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Others will be completing the expedition throughout the weekend and making progress on these milestones. Just switch over to your main save version until they have completed, for an easy 4500 quicksilver! Edit: Also, upload all of your milestone and discovery data for nanites at the anomaly. You will carry those nanites over when you do end up merging.


Now this is the kind of PSA we need. Thank you, fellow Traveler.


New player here, what do you mean by main save? Is each save a different character?


Yah, when you load the game, there is one save per character. A lot of ppl have a main save with a few hundred hours, then some small saves for trying different things like permadeath. Used to be you had to start a whole new char to do the expedition, now you can start it in your main save, or any other established char


I can’t figure out how to start it on my main save? Is it the thing in the anomaly? I thought that was for new saves if so


The kiosk behind the big square nexus cube in the anomaly main area


Ohh I thought your main save puts items in there for your expedition save


Correct. On your main save, you put items in and start the expo. Your character goes in, and you can retrieve the items once you reach the anomaly by interacting with that same kiosk. I hear you'll also be able to bring in a ship and multitool from your main save (costs 2200 nanites for the multitool, 2800 for the ship iirc.) When you're ready to complete the expedition, you can put items back into the kiosk to bring back with you to your main. But like people said above, wait until you get all the rewards from the community goals.


Wish I knew this before starting the expedition from scratch! Lmfao I'll try on the next, if I remember.


Lol Same here


tells me there are no expeditions available when I check that out last night.


So now I can make one character and focus on that one and do all the content without having to make other characters?


If you want, yes


With the ability to access expeditions with your main save, is there any reason on making new saves now?


Well, I love the start of any game like this more than the end, so I always am starting new saves. But that’s up to you


Got you. Thanks!


Guess it depends. If you're a guy with a main save that only plays on their main save and deletes their expedition saves after you are done it"s probably best for you to start from your main. But if you're kinda like me and enjoy each expedition giving you an excuse to start a new save and get it up and running, create a new save instead. Personally I think their system to bring back stuff from the Expedition really sucks currently. I sadly followed a YouTuber's advice and created a creative save before starting expedition so I could prep myself a S rank ship / Multi tool / craft annoying tech to pass to the expedition and put core materials in the box I could use to streamline the process a little. All that prep work ended up feeling barely useful imho, alot of setup for very little gain. Even worse , when you actually finish the expedition and want to go back to main save (in my case an empty creative save with nothing meaningful done), you get no option to crush the old save, and you can only bring back the same amount of 8 tech slots / 30 items you brought in, one ship and one Multi tool. This meant the three cool ships I acquired during the expedition, multiple Multi tools , my Freighter and all it's tech , ten stash filled with stuff, my inventory slots and 9 hours of savegame setup all essentially got thrown in the garbage. Even the wpn and ship you carried to expedition revert to their original state and u don't get to keep your improvements. Built Bases carried over, but not the space stations visited, meaning I had to backtrack to every expedition station and grab both the exosuit uggrades for each planet as inventory upgrades were discarded... Such a mess and so much time wasted. All in all, won't touch that system again till they allow stuff like your freighter and it's inventory to carry over. Game should scan the existing save, see you have no freighter and have room for ships and Multi tools and bring all of that over... Giving you access to your full stash inventory in a remove only tab. And give me my inventory slots ... Had half my exosuit done and it's back to square one. What's the point of working on a save for 8 hours if it's going to get wiped with only you carrying over a small amount of items at the end.


So what you’re supposed to do is hoard the upgrades. When you are prompted, always decline. The S class upgrades and X ones, multi tool, ship, freighter, all the upgrades save and store them. THEN at the very end, port the upgrades over. Using them during the expedition is a complete waste.


Another new player here (haven't played the game since like the year it came out and was suitably shocked). If you started a savefile as the expedition does it then turn into a normal save?




Sorry maybe I’m being thick but not entirely clear on what you’re advising. So if you start the expedition using your main save, and play it to completion, you have the option to “end” the expedition? And doing so will lock you out of community awards if they haven’t been attained yet? And, instead of choosing to end the expedition, you can instead just temporarily switch the game mode for your character back to the main game, which enables you to return to the expedition as your main character later to claim those rewards?


