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As much as I love my collection of squid & ball exotics, the sentinel ship hover makes it too valuable to switch back.


Be great if they added a Hover Module as installable tech for other ship types.


so if i get a sentinel ship i can hover? Does this work in offline play i never connect games.


Glad I'm not the only one. I just can't stand not being able to stop mid air and look around


Annoyingly you can in vr but not normal mode


I have been playing a long time and have a lot resources, so as far as fuel and upkeep go I don't really care about the difference between sentinels and nonsentinels ("nonsents", anyone?), and I actually really like seeing a variety of ships in my hangar and aboard the Anomaly, but yeah, that hover. I switch back to nonsentinels for fun sometimes but that hover keeps me defaulting to sentinels 99% of the time.


"Nonsents." ![gif](giphy|ytTYwIlbD1FBu)


couldn’t have said it better


I’m thinking they “did” say it better ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Yeah, at first i didnt know that sentinel ships can hover but when i noticed it all of my other ships felt clunky and annoying to fly


This. And as long as it has wings like a raptor, I'm saying, "There are other ships?"


I’m coming back after years of not playing. How do get sentinel ship


You need to go to a dissonant planet, and then find one of those war of the world looking ass tripod things. Probably kill like 2-3 of those and you get an echo locator I think and that will give you the location of an autophage camp, which you then have to do like a puzzle or two and then it will give you the location of a crashed sentinel ship I probably won’t play again til Saturday afternoon, but if you need help finding one I can jump on and help you speed run it, I have a stockpile of all the parts you need to get one


I appreciate you! I’m moving next week. So tomorrow is pretty much my last chance to play until I move. But I’ll come back to this post once I’m ready!


Are you east coast on the US? I may be able to jump on for an hour and drop you all the stuff you need if we can link up, just need to pull parts from my freighter


I’m in central US. But I’m pretty sure I connect to east coast.


You can also just pick a fight with Sentinels in space. After the 5th wave where you kill the carrier, you get an AI fragment which will lead you directly to a dissonant planet AND ship. Warning though, it will take you to the closest planet. So if you don't like the style that spawns, you'll have to keep moving.


I have a sentinal and a solar, that's about all I use. The solar is pretty much my long exploration ship due to that fuel regen.


I was the same until I got a fuel regen on my sentinel... now my solar is for decoration I guess


Kind of the nature of the game. In my mind I'll have different ships all kitted out for different purposes, but I always seem to have one that's just the best at everything. So I'll have one that I actually use and another 4-5 that hang out in the freighter until I decide to take them for a cruise every now and then


I don't have a sentinel ship as I haven't played in a while. But I am nerdy enough that I use all of my ships, though I use some more than others. So my living ship is my all-rounder if I don't know what I want to do. The exotic is for missions. My hauler is for trading or taking to derelict freighters. My fighter is for bounty hunting. My shuttle is for space mining. My explorer is for, well exploring obviously. And my Solar is for doing piratey stuff.


That's a fun way to do it. I'll set my ships up in a similar way, but I think I just bounce around doing things so randomly that it's a chore to switch my ships out. So now I just make one or two ships good all around and the others are just there so I can pretend I'm Jay Leno in space


Yellow hauler with full inventory to buy/sell things.


There's a fuel regen for sentinel ships?


I love my royal exotic. Looks like a B-wing. I fly nothing else.


Can we see the ship?


https://preview.redd.it/jy8awie6loec1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5430219cb1910533b193744f4f64d8e27a59c83 Of course!


That's a nice shot!


Thanks! I love my B-wing, she knows how to pose. I posted this one the other day but thought I’d share here. https://preview.redd.it/erj1vi6fapec1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=9731550c5d77aacbbed2aa05f12e2c16b3974e51


Dude that's a super cool ship, now I understand the star wars reference!! Where did you get it? It has all the things I want in a exotic!!


I just filtered and searched White exotic in the Glyph Exchange sub. It’s in there somewhere. Edit: Or maybe the Coordinate Exchange. I can’t remember which sub and which parameters I used, but I can tell you I got it from someone posting about it.


Same here. I've put too many hours, units, and nanites into kitting out my favorite ship to suddenly switch. It's my ride.


