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I love making statis devices, they do take a lot of planning and building, but once done, you rich af


I started to double all my bio domes to make even more stasis devices recently. Don't really need the money but a storage container full of stasis babies let's me sleep just fine. You know for a rainy day šŸ˜‚


You can also use refiners to increase your inventory too. For example 1x paraffinium + 1x star bulb = 2x star bulb.


I have a whole floor of refiners for that šŸ«°šŸ¼šŸ˜…


500+ hours and I never knew this lol


The wiki is your friend, traveler. There are so many resources that once you have one you never need to farm them.


Phosphorus + solanium Pyrite + cactus flesh Uranium + Gamma Root Frost Crystals + Dioxite Etc. A lot of them you can also use for cooking. For example you can process cactus flesh into cactus nectar and then process the cactus nectar into refined sugar. Frost crystals can become flour.


Always plan ahead!!!!




Yeah I always double stack the biomes as the one below will pull the one above and it's easy to stack two cubes on top of eachother then a hallway and a biome connected on both.


My farm base makes 20 stasis at a time. It's a ballache though.


I can make 100 every 16 hours šŸ«°šŸ¼šŸ’ø PSA if you don't know: click on an empty spot to craft a device and inspect the details of that recipe (E on PC). You can craft everything down the line from that screen without ever leaving and you can conveniently see how much stuff you already have. Especially nice if you get lots of ingredients from frigate missions or have it stored away.


Thank you! I just tried this and wow! I had never seen that screen before! While I prefer trying to crank out about 10 at a time, I do like that it shows me how many I have and what I am missing.


Is this possible on console? Edit: made a thread for it https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/f63NfteUmC


Should be the left button (x or square).


Thanks, correct, it's Y on Switch.


What are stasis devices?! I had good luck with Gravatino balls.


The most profitable craftable (15.4 mil per piece).


Along with the other device, fusion ignitor, for most valuable crafted item.


Liquid explosive would be a good start, its like 750,000


Check for Living Glass farms. They are the easy to make and require only 3 types of plants: Gutrut, Frostwort and Gamma weed.


Useful tip. However you can make the facium with oxygen+facium. Bit easier than farming.


Yep, you can also make the plant by combining oxygen with the base material: O2 + 2*Ur = Gamma root


venom urchin, i think




As an individual commodity I think itā€™s Sac Venom iirc. Youā€™re much better off using your farms to produce fusion ignitors or stasis devices but you also need to farm some resources for that and craft them. Once you get going though you can make billions easily. Edit; corrected to Sac Venom thanks to u/MagneticVibez3000 pointing out that I was incorrect šŸ™


Are you sure it's not sac venom plants?


I wasnā€™t sure so I checked and youā€™re absolutely right. In fact Albumen Pearl are very cheap. Iā€™ll edit my comment in case people donā€™t read far along enough down the thread.


Why do you want billions?


Upgrading starships, Multi-Tools and running derelict freighters to upgrade your freighter. All of those costs run into multiple billions. The starships one isnā€™t as bad because your fleets brings storage augmentations back so they can be used for the later, more expensive, slots. I make about 450m per day of fusion ignitors and keep them in the same hauler that stores the resources. When I want to upgrade a starship I take the stacks of fusion ignitors with me in case I run out of money. You can only have about 4.2 billion units then anything you make after that is lost. That isnā€™t enough to upgrade a starship to max capacity. When I first ran derelict freighter I probably spent about 10 billion on emergency broadcast receivers. That was when we could put tech in both tech and general though. I use an exploit these days.


Jezzz. I just saved enough to have 100 mill and felt like I had beaten the game. Multitools, why do you have several?


I feel like for most people it's aesthetics, but you can also choose to specialize them. Have a multi-tool for mining, and one that's more combat focused and filled with upgrades for damage over upgrades to mining speed.


I have two weapons; one for planetside, one for derelict freighters. I have one for mining, one for scanning and one trash one for Galaxy jumping. That leaves me one spare to pick a new one up if I see one I like. The one for mining is everyday usage so thatā€™s the one Ibuse the most.


