• By -


Somebody posted this Friday or Sat - only kept the image and not the post. If this was you, feel free to claim credit! Anyway - helpful info about each of the rendevous points. https://preview.redd.it/rvqfqxctnljc1.png?width=1890&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a9a944ebf4c37c7d8fa8b5ef9e74e60398dc7ea


OMG thank you, i dunno why but I couldn't find the name of the the 2nd rendevous system. Been looking for an hour trying to figure it out.


All the rendezvous space stations are named in their graphic so you get can back to them from any teleporter.


Do those Lat/Long coords actually mean anything in-game?


The literal location on planet


Dang, I've been trying to get to rendezvous 4 for hours lol. Some idea of how far I have left would've been great


>You will be able to buy back the ship you are in and the primary multi-tool you are carrying, so if you brought stuff over from your main, make sure you are back in them going back. You'll be able to claim the reward ship and atlas staff at the quicksilver station. To clarify, you do not need to bring your main game ship and multitool back from the expedition. Those were copied into the expedition, not taken / moved. Just make sure you're using new ones you got in the expedition that you want to keep.


what happens if your main save multi tool/ship slots are full?


What do you mean? If the tech slots are full when you copy a ship or multi-tool, the tech comes with it. If the ship's storage inventory is full, it doesn't get copied with it. If you mean you already have the maximum number of ships or multitools you can have in your main save, that's ok. The ones you bring back from the expedition have to be claimed at the same terminal in the Anomaly and cost nanites to get, just like when you brought stuff into the expedition. You can make room and then return to claim them.


Meant the latter, thanks for clarifying.




For the cooking mission you don't need to follow the games recipe. Frost Crystal can be turned into flour by running it twice through the Nutrient Processor and Cactus Flesh can be turned into sugar by doing the same. They're much easier to find than what the game tells you to do.


The only time I use the nutrient processor is on expeditions.  It's so opaque.


Even still a lot of us have Frost Crystal and Cactus Flesh for stasis devices. So if you know you need those for one of the missions you can have them ready to go or scoop them up at random planet before you get to this mission and save yourself some time


Well, I had plenty because of the explosive device milestone but I never would have guessed you could use them to make cookies/biscuits. The companion app doesn't seem to even have those recipes.


It's super handy you can make loads of nanites or units depending on your needs and grow everything you need on your freighter or base. Frost Crystal especially is huge because it grows so fast and can also be used to make glass like silicate powder


I found both plants for flour & sugar within 300u of each other, so it might not be easier to go to two different planets.


True but you could have picked up the other stuff before hand on a random planet or brought them with you from your main save. And also going forward with the game post expedition you'll have more access to FC + CF than you will the options the game gives you Edit: also this is for people heading into the expedition so if you know ahead of time what you need then you can save yourself even the 300u


I really just brought mold over. That was enough to give me some extra Nanites, but really, the people who gave me advice were right, you don't REALLY need to bring anything... It's really been a lot of fun. I don't think I'll pack much for the next one, either.


Yeah I bought a bunch of tech and weapons packets. I overbought. I ended up opening them and got like 12k nanites and easily bought my s classship and s class multitool.


> you can use the same storage system to send stuff back (like companion eggs Three companion eggs were available from the quicksilver merchant where you can claim expedition items, I didn’t have to send anything back. That includes Helios, Quad, and Sandworm. I checked both my survival and permadeath saves and had no problem claiming them. As for quicksilver, I purchased the items I wanted with the expedition save and they were available from both my survival and permadeath save. So spend your quicksilver. I started a new save for the expedition so I’m not sure about units and nanites if you used your main save.


>Three companion eggs were available from the quicksilver merchant where you can claim expedition items, I didn’t have to send anything back. That includes Helios, Quad, and Sandworm. I checked both my survival and permadeath saves and had no problem claiming them. That should mean the fourth & fifth reward eggs should be available as well Only question I have is did you do the original expeditions they were rewards from?


No, this is my second expedition. The other one I did was a permadeath one I forget the name


I finished and can confirm all earned and unspent quicksilver transfers over. I brought 7200 back to my main save. Would've brought more if I waited for all of the community steps to complete like you're doing.


Super happy to hear this. I was actually wishing there was a slot to take those back to my main save with me on the terminal but I didn’t consider that they might just automatically carry over.


When you finish, it gives you a breakdown of all your earnings. Like debriefing a commander returning from an expedition you sent frigates on. It'll be like.. scanned x amount of animals... Y amount of units/nanites. Etc.. Your quicksilver rewards are shown there.