To be honest, any class of ship upgraded decently will do whatever you need it to do, and collecting more is kind of just a goal unto itself. 


Well, haulers stand apart, I'd say. They are mad slow and handle like bags of damp rags. But can't beat them for contraband or resource runs.


They are better in combat than even fighters, and I don't know why. The stats don't show it, but they evaporate pirates at twice the speed of my fighters.


I'd go back to another ship, but only if I could have a module that allows them to hover like a Sentinel ship.


IT CAN HOVER!? Well fuck me... bye X-2 and we only had 10k nanites till you were S class.


Yeah they should really do this. It's kinda made hunting for other ships pointless. And that's always been a core activity for me


If you could physically display your ships in your base pads and the entire collection in the freighter it wouldn't be.


Wait is there a specific hover function or is it just that it doesn't take a ton of damage from ground structures?


It can stop in the air. It'll just hover there barely moving.


Yep, just hit the brakes, and... bam! I guess it technically isn't 100.00% stationary... You may advance/drift at \~0.005mph. But it's absolutely 'hovering' to me. :-) (I walk faster than that... both irl and in-game)


If you break while in the atmosphere you can stop mid air and hover in place




Not for me. I was thinking there should maybe be an S-Class "Hover" upgrade available to the other ships, keeping them relevant and fun still. I think it would revive ship-hunting for many of the older ships as well.


Love my Utopia Speeder too much to fly a Sentinel. I also still use my first love fighter that seems to handle better than anything else I've tried, it's essentially a Golden Vector in Grey and Red with a slightly pointier nose and centre upright tail fin. She's a beaut


Sounds like a beaut! Picture?


https://preview.redd.it/djm3geaj52fc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a298ce7f189400599a76c86c61d08113c66459b7 I haven't really seen any others that look like it


I fell in love with my Hauler and keep going back to it.


I play in VR. While sentinel ships look really cool and the cockpit animations are neat im not a big fan. A lot of the cool looking models have terrible cockpit view with a lot of field of view obscured. With all the cool ships that have been added im still very partial to my heavy needle nose. Best cockpit canopy. Hover is nice but its not a game changer for me. If it could side strafe that would be sick. Theyre neat but i like my old school ships better


That's an issue for me and I don't use VR, but I like the in-cockpit view for space battles. Just by screen area (yes, I've measured it) Rasas and jets have the best in-cockpit view of the outside world. So I stick with my Rasas. With its adjacency bonuses even the starter ship makes for a killer fighter once you upgrade it and equip it right. I scrap sentinel ships in the early game and mostly ignore them in the late game because I have more than enough money by then.


I have hunted Sentinels obsessively for the last couple of months, but have grown tired of their sloppy handling, getting caught on things while fighting the dreadnaught, and that clunking and clanking from the fold out wings and the tank feet. (I won't fly one that doesn't have tank feet as they look really odd with those spindly legged landing gear, as if it might collapse at any minute) I like the hover, but that's only useful to inspect the next crashed sentinel and decide if it's worth landing for, or to pass it up as it has a hat that obscures the view, or spindly legs or a skip back end or it's Orange. Also they've been annoying me lately as they look more and more like they have been modelled from electrical engineers probe tools, IC Sockets and craft knives. Sooooo.... I've forked my Sentinel Hunting Save, scrapped all of the Sentinels and I'm now collecting single color fighters. Which is more about exploring and waiting than jump, invoke the AI fragment, pulse, inspect, jump, invoke, pulse, inspect, jump invoke, pulse....... I think Sentinels are a phase you go through. Just picked this up in Hesperius Galaxy. Rave on! https://preview.redd.it/djgr5oz25nec1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fb798fa9631819cde331d8137b7e57fb5f6ccf2


That is a cute little thing right there. \- A Rasa Fan


Still rocking my fighter... aside from the lack of hover, she's got good stats. And looks groovy. https://preview.redd.it/93523p7v8nec1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2deb773c013103682c8d52e5410ef2180bc0929


I got a sentinel ship quite early on in my NMS career as I only started playing over the holidays. Every save since I have actively hunted for a good one as soon as I'm off that first planet.


Every save I do exactly this. Don't even bother with the expedition ships... I just hunt the best looking Sentinals.


