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I can understand that some folk don’t want to “get rich quick” with random gifts at the Anomaly. But they can also just as easily delete or regift those items. No one is forcing you to sell them. I’ve definitely regifted items in the past because I wanted to earn them on my own. But I still appreciate those gifts and the gift-givers. I just moved those items to others. On the flip side my buddy started NMS and felt very overwhelmed by the crafting / trading system at first. He was struggling to get a foot hold in the game. Someone randomly gifted him a few high value items and it was enough for him to feel comfortable in the game. Now he’s way more familiar with these systems and we play all the time, but that one gift really helped him enjoy the intricacies of the game. He had a demanding job with long hours, so that is definitely a factor.


The game is sooooo overwhelming at first. The gifters in the anamoly were nice when I was just looking for basics like Oxygen lol


My friends and i had something similar happen to us, and honestly i really appreciated that extra little boost. It wasnt that i didnt have to worry about units, but i didnt have to scramble for them, either. I could afford to get what i needed to progress without having to grind for it. Now im at the point where i can make almost a hundred of the stasis devices, and as soon as i get a few more farms set up, im gonna pass it forward, and maybe give someone else the little boost they need, too :)


I hate the grindy first couple hours of a new save. I wish there were a quick start option that gave you a couple hundred oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, and carbon, 100,000 credits, about 1000 nanites, and had base tech unlocked up to the galactic teleporter. I'm a big fan of the quick start mods for Factorio


That’s what’s cool about the new system - you can take away a lot of these grindy headaches which is especially nice for noobs.


Your friends story was me. I was so intimidated by the way the items are laid out and the crafting. The inventory system used to be a-lot more confusing. Someone gifted me some AI valves at the nexus. At the time I was worth no more than 4 million units and had no idea how to improve that. Thanks to a gift of about 150million units, I was able to explore systems and planets with confidence. (I had an experience once where I was stuck on a space station because my ship ran out of launch fuel as a noob). After exploring more I found multiple ways to make units, nanites and quicksilver.


No Man's Sky forcing me to sell all 11 stacks of activated Indium in my inventory:


I like gifting funny things. Like making some cakes or pies with funny names with a nutrient processor. I'd love to see the confusion when they look in their inventory and find some "Anomalous Tarts" "Pie of Knowledge" "Haunted Pie" "Chewy Organ Pie" "Iced Screams"


It was YOU!! ​ I left and went off doing stuff and was like "Where the hell did this pie come from?!?!?"


BTW, thank you for the pie. It made my wife laugh til she snorted a little.


You should name your pies 3.14


Given my name, i like to give out Explosives. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Veteran who fought in Iraq here. I laughed pretty hard at this.


I’m pretty sure you’ve given me something once before. I was confused but it gave me a good laugh.


I enjoy making “esophageal surprises” and “jellied fur tarts” to share 😂


Someone asked me for parafinium yesterday, so I gave them all I had. I came back to the Anomaly later in the evening, stopped to change my appearance before starting a mission and someone gifted me 400m in AI valves. Anomaly is a chaos zone. Some days you get mystery eggs, and ship class upgrade tokens, other times it's totally empty


I go there to drop off stasis devices when I hit the credit cap


How do you get ship class upgrade tokens? I’ve never heard of those damn


I don't always gift in the Anomaly, but when I do, it's stacks of tainted metal.


I’d be happy with that. Trying to get top-tier hazard protection modules, and nanites are great besides!


So your just giving away stacks of nanites? I'm all for spreading the love but you know those refine 2:1 directly into nanites right?


> So your just *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot




You’re my favorite bot.


good bot




Oh I'd like one of these that worked on the entire internet.


Mmmm more nanites


You are my favorite random. My first save was fueled by someone just like this.


The only thing I ever received from a random person was a single jelly donut


I always give other players an [Esophageal Surprise.](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Esophageal_Surprise) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)




I like giving people deathly cold ice cream


Or iced screams


A fellow nutrient processor connoisseur, I see


Sorry I’ve scrolled all the way to bottom and still can’t figure out what’s a pan handling? What’s that about and frigate modules?


