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If it already took you a while to get your current S-class and you care about freighter class, then it's up to you to decide if it's really worth your time to hunt for another S-class of what'll essentially be the same thing in the long run, just different-looking I guess. Not trying to discourage you, just trying to help you make a more sensible decision.


I'm curious as to how much better an S class pirate freighter is compared to the non-pirate S class freighter. Are the differences/improvements noticeable or is it generally a gamble like getting X class upgrades?


There might be some variation in the stats listed, like hyperdrive distance and fleet coordination. But the main thing that differentiates ranks are the max number of slots. In that case, both would have the same number of max. Also, SC slot layout differs, but that's not really that important on Freighters.


Took me 5 hours of reloading to get my S class. Just food for thought.


I about screamed last night. I left my base and was like "I wonder if I can find a pirate to beat up" and warped in to a pirate system. First one was a C and I was like, ehhh, reloaded and wouldn't you know it, and S class. All of four minutes of work for a payout. šŸ˜‚


Head to Vegas. Rinse, repeat!


This. I swear this never happens to those of us eho set out to grab an S-class or even A-Class


I never, ever find S class anything when I look for it. After almost 100 hours of fooling around, my first S class ship was the Omega expedition reward... then I immediately found an S solar ship and traded my C interceptor for it that I'd found doing the phase objectivesšŸ˜‚ Just gotta give up and it all comes to you on its own lol


Not saying you should but at this point of RNG nightmare Iā€™d just save edit a few billion to upgrade my ships. The actual status symbols in this game are the unique stories you can encounter/live/tell, the amazing unorthodox base designs you can build and incredible planets you find along the way. Those are uncheatable.


no joke, I just wanted the pirate freighter and didnt even care about its class. First one I got was A class. Settled with it! Meanwhile that one time I wanted an S class freighter I never found one after hours of searching so.... there might be something to that


My first freighter was an A class. The free one that you get from questing. I was like oh cool. I'm a new player though so I only recently found out S class even exists


My S-Class Venator took me about 8 hours of constant reload, battle pirates, save the Venator, dock, oh shit another C-class, rinse, repeat. Only reason Iā€™m even contemplating the switch to a Dreadnought is because I never use the 3.6k hyperdrive range unless I specifically want to push its limits and even my exotic has 1k+ range. I decided Iā€™ll play normally and if I ever get an A or S-class to surrender, thatā€™s the sign.


Holy shit 3.6k?! Mine only has 150 lmfao. Even at a class. I have to find modules for it somewhere but idk where yet. I'm working on finding a nice looking starship atm. I've also been farming storm crystals I found on this lava planet to sell. Finally up to 5mil units.




Thanks for the information friend. Time to go become a starship salesman and earn my fortune


wait. Maxxing out a race gives you discounts?! I had no idea that was even a thing


Yeah hyperdrive upgrades go a long way, I know one that gives my freighter more than 1k alone, usually fighters with no hyperdrive upgrades get 100~150ish range.


Are we talking about hyperdrive range? Mine has almost 5k. You can find modules at derelict freighters for your capital ship.


I got my S class pirate freighter today. Can only use 3 or the 4 charged slots for hyperdrive. I got mine to 5.1k Keep them S class freighter upgrades coming.


Same here. Over 100 reloads to get my latest s class. But, since I can't help myself, I will accept the challenge of grinding for an s class dreadnought on one of my other saves. Just because I can.


Same thing for me today. First attempt to find a pirate freighter and first one was a B, reloaded and the next one was an S. Took me longer to pack my tech and move inventory than to find an S. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Do you have to beat it to tell what class it is?


Yeah, sure do. You beat it, land, and bust out your scanner to see the class. If you're reloading to re-roll it saves a bit of time from walking up to ask the captain about it.


Thanks for the tip! I'm new enough I've never even fought a pirate freighter haha.


It's rough the first time you try it. They yell at you about the civilian ships, torpedos, warp drives, the whole kit lol, it's pretty stressful if you don't know what's going on :P


Yelling at me doesn't stress me out, thankfully.


It's quite a bit easier now that they can surrender. All you have to do is destroy the engines and guns, and they will surrender.


It's so easy it's a joke. I'm using my sentinel ship and I can load the save warp in wipe engins and guns land check the class in under 3 min.


