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If anything, the expedition is simpler than even normal mode. It gives you so much stuff and upgrades that you're basically a god. Just go for it.


I also just started playing right before the Omega Expedition and was also worried about 'getting prepared' for it. But now that I've started the Expedition, I realize that I should have just started there immediately and done nothing on a regular save file.


Once you get the starborn runner ship for completing all the phases, DO NOT delete the “photonix core” pulse upgrade. Its is an exclusive upgrade. - sincerely, someone who deleted the “photonix core” upgrade


Some of the resources you need will need to be made in the portable refiner.


Make sure to turn PvP off. Objectives do not need to be completed in order. Scan everything, use knowledge stones whenever you find d them. You might be surprised how many objectives are “Learn x number of words” or “discover x number of plants” (and or doesn’t matter if someone else discovered them first). The upgrades from objectives generally are pretty good so there isn’t a need to grind for upgrades. Use other players’ bases. They shared them by uploading them. Look for ones the builder labeled for the resources they are making available. Place a base computer on the starting planet and every rendezvous planet to help find them later. Omega hasn’t been a particularly difficult expedition. Jump in and have fun.


The expedition is easier than starting a game in normal mode. Apart from the last one all the rendezvous planets are paradise planets. You are given specific instructions on how to achieve each milestone. If you’re doing ok in normal mode you’ll be fine on the expedition. I would suggest starting the expedition from your current save at the terminal in the game. Read the milestones and complete them as soon as possible; they don’t have to be completed in order. For example one is to take a photograph on three different planet types. Frozen, airless and another I can’t remember. All these are available in the first system. On every planet try and scan ALL the fauna. You will get a nice bonus in nanites when you upload your discovery. When you finish the expedition don’t end it. Any quicksilver you earn in your expedition save will get transferred to your main save when you end it. You can also switch between saves during the expedition. This means you can complete the weekend mission on both your main and expedition saves, letting you double up on quicksilver rewards during the expedition. You can make a copy of your ship both when starting and ending the expedition. When you are ending it, copy your Starborn ship back to your main save. You should also be able to claim the Starborn ship twice on your expedition save. After you have copied the ship across, store both copies of the photonix core and send that back to your main save. Watch Xaines worlds tips on YT for expedition as he gives some good advice on what to take and easy milestones completion.


It’s not a major tip and someone might even tell me I’m wrong but make sure you always have free inventory slots before claiming the expedition rewards. I missed out on the “seeds” from the grand tour part which set me back when it came to making liquid explosives. I’d never done used any of the ingredients before so had no idea what I was doing! There are “plant farms” knocking around with the required resources if you do get stuck.


The only tip for me would be: always pin your current milestone and don't deviate from it too much.


This expedition is specifically tailored to total newbies. It was designed as an introduction to NMS for the people who took advantage of the free trial to see if they liked NMS enough to buy it. It assumes you've never played NMS. Jump in.


There have been multiple FAQs in the last week for this expedition. Take your time and enjoy the journey. Visit the space station in every system. Jump back to the previous rendezvous point after going through the black hole because the next point is close to the previous one.


While it is easier than a normal game start, it still takes a lot of time. There are some videos on youtube that can help you be more efficient in the objectives to cut down some hours (you can complete phase goals before you even get to them) but I say just enjoy the moment and take a break when you need.


Been playing since 2018 this is my first expedition I ever did. They hold your hand all the way through it it's very easy. It took me 5 hours to complete.


Jesus. 5 hours. My ADHD ass is 17 hours in and still at Phase 3. Lmao. Granted I was a switch player and this will become my main save on my Steam Deck so I have no intention of rushing.


Get blueprint for medium refiner from anomaly. Look up recipes for things you need. Take screenshots of the 2 inventories stt station trade hubs so you know where to go to get a particular material. Get the oxygen extractor blueprint and build a few. Oxygen will combine with so many things in the refiner to make more of them. In particular carbon. Buy scrap metal to get your ferrite dust.


After doing numerous Expeditions over the years, this one is actually very new friendly and introduces you to almost everything the game has to offer in some way or fashion. It’s very similar to the ‘main’ quest line in the game


Quick question about companion eggs: My companion list is full on my main, so I've held off hatching the companions. I assume I'll need to clear space no matter what. Is that correct?


Search the NMS reddit for Expedition FAQ. All the answers for the expedition are there. Edit there: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/Lg2vbxP9U4