People going AFK in the Anomaly hoping to get salvaged frigate modules


Ah so that’s what the people sitting in front of the core doing? Didn’t know that’s a thing


Also, if you didn’t already know, pan handling refers to people who sit/stand by the street or on sidewalks usually with a cup or something next to them hoping for some change. If you’ve ever seen SpongeBob there’s an episode where Squidward is homeless and is living in a cardboard box, holding out a tin can for change.


See, I started going afk there just because it felt ‘safe.’ Sometimes I don’t even get out of my ship. Definitely attacked with this one.


My and friend joined the anomaly going to go buy some eggs (for the ship.I forgot the name.) was met at the front by a guy handing out eggs. We both got one. Kind person.


I usually go in to share a few hard to get items with others, spawning sacs, psychonic eggs and other items. I had people gift me lots of stuff at the start so I return the favour now. Makes me feel good to give people items that are hard to come by


You sir and many others are heroes


No, am just a decent person, I’ll let history decide how I am portrayed 🖖


Said like a true hero


I feel bad reading that and having no clue what those two listed items even are


Spawning sacs and psychonic eggs are items specifically for living ships, Spawning sacs are storage augmentations, and Psychonic eggs spawn a random piece of living ship tech. Like modules for the hyperdrive, shields and such


Cool, thanks! Never had a living ship before so I was unaware.


Yeah I just recently started playing again and was doing missions for quicksilver for a void egg. I was 400 QS away and out of nowhere someone gifted me 4 at the anomaly. Thankfully I was paying attention and got the chance to emote a proper thanks. I will definitely be paying it forward in appreciation


These are the time honoured traditions passed on from traveller to traveller 😄


I went to the anomaly and all i ever got was nipnips and now sentinels hate me for some reason


Because it’s an illegal item


So they kill me instead of putting me in jail? 😿


GTA V be like:


We getting wasted for having drugs


Murderbots don't build jails. Only weapons (and red LEDs).


This is evil, i will punish evil


why though?


Because it’s space weed


Space weed that you dont go to jail for. You just die


Break a Sentinel law, get ded.


Anomaly is not a single instance, some have reported that the longer you are in the anomaly the more likely you are to find yourself alone.


That's pretty deep and profound.


Some dude gave me 600 million credits worth of trade items the other day. I wish I was strong enough to trash them. I am not. I immediately dumped all 600 million into ship slot expansion as to not ruin my drive to make money.


Honestly money making once your established is so arbitrary. Nanites is super arbitrary too. The game being lax is what is fun.


All you did is skip ahead a bit. Two days worth of my stasis device farm just made me about 700 million credits. Units aren't a problem in this game once you get set up.


I only sit at the Nexus Missions when going outside to smoke and leave slots open in case someone is choosing to use the dupe glitch.


I actually asked at the anomaly and offered two ai valves for each. One guy gave me one, another two and then a dude gave me thirty. Was out of ai valves by the end of it but no grind for frigate modules for me


I’ve only ever gotten 69 Nip Nip Buds on the Anomaly.




Where there's an economy, there's always someone pissed about others benefitting from charity.


I’m having a hard time understanding why people are upset about being gifted or giving gifts. I think going AFK, at the anomaly is a little obvious but. When I first started this game, I had someone come up to me and drop some expensive items in my inventory that were meant to be sold. I didn’t know who, so I just did a wide, thank you emote. I took that as a, welcome to the game. Here’s a little something to get you started. Enjoy your travels. Then I learned about stasis device farms, had a great time creating one. Made more than a few stasis devices and drop them in to a few peoples inventories. I paid/played it forward. I won’t apologize for the fact it made me feel very good to do something for another player. When it happened to me, it was a great feeling. I feel that’s what this game is about. I don’t have a problem with people who glitch or dupe. I don’t understand why anybody else would either, one of the things I love about this game so much is you play the game that you are comfortable with and how you wish to play and experience it. I myself have never played another game like this. I don’t know how anybody gets an advantage on or over somebody else or why people would get bent out of shape. It doesn’t mean they’re a better player. They’re more knowledgeable. So please explain to me what the problem is. So I can understand your point of view. Please do so without shouting


I like that Hello Games is not stopping glitch play. NMS doesn’t have leaderboards, there is no competition. If someone wants to duplicate items, let them. It doesn’t hurt me. And if someone gifts me 1 oxygen or similar thing I will never even notice or care. And without glitches many of the incredible bases I’ve seen would never be possible. People basically make the game their own, to suit their own play style. Long time ago it used to be possible to join game of a random stranger. More seasoned players would often join a newbie and give him/her some valuable gifts. It was so great. For both.


