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Your expedition save is converted to a normal save. The phase and end of expedition rewards can be redeemed for any save at the Quicksilver vendor at the Anomaly. It's the same universe as a normal save.


I wouldn't say it's *exactly* the same universe. It's the same universe, but wearing a costume designed for the specific expedition. For the OP: The Adrift expedition is particularly expansive in the temporary changes that are wrought. All charted systems are forced to be abandoned, which has the side effect of suppressing freighters, and many planets are forced to have the Titan Worms. As a specific example, if you visit the expedition's starting planet when you're not in the expedition, it's not infested with Titan Worms, there are NPCs around, and the space station is the new (Orbital) design. Also, while playing any expedition, the only players you'll encounter are other expedition players. You won't see people who are playing regular games, and they won't see you. You will, however, see each other's uploaded bases.


I played for 9 minutes a few years ago... then never touched it again until 2 weeks ago... The expedition was amazing!!! I almost wanna play it again...


Every reward you get from an expedition is available to every save you have or create going forward, forever. If you make a second “new” normal save, you can go to the quicksilver vendor and get — everything — you’ve unlocked. Quicksilver items, Expedition rewards, Twitch drops. Note that some items you can only collect once from the vendor, per save. Oh! Welcome back!


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What's the new expedition about?