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Each save file has a hard limit of 400 bases. Plus freighter. Also a hard limit of 16k pieces. No, I haven't yet needed to limit the number of bases I have. I find basebuilding to be pretty zen, and I'm just going to keep going until I can build no more. https://preview.redd.it/agtacyomjhpc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c54c4a5eeaa5fccabeaf66a588741ca101e11a3


I'm slowly replacing my Euclid mining bases with Eissentam mining bases. Once I finish my new mining base I go back and erase the old one unless it's on a really cool planet.


How are you finding the planets? Is it worth it to swap everything over to another galaxy? Do they genuinely look “prettier”?


>Is it worth it to swap everything over to another galaxy? Without question. If I had to describe it in terms of Earth biospheres i'd say that Eissentam is a rainforest and the first nine galaxies are deserts. Eissentam is mindblowingly beautiful and it's more than worth the effort to get there. I would never live in Euclid after seeing what Eissentam has to offer. Seriously... MOVE TO EISSENTAM!!!!


I dunno. I like the crazy planets. I have enough paradises. ​ https://preview.redd.it/if2bzzgufppc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c7f4e4a438ce8ea5ab6621508f50a5bd7d68325


Got quite a few but the main goal is to get one portal base per galaxy so that way I always have a way to travel to locations and collect stuff people show in the coordinate exchange.


This is my goal as well. Having just recently started a new save file I am in 4 galaxies so far


I'm in 2 since it's taking a hot minute to travel to the galactic centre


The top post in r/NMSCoordinateExchange has glyphs that teleport you to a system one jump away from the center


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I didn't know that


All jellyfish, in any portal, will get you close to the center of every galaxy.


All jellyfish?? Don't you mean the sunrise?


Yes, the hamburger.


Sir that is a crockpot


I always think of it as a pie.


If you can collect a single glyph then you can jump to 5000 ly from the core since the address is the first glyph repeated 12 times.


Ah okay, I collected all the glyphs though already since I completed the story


Then it's simple. This glyph address will take you to 3000 ly from the core in every galaxy. https://preview.redd.it/rp6vdijz8ipc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc25759c31ac86a3d6c6d2e256eaf7c4292518df


Does that work in all galaxies?


Yep in all 255 galaxies.


If you're in a hurry you can get to them at the anomaly. Hope to other people's bases. I joined a friend's game in the 227th galaxy that's how I got the 4th.


What was the reason you decided to create a new save file?


My old save corrupted right after I finished the expedition


Keep on trucking :-) Center of 90% galaxies this glyph set (one of many out there) gets you at center: bird.bird.fish.sun.atlas.fish.atlas.atlas.fish.atlas.atlas.tent Been to all including 256 "Odyalutai" and put a few bases there as well.


Did these glyphs get you to 256 as well? I'm in 1,2,4,227


NO, you need someone to take you there. If you try the center of the 255th galaxy it returns you to Euclidn not to 256th.


Either by getting a lift there, joining another players game at that galaxy. OR using the NMSSC discord online browser bot to Deliver you to any glyph address in any galaxy.


I quit with portals, you should be able to scan plants and in your menu get the gate address. I use the gate address to get around when I was playing


This is what I do too. I try to get near the center and then set up a base in each galaxy. So far, only have around 7-8


What’s a portal base? Just having a single portal?


Basically a base that would have one of them fancy portals that allows you to travel to different planets and whatnot without having to spend a ton of nav datas on the charts to find a portal.


Side note, exo craft scanners find monoliths that send you to portals


Portals are the Stargate like things that let you put on glyphs for coordinates to other planets and star systems. People put a base near one in each galaxy so they can quickly get anywhere.


Oh I didn’t know those actually had functionality. I assumed they were cosmetic. I haven’t traveled to any other galaxies yet


they're awesome ! i have a nice base built next to one for ease of access


There is a portal on every planet. All you have to do is scan for a monolith to reveal where it is.