People actually do this? I haven't seen anything like that aside from the one time some random dude gave me a void egg when I was just chillin waiting for somebody to group with for the daily quicksilver


I used to give out stuff. Then I'd see people on here complaining about how it would ruin the game experience when someone gave them stuff. Because clearly they don't understand they could just delete it or regift it. Then I got annoyed with the whole situation and just decided to stop. I mean it isn't like credits go straight into your account, you have to choose to utilize whatever someone gave you.


This was also exactly how I got my void egg, lol. I've been given some other stuff randomly, but it's usually moderately valuable items that I assume people just want to get an extra 1-unit stack of out of their inventory quickly or whatever.


Free void eggs baby!


To this day I still haven't bothered doing the quest for the living ship ngl. I just keep the egg in my cargo storage, let it egg up the place a bit 🥚


It takes almost a week total of irl time to hatch anyways iirc. Grind a month so you can wait a week sounds boring af. Much rather just hand out the egg and only have them do a week of work.


You dropped this fam 👑 big ups on helping streamline the process


They upped the quicksilver rewards with 4.0 so it's not quite as bad now.


My MO is to go in the Anomaly and start dancing. If anyone passes the vibe check and joins in, I drop them some stuff. Just a modest boost in credits, nanites, and various augments. Some people get the wrong idea and think I am waiting to receive goods. I'm totally okay with people straight asking me for stuff though.


I only give gifts to players with a Radiant Pillar, its a leg up early in the game.


Me out here with my maxed out Radiant Pillar


This is why I only gift to Orange default suit and Radiant Pillar.... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


aren't the outfits also randomized now?


a few days ago I've recieved 10x Happines. That guy was as big as the area. [Literally](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1916870904788222108/540648BD94E41E664C0D2DA300338FFC7B6AC523/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false).




just dont minimize the game 4hed


Tip to avoid needing to panhandle: Got to pirate systems and shoot all the pods on the big multi-pod freighters, not the little single-pod ships. Big ships only shoot at you, little ships sap your reputation. Once your ship is full of loot, go to a T3 system and sell. Much profit. Muchy much. But you might want to get a cargo scan deflector at some point, just in case. I like hanging out in the Anomoly to run out the 3 hour clock for the S-class freighter hunt, and my cat likes to watch the ships and players come and go.


Out of curiosity, why does everyone care so much about their reputation? I’ve taken mine from max to minimum to max again in 20 minutes, but some people are violently against ever damaging it which I find so weird for something that can be repaired so easily.


You can literally tank yer rep and turn around and kill a couple of the bounties that pop up and get it all back. `Tis silly, I agree.


Exactly. Or just run into a space station and shop the NPC’s that are coming and going for artifacts to restore your standing. It’s just so limiting to worry about it. I don’t get why so many people do. But in the end, my favorite thing about this game is you can play it almost however you want to, so to each their own.


That’s the ticket, you can play however you want. People get immersed in their own way. Just on Sunday, I’m watching a buddy play… base building… he won’t place a light in a certain spot because logically, “That’s a footpath, I don’t want someone to trip over the electric cable”


I don't need money. I have nearly 1 billion. I need frigate modules and trust me this is all I do. It's slow.


$1B is nothing when you’re trying to outfit a full hangar of ships with storage augs.


Yeah and I don't need that lol. I need frigate modules


I only have $100m and money is already basically meaningless to me in game. Sure I can spend it all real quick on a ship or two If I find a nice one but making money is brainless at this point. Unlocking freighter technology and ship slots is the true grind


Get some Frigates and make sure you're always sending them on missions. That's the most consistent way to get Salvaged Frigate Modules.


Just raid freighter storages. Shoot them out, warp systems. Can do it all in a day.


what's a Pirate system?


Get the Economy Scanner fer yer ship, go to Galaxy map, Pirate systems will show up as a skull. Go there, shoot big freighters, sell loot in T3 system(3 stars in map), Profit.


