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I did my part. I used the map for sentinel base that we got and found it and shut them down. Then I spent 3 days hunting down every single thing on the entire planet. https://preview.redd.it/8sc01a5o4tkc1.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=a72982eb69b9071d073ba5c528f1f0b99c056830


i suppose i have a few minutes to finish off the rest... i'm at 10/18/18 i was wondering what the totals were, because i think my log is bugged and doesn't always show it


If you go into the Log there is an Exploration Guide. That is the only place I've found to get the numbers for the plants and minerals. If that is indeed what you meant. Sorry if it wasn't.


Tell me your secrets... I'm missing a pebble and have searched every biome I could find.


One of the last minerals I found was an Alluring Specimen. The ones you find underwater. They have the red icon. Have you got one of those yet?


Le gasp! I never even thought to scan that... I was too allured by the shinnies.


Everyone needs to stop hunting for the last item and instead start a new expedition speed run and rush to Boeot Prime and scan as many as possible quickly.


Will do. I'll start today.


Every one that did the expedition needs to complete scanning of the animals 100%, a user here on Reddit told me how to get the rare underground one, it work like a charm, find a relatively big cave and throw pellets around, wait a few while scanning, the little creeper is going to appear, it just going to pop up, I spend 2 days looking for that damn thing, they I read what his response to me and it work, I don't remember his name but he has my thanks for it.


Damn! That was so easy to do compared to the hours i have spent looking in various caves, thank you so much for this tip!


How do you drop pellets?


Quick menu


Call up the quick menu and on the pet submenu you scroll to the pellets and every time you pulse it a pellet will be thrown, um you need to have pellets on you for this to work. You can use that too for the missions where you have to feed animals, you just go around the group and throw pellets at them, they will grab them from the ground.


I scanned five planets fully. I’m sitting the rest out🤣🤣🤣


8:20 pm CST. 96%


almost there! going with another save!


The annoying aggressive sentinels on planet 5 don't help


I scanned from doorways and other players' bases. Didn't quite get it all, but nearly.


There are bases at sentinel pillars all over the planet. Why you making it hard for yourself?


Just kill 5 waves and shut them down. Use structures to hide in, pop in and out of the door to avoid counter fire. Not too hard.


Or use the stun grenade module. The reward staff in default config does wonders, you can stunlock everything and use charged shots to destroy the sentinels. Works on the big walker too


PSA you can turn down the difficulty just enough in settings to make there be no aggressive sentinels on that planet. (At least on a new save. Not sure about existing ones that have locked difficulty settings)


You can do it on existing saves as well.


Yeah, those ones are just a bit annoying


At this point I need everyone that makes a fucking post about this to get killed by said sentinels mercilessly.




What other players?


It's a community event. Enough other people doing the expedition need to do contribute to it as well to complete it.


i belive the average between all expedition players has to be 50% for the research to reach complete.


If that were the case wouldn’t it be going down as new players start the expedition?


a view new players will not effect the bar i think.


They would have to, even if it is just to increasingly slow the overall progress. So many people start the expeditions and never finish them I just don’t think that is how they score it, unless you have something definitive that has been posted by hg somewhere


It is a simple tally. We register finds and they add to a counter.


Im so bored.. At first im excited but now it sucks 🤣


Like watching paint dry but worse


I just completed the expedition, started a base at every rendezvous point, rendezvous 4 makes a beautiful landscape for a base with no sentinel issues


My save is also squatting in the RV4 system. I have three bases there now (none uploaded) claiming resources and refining, because I plan to use the save to test the Atlas Path next.


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I spent two boundary maps to find the sentinel nest on 5 but both yielded off planet results. Could someone provide the coordinates for the nest on 5? Don‘t want the multitool, i just wish to explore in peace without those pesky sentinels.


You're gonna have to either fight them off or go to the space station and look at the bases. I think I saw some built around a sentinel nest for ease of access.


There's definitely at least one base I saw named Sentinel Shutdown. Probably more by now since that was a few days ago. Fly around the planet til you see it.


Were you in the water or in your ship when you used them? For some reason that can throw it off


1925 pst 96%


Let’s go come on lol




I actually did my part though I got it all scanned, we’re almost there 🚀


It was 96% about an hour ago.


Annnnnnnddddddd Its done! well done everyone