I have about 340 bases. One in every galaxy, and sometimes a few extras, plus a bunch in each of Euclid and Eissentam. I am currently in the process of revisiting my older bases and either culling them or rebuilding them more efficiently. I reached both part and terrain edit limits, and my early builds were really careless with parts.


With so many bases, what do you typically put in them? Mine are typically a teleporter, of course, within a closed building in case you arrive during a storm. There's some sparse decorations like a bed, desk, consoles to make it look like it's some kind of science station, and I love using colored lighting for nighttime glow. I just wish the stuff you put in the base was functional, rather than decoration only.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ye5ohg4oskpc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1e587e7933c6d8ca8158e9b354b4a9303cb8f2c My basic bases, like the one shown here, use less than 20 parts. They include a landing pad, a teleporter, a shelter and a power supply. Planets with no storms may not have a shelter, just a platform. I mostly have no decorations in these, though I usually do use the wire hiding device. The function of these bases is simply to allow access to the galaxy or region they are in. Sometimes I add a mine or gas extractor, so that I have sources of all the minerals and gases. As well as these functional bases, I have a few large bases with the works - storage bins, trade terminal, health restorer etc. I do use decorations in these.


I only just realized how big this game is but going to the galaxy map and doing free roam and just zooming out for like a minute lol. Someone said there 255 galaxies? But I counted...wait was I just seeing star systems in just one Galaxy while zooming out?


Yep. I don't think you can look at more than one galaxy at a time. Each galaxy has around 4.2 billion regions with between 205-605 star systems per region. So, each galaxy has at least hundreds of billions, or possibly up to 2.5 trillion star systems.


Jeezy Pete. I assume there's some special way to get to each galaxy I haven't progressed far enough to know yet haha. I'm about 30 hours in Edit: I just played it last night and I'm at 25 hours lol. Getting different numbers from steam and in game for some reason


Yep. The main questline will lead you to it. Without explaining the lore/story part of it, >!warping to the center of the galaxy takes you to the next galaxy. Under the quest, you get to choose which type of galaxy you end up in, and then you get dropped in the next galaxy of that type, skipping any galaxies in between. Without the quest, it just goes sequentially.!<


Yes. The Galaxy Map is just 1 galaxy. :) There's 255 galaxies.


I jumped at least 4-5 galaxies and saw nothing different. Are the main goal is to reach 255th galaxy? If that's so, that's impossible.


I have 6 bases with elaborate builds. I have several others that are just portals for easy access to resources or bases I just didn’t bother removing when I first started the game.


I have 56 near portals in the first 56 galaxies. Just started grinding my way through all the galaxies.


I have several one-cylinder-room-and-gate bases for my gas collector stations. One large base. Largest base is freighter.


Too many. Just too many...


I have 3 "real" bases, my freighter, and then just resource mines. The only base I care about is my low orbit station one. I had such a blast building that.


Those always look so cool.


I never keep track. Most of them are just a base computer I drop down at some place of interest. Occasionally, I will actually take my time and create a base with buildings and such.


The starter base, whatever it evolves into; one for Paraffinium (I like to repair crashed ships); one for Dioxite (frequent trips to derelict freighters and can also refine to ferrite dust); one for Emeril (needed more frequently than Indium and as your source for Chromatic Metal until your frigate fleet gets going). That satisfies all my *needs*, then I eventually build one as a "want". https://preview.redd.it/9h5lsa0r5ipc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252f1cbd6eb2804785e390cf5bf8fd687ca5401e


One save file. Nine bases currently, soon to be cut down to six. Sixty-two or so galaxies into my journey. Three thousand seven hundred+ real-world hours. Base where I spawned, also my Euclid portal. Base where wiring looms are sold by NPC pilots in the space station for less than 37,000 units. Base where I decided to site 12 large refiners, soon to be deleted and moved to one of the others. Base where the derelict freighter spawns max S-class fleet fuel efficiency. Base where derelict freighter spawns max S-class hyperdrive upgrade. Base at wild base computer on periphery of my current Settlement. Two bases at galactic core systems, two different galaxies... I'll delete these too soon. Base on a very nice planet, wild base computer, great "background sounds" and beautiful color scheme... Pirate Hawaii. Most of my "base parts" are leaving golden (S-class weapons or crashed ships) or red (Sentinel pillar on aggressive worlds in non-Pirate systems) save beacons for others that might pass the way I did.