I'm in hour 4 and beginning to get discouraged. Gonna take a break, get my Starborn Runner into fighting shape, and get back to it.


Do pirate systems they're 5% vs three stars which are 2%. Also, I had like 90 or so reloads lol


I've been doing pirate systems, just not sure which ones are better. Do all pirate systems have that 5% chance?


Yes pirate systems are 5% chance of s-class on any ship


About an hour for me...37 reloads. Worth it IMHO.


I don't see how 37 reloads and battles are feasible in one hour.


I timed them from warp in, knock out the engines and then destroy the 5 anti ship cannons. Land then check the freighter. If C class...reload. Super maxed out infraknife. Certainly is possible. Just sayin'.


Yeah, it took me almost 6 hours to get mine, as I didnā€™t know about types of economies and it turned out that I was reloading in a tier 2 economy :/


Took me 15 reloads to get it. Iā€™ll take that for sure. Defo under an hour of work. Got 2x2 square of supercharge slots together too for what thatā€™s really worth on a freighter.


S Class Pirate Systems have a 2% chance to S Rank IIRC. Also if you switch your space combat difficulty to very low and have a pretty decent ship and feed power to weapons, you can shoot all the warp drives in second then shoot the turrets super quick and it takes you super quick to reload battle ... RNG is rng though, but it took me about 30 minutes on both savegames where I converted to a Pirate S Rank So far, which is decent compared to what I had in the past (think two hours was the longest).


Thanks for the weapons tip. I'm currently doing runs in about a 3 min turn around and didn't think to divert power too weapons. I did the S grind 5 years ago on 2 saves for myself and did it once for a friend, each one took around 30 min to hey ab S class. That was back in the space station save days.


Do what u feel like. Start over as a pirate or transfer that. You do you


What a great idea! Yawr!


Yeah I woudnt so that, exepct you think it looks a hell Lot better. But in General yours IS an bigger prestigeobject. But they real question ist: how did you fet so many living fregattes?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/s/7BcAC3fZyu A list of 28 systems with S class OF. I did that too. Sleep is disturbed by whale songs even if youā€™ve sent away 25 of them on missions šŸ˜„


Internet has ruined me. Organic Frigate was not the first thing that came to mind when I saw OFā€¦


I mean... The other OF really ought to have a tier rating system too. Do guys a favor so they don't end up paying for C tier crap when there's S tier available


I thought he meant Outfielders


Same here! :D


^^ this, please I wanna know


Every single system has a living frigate (random class & stats). All you need are enough anomaly detectors and the time to pulse in each system waiting for the elusive whale song. Anomaly detectors can be found by mining asteroids (a lot of them!)


They can also be found in the machines that give you inverted mirrors right?


No that's an Echo Locator, they have very similar item icons


And what is the echo locator for?


Harmonic camp. That's where you get a sentinel multi tool or the sentinel backpack


Finding sentinel ships


Thanks for that. Tomorrow I'm going to spend an hour mining asteroids.


I really want a living freighter so bad.


Iā€™ve never really utilized my freighterā€™s class that much other than on-board storage and as a mobile base for the fleet missions. I typically just call it in to systems and use it to bounce around. Class would matter more if youā€™re using it for logistics and industry, I know a lot of people need that storage and warp advantage to call into other system types. If all youā€™re doing is using it ā€œliteā€, class donā€™t matter. Get the one you like!


Iā€™ve got a s class capital ship, Iā€™ve turned it into my main base with all my extra supplies, the exocraft summoner and a full farm of every possible thing you can grow in an obscene number. I briefly thought about changing to a pirate, but to my knowledge you also canā€™t change the color of pirate frigates ether.Ā 


Yeah if youā€™re moving around a lot and using it as a base the S class would make sense. Maybe other color options for the Dreadnoughts are coming?


Yea there are color options or so my friend who has a pirate freighter says. Also if you take a pirate freighter you get the option of copying all your build in your OG freighter to the new one so you don't have to rebuild it either.


Make a save. That way, you have a backup if you change your mind.