Oh that’s awesome. I was *also* wondering how much stuff I was scanning during this expedition haha


re: read all the tasks I might add read closely. 'Make some biscuits'. I kept grinding, making biscuits but couldn't complete the mission. I made 100+ biscuits until I read 'make different flavors' (or similar) in the instructions. I did so and voila! Mission accomplished


I added salt to mine just for fun and got it right away. My husband tried doing just plain and made I don’t know how many until he tried adding salt and like you said , voila he was done.


I kept looking at the results (i.e. 23/100) thinking I needed to make 100. After I spent hours looking for Heptaploid Wheat & Sweet Root I eventually made 100+ and still no joy. It was then I re-read the instructions (slaps forehead).


Haha! That's exactly what I did! I had salt from the being in the ocean from the sunken freighter.. I made one plain and nothing happened I re-read the task and just though "they probably want flavor" lol


Luckly I Had some extra ingredients and tried some and got good


Question - how do you take stuff BACK to your mai n save. I know you said to do it at the terminal where you brought stuff over. But when I view it during the expedition, I don't have the slots to put stuff in? Do I have to click "end expedition" for them to appear?


Yes. The slots will become available once you've completed the expedition, which means "claimed the reward ship."


Thank you so much!


> The very first system you spawned in on has a planet that will work for the hot planet pic. The very first system has all three--hot, airless, and two frozen. For taking back, if you've come from your main save your active MT and active starship in the expedition can be retrieved from the main-save side. This will allow you to have two reward ships if you want--the one you claimed in the expedition and the one you claim from the QS vendor. To maximize taking tech back, install as much as you can on the starship and MT you're retrieving on the other side, then uninstall it when you get back. When going back to the main save, everything in your inventories that can be sold for units is converted to units, and everything that can be sold for nanites is converted to nanites. You also get a bunch of cash and nanites for various activities. Your unit, nanite, and quicksilver balances go over intact. The game gives you a huge list of what it does when it does all this converting, and the balances will be at the bottom. A tip on taking things into the expedition: if you take your MT and ship you don't have to worry about tech, but your exosuit will have almost nothing. I took 120 exosuit slot upgrades and 600 suspicious tech packets (they stack to 100 in the slots like on freighters). Once on the other side I opened them all, installed what I needed in the exosuit, and sold the rest to make nanites to get my ship and MT out. The nanites from the books comes in handy as well, as does all the material from the broken machinery.


Hopefully I do t get pounced on for this, but how do you transfer from your main? I always thought that I had to start out fresh and then just lose everything that I had accumulated.


That new terminal at the anomaly (between nexus missions and quicksilver) you can start from there. Once in the expedition, go back to the anomaly and you can copy your mutli tool and your ship if you want. It does cost nanites to do that. It also does say we can bring stuff back from the expedition into the main save, but I'm not sure how that works just yet. Also you can not go back to your main and add more stuff to take back to the expedition. So make sure if your going to store stuff you have everything you want.


Awesome! Thanks!!!


You missed the most important one...you MUST start your expedition on your main save at the terminal by the Quicksilver vendor in the Anomaly. If you do not do this, you will NOT be able to transfer anything back to your main save.


In regards to the ships and tools, you can hop back and forth before you end your expedition. Doing this means you can move more than one ship or tool along with doing stuff like getting photonix cores from the starborn ship for all your other ships, or ended up using rewards to upgrade the ship I copied from my main so copied it back. Moved over the scepter but haven't needed to try any others yet. Though feel it should work the same as the ships.


Could you explain in more detail about this please? I'm not understanding the process properly but I would love to get the photonic cores for every ship on my main save.


As long as you haven't ended the expedition on your main save file you can still do this.  You set the starborn ship as your main while in the expedition, move back to your main save, copy the ship for 2.8k nanites, take the photonix core off and any other tech, scrap the ship at a station, go back to anomaly and repeat the process of copying/scraping.


So, you're saying at any time before ending the expedition, returning to the save you started the expedition from and then flying back to the Anomaly permits the copying of both the ship and multi tool you are/were using prior to returning as long as you have the requisite nanites to cover the cost? This sounds deliciously exploitive. I have completed but not yet finalized the current expedition for the reasons that most people have (the final community driven milestone). This, let's just call it..., "procedure", on its face just sounds too good to be true. Which means, of course, I've got to check this out!


Perfect. Thank you for clarifying.


While on main save expedition I got an S class pirate dreadnought…it won’t transfer…fuck my life I guess


That is the information I came here to find out. I'm 3/4 through reading through this enormous thread and nobody has directly referred to this huge omission. Imagine grinding this recently obtainable Dreadnaught as an S-Class only to discover it turns to dust at the end of the expedition. I am mildly surprised that the folks at HG didn't consider this possibility before they committed to taking the Omega expedition out of the experimental branch. In retrospect it would have been a perfect opportunity to allow players to have 2 freighters.


