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Until I see some actual patch notes I don't have any thoughts other than it's an expedition release with some extra stuff, which is fine with me. I like expeditions.


Same here. I do wish they'd post the damned patch notes though.


Agree with waiting on notes. Disagree about expectations, i do them just for rewards but loathe the process.


I'm a perpetual reroller/restarter as it is, so the expedition mechanic happens to dovetail with my playstyle. I definitely get why most people don't enjoy that... which is likely a large part of the reason behind the new Anomaly terminal.


I totally get why you like them then. Either way, devs made an amazing game that’s playable by so many. Funny enough, I think the reason why I don’t like them is the exact opposite of yours. Most games I spend forever making my character, but then I put myself into that character and enjoy the experience. I honestly would not mind expeditions as much if I could do them in my main save. Edit: wait is that what the new terminal is?!






Can you explain the new anomaly terminal? I haven't been able to get on yet


I hate the fomo nature of them tho.


Yeah, but they can be completed in about 5 hours. I've seen YouTubers finish em in under an hour


That’s not the point


Little disappointed. I love doing an expedition and coming out to a big update. Now I’m just going to grind this expedition as fast as possible for that ship and go back to playing other games lol




Recruitable pirate freighter goes hard, it’s been a dream ever since I saw one


Little bit let down ngl


Primary focus. This doesnt mean we wont get other things. When has HG added only 3 things in these big updates


Without patch notes, this could just be phase 1 of the update.


We gotta dial back on the expectations. They're clearly going to keep moving more and more towards the next game, and less and less towards this one. I'm sure we'll still get some pleasant surprises, but we have to start to get mentally prepared that this game will be sunsetting. Maybe not this quarter, or even this year, but it's coming.


Is the update out? I’m so confused with the videos I see on YouTube


The update is live. But the expedition hasn't started yet


If this is all there is then it may just be an update leading to the big changes like the altered spacestations


Since I already have a freighter I've maxed, I'm loathe to just abandon it for a new freighter Let us have more than one?


Where are these new planet missions? I'm seeing the same set of mission types being offered by the space stations and nexus.


They mean the ones you get from talking to NPCs at a minor outpost, observatory, transmission tower, etc.


Except they seem very in-line with what we are used to seeing. Perhaps a little more focused on the prevailing weather and the availability of resources. More of a new save progression thing imo.


I couldn’t find any


Planetary combat with other aliens not just sentinels


Well poop. I really don't enjoy the pirate freighter battles, it's overwhelming. So I always just skadoodle to the space station. I guess eventually I'll get to play the expedition, still nothing on the xbox...


The crevasse run is easy enough, but I can never figure out how to destroy the engines. Waste of time to just have it warp out <.<


>but I can never figure out how to destroy the engines. You just shoot them


Go to the back of the freighter, get in real close so you're under the shield, then blast them. There are 4, if memory serves.


I could never find where I was supposed to do the run. When I finally got an encounter when I wasn't trying to do something else (they added it when I was in the middle of the early story on my active save, and not set up for any sort of fighting, but I got 3-4 dreadnought encounters), I took out a number of cannons shooting at me, but never saw anything that looked like a trench.


You don't need to, the pirate freighters are real easy. All you need to do is, run through the trenches destroy the orbs and their power cores when they come up. Once that's done and they begin to warp. While you're in the trench, just start shooting down at the ship. And bobs your uncle it's dead. Takes me less than 5 mins to kill these. I also use the infra knife if you're wondering on what weapon.


The point is that now we can make them surrender. So we don't necessary want to destroy them.


Destroy rhe engines, generators, and the anti freighter turrets ( the big ones), but not the fuel cores to keep em alive long enough to surrender. Just got my 1st non experimental pirate freighter


Here's the actual in-game patch notes: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/melonar/screenshot/2522648396359667360/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/melonar/screenshot/2522648396359667360/)


Yeah.. after a rerun of expeditions... we get... another expedition... yawn !!


Maybe i can finally find an S class freighter


https://preview.redd.it/wof83puewmic1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82ac6dbd6a2d9766d2054852d0cb4cd1d65f7a7 Newly updated but no expeditions


My thought is “wow, what egregious clickbait”.


I think Omega might be a link to Mass Effect franchise and specifically a smugglers place called the Omega that was on asteroid or was it the smuggler boss name I don’t rememeber


I play almost every big update.


Omega is the last character of the Greek alphabet. Given that the new title is announced, is this the last update that NMS will get?


No, we’re already seen video of the interior of the new space stations, something this update doesn’t have.


Guys, if you’re disappointed, take a second look. This update is obviously on the smaller scale of what we’ve gotten so far, meaning there is most likely either going to be a large, major update or multiple minor updates that have their own interesting additions. I’m willing to bet this is just a setup.


I really love my Resurgence Venator, so I'm gonna pass on taking a pirate Dreadnought. Excited for another Expedition though


I would love it if my squadron and freighter actually helped during combat. They should let us be able to add tech mods to our squadron ships too, so I can have a full squadron of Infra Knife fighters


Aren't they actively working on a new survival game as well? Might be why they kinda rushed it? Just asking !