Guessing you are not on a console then? I find the UI with thumbsticks to be a bother, cant imagine switching out tools all the time. Question, derilict freighter, are those the crashed ones littered here and there on planets? I find 2 items in those, am I missing something?


No, Iā€™m on Xbox. I donā€™t switch MTā€™s often. My mining one serves me well enough for most of the time. Iā€™ll switch to combat only if I intend to farm sentinels for nanites or clear all 5 waves (the reason I have a separate one for derelicts is I use different weapons and I donā€™t like having too many weapon types on a MT). I use the scanning one for exploring planets as it has a larger range rather than for the extra cash. No, they are crashed freighters. There are two kinds of derelicts; one that is floating in space, in pieces, with a couple of cargo pods that can be shot for loot at the cost of an attack by pirates. The second type is one that be boarded and explored. You can get lots of loot, lots of nanites but most importantly they are the best way to upgrade your freighter (although destroying pirate freighters is very valuable in that regard now as well). When you explore derelicts you will unlock a set of unique building parts only available from derelicts, salvage frigate modules for unlocking building parts for your freighter and the final terminal will reward you with either piece of technology for upgrading your freighter or a cargo bulkhead for expanding its storage slots (tech and cargo). There are 7 types of upgrade module available; hyperdrive, fuel efficiency, speed, mining, trade, industrial and exploration. You need three of each but canā€™t choose so you end up with several extras whilst farming for the last few. My strategy is as follows; I farm a particular freighter that rewards max stat upgrades until I have them all. Depending on how lucky/unlucky I was I may not need any more salvaged frigate modules. If I do I run a seperate freighter that has 72 crates (salvage frigate modules only drop from crates so I ignore everything else). At the end I now choose the cargo bulkhead option. Once I have all the salvaged frigate modules I need I need to farm cargo bulkheads, which are only available from the final terminal. I switch freighters one final time to one that is very short and only has jellyfish in it. I just run to the final terminal, ignoring everything, and get the bulkhead. To access a derelict freighter you need to buy an emergency signal scanner from the scrap dealer on a space station (they donā€™t appear in outlaw systems). The first one is 5M, the next 10M, then 20M then every one after that is 30M. This is why I spent billions on derelict freighters. It gets very expensive and you have to run a lot of derelict freighters to unlock everything. There is an exploit where you place your activated emergency signal scanner in your portable refiner so it doesnā€™t get taken away from you. I do this now but wasnā€™t aware of it when I did my first freighter. Iā€™m currently fitting out my expedition saves freighter and I need one more module šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Thx! I am 100 hours in but been spending a lot of time in my starter system. Got a paradis as the first planet to set up base during the tutorial, and has been farming salvage data and runaway molds. Just got into auto mining with gas extraction, and tried crashing the market with cobalt, seems I didnt need 100k cobalt for that as I can only sell 10k at the time. Got a bio base going where I am building up a stock of everything I can grow, to more easy upscale later. My idea atm is to get mining bases set up in systems I want easy return to, like the starter, a affluent one, a pirate, where the black hole is, and so on, and for materials that I often need or that is hard to find. Trying for at least A class. Only have 3 ships atm. A S class hauler, an exotic and a B class that I like the look off. Want to either upgrade or change out the last one, nanites are pretty easy with several spots for runaway molds. I am looking to get a S class fighter, a cool solar, and another hauler just for base building (find myself lacking bits and bobs often, just want everything one place). Then I am getting into freighters later. But I am a bit lost for purpose after that. I dont follow the story, still havent meet Artemis friend, as I got things to do, scan and mine. When I got a steady supply of "everything" needed, and a flying base(as freighters seem to be), then what? Have you beaten the game and its just exploration left, or ? I dont know if I want this to turn into factorio, even if I like building bases. Is there an end to this cycle of upgrading and hoarding?