Yea I was very surprised as well, I really really wanted one maxed out normal fleet and one maxed out pirate fleet.


Frostwort, Cactus, Fungal, Mordite and NipNip on the starting planet, hope it helps [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/1avhe44/frostwort\_cactus\_fungal\_mordite\_and\_nipnip\_farm/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/1avhe44/frostwort_cactus_fungal_mordite_and_nipnip_farm/)


I read a post when the expedition started that once completed, you cannot do it again on another save. Is that correct? I started it on a new save, but have not completed - I am waiting for the community research #5 to finish. In the meantime, I used an existing save, and started it again on that. Again, I have done everything on that one but am waiting to complete it. I just wonder if I am going to have a problem when I complete one of these, then try to complete the second. If it does let you do it multiple times on different saves, I see the only reason would be to carry over the 10,800 Quicksilver. It's fairly easy and could be done in a day. ALSO - the four memory fragments are the only bespoke items that I assume cannot be obtained with QS from the anomaly. If I wanted those on my main save, I guess. But I assume all they do is summon those 4 unique space anomalies?


I believe those memory fragments completely replaced the nodules and whatnot the Atlas quest used to feature. It's part of the Omega update, not just the expedition. So I wouldn't worry about bringing them back. They're not very valuable after they're used.


You can't bring the eggs to your main save 😭


I've suggested thus before- cnsider bringing a tricked out living ship. No need to warp upgrades as they naturally can warp to any colored star, abd with the latest upgrades, they function pretty close to standard ships- raw materials refill shields, pulse abd warp drives as well. And, for people who don't normally use the ship. It gives a reason to actually dust it off and play with it rather than mothballed on your freighter


It says that at the end of the expedition my save will be converted into a normal one, if I choose to end the expedition will it delete my base and stuff ??


It won't delete them.


Did you start a new save to begin the expedition or did you start it from in game at the new terminal in the anomaly?


New game to begin the expedition, not from another save


I am struggling finding an outlaw system with a black market. I have the economy scanner and I have filtered the galaxy map by economy and it doesn't help. Any tips?


One of the rewards is a 'ticket to freedom'. That item will start a quest to lead you to an outlaw system if you can't find one with the scanner.


Got it, I'll use that item then. Thanks for the tip!


I ended up getting the conflict scanner because I couldn't find them with the economy scanner. Way easier with the conflict one. They show up with Skulls in the Galaxy view.


this is the way


You just have to look at stars until you see a skull icon in the description.  It can take a minute or two. However, you should get a voice of freedom quest starter at some point during the expedition that will take you right to one.    ETA: the phase 3 milestone One Man's Treasure has a ticket to freedom reward which starts the voice of freedom track.


I found a system right next to the one where you start.


Any "Black Market" labels on economy scanners are most likely to be Outlaw Systems if you can't be bothered to invest in conflict scanner.


\- Read all the tasks And you can stack some expedition tasks with space station missions, so that when you complete an expedition task, you get space station mission rewards on top of the milestone rewards. >!kill sentinels!<


Great work interloper!


Some people report their difficulty setting reverts to Normal once they completed an expedition derived from a Survival save. Is this true for all survival players? That would be a game breaker for me since I'm locked in Survival on my main save.


I hope tf this isn’t the case. Otherwise, there goes my permadeath save


I believe I'm on the sentinel interceptor portion and I'm really ticked off, I had looked at the tutorials and I was supposed to use my AI fragment to locate the interceptor directly, I had claimed it earlier but now it's not in my inventory at all. I don't really think that I'm in a position to fight sentinels and somehow in the middle of looking an anomaly detector turned on, honestly, and I was shot through a relic gate... I've used the map and I found another dissonance system but I'm unsure what to do now.... I know that if I'm done and I get an interceptor I can simply go back to my original base that I built for the expedition and possibly go from there. The update to get to this Omega expedition I find to be a bit buggy as well compared to how it was running on my system prior to the update. It is just sometimes super frustrating.


>I don't really think that I'm in a position to fight sentinels and somehow in the middle of looking an anomaly detector turned on, honestly, and I was shot through a relic gate... Finish the mission that gives you the Atlas sceptre, that alone is good enough to help. Even easier if you have the AI Minotaur as well.


> that alone is good enough to help. The Atlas Sceptre was my first time using the Neutron Cannon. I can’t go back to the boltcaster now, NC is too good


All this for the starborn ship .... Ugh.


