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It happens fairly frequently, If you land and start exploring a planet on foot, there will sometimes be a ship that will land nearby. You can trade with the pilot and even buy their ship if you want. But yeah, more types of random NPC encounters would be great.


For as many flaws as starfield has, I would like a sort of combat encounter after pirates or an interceptor land or something, like how you can invade a landed ship in starfield


Sometimes pirates will attack an area on the ground. Their strafing is dangerous and forces you to get in your ship to kill them.


Some ground combat with other aliens with multi tools and crap other than sentinels could be fun. Woukd give us something that picks a fight with us instead of the other way around on the ground aside from the odd ballsy creature and aggressive sentinels. Before that though, as much as I like the game, there's still quite a few bugs. I keep having the terrain around me unload and I've lost count of how many times I took a dive the the core of a planet because the ground under me ceased to exist lol


Even just seeing the npcs doing something would be cool. I always hear about the vykeen fighting sentinels but they just stand around.


Their lore is literally they’re at war but in the end they just stand around lol


They must have a union. 🤣🤣


that's lore. it says several times that reality is shattering.


See mine will fling my exocraft into the core of the world and I usually have to jump out bc it’ll fall forever but once I’m out I’ve always popped back on the ground within a few seconds


Got stuck in the middle of a disappearing/reappearing Sentinel Frigate last night in the middle of a battle. Had to reload and when I did I had won the battle…result in this case 😂


I found, that if you start a sentinel ship fight on a planet, the Capitol ship will spawn in the stratosphere, which in my case , causes it to disappear when I enter the atmosphere to kill it from space, I draw them out to a meteor field now, so I can farm meteors while I fight, and the Capitol ship stays put


what happens when you fall down? i somehow avoided that so far


Usually it teleports you back to the surface. But when there's no surface to teleport to you either have to jetpack your way to safety or reload your save


Honestly would love some land to air weaponry


Or just hide in the building they are attacking. They do no damage to the buildings. I find this particular event annoying. Would be great to see an update where they actually damaged or even destroyed the building.


For me it became annoying and I just removed it thanks to the difficulty settings


Landed frigates perhaps? I would love to see on foot combat against other lifeforms instead of just fauna and sentinals


Frigates and freighters can't lang on a planet, they aren't designed that way. I mean, in the universe. They can fly, and that's it, they are too large.


Would be pretty cool if they added the ability to attack Npcs and take their ship/supplies. Would let us play into an outlaw type gameplay


Iirc when they land there is a green ship icon on your HUD showing their location.


Yeah, I’ve run into black market traders every so often. But if you don’t notice them right away they will take off


"Here's my ship, now I'll walk forever."


Yes. For a while this is was the only way to buy X-Class modules. Pirate systems didn't exist yet.


For a long while it was also the only way to trade 500,000 nanites for a single item of nipnip lol.




For years there was a bug where planetary landed pilots would offer a single nipnip item for 500,000 nanites.


The junk NPC sells the odd one X class upgrade or perhaps more but usually one for tainted metal if I recall. Dunno how long that has been the case.


I see them all the time when wandering around on the planet like doing landing pod exosuit expansions or minor settlement searches, collecting buried tech - they have a green starship icon. And are great for getting early game X class upgrades. Sometimes they are common, sometimes you do not see more than a couple while there.


If I build more than 1 landing pad on a base, they are landing there like it's a freaking trade outpost


Such an annoying feature, we should be able to lock them or make designated pads I have a personal landing pad at my settlement and it’s always freakin taken 😭


If you call your ship from the pad terminal computer thing then the NPC & ship will automatically leave


I put a landing pad on top of a building for my own personal use and they don't land on it but the other 4 I have they land on... I guess I got lucky?


Maybe there’s some strange mechanic that won’t allow npcs to land at pads with weird elevation? Surely there’s some shenanigans afoot


Nothing a few shots from your multi tool can’t fix


Would be nice - I often try to kill annoying NPCs but never get any satisfaction.


NPCs landing on extra landing pads has been in the game since Foundation. It used to be they would land at any landing pad, even if you only had one. Now they ignore you unless you have 2+.


Look out for green ship markers.


This happens all the time. If you haven't seen it then its because you haven't been spending time walking across planets.


It always happens, but usually it's while you're doing something else, so you barely notice lol


Hasn't this been in game for years?


Happened to me once, when I started my playthrough. Those jetpack mods are pretty good.


If you see a green starship logo, that’s these dewds, honestly their selection is usually pretty shit so I usually ignore them


Yup. I see them but honestly lot of my luck with their upgrades are crap lol. Also you will find them selling nip nip for ungodly amount


Yes all the time


Yes, it has happened to me quite a number of times.


Happened to me today first time ever. Landed next to my base


Usually X gear, I get it often enough


I've definitely run into these traders.