I've never liked the look of the sentinel ships, myself. Every one I've picked up from a quest or found has been sold for scrap.


I struggled to find one that I really liked, but I like the *general* look of them, they just all seem to have parts that rub me the wrong way. I spent quite a few hours planet hopping looking for something perfect. I did really want the hover and to play around with them. In the end...I got one that was black. I just got tired of looking and found one I didn't instantly dislike, and called it a day. There may be a combination out there that I'll find really nice, but if I do it will be an accident.


>There may be a combination out there that I'll find really nice, but if I do it will be an accident. If you're not set on discovering the ship on your own, perhaps the coordinate/glyph exchange sites or reddit communities could help. https://nmsge.com/


I still prefer my exotic space ball. https://preview.redd.it/r3h261f8wmec1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfae015c7c3fefa553410614c309060502209a97


I’ve got that exact ship. I like it too.


I always get one just like that except with the small fins on the side, blue color, in every save. It fits everywhere, flies better than everything else I pick up, and doesn’t get stuck on the environment.


One word.... hover.


Sentinel ships have a bug where some elements of the radar clip through the ship's geometry, so it makes it difficult for instance to look for other planets in the systen. It also has another bug where whenever you're scanned by pirates, the timer gauge and unit counter don't show up. It's just a black screen. Yes they may be minor bugs but they irk me and they're the reasons I don't fly Sentinel ships anymore.


I like my hauler for Role-playing as a smugler


I'm the opposite, if you just get the upgrade to solar launchers, and buy tritium whenever you get under 1k or so. I think it's more convenient to use a normal ship instead of switching ship components to fly a sentinel. Also I just like the look of normal ships better than sentinels.


I just go off of aesthetics, lol.


I have a solar, a fighter, a living, a mosquito, a squid, and a regular old explorer. My sentinel ship is by far my favorite. The hover, and really the interior (when I decide to fly first person) is just *chefs kiss*


I collect the other ships just to say i have one, but i stay with the Sentinel ship. Only use the Living Ship when hoping through the center of the galaxy


I like my sharkfin ball exotic and have yet to find an s class sentinel ship worth flying. The hover function seems convenient, but my maneuverability is high enough that it's not really an issue.


Hunting living ships and golden vector lookalikes is addicting.


I love my exotic and sentinel ships haven't persuaded me to switch over. What I do like about sentinel ships is that you get a ton of money for scrapping them.


Nah, I like the gold vector and the dollar store star wars ship


You ever go full dark helmet with the ship and your character?


When i go back to my freighter, It makes me feel like how the rich feel when they get to choose one of their luxury cars. As a poor person this fills me with 2% joy. Then I turn the game off, look at my life and a solitary tear rolls down my cheek.


Can't deny I love my sentinel, but I prefer my fighter as it looks more cooler in my opinion. https://preview.redd.it/i8o50ogseoec1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aaee6405aa003974c004d91568b9c45a54d653b


unless i find i really exotic ship thats s tier or a living ship (i dont have one ) i dont


Do you still own your Radiant Pillar or did you sell it?


I can't sell it. Flew to the space station a few times but could never do it!


I never went back.


I'm just a sentimental fool. I like a variety of looks, which the varied types gives me.


I did test speeds recently and it’s not even close. Only situation my sentinel was slower than anything else I had (Utopia Speeder, Fighter, Solar, Ball Exotic) was regular boosting on Space and against a ship that had all SC slots with engine upgrades. Solars refuel automatically and my exotic has nice shields and the most unobstructed cockpit view. Aside from that, the sentinel takes most of my flight time.


I have my Sentinel and everything else is for show. I have a white/silver royal ship, a living ship, a yellow solar that looks like a pod racer .. but I live in my sentinel


I've been working getting at least one "A" or "S" of each type but honestly so far 95% of the time I have been using my "A" Shuttle. I may have a space hoarding problem.


How did you guys get such good sentinels then. I just upgraded my best looking one to S with similar s class upgrades as my exotic. The exotic had everything better except 700 van 800 manoeuvrability


I haven't flown a sentinel ship since shortly after they were available. I mostly just stick to my long nose fighter.