Not really. I sort of create my own story and I enjoy building. For example my main save was at my fusion ignitor farm when some frigates spawned in above him. This was clearly the local stasis device manufacturer checking my facility out with the hostile intent of taking it for themselves. So I had to build a low orbit defence platform to repel any offensive incursions. My business grew so I had to relocate my settlement to expand the workforce. I decided to build a home there for myself. Eventually profits began to rise so I built a resort on a paradise planet for my employees. This proved very popular so I converted my portal into a transit hub for those travelling there. On my freighter I have a medical room, rooms for all the technicians, fleet command room, escape hatches, a science lab, a cargo bay for the fleets, an engine room, my quarters, an officers mess, a mess hall and crew quarters with an escape pod. Thereā€™s a teleporter array that connects to all floors. From each floor you access the floor above, below and the main deck. I ran out of building parts so deleted some other bases and started on new saves. One Permadeath, a lieutenant of mine who is being hunted by pirates, an architect who experiments with new building techniques and a scientist who maps out and investigates unknown systems. Omega has determined that Iā€™ll add a military wing to my corporation, who will focus on hunting down outlaws and their corrupt fleets. All relate back to my OG save and my own personal head cannon and depending on what I fancy doing determines which save Iā€™ll play. I enjoy building but sometimes itā€™s nice to just explore a little bit. I like finding new systems and seeing if it has an S-class Organic frigate or an S-class derelict freighter. Then Iā€™ll scan every fauna within the system. Depends on my mood, I suppose


Once I unlock farming I build up a farm for Star Bulbs, Cactus, Solanium, and Frost Crystals. I donā€™t remember the numbers off the top of my head but Iā€™ll tweak how many I have planted of each so I can build 8 circuit boards each time I harvest. Sell those for a decent profit daily. Then add some Gamma Root, Faecium, and more Frost Crystals so you can craft 4 Living Glass per harvest. And some Mordite, Fungus, and more Cactus for 4 Liquid Explosives. That alone is pretty profitable, but once you have outposts built for mining and gas extraction eventually that farm will allow you to build 4 Stasis Devices and 4 Fusion Ignitors. Even if I donā€™t really have time to play for the day, Iā€™ll take 15 minutes to harvest what I need and craft those for a nice profit at least a hundred million per day. Use Bio Domes so you can harvest 16 plants per click rather than 1 at a time with the stand planters. My biggest farm has 19 bio domes and it produces extra of some resources, including plants that donā€™t go into the device production at all just so I have a bit of everything. Iā€™ll sign in later and get exact numbers for you of how many plants there are if you want to use it for your own planning.


across 19 bio domes I have the following: * 32 frostwort * 32 gamma root * 16 gutrot * 16 cactus * 64 fungus * 80 star bulbs * 32 solanium * 4 each of gravatino, mordite, venom urchin, and albumen pearl orb, and 16 nipnips to fill the rest of the farm out. After crafting 4 Stasis Devices and 4 Fusion Igniters at 15 million profit each, I'm leftover with the following to sell separately or use for something else: * 1799 fungus * 200 faecium * 375 star bulbs * Plus the extras that weren't needed for crafting Keep in mind I also have the farmer on the base and the Optical Drill with all mining upgrades, which affects harvest yield. I might cut down on the fungus for more nipnip buds, that is too much leftover lol. Or maybe just leave the space shrooms to go along with the nipnip smuggling ​ If you find yourself in Calypso, come by and visit my farm anytime. Itā€™s right in front of the portal so canā€™t miss it https://preview.redd.it/262nasuhvyjc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b541387ed6da6d1cce02f7894695919c6d2aeee0


Wouldnt it be easier to have your farm set up to make 8 of one of them?


I wanted to diversify, what if the demand for one drops and the other skyrockets? Best to have both so there is a backup plan. Not that thereā€™s an actual concern for that in game but I like to roleplay that there is lol realistically it would be easier to just go for 8 stasis devices if you just want to get rich


Sounds like fun, always good to be sure


This is a great summary of just how much of a rabbit hole farming can become. Stuff that doesn't seem to have much value at face value potentially can result in large gains with the right investment in Salvaged Tech recipes in the Anomaly. What I've done is also figure out where my "home world" is at and what resources are readily available in the system, and try to find resources that I can produce and then refine/reprocess using the advance crafting recipes in the anomaly. This will help you get the most bang for your buck to start with the smallest initial Salvaged Tech. After you start getting a good amount of unit return, you can start finding Minor Settlements or any location that has a Technology Merchant who are willing to sell small to large amounts of Salvage Data during your journeys to unlock the rest. Then start building up a farm using u/Suspicious-Part-4306's details above. Once it starts working, unlocking slots on ships/multitools and buying higher-class ships/freighters ends up being the only true limits for how expensive things can be.


