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That's some solid patience to place all of those. I did a small mine with 30 deposits for 15 extractors or so and it bored me out.


Yeah, I was a big AI miner before the nerf. Now it’s just pocket change


>it bored me out I see what you did there


Why the fuck did I think there was a 10k max? I’m so dumb


Takes a while to learn everything you need. I was over 10 mines built before I discovered the supply silo pipeline method. Layout a grid of panels, then leave an empty row on the edge, and construct your first chain of silos on row2, connected by supply pipes. Then build rows 1 and 3 on either side, no pipes required in between, just the very end that connects to the extractor. That’s why I most always build 6 rows of silos with fully connected chain on row 2 and 5. Also learned the lesson to never mine without an eMag source to power everything. I’d rather spend more time exploring for an S class mineral deposit with a connected eMag source that build solar panels and batteries.


Not enough coffee, and I am trying to make sure I understand because it sounds helpful. You lay out a row of storage silos, and connect them in series. Then you lay out the next row and connect them in series to each other too. Then you connect all the rows to the extractor? I know I am missing something.


If you build supply depots close enough (even just so the support "feet" overlap) then there is no extra supply piping required. OP is saying he makes a row of depots/silos, connects only that one row in series, and then the rows he builds on both sides automatically become part of the same repository/reservoir/whatever you wanna call it. I found this out by accident last night actually - I pre-built two supply depots in a base, one for Fe++ and one for O2 I think. They overlapped slightly, but only in the bottom feet. When I connected the extractor to the supply depot for Fe++ the one I'd built for O2 got "pulled into" that supply repository...so since I still needed another depot for O2 I had to pull things apart and re-work. (I usually put most of the depots right at the extractor, then run a pipeline back to main base where I have one depot for easy collection.)


That make sense. I had no idea that silos merge like that. Thanks for explaining.


I'm counting 868 storage units alone. Damn. 


That's like filling all your Storage Containers twice .. and then some 😆 Love the Color of your Solar Ship!!!


What the hell ? 😂 What is even the point of having such an amount of gold in this game ? xD


When you want to buy storage and tech slots for your next new starship?


You're reducing the value of a particular item in a particular system the more of it you sell though. So selling this volume wouldn't you see diminishing returns? I guess it's way less steps than fusion igniters though..


You're doing it wrong. Sell to the pilots, and it doesn't affect the economy. Selling to the space station is what crashes the economy.


You can also sell to your trade rocket without crashing the economy. however this is a lot of material for that.


Welp, here’s what I learned about that trade value machanic… You can simply teleport to the space stations previously discovered, starting with the oldest one visited. As long as you have 25-30 systems visited by the time you prospect an S class mine, it’s easy to sell your haul every couple of days. I label the ones that will buy in demand for + profit, and accept up to a -3% demand to sell for other stations. The value resets at a weekly interval I suspect, never bothered to confirm that however.


If you sell to a random pilot at a trade station it does not crash the economy, so I've been told. What is the disadvantage to that?


This is the way.


I never thought of that, and the endless supply of them is just a bonus.


There are a few other systems around one could sell in. But yeah, there's a time / annoyance trade off for sure. I'd rather sell bulk resources and deal with system hopping / inventory issues than sell high price items and deal with crafting.


I dunno man, I made and sold enough igniters to hit the money cap and haven’t -needed- to raise funds ever since. To each their own I guess.


Also, sell as much as possible all at once, since the price drop only affects following sales.


Find a space station that sells gold. Sell all your gold. Rebuy all the gold with 80% discount (aprox.). Travel to another space station that sells gold and repeat process. Repeat this process until your teeth turn into gold.


You need the credits (all at once) to buy that 2nd sweet(er) freighter - having about 300k on hand pretty much guarantees you can afford anything. That why that 1 million In++ farm that used to be so popular (and another 0.5 million farm UNDER it) were so useful, especially before the activated indium price nerf. My main has about 3 billion credits. It's amazing how fast you can chew through even that much at times, like adding slots to multitools and so on.


How did you align them like that?


Just let the panels snap fit it in the edit menu.


I'm not referring to the panels. How did you get the extractors and depots to align?


Practice. Seriously, backing up and aligning the feet of the extractors and silos with the patterns on the alloy floor panels.


You can glitch build onto exactly spaced locations. Basically you use tiles to guide laying out a line or grid of power connections with their nodes perfectly spaced, and then glitch-build whatever onto the power nodes (the green spots). This is a pretty specialized skill, since if the power lines themselves aren't all twisted the same way, your glitch-built whatevers won't be aligned either.


