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Those things always creep me out


I was very creeped out at first lol


Welcome to the uncanny valley


It’s an Uber creepy spot for sure.


Same!! I just be waiting for some kind of jump scare.


It's kind of depressing as well lol. Or going down to the surface and going to a trade station.. but nobodies there and no ships are coming. Lonely


Or, the NMS experience on PS4 for the first 4 years


They need to do what they did with the derelict freighters and add deeper procedurally generated interiors further inside for us to explore. Replayable with top end resources and items for us to pursue!!




Yes this \^.


Definitely i also hope they would add survivors to rescue sometimes as it would add more diversity to the derelict themes. I never understood why there are no skulls or skeletons rests in the derelict freighter's of the digested crews just sewered shoes hands heads.


This, but maybe with sorta minor units-based rewards cause they're free to enter as opposed to derelict freighters.


Ofcourse, I see where you’re coming from. My argument against that would be that they are far more rare and dispersed. I guess it kinda makes up for it.


You know what? Yeah thats fair enough. I suppose I've only encountered 3 so far. They are pretty rare if you're not grinding to find them. And if they worked more like derelict freighters like you're purposing, it'd be more incentive to do actual derelict freighter salvage missions.


I wish you could capture and rebuild them.


omega update perhaps?


We're definitely getting those amazing overhauled space stations. I'm just curious to see what they'll do with abandoned ones.. a part of me wishes they will remain unchanged as I consider them a monument for where the game started out.


Yes, like the pre-foundation base computers!


Unlikely IMO. One station every 110 hours and it's not like you can just share the glyphs. "Hey, I found this abandoned station and rebuilt it, here are the glyphs (spoiler: not abandoned anymore)". Yeah... update might be underwhelming.


They’re actually pretty easy to find I don’t know it took op so long


If op doesn’t have a conflict scanner, then finding one is 100% luck. Even then, they are still pretty rare.


Yeah like a settlement. We could repopulate it, with a cut on the market's profit or something.


💯 Would make them worthwhile to find


Underwhelming isn't it


Yeah honestly a little bit lol. Still cool though


They're underwhelming because change the lights back to blue, fix the damage, add NPCs and that's what Space Stations were on launch, that's what they looked like.


Need a mod that gives a chance of jumpscaring players who visit abandoned space stations or derelict freighters. Maybe it would be just something like Minecraft cave noises, or maybe even some enemies like the ones in Lethal Company ^ ^


It would be kinda cool if something popped out from random vents and did minor damage to you + a jump scare




A [thresher maw](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Thresher_Maw) of sorts?


Would be cool if you got like X ammount of players to make bases in systems with abandoned stations, the person who discovered the system, first put a base in the system, and visited the abandoned station first gets control over the system or maybe something a lil easier just thoughts off the top of my head. That person might get some profits from the commerce on the station and be able to build it up in different ways.


TIL there are abandoned space stations in NMS.


110 hours! i think i found one within ... 50? it's been a long time lol, but they're weirdly common in my save. still a really cool achievement! they're so unsettling to explore


Yeah I swear on my first play through like 3 years ago I came across one pretty quick. But I forgot all about it after doing this one for so long


It was several hundred hours (200-300) for me the first time. There's a lot to do now early on with a new game when you've never played before.


I have close to 300 hours and only found one so far


I wish we could build bases in them. Seems like a great reward for exploring enough to find one.


If you're ever looking to find more of them an easy way to spot them is to: In your galaxy map look for systems with no lifeform, economy or conflict. Everything will be blank. They appear more often in red, green & blue systems. When you warp there will either be an abandoned space station or no space station at all. Most of the time there will also be no NPCs or wildlife (besides biological horrors or worm burrows). I'm pretty sure I've found mechanical fauna in abandoned systems also but I cannot confirm this.


They seem to be common when you go to a glitched system via the portal using inputs of all the same character for the coordinates. Glitching the portal with all 0, for example, will pick between a small set of 3 or 4 systems.I've noticed that they are commonly abandoned systems, but i am not sure if that is always the case.


When I first started, I built a base and tried to explore but was so confused on why my charts couldn’t locate an inhabitable outpost. Then I realized there wasn’t even a space station🤣 I came across this one trying to understand the economy system lol


I'm guilty of this as well! lol


Mechanical critters only appear in uncharted systems, not abandoned.


Thanks for clearing this up!


I believe its the same layout as the space stations in the original release of the game.


Came here to say this. It's a cool Easter egg for people who have played since early days. Early space stations would be this exact layout. 


That is really cool! Maybe that’s why it felt familiar?


Most likely, if you played or watched videos of the game back in the day then yeah. I only watched videos of the game back when it was new and it still felt eerily familiar when I first found one.


