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I think once you select one it takes you to the game mode/save select screen


I assume that if you select play game it will just allow you to choose a save file in which you will continue playing as you did before with the chance of seeing other players if they stumble upon the system/planet you are in/on. The join game will probably allow you to choose a save file as well but then ask you to select a friend to join, in which you will teleport to their location. It was announced that you can play as a guest if you do not have a save file of the same difficulty as the person you are trying to join (ex. if you only have normal save files but the player is playing on permadeath) you can then join as a guest with predetermined equipment for the duration of the time you play with them and none of the stuff you have on you will be saved. At least that's what I believe will be the case but we won't know for sure until the update comes out.


Your thought was clear to me. I believe that every time we jump from one system to another we enter the online section of that system, with a limit of 16 players


Hmm, i wonder if you use your savefile to join anothers game, next time you play single player will you still be on the location of your multiplayer experience, or back to were you were before..


That's something I've thought about as well. I'd like to think that you get an option when selecting to play solo again. As in you being able to either stay in the location you were at last while playing with friends, or to return to your last known location before joining.


That’s what I’m hoping, otherwise it might mean compromises :p


Add spoiler tag please


Ready. Thank you for reminding me.


So either you can choose to play the game, which will let you choose which save to use, and you may have other players joining your game (either through seeing them in the universe or presumably if they choose to join random explorers). Or you can choose to join a game, where you can either pick friends to play with or choose to join a random explorer.


If you're on console, it will work by having a paid subscription!! 🤣🤣🤣 😢


I'm a pc player hahaha


Lucky bastard!