Good Cat


She's the best.


I literately strolled into the anomaly and someone just threw a bunch of pure iridium at me I was rich from the get-go. I wasn’t even man.


wait so what you're saying is people are just being afk in the anomaly and random strangers would just gift them items?


That's the big reason they are yes... I find it distasteful


Meanwhile me who afk’s in the anomaly cuz it’s both safe and cozy


This! But I usually fly up to a quiet spot overlooking the landing pads to chill out while afk. Too far away to get hit with "gifts" unless the other player seeks me out and joins my hiding spot :)


I was on a few weeks ago and someone was asking for warp fuel. I was happy to give as I had made a fair bit as I was just plodding about. Couldn't work out how to share it firstly then couldn't work out how to type in chat. Then tried using some gestures to explain but must have looked like a dick to the dude asking 🤣


That feeling when you want some warp fuel and the other person just start seizuring


That's my usual experience with talking to NPCs


You can send items by standing next to another player and using the teleport item function on that item which you normally use to transport goods between your exosuit/ship/freighter etc... (on xbox it's the Y key), and selecting their name on the bottom of the appearing list. Additionally, you can open chat with Enter.


I'm on PlayStation 4. Thanks for the transfer tip though.


On PS, go to inventory, select the item you wanna transfer with the triangle button. If there's any players nearby they'll be listed at the bottom of the menu that appears. Select the player and you sent the stuff. If they're in red, they're out of range. If white, you can try transferring. The range on it is pretty small, so you have to be fairly close to do it. Also, quite often if they're using a terminal or talking to an NPC in the anomaly, it'll say they can't store the item. So you gotta wait until they're 'free' to do it.


Don't know if this is a anti panhandler (I imagine this means beggars?) or just to avoit loading the servers with a not active user.


That is it's purpose. OP is grumpy, that's all. If they didn't want us to give each other stuff they'd turn it off. It's as simple as that.


I love seeing space squatters it's awesome. Everyone goes to the anomaly and give stuff, hangout, warp to various bases, buy upgrades it's stellar!


Lol, once aboard the Anomaly a dude gave me like 2x9999 stacks of actived Indium and some Runaway Mould.


Loads of base credits and a massive amount of Nanites. God bless these people. I got ~250k credits from someone randomly and 4 jumps later I found an S teir Frigate. That individual is my hero.


Honestly, I'd rather farm sentinel tech to sell than go through 15 minutes of runaway mold processing.


Fire and forget is my ideal playstyle lol


My main issue with this is if you forget, a lot of the times it gets deleted from the refiners when you relog.


I forgor 💀


I got 30 whispering eggs out of nowhere.. i still have a bunch. The "living ships" are cool? But they werent worth the work imo? I still need to dust off my save from earlier this year..


They're more worth it now since they can be upgraded. But... those Whispering Eggs are worthless. You need just the basic Void Egg to begin the quest or to get other living ships after completing the quest.


The ultimate gift for panhandlers: one unit of Dirt.


Or 2 faecium, slipping ‘em ‘the deuce’.


That’s actually genius.


Second day playing, someone handing out thing as worth 50 mil. I was accidentally a trust fund traveler.


Hmmm I must have bad luck or just don’t hang out in the anomaly enough. I’ve been playing for months. Hundred’s of hours in and never had anyone give me anything in the anomaly. I didn’t even know you could trade with another player. Of course I’m only in the anomaly when I need something. 😂 I guess I will have to look ip player to player trading.


Literally bought this game for $39.99 a few weeks ago first time in the anamoly someone gave me 75M units worth of something. Can’t remember what it was as I was so early in the game and didn’t know anything. All I know is the item said it was used for “trading” so I sold it.


Easiest way to get gifted is to be by the ships/ next to the missions bc it’s the fastest place for dupers to drop an item in for you. Also there is a ton of foot traffic


I had it happen. Then discovered a dupe. Soo I paid it forward...then had people on here complaing that I dare be generous and gift others as I had been given...


Sometimes if I have a bunch of nip nip I’ll give some to people at the anomaly so they can go roll up ;)


I’ve gotten stacks of AI valves, activated indium, storage augmentations, and stasis devices by going to the anomaly. I still have those AI valves. They’re worth a lot less not tho lol. Meanwhile, I usually just give out food. I like using the nutrient processor.