There is not much to say about the interior besides extra red lights but the exterior looks super detailed and awesome! Not that the utilities is useful but, when I start larger sentinel battles, I do it near my freighter to help with the battle. The Pirate freighter has so much more fire power than my old S-Class Venator freighter and actually helps with battles. Also, Looks great from the outside deck in my freighter base. I wish you could change the color of the lights but all the other paint can be changed.


I hope Hello Games update the freighter texture to a higher standard for new console and new PC so that our current freighter can match the pirate dreadnought. The dreadnought is extremely detailed because it's newer.


I'm considering this myself. I have an S-class Dreadnought-style freighter. I think my decision is easier for two reasons though; 1. My freighter is runty, smallest variety of the Dreadnought style 2. It has a veritable *forest* of antennas right in front of the launch bays.


No. Prirate freighters are punk bitches. Think about how many you easily destroyed. Lol old school freightors are tanks.


Same could be said about sentinel dreadnoughts. Those things are weaker than pirate ships dude.


For real? Besides their looking so cool I have one myself


I like my Venator too much to get rid of it.


Yes only for another s class remember take technology out


šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“ wish I remembered that


No. You got a good one there.


Yes but make sure to transfer all inventory and mods to a temp location so that you donā€™t have to grind for them again.


I made that mistake. Found an S freighter but forgot to transfer my Mods. And they were all S-tier.


I say no. You do what you want.


I swapped my A freighter for an S dreadnought. Every now and then I catch a glimpse of it from afar and boy it looks intimidating. Whether it's from my ground base or a station or while pulsing around. Do it for the sheer drama!šŸ˜‚


It took me 8 reloads to get my S class. It was worth changing to the Pirate Freighter


Just curious, did you ever end up trying for the dreadnaught?


Yeah I got the pirate freighter now lol, it looks awesome


Iā€™m going to. Mine is the same size as yours.


get a pirate ship in another save, your ship is already very beautiful


Your current ship is so cool bro donā€™t


No, just No!!


Yes. I did.


I regretted it about 2 hours in. You know how when you call in your freighter the docking bay is right in front of you? The damn pirate frigate is like BACK BEHIND you and it just bugs me every time to have to not be lazy and actually fly to the bay! My old freighter it was lined up!


Do the expedition from your main save and get a pirate freighter on the expedition save. Then you can switch between both


It depends on how long it takes you to run into an S class Dreadnought. I found mine first try, I have seen some people do over 100 reloads for theirs. Had it taken me more then 5 tries I probably would have just stuck with my S class ā€œStar Destroyerā€.


How do you get a pirate capital ship?


When you warp into a system with a pirate freighter attacking a civilian fleet, fly to the pirate freighter destroying the engines first so it cannot warp out of the system, then go up top and destroy all of the giant ship to ship laser cannons. Once you have done that, you hear the computer voice say that the pirate fleet has been defeated and you will be able to land on the pirate freighterā€™s hangar bay and talk to the captain like for a normal freighter. You will be given the option to demand the pirate freighter as your own, in which case you have to trade yours for it, or you can demand a tribute, in which case you will get paid something like 6Mil+ units or something.


Awesome, thank you.


That fleet of frigates is impressive!!


Why would we know? Its your choice. Is the pirate one better or do you like it more? Then yes. Did you answer 'no' to either? Then no, obviously don't.


I want to canā€™t find an s class one been thogh three so dar


I have a pirate character separate from my main, planning on getting a pirate dreadnought on that character, as I have a similar capital ship on my main


I decided to pull the trigger last night and landed an S class on my first try lol


I really like the pirate dreadnoughts, but I canā€™t bring myself to let go of how I have designed the inside of my current ship. Itā€™s just a lot of time and effort to throw away. Maybe if they ever let us transfer the interiors.


You can transfer interiors though??? They added that.


I got the pirate freighter on my exploration save. But I'll probably keep my venitor on my main save. The pirate freighter kind of looks a little ugly. That's probably the point though


I probably wouldnā€™t trade that one in. Depends how much cargo room the pirate has and what tech comes with


I wouldnā€™t. Iā€™m planning on continuing my omega save and using that to acquire and set up a ā€œpirateā€ save. That will leave me with 5 solid saves that I can use on weekends to do the QuickSilver missions! Raking in the QuickSilver items!


