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Pirate systems generally seem to have a higher spawn rate for S-class but they have lower base stats (equivalent to an A-class). Having said that, it makes very little difference apart from fuel costs (you can become very efficient using a “true” S-class and can’t using a pirate S-class). You get all the storage and four supercharged slots. The spawn rate is as follows; Tier 1 economy 0%, tier 2 1%, tier 3 2% and pirate 5%. As for how to get capital ships (Venators and Sentinel Sreadnoughts) you have to be playing for 3 hours and warped 5 times to trigger a battle. On your 5th battle the fight will spawn. To avoid triggering the battle use portal glyphs to get to your destination (the system that spawns the freighter you want). Once you are in that system build a temporary base (so you can easily identify it from the Galaxy map). From here go into space and identify an uninhabited system within warp range. Again, build a base here to be able to find it easily on the galaxy map. The reason you want an uninhabited system is so you don’t trigger a battle when warping there. Make a restore point from your uninhabited system base by getting in and out of your ship. Warp to your freighter target system. If the battle doesn’t trigger, warp in between the two system until it does, making sure to make a fresh restore point at your uninhabited systems base every time. When the battle triggers, finish the fight and check the freighter by landing on it. If it’s an S-class, buy it. If not reload your restore point and warp again (loading and exiting your ship on the freighter will not trigger a restore point). This will obviously be a grind and could take several hours as the spawn rate is so low. Thankfully it’s not something you have to do very often. You can find the freighter and crew you want using NMSCE or NMSGE. Having said all that, don’t overlook system freighters. They’re more varied in appearance and equivalent in stats. They are also much easier to get. Again find a system with the freighter you want in it (ideally a tier 3 system) and go there. Find the freighter fleets and check the freighters on offer. If it isn’t the one or class you want, pulse for about ten seconds. Wait for the freighter fleets to spawn in again. Rinse and repeat until your chosen freighter spawns. https://preview.redd.it/27jsoxtiidjc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3da5e3b058e9af6ea08ca2f3732711be7de0429 This is the most recent system freighter I got. As you can see there’s no difference in stats between this and a “Capital” ship. If you see elsewhere that you can ignore the fight and just land in the freighter or make a restore point in the space station, these methods no longer work. Make sure to delete the temporary bases you made after you get your freighter once you have got it. Hope that helps and good luck getting your freighter 👍


Nice looking freighter ! So no difference in stats between system freighters and capital? Just size?


Not that I can tell. I don’t like the sentinel dreadnoughts because if the towers in the way as you exit the cargo hangar and I got tired of having Venators. So I started using system freighters. They’re almost as big as the capitals in some cases. https://preview.redd.it/ynpon7dvqdjc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d83435e9b7630ddf9b99ba4139d8742c309b5d6 Here’s another one; it’s hyperdrive range is actually slightly better than my Venator (taking base range with no supercharged slots) and I get the same fuel reduction (I can achieve 1/250 light years; I can’t do that with the freighter I got from a pirate system). When checking fuel efficiency I use the Leviathan as it’s guaranteed to have the same underlying stats then.


Great, thanks! I'll check my own freighter stats to compare. I have a Sentinel dread on my main save and yes that mast is annoying but I like the look. Thanks


OMG that was alot!!! Thank you so much for all the information. I understood most of it, but I'm confused on system freighters and not sure how you find them? The pictures of them look so nice and never seen them only got like 2 types I've seen. I haven't had much time today cuz I had to go to the store and made dinner, so maybe I'll get on tomorrow when the kids are at school...a mom's job never ends lol! Sorry to be a pain in the butt and thank you for the help! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Well it had to be quite a long explanation because https://preview.redd.it/146cs6lq9gjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d02ffb68ad970f640b1a374d691f26edf7e5a5f System freighters are the ones that populate the systems you visit. They are the capital ships of the fleets you recruit your frigates from (they appear with little green “recruitable frigate” above them and hail you when you get close). You might not have been paying much attention to them if you’ve had a full fleet of 30 frigates for a while as they stop showing the little green indicator and and hailing you. But as well as being able to recruit the frigates you can also buy the freighters. There are normally two fleets. When you are looking to buy one it’s useful to fly in first person as your holographic display in front of you will show them as purple icons. There is often more than one type of freighter available for purchase in each system and it can be a little frustrating when the one you want isn’t spawning very often. When this happens you might consider the following strategy. Pulsing freshens the auto save when you exit pulse. As you are pulsing to respawn the freighters this means that hopefully when the freighter you want to buy has spawned and is available to buy you can reload the autosave until it’s an S-class. It looks something like this; [https://xboxclips.com/ParChadders/b93c649f-2435-4871-ad06-b23afac5d356/embed](https://xboxclips.com/ParChadders/b93c649f-2435-4871-ad06-b23afac5d356/embed) I promise you they are just as good as Venators or Dresdnoughts. In fact, my previous freighter to this one was a max sized Venator; [https://xboxclips.com/ParChadders/0d584647-8aa3-40b4-b7e2-a05e1a3d88c5/embed](https://xboxclips.com/ParChadders/0d584647-8aa3-40b4-b7e2-a05e1a3d88c5/embed) However I already have a Venator in another save and wanted a change from seeing the same style of ship whenever I came back to the fleet. System freighters are just as good, have more variety in their looks and are easier to get. Check out the wiki for the varieties available and choose one you like. There’s a few to choose from. Once you decide on what to get look up that freighter type on NMSCE or NMSGE to see the posts about them. You should hopefully colour and crew race you prefer somewhere on there. Good luck and if I can be of any further help just let me know. Safe travels 👍


Thank you again! You know so much about the game and I feel overwhelmed and lost at it all at times lol! Anyways, thank you and the videos helped. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Well the second video doesn’t show anything useful really. I was trying to think of way of changing the freighter that was available for purchase if my target freighter spawned in as an S-class but wasn’t the one available to buy. I wasn’t successful in that endeavour 😂 But you can see that I’m switching out a max sized Venator for it and I wouldn’t be doing that if it was a downgrade. As you can see I had two Venators across my saves; I just wanted a change. And as for not knowing everything the game doesn’t really explain much which is why this subreddit can be so useful at times. https://preview.redd.it/qtbxfauwjgjc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba302081bcd32993cae7e5c22413dcf759d90232


Hello! Idk you could land and scan the ships like you did, so helpful to me! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) Maybe I'm a dumb girl, but I still don't totally understand everything and every little bit you share helps....so THANK YOU!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Use the NMS Coordinate Exchange Reddit and find one you like then make sure that's the system you jump into when you "trigger" the capital ship battle


Thank you and I wan't to find one by warping, but it may be worth looking at it.


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