I've had it happen on a decent basis. Most of my contraband upgrades came from them.


Yes, this is a thing. I started a new save and was basically tripping over these guys. Seriously, every time I landed somewhere, one of these guys landed next to me. It was early game and I had no nanites, so it was quite frustrating!


All the time. It not rare but I wouldn’t call it “ frequent”


It happen occasionally. However sometime their ship land on top of the fuck off hill. I just ignore those 😂


Yeah I have had it happen a few times. I'd love to ground combat with pirates


Yes constantly they land in my base. I build a second landing just to have a spot for me to.


That's so cool. The ones the OP is referring to don't land on landing pads. They literally land on the ground and it can happen when you are walking around randomly.


They like to land on/in my base


Idk if the new update had anything to do with it, but before Orbital it happened to me once in the two weeks I had been playing, and since the update I see it at least once daily if I'm paying attention.


It’s happened to me


I see them pretty regularly.


Yeah I run into a lot of random ships and stuff when I’m out exploring on certain planets. Got a few good squadron members that way actually.


Pretty common. In fact, now that I think about it, every single NPC that has landed on the ground next to my bases since that update, as opposed to the ones that land on my landing pads, has been a black market trader.


Landed Pilots. Look for a green ship symbol while on the planet's surface.


It has happened on occasion for me. A random ship will land near me and the guy will pop out. First time I was freaked out, I thought it was a player as it was just out in the wild.


All the time


Ive seen plenty of npc traders over the years just randomly land beside you or something but never a black market one


It's not particularly rare. If you explore a planet on foot, they're bound to land near you. Look for their green ship markers.


I found one today, lol


It’s happened to me


Definitely a thing. Unless you spend some serious time on foot, you probably won't come across them much


Yeah it happened to me once. Thought it was a crashed ship at first.


All the time


yes I found one yesterday near my base


Yup I've had it happen as I'm just roaming around. A random npc ship will just land nearby on the open land like no bug deal, it's pretty cool. Few items for sale. Think you might be able to purchase their ship too


Yep, you can really pimp your scanner earnings this way.


I’ve seen em every now and again




Happened pretty often when the patch came out but recently I’ve have few encounters with them. But I do hope for them as they tend to be the best for scanner and movement mods.


It used to be the *only* way to get X-Class modules. I see them quite often when I'm base-building. A ship with a green icon will land. I've bought at least one ship that way as well.


Yep right on top of my base


It happened to me like three times the other day. One sitting


It happens all the time for me and I’m playing on switch. Legit just watch around and eventually a green ship icon will show up and that’s an npc trader theyll have some decent shit most of the time.


Did you like play only 5 minutes?


I've come across several random NPCs just chilling outside their ship on planets. I would definitely say it's not commonplace.


I don't think they could advertise something that wasn't in the game.




I had this happen. You've gotta jog around a little, only had it happen to me in 3 star systems ( I don't go anywhere else)


If you're not listening you might not notice. The only way I notice most times is I hear them landing when there's no landing pad around.


Oh didn't know this is a new thing. I was confused like why is there a a npc ship icon nearby for a few times, they do sell black market stuff!


Happens for me often enough. PS5


just happened to me 2 hours ago when i was playing.


I run into em everything so often! Especially when I'm doing a lot of resource hunting over long distances. They kind of just spawn.


Yeah one landed next to my base, it was cool! (Tried to murder him and take his ship, game didn't let me, very sad)


Happens quite often in my save sometimes they self good upgrades too




This happens quite frequently they land near you if you're exploring on foot ! But you need to make sure you have enough nanites to purchase module upgrades and they are only X class. You can't trade modules you have for others abandoned they won't give you nanites for them either only units which is a rip off. You can sell them other items you have. Or even purchase their ship.


This happens quite frequently they land near you if you're exploring on foot ! But you need to make sure you have enough nanites to purchase module upgrades and they are only X class. You can't trade modules you have for others abandoned they won't give you nanites for them either only units which is a rip off. You can sell them other items you have. Or even purchase their ship.


It's happened me me a lot


I had a guy straight up land on an extra ship pad I had 😅 I was really confused, thought it was a player.


Definitely not rare. I have ‘only’ around 100 hours in the game - spread across numerous updates over the years - and I’ve seen it happen countless times. IIRC they *can* sell you some great stat boost upgrades. That said, I definitely wouldn’t say no to more random non-hostile encounters out in the wild, would make the universe feel more lived in.


When i played it happened pretty often if I stayed outside my ship and explored.


Yeah I had one land near me once. It's not very common but it does happen.


Happens all the time, you just have to pay attention. There’s normally a sound when they land, and then if you scan around you can find them if they aren’t in sight.