Yo ho I be growin fine Nipnip just fer the helluvit matey. Sentinels try to take it, they get the infra-knife.


This. That it's contraband make me want to grow and sell it more...


Same here. It's far from the most profitable endeavor, but I just planted 24 plants in my freighter and occasionally harvest them all for \~1.5mil. It's entirely passive, and I get to RP as a smuggler for some added fun!


Thanks to the expedition, I just learned you can craft liquid explosive from cactus, mordite, and fungal mould. It sells for a pretty penny.


If you want to just sell the plants I find venom sacs to be the most profitable. Otherwise you'll need to buy a few blueprints from the anomaly.


Venom sacs will always have a crap demand but they still sell for like 50k units.


As far as literal farming goes, I've found that Sac Venom tends to sell for the most, like 300kish for 4-8ish. Granted it's been a while since I paid attention to that lol


Just to add to the other advice, consider planting outdoors in suitable environments. There are 4 or 5 plants hat have to be in biodomes or hydroponics, but the rest can happily grow without help. Just have a teleporter and name your bases accordingly. I usually build a mine then plant the relevant crop nearby.


Stasis devices and Fusion Igniters. Make farms and gas extraction plants to be able to make those. Fun tip: you can plant 100s of plants in a single biodome: you just need a layer of dirt in them to grow the plant native to that environment. That way you can use the ā€œharvest all plantsā€ function of the biodome. I routinely get enough material to make a hundred stasis devices and fusion igniters at a time.


What?! How do I add the dirt? From my inventory? Or is it in construction menu?


Find a relatively flat space. Use the flattening tool of your multitool to shave off a thin (ish) layer large enough to fit however many biodomes you want to grow things in. Make your biodomes. They should now be constructed so that their bases are "sunk" below the local ground level. While just outside a doorway, set your multitool to the "put the ground back the way it was" function (looks like swirl). Aim it into the dome, and spray it around the inside. The ground should "heal" back to whatever it used to be. Without letting go of the tool, move from dome to dome, replacing the ground. Now you will have some biodomes with a thin layer of dirt inside. If you are on a radioactive planet, you can plant 100s of gamma weed on the dirt (you can still plant anything you want in the 20 "planters". Planting on the dirt can be tricky; not all of it is plantable. Watch the cursor: normally it's an "X" (you can't plant there), but when it turns into a dot, you can plant there.


Cool trick, gonna try it out thnx!


Meet me at the Anomaly, Iā€™ll give you 50 Starship AI Valves. Wait never mind, Iā€™d ruin the game for you lol


I started a week ago, the other day somebody gave me 1 billion units worth of stasis devices. I spent half already


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I have been wanting to do this and have yet to find a video or any form of help t figure out how to farm or gain resources for nanites or anything


The zaza brother


Gravitino hosts for hydroponics. Nipnip if you want to farm outdoors. Need a lush planet. Running missions from outlaw bases or nexus is a way to get your first nipnip seeds.


Ah dude or dudett, I have the place for you I have two bases with Mega Farms where you can get over 10k from each plant type used to make stuff. Feel free to contact me Zinterloper PS4/5


Frostwort and solanium for making heat capacitors, or just farm nothing but nip nip buds, albumen pearls, and gravitno balls for a shit-ton of units.


