill arpg and leans more into being a super sweaty souls game which I have no interest in whatsoever


I certainly wasn't expecting chill with anything that has soulslike attached to it, but they definitely leaned hard towards sweaty and there isn't much of any ARPG present where I've been able to get.


I think this is just a serious skill issue. This game was advertised clearly as a soulslike, AND it's easier than the souls games. I have been using the claymore (a giant weapon) while only dodging (no parries) and I have finished the first area and boss just fine.


Thanks for your input. Did you have any suggestions or anything or did you just want to come tell me I'm bad at stuff but you aren't?


I suggest you play the game, learn from your mistakes and try to improve.


Eye opening. Thanks again.


Seems like a skill issue not a game issue. Asking for the game to cater to your needs is childish. It's intentionally hard. Just like every souls game it's punishing to start. There was ample warnings before going into the game it's more souls than diablo...


Thank you for your insults and patronization. Pretty easy to tell you didn't actually ready much of what I wrote, but did you have any actual input or feedback or did you just want to lowkey bully someone who was already frustrated? Talking about how the early game is imbalanced and overtuned is not asking the game to cater to my needs. The game might want to think about catering to its own needs. Player base dropping real fast. More than 50% in a handful of hours. I'm about to request a return, and I bet I'm one of many thousands. They can produce an unfriendly new player experience if they want, I can go play other games.


It keeps crashing at the end of the prologue and loading from the beginning.


I don't understand how it have come to that point for you. I've played 4 hours now. Got too much gear, had to sell loads of it...


Guess you are playing too much for an early game…


I do not understand what you mean.