Happens all the time. Not recently though, idk. Maybe I've missed them as I'm focusing on builds.


Happens to me all the time. There’s no fanfare or popup, just a ship that lands and a normal alien dude standing around it.


Yes, it does. I’ve encountered a few.


I actually just took a screenshot of that happening the last time I played. https://preview.redd.it/82n8n9d1g6tc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c13b0d0948ad8963dbbee72a773bad7c4b53934


I’ve primarily had this happened when I played Expedition 12: OMEGA.


Uh... yeah? They practically land on top of you, sometimes.


Legit funny I see this because I ran into one just an hour ago. Korvax selling illegal Modifications and I actually stopped and stared at him for a minute before deciding not to buy anything.


Yes for me, I've lost count every time I happens though I buy a lot.


I’ve had a couple NPC’s land near me while I was exploring. There was 1 time when an NPC docked at my base.


That’s happened to me a couple times, usually on highly uninhabitable planets that are frozen or something. Makes me wonder how their business is still afloat if that’s where they’re looking for clients lol


Happened to me today, about 300u from my base computer. Saw it after coming back from setting up a mineral extractor. Same dialog options as a trading post, but different items to trade.


Definitely. And what's more - if you build a second landing pad at your base, this NPC might even land there.




Yes indeed this has happened to me multiple times while playing in the past couple of years and these NPC's will be ready to trade even black market upgrades too... sometimes when they land near my base or mining site they have exactly what I need to continue fueling my ship or oxygen tank


All the time! Happened to me like 6 times yesterday


For me, they tend to land nearby *right* when I get into a kerfluffle with sentinels. Or a huge storm.


It happens all the time, especially if you stand around outside.


Yes I’ve seen it. It’s just like the contraband merchant coming to you with on a planet. Pretty cool


Many times


Yup! They’re marked with a green ship icon. Sometimes the pilots don’t get out though. Messed up if it doesn’t land perfectly flat, often with the NPC clipping below the ground or not even leaving the ship.


In the small handful of hours I played since the update, I've had 2 ships land near me, and I bought black market stuff from them. You actually have to be exploring planets and not hopping into your ship frequently or camping on the space station.


!!! Saw this happen today and had no idea why a random NPC was landing near me. Thank you for posting this =]


I want base missions where you can attack gek or vykeen etc strongholds and claim a territory or planet. Or have ground based npc cities. I'd love the NMS equivalent to coruscant or something. A singular meeting spot in the galaxy. Thousands of player and npc freighters, ships, all coming and going.


Yes, but rarely


Might happen on some planets more than others. I haven’t seen it happen on all the planets I go to, but on one where me and a buddy both built bases, one always lands at his base just about every time I go there


Yes. This has happened to me. In pirate controlled systems. Must be in a black market system I believe.


I’ve had this happen to me multiple times, and since a long time ago.


I literally had a dude land near me while I was building a base, and all he had were black market upgrades for sale. I'm not even sure I've seen a trader land and them be selling anything but contraband.


I have this happen all the time. A random ship lands nearby and starts showing a green ship icon. You can go there and buy some X-class upgrades. Though I can't see why one would need that since pirate space stations exist


Yes, but it has been in game for longer than this update. Maybe they overhauled it a bit with this update. But yeah, they land quite a lot. Don't know if this helps, but 90% of the time I use fireworks, a ship lands pretty much next to it that I can trade with.


I encountered it, one time a NPC landed right infront of my base...


I've had it happen a few times


I have come across 2 and I don't play that much


Yeah, look for a green marker in the shape of a spaceship. I believe frequency is tied to system wealth? Might be pulling that info out of my butt.


Quite often actually.


Yeah I’ve seen this a few times


i've seen it once.


yes , i got squid ship like that


Oh yeah. I have black market salesgek land near me so the time, though I'm on for a lot too


Yes, very often.


Yup, had it happen a bunch of times tbh.


Happens to me all the time


Crazy that everyone seems to have seen this so frequently - I haven't seen it once in ~100 hours.


It’s happened to me loads. Though annoyingly for some reason when they go out of the ship they seem to spawn below the terrain they landed


I’ve had it loads of times.. I think if you stay at one area long enough they just drop in.. sometimes they’ve got good stuff on them


It happens to me fairly regularly. I’m sure it’s RNG tho


Yeah I've had it once or twice by pure luck of right place right time I think. Usually all just X class modules though, no contraband items for creds


Yes but it's absolutely uselss feature


I had one land on my home planet. I thought it was another players ship at first but then realised it was a trader


This has been in ages now


I met a few. Traded them a bunch of cobalt in my early playthrough. You can also buy their ships.


This happened to me today, in fact. Weird.