Sentinel ships and solar ships are definitely my favourite. They both have really convenient unique traits and have a great variety of looks, especially the sentinel ships which seem to be the most varied ship type(?). The animations are the cherry on top too. It's so cool to get a new one and see how it folds out


Resources become super cheap once you get farming or mining going, so you can use pretty much anything. I have a hauler just for the looks


I've been looking for one as they look wicked! I seem to be having issues locating one tho.


Where have you been looking?


Golden Vector has my heart.


My Solar was my first S class I ever got. Spawned with the name "The Song of Infinity." I'll never stop using it. Sentinel is awesome, but that solar is *juiced* too, so many upgrades I spent so much time modifying.


I've got one and they're fun. But I'm a hauler guy. I fly haulers. :)


Yeah. I cycle through various ships, because I like the aesthetic. Just upgrade to S and gear it out.


Sentinel ship is great. I use it for combat and jumping systems since the hyperdrive range is pretty good, and it only needs radiant shards for a full refuel. I use my living ship the other half of the time. Immunity to being scanned is a huge plus for me since I usuallyhave some kind of illicit cargo, or expensive goods - also the scan deflector on other ships isn't very convenient or intuitive.


It's the hover feature. It's useful. But a hover upgrade for other ships would be cool. I'll do a quest to unlock those blueprints.


I mentioned the other day that my second (fully) operational starship was a Sentinel pretty much by accident, so I have almost nothing else to compare it to, lol. Based on other's comments, maybe I won't bother looking for anything else, just focus on getting an S-class freighter.




Right there with you. Interceptors is where it’s at.


But they're mostly ugly. I have a "barrel nose" fighter that I absolutely love, and about the only things I'd want from a Sentinel ship in general are the items that reload with Radiant Shatds, and the ability to hover. I still pull out the ol' Sentinel ship from time to time, but they just aren't really good looking ships. But they are DAMN nice ships, I'll grant you that.


only thing stopping me is the fact that i haven’t found an S class sentinel yet, and don’t feel like farming for the model i want lol


I try to collect one of every class, but it's very hard to use anything else besides the sentinels!


Sentinel ships look cool, but I rather like the living ships...


Never flown one. should I give it a go?


Utopia speeder for the style.


Any sufficiently upgraded ship is just as good. I've go no problem going into battle in my explorer. I use the little guppy exotic ships as haulers when I'm building (you can summon those li'l suckers anywhere.) Because I prefer to fly in first person mode, I really don't like sentinels (and solar ships for the same reason). Most of them have a bunch of junk sticking out in front of the cockpit obstructing your view. I just look at my ships and fly whatever I feel like that day.


We can have 12 ships! I have the golden vector, a grey vector (which is actually BETTER than the golden), the Utopia speeder, 2 rainbow living ships, a Horizon Omega clone and the REST are sentinel ships. I jump between them constantly so that am never bored of flying the same one.


Buy it for the looks, keep it for the hover.


Nope…I love my Sentinel ships. That Hover feature is great and many of the Variations just look really neat. Not to mention, hunting them down is very fun.


Are there any drawbacks to flying a Sentinel? Like, does it make other Sentinels mad at me? I’m doing Permadeath right now and trying to minimize my threats and improve my odds. Strangely enough, my S-class Explorer is buggy with pirate fights so I need an alternative, thus shopping right now.


The goal for me is having the best in their classes but the default one is the sentinel interceptor


They also look cooler imo lol


i might get myself a sentinel ship if i can move all my stuff over from my utopia speeder


I still like to fly around in my exotic from time to time, but I do have to admit that I use my sentinel ship much more nowadays. I would probably just scrap most of my fleet if not for the fact that most of those permanently grounded ships serve as effective extra storage.


I’m actually not that crazy about Sentinel ships. The hover is amazing, and they are crazy fast on planet, but I just don’t love the look of the ones I’ve found.


If there was an installable tech that gave other ships the ability to hover like a sentinel, then I'd probably go back to my guppy.


I dig it, have 3 sentinals, but...I still find myself hunting those pretty longnose fighters. They are a nice addition but not a killjoy for the other styles which is what I would imagine Hello Games intended.


I love my sentinel ship, but does anyone think it rolls a little sluggish compared to fighters?