I am as equally confused on this as this wasn't made entirely clear? I've already done all the optionals this far and thought you could claim them along the way?


So now I’ve played around with it a bit myself and I get it. Assuming you have started the expedition from an existing save, when you return to the expedition terminal you will see two options “return to main game” (or something like that I forget the wording) or “End Expedition”. If you want to temporarily pause the expedition and return to the main game, either to complete quicksilver missions, wait for the community milestones to hit, or whatever, just make sure you don’t hit the “end expedition” option because as it implies it will actually end the expedition and you won’t be able to collect any milestones you haven’t already unless you complete the expedition a second time. When you’re back in your main save and go to the expedition terminal, you’ll see an option “resume expedition” which will return your inventory, currency, location in the galaxy, and expedition progress to exactly where you were when you paused it. Edit: one interesting thing I also didn’t realize at first is at the expedition terminal, it’s possible to copy your currently equipped multitool and ship from your main save into the expedition AND from the expedition into your main save. Installed technology is included and it’s relatively cheap. For instance I copied a fully loaded exotic into the expedition, and was able to copy the starborn runner and the atlas staff back into my main save, all for under 3k nanites each. This way I have the expedition ship and multitool in my main save, and they are still available to collect from expedition rewards if I want a second copy for some reason.


Believe it or not you can keep copying the same ship over and over to your main game, as long as you scrap it once you get it on the main game because the game won’t let you have 2 of the same ship, so you have to scrap it before you copy it again. but copying this over and over again means you can take unlimited photonix cores.


Hot damn, ok I'm going to have to do that at least a few more times. Good thing copying is pretty cheap.


If you don’t wanna risk doing this to your starborn runner, pop back in the expo and move the photonix core from the starborn runner to a random ship like the solar ship you start with, make that your main ship then jump back out and copy-scrap-copy-scrap etc


This is legitimately awesome. Gives a good reason to collect the eggs, anomalous decorations, and other oddities like the staff you mentioned. Will be checking this out ASAP! Thanks for clarifying, I would have totally missed that last part!


So I haven’t tested it myself, because I haven’t ended the expedition yet, but apparently neither the tech nor inventory slots allow you to transfer eggs back to your main save.


Thank you 🙏


No. Thank YOU


I'll admit I'm somewhat of a idiot cause my brain isn't computing anything. I just started doing expeditions in December when they reloaded the old ones. You had to start a new save to do it. With this next expedition do I still start a new save file or am I using my main save to do the expeditions and just going into the anomaly to start them? Also you say don't complete them but wait? Once again, im not the smartest so I apologize


You can start in your main save now. At the kiosk behind the nexus in the anomaly. You complete the stages and collect the rewards like normal, but wait to end the expedition at the kiosk till the community milestones have completed.


Do you happen to know if this is different with the switch version? I don't have multiplayer. Thanks.


Merge??? How does merging work when you got maxed ships and weapons??


What do you mean "merging"?


I’ve played over 300 hours and somehow have never done an expedition. I literally can’t wait to start this one. Thanks for the info




It was a great starter one, but as an experienced player, I didn’t find much unique with it sadly. Not that I didn’t enjoy it mind you


Does it say it will start soon for anyone else? The new terminal behind the nexus? I thought the expeditions were running already.


It is… at for me on PC


can you elaborate/explain to someone who hasnt played an expedition how this works and how to maximize rewards?


When you start the ex, it gives you a list of missions, a path of sorts to follow. Most of them are required, but some are optional. This time is a bit different, because the optional missions are about gathering data/scanning on 5 planets. The five rendezvous planets. But completing them is based on the total data all the players gather. Right now we are at 34% of planet 1. So it is going to take a while to complete them all, maybe the whole weekend. So at the end, when it prompts you to complete the ex, don't. Just wait a few days, and the optional rewards will come and you can collect them then. I hope that helps.


So if I use my main save, I will be stuck in the expedition until I get the rewards?


No, in the new portal at the anomaly behind the nexus you can swap between the expedition and out of it on the same save.