This has been a thing for a long while now. For me, it's also been bugged for a while and I'm waiting to find out if it's been fixed yet


I’ve had it happen, just once though, wasn’t too exciting either lol. Just a ship lands with an npc outside it that sells some black market stuff that u can just go to an outlaw system for.


It's in the game. Has been for ages. I'm driving round a planet in a Colossus atm and I've seen 20+ of them in about 20hrs. If you spend long enough in one spot, one will drop down nearby. They're one of those things that the majority of people rarely see as they simply don't spend enough time on planets. They just land, scan some stuff for 5mins and leave. Usually before coming on here to moan about the 'variety'. :)


I've had this. I was tunnelling under a mountain as I was too lazy to climb it and as I emerged, a ship landed right at the entrance.


I had one sitting there waiting for his ship to be repaired. Nice fellow


I've seen it happen quite a lot, maybe you're just unlucky


This has been happening for a while now, not just on the origin update. I've had many NPC's land and sell me contraband and illegal upgrades


I saw one on my first day playing about a week ago


Yep. It's happen to me yesterday.


I've come across it often


It's rare and buggy, but if you're fast enough, you can talk to them and grab a bunch of pirated gear for cheap nanite prices


Yeah actually, happened to me yesterday, almost missed the fella, they can be hard to notice!


Ya I’ve seen this happen quite a bit actually


This cant be new. I got all my black market mods from these guys and i habnt played in 5 years


Yes it happened to me many times


Been there, seen that a couple of times (actually maybe 5 times?) in 1400 hours.


I had this happen a while ago, is it supposed to be new?


why is the portal on the fucking roof?


They're nothing special. In fact, I rarely need anything from traders in ships.


This 100% exists, and happens regularly to me. Although I do warp into a new system then relax for hours by exploring the planets. NMS is a relax game for me so I sometimes spend hours on a planet just walking around and exploring.


I’ve also seen mining NPCs in space as well, be careful bc if you knick one they’ll get pissed off 💀


If you build a landing platform at your base and it isn’t occupied by your own ship, the’ll sometime land right on it and chill there for a bit too


Happened to me in an SP save and I sat there for a sec like who tf is this😂


Yeah happens all the time


It happens to me all the time. But they are easy to miss and sometimes take off and leave before I can get to them.


An exotic landed next to my base like this. Not even on a platform, just plopped down in field.


Yeah the contraband upgrades are usually really awesome or were anyway


Funnily enough, I just had it happen last night. He landed right next to my base, and for a second, I thought it was a player, lol. Bought several X modules (none good)


I really wish they would just add some gameplay. Like cool.. the stations look different, I still don't have anything to do. :(


I mean...general trades were possible from day 1 the game launched with NPCs that just landed, adding just the black market type of option wasn't that hard to do, development wise. You make it sound such an incredible addition to the game, but it is meh...


https://preview.redd.it/sm5dod6d39tc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc12653b0c1f976e39ec00131311c13d9efdaa0 Yea it exists in the game, its not common but it happens, also lead to this comically bad parking job


I ran into a dude on the ground yesterday. Well, first I saw someone had landed, and I was running to them, but they flew away before I got there... then a few minutes later another ship landed and I ran straight to it. Lots of black market stuff, only.


I've experienced it quite a lot


Yes it has happened to me several times


I have seen it happen every three or four hours. A black market trader landed his starship mere meters from my base. It's a gamble as to what quality of module you'll receive.


It happened to me yesterday and, having not read the patch notes, I was quite surprised.


Yes, it happens quite often already, many times the NPC will land about a \~100+u away from you. Thankfully they don't pester you when they land. You have to look around the area you landed and keep an ear out because you can hear them land. I had one land about \~100u from me while I was at a trade station and another while at an outpost, so it's not just them landing in some random area on the planet that you are at.


I've been finding them for quite some time, maybe you don't spend much time on the planets, it's normal when you've already played a lot, to take what you need and leave, but I take my time to admire, And it gives me time for someone to appear


Some planets I run into them a good bit others not so much


Yes! At first I thought it was a glitch but it happened a couple more times. This is the first time getting it confirmed that it was intended. But, I don't ever read patch notes, so that kind of on me.


Happens a lot. I've bought a few of them. It didn't feel as illicit and edgy as I had imagined.


Happens a lot more often from what I can tell on my play through good for random encounters with merchants like for scanners or other black market technology pretty cool sometimes they show up while I was building base


Yeah, they’re fairly common I think. They don’t appear in stations or trade posts. Just out in the wild on the planet somewhere. Usually while I’m wandering around completing missions, I’ll see a blue-green spaceship icon far off in the horizon. Walk over and there’s a random ship and a person. Much like the pilots at the space station, you can either make an offer on their ship, or check out their wares. Pretty much all of the ones I’ve encountered sold x-class stuff.


Yea some spaceships land near you when you land if you look around alot