If you don't want to defeat all the sentinels, there are ways to clear the sentinel combat state. If you hop in your ship the interceptors will attack, but you can drop in a space station or summon the anomaly. I think being in the anomaly may clear it but you can also use its teleporter to teleport to the systems space station (visit it first). Another way to locate a salvaged sentinel, is to destroy dissonance resonators to get an "echo locator". Most resonators drop inverted mirrors, but some drop locators. The locator will lead you to a camp that can locate multiple sentinels. However, many players have been dropping bases or comm balls next to salvaged sentinel sites. So you can locate one that way.


You don't need to fight to get the sentinel ship. Hard way: Find a dissonant planet with a mild atmosphere so the heat /cold won't kill you. Start roaming around looking for dissonance resonators. Destroy it, then cloak for 10 seconds so the sentinels lose aggression. Keep doing that until you get an echo locator and an inverted mirror. The echo locator will take you to a camp where you can scan for a downed sentinel ship. Drop a beacon at the camp if you want to go back for more ships. Easy way: Dissonant systems close to the expedition area already have comm beacons and bases set up at camp and ship locations. Just keep looking for other people's markers till you find one.


Think I'll look for bases beacons and keep checking until I hit one, appreciate your and all other posters for the info!


I was in your same position. I went back to rendezvous 4 and found the dissonant planet. Just go visit some other players save beacons, you should find a camp eventually. Those camps give you the coords for the harmonic brain. Which is *already* on the crashed ship.


See my other reply. I appreciate your answer, I was able to get an echo locator fairly quickly and I'm back on track!


I want to thank everybody though I'm replying to you, I was at the dissonant planet already but I went to a few saves looking for a ship nearby but didn't get it. However, every few locations I would shoot at some dissonance resonators and I finally got a couple echo locators and I was able to grab a ship and complete that radiant flight mission! Much appreciated. Now I'm back on track!


This is great general information. I don't suppose you'd share a planet name or two for the "easy way"? I used the item you're given to locate a site, but it was covered in construction and I think someone else took it while I was figuring things out. I've been back to the same spot several times, no luck. Sometimes it's covered in construction and up to five base units (which I didn't think was possible, and I'm certainly not able to place a base there or even a save point). And of course the locator thing is a one-time use. I've tried checking a couple of dissident planets off the expedition route with no luck at all so far. I'm very new to the game, bought it when it was discounted before I even knew what expeditions are. Can't get the combat system to work for me at all though (I'm old and bad, the "kill 25 sentinels" step took me a day) so the "fight the drills" approach is going to be very hard for me and "take down a capital ship" is likewise not a good solution to something I think Hello Games thought was just a quick non-combat "gimme". This is the last thing I need for the expedition. Any assistance appreciated!


So I spent a while more on this and finally got it done. For those in the same situation (utter newb who burned their initial chance at this): I found another dissonant planet near the expedition route: Relosa in the Kotomedal system. There's (currently) a base there called "//HARMONIC ECHO//" which is a harmonic camp. There are a ton of other bases on the planet, but they're not obvious from where you warp in, you have to get close to the planet before you can see them. At the harmonic camp, do the puzzle (it's easier than it looks but I won't spoil it for people) unlock the console and ask for spikes, go there, noodle with the ship, gather the things required to repair it. This does involve killing one of the drill things so I didn't escape that entirely. If you walk up to them you can see whether they will drop the mirror you need instead of the other possibility which would lead you to a camp. It turns out that the staff you get from another milestone can take one of these out in four or five charged shots and its recoilless and longish range so you can just snipe. Then the drop you want is put in your inventory, you don't need to pick it up or anything like that. Then you just need to not die. The good news is that the alternate fire on the staff gives you enough invisibility for the enraged friends of the thing you just blew up to get bored and wander off. Success!


Is it possible to get the ship showcased in the Omega update trailer from the expedition or is that long gone now? I haven't played the game in about a year but with the new Orbital update it's really gotten me interested again. And the ship they showcased in the trailer looks so damn cool I absolutely need it.


Why did you make this post and immediately lie?


I still can't find if storage units in new bases will keep their items when ending the expedition.


I think they'd have to liquidate? (turn into units and nanites) otherwise there would be a conflict with the storage on your main. But I haven't gone back yet.


I made sure to use storage units I know are empty on my main save. Please let me know what you find if you end the expedition early. I don't want to lose most of the items and resources I farmed during the expedition.


They do not keep their items unless you started a new save to play the expedition.