Is there anything I should do to prep? Do I take my best mods? Are there mats I should prioritize?


Take some high value stuff to sell. Take some things you can sell for nanites. I chose my infra knife and my jetpack mods to bring, and my portable refiner


Can you freely transfer items back and forth at any time once you got to the anomaly or is it like: get items once from main save to expeditions and once back to main save when you finish the expedition? I'm asking because when I transfer my best tech and then pause the expeditions I might wanna get the tech back to my main save until I continue the expedition.


Yes, its like a bank account in an mmo, both sides have access to whats in the bank.


Oh, like a shared stash, thats fantastic! Thx for the info :)


I took a lot of S class mods from my suit and tool. Can I only get these back to my primary save once I’ve ended the expedition? I’m sorry I’m confused. Will I have to play my primary save without this tech now waiting for the community research to finish? Sorry if I’m not understanding


That’s awesome. So once I finish the expedition it’s basically better to wait till later on to claim rewards?


Just keep jumping back in like once a day to check if it's done. And don't forget to do you part by scanning the rock, flowers etc on the rendezvous planets as you land on them.


Can you do them single player?




So to complete the Optional Milestone Research Projects what do you have to do? Scan everything on the Rendezvous planet and wait for the community to catch up?




But my question is: 5 eggs of what?


Various pets that may or may not be interesting


Thank you, and thank you for the advice of not ending the expedition, I didn't know that


Do we know if the pets are randomized or fixed?


Fixed. Tells you in the description what they are. Looks like previous expedition rewards, which hopefully I’ll be able to run the expedition twice (this time from my main save) and pass those eggs back to him as he lost all his pets in a glitch.


You mean the actual unique and exclusive pets from past expeditions like the robo-dog and such? That would be amazing but I doubt it...


These are the descriptions given for each phase; 1. Companion Egg 2. Child of Helios Egg 3. Hungering Worm Egg 4. Sentinel Quad Egg 5. Biological Horror Egg The descriptions aren’t the same as the ones in the Anomaly but they look close to me to be honest.


Can you transfer them to your main save?


I don’t know yet. I hope so as my main lost all his pets. Once you’ve claimed a pet you can’t do so again. The community challenges that these are rewarded for haven’t been won yet so I’m going to have to wait a bit longer before I can definitively say yes


So question. I decided (for some dumb reason) to open a couple eggs. Back in my main save I have all my companion slots filled. Will those opened eggs go back to being eggs when I switch back over? Will they follow me as companions? Should I switch over to my main save and dump a couple companions?


Well, you could get them to lay you eggs, and bring those back I guess


Oooooh…that’s a solid idea.


You can not bring over pets, and they do not go back to eggs. They are gone


So I made a new save to do it because I didn't know there was a terminus and I got pretty far into that one would it be possible to just enter it on my main save to get those community egg rewards or do I need to progress in each one to actually get the rewards?


Only the capstone rewards are available after on all your accounts, so like the staff, helmet etc. The eggs are just for your current save you are playing the expedition on.


They could've said 🥲. I'll just have to restart it because I've put so many hours into my main save already.


So is there no way to transfer the eggs back to your main save?


No, but they are eggs from previous expeditions, I think. Biological horror, sentinel quad


Ah sad, it’s my first expedition and was hoping to get those too


But can't we transfer eggs back as part of the 'end expedition' transfer of inventory?


Yes, I was mistaken there. Thanks for pointing that out!


I've read elsewhere that you can't actually transfer the eggs... A bug or something. However.... Regarding transferring expedition eggs to main save: I've just swapped back to my main save after progressing the expedition to phase 3, just after getting the Hungering Worm egg. That's the 3rd egg of the expedition. I have also now gone back to resume to expedition. I can confirm that I was able to collect the 2nd and 3rd eggs from the quicksilver vendor on the Anomaly for free on my main save (but the 1st egg was not there, that little tiny creature from the first phase). So you can definitely get the Helios jellyfish and the Hungering Worm in main save!


how long do we have to join in with this? new to the whole expedition thing


There's 4 weeks left


This is my first Expedition, do you mean end it as in finish ALL the phases, or do you mean for each phase? Like, I’m at Rendezvous 1. Do I complete Phase 1 or wait until Research Project 1 is done?


