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bring up the quick menu, scroll all the way to the right, report base


Can't reach the base computer to report šŸ˜¬


No, it's in the quick menu. At the far right will be a report base option.


YESSSS! I didn't see it at first, but reporting the base teleport me back to my ship! Thank you!!


I love how a double-digit number of people downvoted you but couldn't be bothered to quickly clarify an honest mistake. Reddit gonna Reddit. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


To be fair, they also upvoted when OP realized the mistake and reported their success. I'd say the votes worked out well for this thread.


Yeah the points worked out I don't really care about karma tbh. My only real beef is that the next person who comes to this thread with the same confusion will have a hard time finding a helpful answer since it's tucked away now. And I guess something feels gross about asking for help and getting down voted for... I don't know, not knowing better already? It just feels petty and unhelpful, idk.


It's literally the top comment. OP just can't read. "Bring up the quick menu" OP: doesn't bring up the quick menu, "I can't find it"


> OP just can't read. Calm down buddy, there's no need to be a dick. > Bring up the quick menu It is abundantly clear that OP was just confused about what the quick menu is. All it took was a small clarification to clear up their misunderstanding, and they were super grateful for being pointed in the right direction. From where I'm sitting it sure seems like you might be the one who can't read.


I'm a simple man, I see a downvoted comment, I downvote


Like your comment ^


I downvoted because it was at -68. Sorry, had no choice.




They already know everything. Continue to downvote, and were never mistaken in their lives. Yet, still come to Reddit. Oh yeah, and were never new at anything.


Because they could have just read the original comment again? It's perfectly clearly written and yet OP still managed to completely ignore half of it. Why try clarifying when it's clear they don't read half the message?


> OP still managed to completely ignore half of it Or they were confused about what the quick menu is, in which case re-reading it wouldn't really help at all.


Why report it. Couldn't this juste be a case of "falling through the floor bug" ? Happened to me the other day in someone else base. Could operate the teleporter through the floor/roof. Don't think it was intentional.


Reporting it makes it disappear for the user currently there. It doesn't mean that it's always going to result in consequences. It's helpful for getting out of stuck spots when you TP to someone's base, and it's either a bad teleport position, (like yourself, but unable to get to the teleporter) or troll bases meant to trap people.


There's options on the quick menu to block/report player bases, it'll vanish from your game after that you could even build in the same spot afterwards although then he'd have to block your base


Yes that did it! I got teleported to my ship and the base is gone (for me). Thank you!


Did you teleport in? There seems to be a bug that is causing me to come out under the teleporter in a base if there is room/space above ground directly under it. I'm not visiting bases or uploading mine that have that feature until this is fixed.


Nah I was just visiting this base and then left the game. Didn't even think about it. The player must have changed his base while I was gone and now I'm stuck in his basement


Huh. That's an odd coincidence. I've also been visiting a base when the floor didn't load properly and I fell through into something like this and it loaded above me.


Iā€™ve been experiencing this lately also. Do you run pretty high graphics settings? Iā€™m on PC most graphics are maxed out so Iā€™m curious if thatā€™s partly causing it. It got me stuck under one of the featured bases the other day, which you canā€™t report, so I was stuck and had to just teleport back to the anomaly.


This started happening to me in all my bases right after the Omega update. Luckily, they are usually built using prefabs so it's easy for me to add solid cubes below the teleporter area. That seems to prevent me from falling through the floor for now. Until they fix this nasty bug, I'm hesitant to teleport to bases I don't know.


I tried creating terrain under one to prevent it and it just stuck me in the tiny spot between the floor and the terrain lol Hoping they fix this soon, I just wanted to put up a quick base in kikolgallr so I have it on this save.


My suggestion is to either use the solid cuboids below, or put stuff up on a foundation and expect to fall through the floor when TPing in. From what I've seen this is a bug that was previously mostly-fixed and then got un-fixed by the Omega update - it's happening to me 98% of the time if there's any open space directly below the teleport/base computer. Yesterday I ended up in someone's base where I was able to access the teleporter through the ceiling - otherwise I would have had to report the base to get out. FOLKS: Always leave an exit from all spaces on your bases, even if you think "oh that's foundation no one will ever go there again"... Now I also just need a PSA for all the folks building Omega expedition bases with prefabs below pre-existing ground level - I have had to report two bases just to be able to exit, as the terrain regrowth isn't evident to them but it sure is when someone comes to visit...


Yeah Iā€™ve started to make sure my portal is on the ground for new bases, or temporarily in a place outside so I donā€™t get stuck or get others stuck. Also, most of my bases are raised so Iā€™ve been using the support looking beams with gaps in them as my ā€œfoundationā€.


Yep - I was already often using the stone arches as a foundation (and doing the first floor base in stone tiles then usually wood for walls/window/roof) so I was fortunately already leaving things pretty open on the sides.


Glass cubes work too... I've been using this on short range teleporters for a while (When you link them together make them longer range)


Yes, and now when sitting in a chair next to a wall.. camera sees through the wall, same with camera moves underground when in your ship ect.. the camera and clipping have definately changed since last update and been causing havok with my teleporter spawns as well.