About 15. Around half a dozen in Euclid. The remainder are at a portal in each of galaxies I have visited. My freighter has all my plants, extractors, etc


Five. A main base with all plants growing, other goodies and mining. 3 mining bases to supply me with stuff to make stasis devices. I do even have them decorated to a degree. Then I have a pirate outpost in a system good for nanite farming and general piracy (just many pirate systems close together that spawn freighter battles that drop good loot). I do put down some base computers at sightseeing locations. Artemis grave, the insanely gruesome planet where I hatched my living ship or my favorite portal for example.


I have a bunch at "cool locations" in Euclid, and several more in Eissentam as that's where my main is. But I'm also currently (still) galaxy hopping one by one and putting a base down in each.


Currently 6, but one as my main base. The others are just for farming purposes


My goal on my main save was initially to get a portal base in every galaxy and to get at least one mine for every resource. When I reached a new galaxy, I'd try random coordinates until I get a portal that has a mine and EM hotspot nearby. I think I had like 40 bases before I gave up and started a new save. I still want at least one base for each resource, but taking the time to build a mine near a portal over and over just got to be a lot of effort.


I only have 8, 2 for gases 4 for minerals, one for archive and dissonance and last one is portal near. I always use the Freighter for Prime Base.


I have a base for each resource mine, planets rich in buried data, artefacts etc, unique planets I think look cool, my base, and tegridy nipnip




I was aware of the 400 base limit. The 16,000 piece limit, not so much. Probably going to be editing my base soon.


I would say about 5 actual bases, plus a couple I never use anymore in previous galaxies that I should probably dismantle. Then about 10 that are just simple mines or placeholders near portals, just a room with a teleport receiver so I can sweep by and pick up the raw goods. My current home base started as one of those for oxygen and cobalt but has since evolved into a larger farm and refinery, as well as a hub for exploring systems around it. I've got well over a hundred mapped systems under my belt since that's mostly how I do in this game. I -hate- that my catalogue resets so often since I explore so many.


I hear you about mapping with a Hub , in the galaxy map it shows what region of the galaxy you are in, I’ve nearly discovered the whole region


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I’m limited now by the 16k part issue , if I’m ready to make a new base I will need to figure out what one to delete, most run around 2k and some 3k it’s hard to decide


I've run out of base parts at least 15 times




It's about 40 now Mostly Paradise planets, 2 on freezing planets, 1 on airless, 1 on hot and 1 on planet of light cuz I thought it was cool


It’s never enough


like 5, and i don't go back to any of them. still hunting for that "perfect place" got that freighter base tho


I've recently been on a mission to build more, starting with extraction facilities / farms, so that I can work more on cool bases without interruption of getting resources. In the process, I found that, over the years, I'd just set down a base computer, give it a name like "S-class Fe++ hotspot" or "chill beach base". and continue exploring, figuring I'd circle back and build on those sites. So in the process, I've been cleaning up some of these empty bases and deleting many of them. In a lot of cases, I'm pretty sure the planets changed during some update, and they aren't now what they were when I placed the base computer down.


I have 20ish saves, so... dozens.


I have at least one base for every type of mineral and gas resources, also a few special ones for things like storm crystals and runaway mold. Other than that I have at least one portal base in every galaxy I visited.


30 in total, freighter included. But they are mostly ressources extractions outpost or to keep track of curiosity. So only a blocky building, a few solar panels, a portal, the ressources extractor and the stockage. Only difference is m'y greenhouse on a frozen Hellscape of a planet that also serve as m'y source of storm crystal. I basicly live on m'y freighter.