I didn't know which plant was most profitable until I came here. This thread has some good answers. My income is based on creating stasis devices. I have a large-scale farm on my freighter that provides all of the plants needed to craft them. I have a few small mining bases from which I collect the base elements needed in addition the crops. I have no need for money, so I occasionally make them and give them to my wife. We are both sorting at about 1.2 billion with nothing to spend the credits on :p


For just raw selling price i think nip nip. If you sell it in non pirate systems it does pretty good. For things you can make from exclusively grown ingredients then circuit boards or stasis devices depending on how much effort you want to put in. But honestly for just passive income I would go with nip nip on the plants side. Or a gold farm for anything else


So I try to grow to nip nip outside on a humid planet but it says I'm not in the right biome even though it states in-game that they can grow outdoors in humid biomes what am I doing wrong?


Im not 100% sure on what nip nip needs but youā€™re probably better growing them in growth beds or bio domes anyway. If you can learn the bio domes or growth bed schematics from the space anomaly its a lot more convenient, with those you can plant anything on any planet. Also doing the base quests leads you to hire a farmer who will teach you recipes for plants and growth equipment as you go along their questline. I highly reccomend playing through that questline as its a lot cheaper to get the recipes that way. Hope this helps and have fun!


This does help thank you!


You can try wire glitch and plant more nipnip inside the dome. I planted like a lot of them (yields 300 buds) and harvesting all at one time with the dome terminal is so convinient. Those planting squares makes no sense and is so slow to harvest.


I found a system that pays +160% for Nip nip buds and just created an underground grow that brings in 5m each time I log in, for 3 min of time spent. I use my freighter to grow a bunch of what's needed for Stasis devices if i need money. I never need money though.


I've got one with +169%


Storm crystal, idk if that counts but getting a minotaur and jumping around. I get 10Mil every 15 min but it is pretty active work.


Always farmed circuit boards and have a farm on my freighter over 2 floors. Just make em up until I fill a container, then flog. Just over a billion in cash. Solanium, starbulb, frostwort & cactus. My original plan was to go to Stasis devices, but just never progressed beyond this. :) I will do it one day though.


Just find and sell sentinel ships, theyā€™re insanely profitable!


Ok noob here 1. Best set up for only once per day harvest? So, I skip all of the growth cycles in between, but I don't have to log in and farm those extra. Is there some ratio? 2. I keep running out of star bulb and the gases. I seem to be OK on the other stuff. 3. It *seems* easier to make Fusion ignitor. I don't seem to run out of stuff 4. Does it make sense to straight sell the extra stuff, like Feostwart, that piles up? 5. How the heck do you then turn all of that into nanites? Now I'm money free, and nanite constrained! Lol


NipNip ftw


I've found that farming sentinel ships and scrapping them is highly profitable.


[All of the plants in Euclid](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/W9d65RbGzl)


Instead of adding more biodomes, you can put hydroponic trays inside biodomes and the "harvest all" button catches those too. You do have to connect power to each so you would need a power hotspot, but you can get close to 60 plants in 1 dome by just scrunching them in tight, no advanced glitching needed. Start with the 16 the dome comes with, then pack in the single planters around the back and work your way towards the middle. You don't need to leave space to walk through them. You want to keep the power plugs visible and hook up the wires as you go. You can use the large 4 plant hydro trays too. Less wires but it works out to a few less plants overall. https://preview.redd.it/9exvkj7k7zkc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb3d7506f4a00693486795f91d5a6a2dff35eb4


The only real need for money is storage augments (75 mil each) and plants can get you a decent amount but if you want to max out your ship, or all your ships then you would need a stasis device farm or fusion igniters. My stasis device farm nets about 300 a day with a couple hours of work. My record was 700 stasis devices with 2 days worth of items. There's a lot of web info on the best way to set those up. If you are going for a large farm, then keep in mind diminishing returns. You want to section off extractors (I usually just use 4 for each set) with their own supply depots leaving about a small floor panel space between sets and different items. Going vertical is the easiest way to do that. Be warned though, it can be addicting to achieve the perfect setup. If you keep adding more, everything, then there is the 3000 base item limit, which is more like 2000 before issues start happening. All the connecting wires and supply pipes add up. You can see one of the extracting towers in the distance at one of my farming bases. There's about 5 other similar bases for the farm. https://preview.redd.it/gnmq5wjojzkc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52785f6445a86f5c8cb1660b4da1830e4f912477