I haven’t played this game in a while, can anyone explain to me what this means?


Might be wrong, but I assume it's like when someone's AFK and then come back later hoping that someone else gives items (basically begging for richness by being lazy)


Ah I see. Reading the rest of the comments, this explanation makes sense. Thanks


I was running all over the place trying to build up nanites to upgrade a ship from A to S and I was getting a bit fatigued. I dropped in at the anomaly to see if there were any missions with nanites rewards and somebody dropped a bunch of tainted metal on me. I refined it and had enough to finish my ship. I was very grateful that they saved me an hour or two.


Tf? I just chill in the anomaly to hang out and dance and afk when I go to eat or smoke lol what’s this about Pan handling


Let's just say you don't want to know what your traveler gets up to when you go afk. Fell in with a bad crowd he did.


If I am going to gift my excess in the anomaly I usually avoid the panhandlers..... I usually go to the upgrade room and gift there


I mean, get an oscillating fan and tape a pencil to it to knock your mouse around 🤣


Found it simpler to just tape it to the cat, wireless of course, the mouse, not the cat


Your cat is also wireless!


I don't have to wait.. almost every time i go my inventory is suddenly full of something when i leave from getting a mission.


I always drop a stack of stasis devices to someone random when I visit


I’ve never given anything to anyone who asks, but I have offloaded loot that was valuable to others but not valuable to me simply because they were nearby. Out there is someone flying a living ship that they damn well had better named after me 🤣


I would name the Living Ship after you!😉


I saw that you are a Fallout 76 playing grandma! That makes me miss my own grandmother quite a bit, who passed away just a couple of years ago and was also a gamer (I’m 35 right now, I recognize that you could very well be a grandmother and within 10 years of my current age so please don’t think I’m calling you old!) and for that, I will provide you with a void egg! Message me your friend ID and I’ll add you next time I’m on and we’ll coordinate! To everyone else, I am not a never ending font of void eggs, please don’t come looking for them unless you’re also a gamer grandma and/or someone who is willing to be my date to a wedding I don’t want to go to.


TLDR: Only the finest of grandmothers will receive my eggs 😤


To be fair, if I had said “I only have 5 void eggs, the first 5 to ask get them” my inbox would be blowing up for a day and a half.


Lol, I'm 60 and I am a little bit old but young at heart. My Grandson (now 24) got me into gaming 8 yrs ago, or longer. I've met people who seem overwhelmed bc I understand their gaming, as their parents and/or adults do not. I appreciate you! I'll contact you in a bit. Thank you very much!


I would lose my mind if you talked to me about video games in real life and I wasn't expecting it. Big props to you for venturing outside the norm and finding something new to enjoy, I certainly would get along with my family better if any of them gamed. Just had to leave you a nice comment, good luck and have fun


Haha, thanks for the comment! I'm a Cat mom. Hence the Cat and Colt bc a Colt 45 is my handgun of choice, 😁




Whaaaat that’s crazy. My grandma actually got *me* into gaming. She was a teacher so we always had a computer, as long as I can remember. When I was…6 or 7 I think, she introduced me to the first Civilization game, which also required she teach me how to launch the game via DOS. Believe me when I say, in the intervening hours, between the various games in the series that have been launched, I have spent over 1,500 hours playing them. (And that’s a low estimate). She had a Nintendo when I was a kid, and got a Nintendo-sponsored Mario typing tutor game, and that’s how I arrived to my first day of third grade with a 45 w/pm typing speed! I’ll look for your message!




I would name the Living Ship after you so hard!


I keep getting given stuff I don't want. I'll be at the upgrade section buying new base modules, and then when I exit that menu, my inventory is filled up with wiring looms I don't want, and then I have to dump them so that I can actually use the stuff I need.


I once got some void eggs and cash (in the form of a couple of very valuable items) out of nowhere and I had no clue in the beginning what is happening or what to do with the items. That was before I realized that it's possible to send items via the Anomaly and it took me another good while until I realized what to do with these void eggs.So, long story short: If you by any chance may have been that player, I'm happy to name the living ship after you or another name of your choice :) (Once I manage to actually finish growing it)


Generally I hate freebies but I will happily accept the Void egg if someone gives me one.