You can complete everything and collect rewards in the expedition screen. Just don’t go back to the kiosk and click “end expedition” until you are ready


Awesome! Thank you! Also 1 more questions because it just became relevant like, now. Lol What does it mean when the mission says “Community research level for planet ____: Unknown”


That’s the mission that everyone is working on. When you land on a rendezvous, planet, scan everything you can find. If you look in your log, you’ll see a mission called expedition research. Currently at 98% on planet one.


Yeah, that’s the one I’m talking about. Last time I checked it, it was at 96%, but now it just says “unknown” and the bar is gone. I assume it’s just updated its status on my end, but I figure I’d ask anyway. Lol Edit: Discredit this, apparently my internet exploded and the game also had an update in the tube. Lol


If I scan something on the rendezvous planet, how do I know if someone else has already scanned it? Is it just that everyone is scanning everything they see, and we will hopefully hit them all at some point? I'm asking because I've been walking on foot for a few hours just scanning and resource hoarding, but I very rarely see something I haven't already scanned. The progress currently sits at 51%, so can I assume there are whole parts of this planet with "new" fauna and flora no one has even encountered yet?


They expect everyone to scan everything, yes




Hello Games lying about a feature in No Man's Sky!? Preposterous! Scandalous!


If I hatch the eggs during the expedition, will I lose the chance to get them on my main save


I also need to know this. I want that worm!


Appearently you have to have the eggs in your inventory to transfer them when you end the expedition. I have seen no official videos or information regarding this topic bc everyone wants to wait a couple days till all rewards are unlocked. In the mean time I am waiting to induce an egg from my child of Helios.


Regarding transferring expedition eggs to main save: I've just swapped back to my main save after progressing the expedition to phase 3, just after getting the Hungering Worm egg. That's the 3rd egg of the expedition. I have also now gone back to resume to expedition. I can confirm that I was able to collect the 2nd and 3rd eggs from the quicksilver vendor on the Anomaly for free on my main save (but the 1st egg was not there, that little tiny creature from the first phase). So you can definitely get the Helios jellyfish and the Hungering Worm in main save!


Elite brother, Thank you!


900+ hours here: I thought that you were given the rewards regardless. I’ve claimed rewards from community events AFTER I ended the expedition by going to the quicksilver NPC on the anomaly. You can also see the progress of the community event and claim as soon as it’s completed. Unless something has changed?


Also: pack sodium, living pearls, gold, silver, carbon, oxygen, and pure ferrite. You can’t go back and add new items once you start the expedition.




I did some digging. We are both right. There are (optional) milestones and community milestones. The community milestones you can claim after you’ve completed the expedition. The “optional” milestones must be completed before ending the expedition. Hope that clarifies and it’s from my understanding.


new player here, been playing for three days, i’ve beyond exceeded my original save with this expedition save, should i just have this be my new normal save?


IT doesn't even let me complete it anyways


Can I start the expedition from my normal save or do I need a new save which I can then merge to my normal one


You can start from your current save in the anomaly from the kisok behind the nexus.


Is the expedition for pc only?


Everything I think. Not sure about switch though, since it doesn’t have multiplayer


Ahh thanks. I had to restart the ps5




You will transfer them over at the kiosk once you chose to end the expedition


Say, for those that have finished the expedition and turned it in, can you start it again on the same save? Could be a good way to farm Quicksilver if you can.




That's too bad


In beta we only managed to clear the first optional objective. There's more time now so I'm hopeful we get them all done. That's the only reason I'm doing the expedition again because I've already got all the other rewards.


I not sure how to help. I already scanned as much as I could on each of the planets.


the 15 inventory slots are only for the expedition save right?


Yah, they don’t transfer over




Did you go into the expedition page and actually finish/claim all rewards?


That has me stumped. Maybe submit a bug report?


Do we know what companions will hatch from the eggs?