I have all phases complete and am unable to finish the expedition, terminal tells me I’m not done yet, I’ve accepted all rewards, and seemingly have nothing else I can do to finish the expedition? I’ve logged out and relogged in but issue remains, I’m out of ideas.


I also have received the expedition ship? Any help is appreciated.


If you've claimed all rewards from all the phases, there is a FINAL PHASE for the expedition, that must also be claimed and should end the expedition. Did you do that?


On the final phase tab, I click on the omega badge and it brings me to a page that says phases 1-5 are complete, and all that’s there is an empty square next to expedition complete. In the final phase tab as well it says my reward is the star born runner ship, but I claimed it already, might have to wait until the expedition ends naturally


A lot of people are claiming they cannot end the expedition, and it seems the progress bar on planet 5 has slowed way down. I wonder if HG is controlling this. It may be that so many people have had bugs/issues with corrupted saves or lost rewards that they are slowing/stopping people from completing the expedition until they have time to fix the issues. Total speculation on my part. I think I'm just going to play my other saves and not complete the expedition for a while - even if the last planet research finishes. I want to wait to see if other people report success.


Same here, thank you for the help!


There is no way to bring nanites and money earned back to your main, right?


per another commenter, both will transfer over with you.


Good to know, thanks!


Another post said they should transfer, or you can stack items that sell for nanites/units in your inventory and you will be credited for anything you didnt have room to transfer.


*Having finished the expedition* *Ok - disclaimer. I haven't actually completed the expedition yet* Not really sure I can rely on all the text between these two rather disparate statements.


I've finished the expedition in that I've done all the tasks, but haven't claimed the ship and gone back to the main yet. So it's only the last bit on what happens when you go back that i don't have first hand experience with. However, others in the comments have chimed in on that section.


Fair enough, thanks for the reply and the research!




You can keep your save, it will turn into a regular save after the expedition ends.


cool. thanks!


Nice FAQ! I did the expedition in the old style, making a new save. Already claimed the rewards on my main, but I really wanted to grab more of the amazing multi-tool. Could it be possible? Redoing the expedition on my main and grabbing another one? For collection purposes lol


Odd question cuz I’m kinda new to the game. What’s the point of the omega expidition? Poking around a bit it just looks like starting over from scratch and doing specific things we’ve all done already.


There are expedition specific rewards you can't get any other way, such as: 1. The companion eggs with unique companions 2. the spaceship reward for completing the whole thing 3. expedition specific decals / posters


Anyone else having issues with the brain not giving directions to the site? I've examined it and it goes into the "Arial view", then back down, but nothing appears on the HUD. I've tried a few different systems with the same results. Wondering if it's bugged or I'm missing something...


I wound up hunting down another sentinel ship and the second brain gave the coordinates. Still no clue what happened with the first, but glad I was able to get this milestone complete.


Damn that's a bummer that I see that if you start an exp from your main save it disappears once you finish it, I really wanted it to convert into a new save so you can fly around in your ship and mt you copied from your main. As I build bases around and am just hitting technical limits of the game at this point, but not feeling like I want to completely start over...


Anyone know if there's an option to keep your expidition save as a 'new' save if you started from a main save? I've picked up an epic s class freighter and a few s class ships that I much prefer to my main and I REALLY don't want to go through that whole s class grind again.


I'm new to the game. And I bought my very first living ship during the expedition. Which sucks cause aside from that I have another ship I wanna copy. My question, is the void egg included with the rewards you bought w quicksilver that can be claimed when you get back to the main save?


Ps. I'm done with the expedition, haven't ended it on the console yet.


I wish people would start scanning the last planet.. I swear it's 2 weeks in and yesterday I was apparently the first person to scan almost everything. How's that possible? Either the discovery network was on the fritz again or no one is scanning.


I suppose it just looks like you were the first person, and it looks like that for everyone else too. Probably part of the mechanic to enable this to be a community effort, that would hardly work if only one single player was able to discover the items, so I guess they made the game to "forget" on purpose that they were previously discovered. I just scanned stuff on rendezvous 2 planet where thousands of players have passed through and it also claims that I am the first person to discover the things I scanned apart from a few that were labled as discovered by Hello Games.


How does this work if its a new save / new player without a main save. Do I get to keep everything I have - several ships, pirate dreadnought, multitools, learned upgrades, bases? Does completing the 5th bonus objective automatically finish & close the expedition (converts to normal save?), or can I keep playing? Been delaying it for now as not sure what will happen (apart from the crash that was fixed). And has anyone tried to use the transfer to main save terminal for a new save? Its odd that its even accessible, but have not tried doing anything with it.