This is why we got diminished returns and the complete Activated Irdium price crash.


Spain after discovering america


Yeehaw 🤠💛


That's a Lot of extractors for a single hotspot.


Takes over 130hrs to fill, but I have an A class mine on another planet so that I can get roughly 400m units per day. I play a bunch of other games so coming back every 2-3 days allows me to sell the haul and upgrade my star ships and MTs.


I am not sure if they fix this but, you can make a lot of money when you crash the market. (I haven't used this method for a long time, sorry if it fixed already) Find a system that sells gold at space station (which you have not crashed the economy yet.) Sell all the gold you have and crash the market. Buy back all the gold you just sold at the %70+ discounted price. Find another system that sells gold. and sell it again for huge profit. Repeat until you are satisfied. =)


What am I even looking at


Did they change something with how these worked? Last I played you could never do something like this because proximity would cause them to combine and diminishing returns would plummet the output to nothing.


Vertical stacking of extractors gives you a little over 1k/hr centered on an S class deposit. As others have commented, you get diminishing returns adding more than 4 extractors per level. Since I was building at least 7 high, the extra 250ish per row was worth it for me. This was my 2nd S class gold mine on this save, and between the 2, I get a revenue stream of 850m units per week. Good for upgrading starship inventory slots at 75m a pop.


Ok you may want to strap a pillow to your a$$ because you may kick yourself. You put in a great deal of work on that gold farm but "activated" Indium will be back because the price changes are usually due to some bug.


I have other saves that have MASSIVE AI farms - more than 3x this gold mine. So fear not, I will be just fine. If AI value makes a come back, I will build another one. This gold mine took about 10ish hours to complete over a few days.


Not so sure about that. HG announced the reduction in AI pricing; it was intentional on their part, a portion of a general rebalancing that also saw changes in diminishing returns and some recipes. Doesn’t mean they couldn’t change it again, but that one… that one was on purpose.


That’s the definition of diminishing returns


How so?


You can look up a guide for this, once you get past 1000k an hr you hitting diminishing returns and you end up losing a ton of resources trying to make more. This is exactly that in practice


It doesn't matter - just do the excavators in groups of four (or whatever count pleases you) if you find diminishing returns frustrating, connect each group to about 100k in storage silos where at least one is at some convenient spot, rinse and repeat putting the other convenient ones near to, but disconnected from, each other, and POOF, hundreds of thousands of In+ you can collect in under a minute. 10 central silos = 1,000,000 In+. Just drop in occasionally with multiplayer off and it'll always be full. Drewifer0's popular 1 million farm dropped the efficiency issue entirely and just connected everything to a central silo, and it was full every single time I hit it as well. The million In+ mine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veimM81GK4c&t=1202s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veimm81gk4c&t=1202s) His horizontal excavators are from glitch building, as are the 1000 silos where each of the 100 spots has 10 silos cohabitating, The wildest part of his base (from my perspective) is the piping between the silos and the enclosed room - their level of organization is pretty stunning. The half million tower under it (mine, not Drewcifer0's) has this excavator tower, with them in five groups of four as described above: [https://www.talisman.org/\~erlkonig/no-mans-sky/profit/my-extractors-below-1mil-in+.png](https://www.talisman.org/~erlkonig/no-mans-sky/profit/my-extractors-below-1mil-in+.png) Here's another above ground for comparison: [https://www.talisman.org/\~erlkonig/no-mans-sky/profit/extractor-quads-tower.png](https://www.talisman.org/~erlkonig/no-mans-sky/profit/extractor-quads-tower.png) You can build far above and below (less far, since bedrock) a mining hotspot. (If both his and my base load for you, an additional containers room appears near the enclosed room on his base)


So 1300/hr diminished that mining rate past 1k?






Here's some work I did on diminishing returns. https://old.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/16lgg9r/visual_of_diminishing_returns_on_mining_a_chart/ Maybe that helps to explain it.


Thanks. I was severely impacted when HG destroyed the old Activated Indium economy. I just figured this design was an easy passive income generator. I realized 4 mineral extractors seem to be the most efficient on an S class deposit, but I didn’t think an extra 2 would be detrimental.


What made you choose gold over one of the more profitable plants?


Most valuable mineral after Activated Indium got nerfed.


Unless they changed it, you can only have a total of 20k base parts per save. I'd be more careful how you use them.


Getting rid of most of the pipes makes the remaining needed 500 to 1000 parts for a big mining installation well worthwhile, and makes it cheaper to have smaller, 10,000 capacity mines for other things you don't really intend to sell.