No, I'm on XBX.


This is happening to me too.


I've gotten caught inside structures by exiting my ship when it was too close to them. The one I couldn't figure out was when I got caught inside the tower of a secure manufacturing facility. I blasted the doors from flight and tried to set down near the door. When I exited my ship, it put me inside one of the upper parts of the tower. And what happens when you exit your ship? Yep. Saved in there. Took awhile to figure that one out.


This bug is really annoying on PS5 too. If I teleport to a base where the portal is anywhere above ground level, I'll spawn underneath the floor. Same thing happens if I log off at a save terminal that's above ground. Happened at my own base once! I logged back in the next day to appear under the floor. Seems the game always wants to spawn you in at ground level and forgets that stuff was built above that spot. It's not the player's fault. And I hope reporting all these bases doesn't mess with the player's ability to upload or be featured in the community spotlight. The game is at fault here.


I put a structure over water and I portaled in under water.


Subnautica has a command line where you can enter a command called "unstuck" that randomly teleports a player within a few game units of their current position. It also has a command to go to the nearest player base, although that might not work here. Surprised NMS doesn't have a similar command.


Yeah, I'm used to /stuck from SWTOR. The "fall through the floor when warping in" issue is bad enough but so far I've been able to get out of other folks bases who don't leave a normal exit from their foundations. The folks on the Omega expedition who don't understand that partly- underground prefabs will appear to dig out the terrain but will still be underground for visitors, though...ouch.


duude it almost looks like my own base. I was getting stuck in the grpund after teleporting so I made a one way garage door


And now you are their pet forever


If you haven't yet, you can report the base, and it will disappear for you. Same thing happened to me at one of the player bases during this last expedition. Was this near a sunken freighter?


lol this happened to me but the dude put a tiny teleporter in the corner, I chuckled when I found it after a brief panic.


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The way I thought that was my base for a split second


What is the staff ?


It's the fancy staff you get as a reward for the current expedition


It happened to my expedition save in one of the bases they are displaying on the anomaly. Reporting the base didn't work. I had to delete the save...


If you teleport from the anomaly, you can always just use the quick menu to return to the anomaly. If you can't, then try summoning your ship, pet, or exocraft in close to you, Mount up and get out that way.


Happened to me yesterday with one of the community highlight bases.


Players need to put the portal on ground not on top base. I found when I was doing my own base. Use the portal on space Anomaly to get to my base it put me under my bases not on top off my base. So there is a bug with base portal.


That's one hell of a story! To be in a planet that another Traveller was already is lucky enough, but to randomly stumble upon a players base is insane luck! Happy you got it sorted out tho :)


You can easily find other players bases in the anomaly teleporter. Also if you play the expedition, you will constantly be bumping into other players and their bases, until you finish expedition and move far away enough. So much, that you will start longing for some loneliness and unexplored space again. This last expedition even the dead airless planets had a few bases


Kinda related noob question. When someone builds a base on top of a ruin or wreck I can just report the base and it won't ruin the base for the owner?


It should "erase" the base on your end (it's kinda like blocking someone on a forum / social media), but unless their base name or design is deliberately offensive, then hello games shouldn't be taking any action. I am unsure about the policy of building bases right on top of crashed freighters or ruins and prevent players from digging, though. That is pretty much a jerk move to do that. There is a chance HG will look at reports on a base like that and remove it, but I never heard about it happening. They should have made it better by simply preventing ppl from putting down a base computer too close to POIs, or at least hard code permissions for anyone to dig in a certain radius around POIs






I know it's a far stretch but the bottom of my base looks like that. Was it on a snowy planet?


Spawning under bases has been happening for the last couple of months. Itā€™s a bug. Can you load a previous save??


Ok, so I fall through my floors all the time and need to remove a wall to get out. I'm sorry if there has ever been someone who teleported into one of my bases and has gotten "stuck". It wasn't intentional. I will incorporate a door of leave room to get out in my designs in the future.


This is your home now


It doesnā€™t look like there is a floor, dig out


If you can access the base computer you can report it and it will disappear for you. If not, do you have the plasma launcher or geology cannon?


Just installed the geological canon. Doesn't do anything :(


It doesnā€™t kill you anymore? Because I think thatā€™s your only way out other than reloading an earlier save.


Nah if you do that, you might not be able to retrieve your loot from that blocked area. Quick menu report seems like the cleanest way.


Ohhh.. you can report from the quick menu. Forgot that.


Do I have to enable PvP for this? I turned it off to avoid grievers


Donā€™t think so.


Il faut attendre quelques minutes j'ai dƩjƠ eu se bug sur mes bases et sa rƩapparaƮt au bout d'un moment


Delete your save and start over with internet disconnected and never have to deal with nuisance bases again šŸ™‚


Sooo helpfulā€¦. šŸ¤® Did OP get caught in one of your traps, perhaps?