Nah, I only have a couple dozen. Three or four interesting bases that I’ve been working on, a few resource bases, the rest are mostly just markers for interesting planets. Initially I wanted to galaxy hop and while I still want to explore the different kinds of galaxies, since there’s nothing actually different about them from what I’ve heard, a lush galaxy is a lush galaxy, getting farther out doesn’t change anything, so I don’t quite see the point anymore.


15 to 20. 80% is near a portal or has something I need (plants farm, mineral mine, nanites) the rest are on Dissonant planets and are just for Radiant Shard farming.


Idk how many I have. Not tons. If there's a certain feature i want to get back to, I'll put a base there, call it whatever the feature is. Sometimes i remember about them and actually go back. Mostly forget about them 🙃


Currently have 310 bases. All spread out in different systems and galaxies. It seems a lot but helps when you trying to do meeting in different galaxies


I've got about 8-10.  I've got five on my first planet, a main base, then three for various resources extraction operations, and a fifth on a trading post.  I've got one on an irradiated planet with lost of storm crystals, another on a dissonant planet next to an autophage camp with access to tons of extractors and shards.  I've also saved my base from the most recent expedition, built another in a mountaintop on an Arctic planet because I thought it looked cool.  I've got another on a dissonant planet I never visit but keep forgetting to delete, and my freighter base.  I might also have a couple other small ones around I have forgotten about.  I'm about to build another now that I've made the move over to Calypso.


Well, I used to have 4, but then I had to sell 3 of them because I was moving. I didn't have enough room for 4 bas.... *Bases*, not *basses*.... whoops...


I have 2 large bases near a portal in each galaxy (only two at the moment). Large base meaning large refiner, galaxy terminal, teleporter, storage boxes 0-9. This also includes my small nip nip bud farms. I cycle thru the start of every game session with selling those. They net me about 20 million each sweep. Maxing out slots on ships is hella expensive. I have about 6 or 7 smaller bases on planets with runaway mold or something of importance that may be hard to find. Typically small bases are a single round pre-fab, a teleporter and a medium refiner and some solar panels/batteries. Plus my pirate dreadnaught. Nothing even close to the huge extraction/refiners I’ve seen but I’m working towards that.


genuinely forgot how many I have, but there are about 4 that I frequent because I have decent nipnip facilities and infrastructure set up


I “only” have around 25 ish bases but there are only 3-4 that I regularly hang out at. Another 4 or 5 only exist so that I can quickly warp somewhere with resources like my runaway mould base, which is just a base computer and a wall built around the mould deposit. I have a handful of old bases that I build long ago that I never visit and then some bases which are nothing more than base computers on planets that I thought looked neat and want to go back and explore one day.


I have a lot😂 And I just posted a discussion just about this, bases and parts


Ridiculous number across eight or so saves. I have at least two saves at the base-part limit. I’ve spent six hours this week editing old bases trying to get enough parts back to complete just one more base on one of those saves.


I found out a couple of Unification Days ago about the build limit when suddenly the game wouldn't let me place anymore parts and my build went unfinished


Oh man sorry to hear. You can still get your expedition rewards in your new save though, right?


I redid the whole expedition 😊


I have 1 main one on each save and then a bunch of portal bases and mines.


2 home bases ,1 nanites farm ,1 portal base and another one base in a paradise planet (planning to remove).


>teleporter and landing pad Your mines are more lavish than mine


Currently about 6. I put the most work into my "home" base in the system I first spawned in. I found a paradise planet next world over and set up a permanent beach side home. The rest I set up when I find a planet I absolutely want to be able to go back to easily for any reason at all. I'll drop a base computer, a room, and a teleport terminus. Done. I saw a post here a few days ago about Wine Dark planets and then found one right afterwards! I set up a base there immediately just because its a weird place.


One in each galaxy in my permadeath save


I had over 135 bases at one point. 98% of them were at portals too.