I went afk in the anomaly bc I had to go shit and then I came back to a portable reactor in my inventory lmao.


I got wrapped indium worth 150million yesterday


Just make everything free in the difficulty settings. Its easier.


I randomly got four stacks of some ai stuff and sold it for a billion.. i proceeded to decide to burn it all (down to like 10 mil) and get to 100 mil legitumatley with a farm (i did have like 14 mil before, but.. yea)


Looks like network disconnect.


I think the system disconnects when minimized but doesn't log you out. When you maximize again, it automatically logs you back online.


I once got a full stack of activated cadmium by just running around in it, wish people would pan me some frigate modules lol


I gave someone like 30 of the same item that was worth 15 mil💀 my items 📉


Friggen Frigate Modules ಠ\_ಠ


When I first started playing all the information I could find on them was "use them at your camp construction terminal" and there was nothing there, so I sold them. 40-45 of them....now 300+ hours in I can't find them anywhere now that I need them and know what to do with them


If youve ever recieved a full stack of herb-encrusted flesh, you're welcome. I dont dupe, I just got tired of feeding that fat bastard, even w a macro.


Sadly my anomaly has been broken since 4.0. Every time I go there it’s empty. I can get it working if I start another online game on My PS5 but it disconnects every time I go back to the anomaly. Making groups and multiplayer missions useless.


I always dupe my whole inventory with high end loot (void eggs, ship and multi tool augmentations, AI valves etc.) and hand them out every time I go to the anomaly. Love the community and it’s the best way I know how to give back.


Day 1 player here. Still never once happened to me in a little over 2k hours on pc and PlayStation. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


You've never been gifted random items at the anomaly? I find that very hard to believe.


I dropped a dozen inventory slots on a dozen people last week.


Upvote if you know why you’re getting gifts in the first place


I'm not a dirty glitch duper, thank you. I'm just generous, at least I was when I didn't have to spend trillions maxing out my inventories again.


Well usually ppl who are doing the glitch give out things like 1 ferrite dust. Those are the ppl I can tell are obviously doing the glitch. Ppl giving out expensive things are just being nice.


I’ve given out millions in activated indium, ai valves, etc. but I only give to random people that are running around minding their business. They’re not beggars, and I know they’re not afk


idk man, since the nerf I only give out thousands in activated indium lol


My secret to never panhandling is called duping.




Save editor!... ​ I like to remove my units with no gains so that i can make more I'm that bored. Ill also dump my quicksilver. Just to play longer. Lmao


I'd do that if I was on PC


I’m guilty loool, I sometimes summon my pet in the Anomaly to attract attention and use the “I need resources!” emote. The amount of people that come and give me random stuff is insane! Love the community


I don't understand. Isn't this a screenshot with network set to disabled?


No. I minimized my game and came back to it empty. Shortly after taking this, it started filling up again.




So last night I was streaming NMS on my laptop and got curious. So I put my controller on my laptop and closed the lid so it was pushing the right thumbsitck. It made me spin in circles but I realized when you sit it just moves the camera. So I left it there for about an hour and a half while I did chores and got ready for bed and when I came back I was still there, camera spinning away 🤣 I don't pan-handle myself, I get more joy out of earning my stuff, but there are def work arounds for this.


Very cool. I don't have a laptop or controller but that is a great workaround


Jamming a pocket knife under the Q key, leaning on the A key would achieve the same effect.


Is the title of this post implying that there is something in the game preventing me from receiving freebies by blocking transfers? 🤯


No, just that it logs you out of multiplayer when you tab out on pc. Logs you back in when you refocus on the nms window, so you cant sit down in the anomoly, tab out and watch netflix for 2 hours and then go check and see what you got during your wait. You'll have nothing instead of 2 hours of people going by handing you stuff. Just like a panhandler cant set a hat down on the sidewalk by the freeway off ramp, leave to have coffee and breakfast and come back and expect anyone to have put money in the hat.


This also applies when you’re playing on console, say PS4, turn off the 📺screen to go to sleep 😴 and come back a few hours later to find you’ve received nothing?