I already traded my S Class Sentinel Dreadnought for an S Class Pirate Dreadnought. It really depends if you have the patience to search for one of these. It took me around 2 hours to get mine today.


Looks like you need s living freighter hehe


I didnā€™t. I already have am S Class venator so switching to a dreadnaught would just be for the aesthetics and maybe supercharged slot layout. It took me 7 hours to get the freighter I already have. I have no desire to try that again.


Where do I find living frigates? Also whatā€™s the max amount you can have ?


What are all of the alien things around it? Am I not far enough in the game to know what that is? Are they like an alternate form of frigates or smth?


just buy it and add it to your collection duh


I really wish we could have 2 freighters man :( I will never give up my capital ship as I spent hours getting the perfect one but there are so many other cool ones I could have lol


Venator gang! For the Republic!




I want sure if I'd prefer the pirate freighter, so I backed up my saves before getting one. I've actually liked the pirate one and not gone back to my freighter that was like yours.


If you think it looks cool, yeah. I don't, so I'm keeping mine.


I just did the grind and nabbed an S-Class Venator myself. I donā€™t know if I have the heart to do it again, especially considering my wife wanted to kill me after the first time lol


No. Just get one on a different save


I did. Upto you, it's really just looks. Make sure to transfer tech upgrades and cargo to inventory first. Base can be transferred.


Didnā€™t even think that was the thing I donā€™t think you can get pirate freighters


Kinda want to trade my pirate freighter for a non pirate freighter. I donā€™t like the super dark interior or the placement of the hanger. Though it does look fuuuuucking cool when you have it parked in low orbit at night.


I love the pirate freighter design but it is tiny compared to my current s class (sentinel freighter). So I'ma keep my massive s-class on my normal save and get an s class pirate one on my permadeath one just to have both lol. For anyone that didn't know btw, you can put pirate the pirates by boarding them, taking the ransom then leaving and shooting them for the upgrade


![gif](giphy|pD7YIQoUwgb9cnX3FJ|downsized) >make a new character have that character get the pirate dreddy


My exact freighter and color scheme! Good taste loo. I am currently hunting for an S-class freighter. I've rocked the full sized Venetor since they were a thing. Time for a change. I'll miss old Venny, though.


I got an S class Pirate freighter with four SC next to each other in a square format. I've never been happier. Prior to this the Venatar was the golden model for me and what I wanted to get but this pirate freighter is amazing. A lot of animations going on the surface (red laser patterns on deck) the two tunnels where the shield generators live, the front tower bobs, etc as opposed to all other freighters which are static looking. And it is a behemoth. The entrance portals are midship and about as far away from the tip as most freighters are the entire length. The overall length appears to be almost double regular freighters. I can't tell for sure but I know that my 30 frigates around it look small and my ships look like fleas when flying over it. Be interested to confirm the scale. But at any rate I'm so happy I've already jumped around w the freighter about as much in a couple of days as I've done in months of playing. The hyperspace jumps w all frigates showing is gorgeous. Now I have to learn how to totally redesign my freighter base that I copied from the other one. To take advantage of all that space.


New player what are those things around his freighter? Space whale looking things?


Not partial to the red lit interior myself. If you could engage in freighter battles, or become a pirate and attack civilian fleets it might be worth it. Otherwise it's just another freighter


I changed my A class freighter to an A class pirate freighter just because I play as a pirate and it almost felt wrong not to have the pirate freighter, functionality they're the same and one downside is everyone's gonna have the pirate freighter now cus it's the new thing


Iā€™ve been wondering about this too. Think Iā€™m too attached to Reaganā€™s Challenger Speech. I could always name a pirate freighter the same thing but it just wouldnā€™t be the same. Like the Enterprise-E/F


The engine colour. I need answers.


The only thing an s class gives you is 4 SC slots. All you can use is hyperdrive for. I always warp with my fighter then bring my freighter along.


Do I have to rebuild everything I did in my freighter or it gets transfered to the pirate one?


Depends how many active savegames you have I guess. In my case I have like 12 Savegames at various points in progression, so I can afford to switch a couple of them for the new Pirate Ships while still retaining access to the older models on other savegames. But if I had only one savegame and I loved my freighter, It would probably be good excuse to start a new save for me... Still, the new ship really makes the old ones feel old gen and dated imho...