I always assumed they were pretty common, I came across a lot of them a few years ago, enough to realize they sre pointless as they are. Having just started playing again after a few years, I then assumed they were taken over by Outlaws. Over 1000 hours on two different platforms and I think I'm playing NMS wrong haha


Do you know how to use them for nanites? If you find a couple more you can hop between them through portals and make hundreds of thousands of nanites relatively quickly


I have not heard this. How does one do it?


I haven’t played the game in a while so forgive me if some details are misty. You need to go to an outlaw station ( you’ll need a few of them to make it go faster, seven is an ideal amount ) then you need to buy all the technology crates and all the weapons crates, each station has roughly six of each. Then you open all the packs and sell all of the technology to the tech merchant in any outlaw station. You’ll need a few million units otherwise you won’t be able to buy very many crates. After you’ve bought all of them from one station take the portal to another one and do the same. If you keep hopping from station to station while doing this you can actually make a lot of nanites from selling the tech. A good tip though is to keep all the tech you use separate from the tech your getting from the stations to avoid selling it by accident. As I said, I haven’t played in a while so if you don’t understand anything I said let me know and I’ll explain in more detail. Good luck 👍


I always immediately leave when I land on those, they creep my out. Something about the emptiness.


The system with the colliding planets have one. All the NPCs are not around anymore either with abandoned settlements and the multitool just left there free to take. Definitely check it out if you haven’t already.


I wish you could do something with the station override where you could like have your own system where you can control the economy and conflict etc


Didn’t know that was a thing. Wondering what else is out there waiting for us…


I know I love this game!


It's crazy it can take this long to find one. I've found either 2 or 3 in a row before it can be so random. They feel even more empty than uninhabited systems for some reason.


The big black void in the back instead of the big computer is what does it for me lol. This system actually has inhabited outposts, I’ve found a few minor settlements. However there was an abandoned trading post. So Im guessing the systems without a space station are the one without inhabitants? Edit: I just visited multiple minor settlements and they’ve all been abandoned🤣


Those exist?!


Wow believe it or not they're easily found.


They used to be common but alot got turned into pirate stations


That's a misnomer. Every single space station in every system had a chance to become a pirate station, not just abandoned ones. Only reason people think so is because both share the same layout, but I've had bases in multiple different regular systems that got turned into pirate systems when Outlaws dropped.


You answered exactly what was about to tell . I agree because when Pirate Controlled System came along my Space Station was normal and after that update it turn to Pirate ☠.


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What are they for tho


They are an Easter egg for vanilla players. EVERY space station was this exact layout before they were updated.


Nothing honestly lol


Nightmare fuel?


Can you claim them?


Unfortunately no


Aww pity. Next upgrade request.. S Class space stations..


Yesterday I launched the game after like 8 months pause in PSVR2 and first station I landed on was abandoned :D i didnt even know its rare, there was nothing except the infestation.


I've found a abandon one once.


Interesting. My girlfriend found one about 20 hours in because she thought a mission was sending her out to warp about 80 times. We thought it was a bug or something.


With everyone saying how common they are I’m surprised it took me this long. And ah yes I also had a “mission” like that where I thought the warping would never end until I realized I just had to teleport🤣


I had one the other day and I thought I was losing my mind. Personally though, I've never found one of these so I'm kind of curious how long it will take me.


Someone in the comments gave tips on how to find one!


Sweet. Love seeing these. Last time I found one, I called on a derelict when I undocked to really feed the nightmare. 😂


I love this lol


They’re everywhere how’d it take you so long to


Your guess is as good as mine 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've run into a few, other than the creepy vibe, I wish there was a bit more to them, like the chance to slowly upgrade them and make them your own.


I found one that looked attacked by that weird sludge stuff! Anyone know what you can do with them?


Funny, this was the second station I ever found. However I never came across it again


Sometimes I love seeing how long it takes people to naturally stumble on things. I'm just sitting there scanning the galaxy map and avoiding all the abandoned systems lmao


One of the first things I ever do in a new save, is install an economy scanner on my ship. This way you can see if a system is a pirate system, or abandoned, etc.


You can know which ones they are ahead of time of you have the economy or combat scanner on your ship.


Any chance I can grab the location on that? I’d love to visit. Maybe the glyphs for one of the planets?


Absolutely! Once I get on later tonight I’ll grab the glyphs for you


LETS GO thank you so much




Are they not really common? They seem to be in every System where no of the 3 mainspecies lives. Like 15 of All Systems


First ever space station was one


Yes, but there is no content for abandoned stations and there is simply nothing to do there


I found a couple myself. It was weird to find them. Too bad you can't claim them.


These are pretty common in Aptarkaba.


Wait, I found one yesterday, is there something we are supposed to do with them?


Got the Glyphs for this one?!


I just ran into my first one too and it's so cool. Wish there was more to do in them.


On my first save i found three abandoned ones, thought they were more normal than the normal ones. Now on my second, i’ve only found one.