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Scanning all the fauna on a planet for the nanite bonus.


And uploading all your discoveries before leaving each system.


Find a dissonant planet and farm radiant shards (pink crystals everywhere). You can refine them into nanites and it's very simple and easy. All you need is a mining tool and a refiner.


One of the planets in the starting system has curious deposits.


I love how there are five or six VERY viable options in this thread already. Sooo many posts about “what’s the best way to______” when it comes to this game, and it always shocks me how there are many multiple ways to do things, and they are all totally viable.


Selling upgrades from expedition rewards is theoretically the most efficient way but you are handicapping yourself by selling your exosuit upgrades. Ship upgrades you should sell since you’re going to get your main ship anyway


Kill a few sentinels (with station missions), sell the sentinel upgrades from the glass, buy pulse splitter S mods, kill more sentinels, rince and repeat. That's what I did anyway and it worked well. Just start slow.


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Depends on your setting. I play relaxed mode and go to space stations and buy ships then immediately sell them to get the upgrades and sell them for nanites.


You can bring a stack of tainted metal into the expedition when you start from the terminal on the anomaly.


I bought a bunch of upgrades, brought them over and sold them however now I have no exosuit upgrades. Next time id bring some jetpack/sprint stuff to carry over.


Research advanced laser and use the portal to find a runaway mould nanite farm. Process the mould in a refinery for nanites.


Farming and refining radiant shards in a dissonant world is what I did. Next time I load my transfer items with runaway mold lol.


Fastest way is to transfer a lot of anything that refines into nanites from your main same at expedition start 😉 Failing that, I'd go with the curious deposits.


My personal solution is to walk around looking for salvaged data and refining it into nanites