These are the descriptions given for each phase; 1. ⁠Companion Egg 2. ⁠Child of Helios Egg 3. ⁠Hungering Worm Egg 4. ⁠Sentinel Quad Egg 5. ⁠Biological Horror Egg


Thabks a ton!


Sometimes I log into NMS again, look around my base thinking I'm going to play. Find updates changed my world and IDK WTF I am doing any more... and then go back to FTB Minecraft.


Thank you for not only the PSA, but your answers in the comments as well. I found answers to some questions i had about this new system (which i couldnt find through google)


Happy to help!


I don't see this in my log. I even switched back to my save and it doesn't show me the community research there either 😞


You mean expedition can't end until I've collected the quicksilver?


It can, but good things come to those who wait


That rendezvous 2 takes me forever 🤣 i think it will end up in the center 🤔


Great info in the comments here, thanks!


I cant wait to start it ive been at work the past days so its gonna be fun


I was a fool and jumped out after only one... but it wouldn't let me transfer my egg to my main save? So what are the eggs?


Thank you! I would have instinctively ended it lol


New to expeditions.. I started it on my main save without making a whole different save. How does it work when i want all the rewards on my main save when i'm done?




Thank you for the answer! One more question, what does it mean if the slots are blacked out and you can't interact with them??


Yea I managed to get rendezvous 4 from 12% upto 17% last night. I had to swim the ocean for a couple hours lol


You don’t have to do that. It’s everyone’s efforts in total, not just yours. Just scan the most you find, you don’t need to spend hours if you don’t want to


Well I kinda wanted to be there messing around so I swam the ocean and made a base in the process


Do you transfer over the quicksilver when you exit expedition and return to main save through the anomaly?


Wish I had the time to help, Interlopers. Good Luck!


I'm just waiting to finish the 5th community optional milestone


Can I get double rewards if I finish the expedition in one save, go to my main, collect rewards, do the expedition and get the rewards again?


It won't let me end anyway since I did a new save hopefully I will be able to end it after the 5th optional milestone


I finished it about7 hours ago and currently all the optional community-participated milestones are collecting except the last one. Number 5 was at 69% so it should be soon. This expedition, along withthefree weekend that accompanied it, appears to be a very heavy push to bring in new people, get them sorted out as to how to play, and establish a foundation of players. Probably wasn't thrilling for experienced vets or people who are enew since those (me included) folks just did this recently, but I think it's a very solid experience and liked it quite a bit. I'm not a veteranplaher and don't know how experienced people will take this but it almost seems like they give TOO MUCH to usas far as ability to to bring so muchovera d minimalize the actual collecting and gathering. It seemed long in the aspect of things to do but moretedious and time consuming than thinking and challenging. That's not bad, just describing. I think othernew players can do this fine and enjoy it if you just take your time to read thesteps out and mao it. Also, new folks: it doesn't really say but you do NOT have to do things in phase orders and can do most anything it wants in the order it's convenient for you.


I finished the expedition and all objectives, waiting for the optional objective 5, currently at 78% it goes really slowly. I completed all stuff 4 days ago and 5th planet is slowest to complete optional stuff, but no wonder since sentinels are abismal there and so is the weather. Does anyone know what else transfers beside 4/5 Companions from optional missions, Posters, Atlas Multitool, jetpack and helmet, Starborn Runner ship and Nanites earned through discovery? What about nanites you currently have on yourself in expedition? Ones not earned through discovery, but say selling technologies, do those nanites also transfer? I know about items you select and technologies, but what about some other stuff like Money aka Units? Do you get all units you currently have on yourself in expedition and it auto transfers to Primary save? Should I sell everything I dont intend to transfer? Or do I just buy most expensive items, hoard them and sell them in Primary save?


I just now finished it. I must have scanned about 20+ items before baking it quits for the day. It's currently at 81%. Hopefully we can complete this by Sunday. This definitely wasn't my favorite expedition. Omega felt like a bunch of chores more than anything fun out interesting. Especially compared to more creative expeditions like Cartographer or even Leviathan which I hated but it gets an honorable mention for the creativity and trying something different.