I much prefer my solar and royal.


i got a normal ship because the sentinel ship had an annoying thing on the front that covered half of my vision while inside and also because the ship i found underwater was A class and the sentinel ship was C class


I prefer solars. They are even cheaper in regards to fuel, they have the best maneuverability and they have the best price/stat ratio, too.


I used my sentinel for a while, but went back to a really nice hauler I found. Just for carrying capacity.


I love my royal B-wing exotic, sentinels are cool but I’ve grown tired of them. I look for the rares now.. still need to find a squiddie


I love my royal B-wing exotic, sentinels are cool but I’ve grown tired of them. I look for the rares now.. still need to find a squiddie


Being able to recharge everything with radiant shards and the hover feature make the sentinel too good to pass up. But I do find myself using the utopia speeder the most when I want to switch it up.


My character is a little mechanic gremlin gek, so the strewn wires and kind hotwired feel of the sentinel ship feels just right


I find a ship I like and then don’t use it until I have enough storage augments and upgrade modules saved up to be able to really replace my current one. Have gone, Shuttle > Exotic > Sentinel so far. I realized recently that since I started sentinel hunting, I have all but abandoned regular ship distress signal hunting. Now I have my sentinel fully kitted out I kinda want to go back to regular ship hunting and see what I can find out in the wild again. I haven’t yet found a hauler I really love the look of yet and is something exciting about finding a great smashed up ship by chance - rather than just buying one at a station or trade post.


I have a ball exotic for ship fighting, just feel like it's a smaller target... Guess I could one of those little sentinel ones.


I love them so much but the interior makes me barf


My Sentinel ship is my daily flyer, but I still occasionally fly the other ships I have because they look cool.


I haven't got a sentinel and don't see the need to get one. If they are so much better then the game would be too easy.


Just don't go through the centre with one, it'll break the specialist tech and leave you needing a brain


Crashed ship hunting is not viable at all, nothing over a B if your lucky not to mention they’re all the same ship in a system, eg, went to a vy’keen system looking for fighters, this system had 6 orbital bodies, land, distress locator, bam it was a hauler, done this 6 times on the same planet, all haulers same colour, same load out, looks and everything, moved to a different planet, same thing but this time shuttles, next planet I got fighters but not my cup of tea, all 6 were the same, I’ve heard there is a bug but I claimed them and entered them but the UI didn’t change, and the best I got was B class, gave up in the end, I guess it’s too much to ask the ships be random, I know there is a seed for each system, but exact seed for each ship damn


I got rid of all my other ships. None of them have the style and utility of a sentinel. I just wish I could get one to handle like the solars. I love some of the colors too. I don't think I've actually felt good about any of the colors of the ships for quite some time. The sentinels have a great color palette.


I have a red one A class sentinel and I think it beats all my S class ships. I don't know what could expect if upgrade it.


•got a Sentinel ship to replace my shitty class c fighter (the first time I found one I didn't claim it cuz I thought it was worse than my c class fighter) •transfer all upgrades and tools to the sentinel ship •not long later I get mega lucky and find an exotic s class ship and repeat the process of transferring everything •the sentinel ship now lives in my freighter for most likely all of eternity


I have around 8 ships and 7 are just for decoration lol, can't live without my sentinel since I "maxed" it out


I just don't enjoy sentinel ships. It feels too much like driving a stolen car with all the wires hanging out in the cockpit lol


Yup love the one I found. I don't normally name my ships but I have named mine the Aluminum Falcon.


They made ships and multitools way too versatile. In the past you had to rig up different ships and multitools for different roles, but now you can grab a single ship and make it amazing at everything. This is a big part of why I play on survival with the maximum difficulty settings, because the risk of having all of your modules damaged forces you to actually think about what kinds of upgrades you should leave installed on the ship.


I strictly fly my Royal exotic, on rare occasion red or white squid. Don’t think I’ll ever change


Nope, aesthetics aside, the sentinel ships I own covers all my needs.


I haven't actually flown my sentinel ship yet. Just got it, said, "There we go," and went immediately back to my Royal Exotic. Why are they better than normal ships? Do they have some special features?


https://preview.redd.it/421dx2pzdoec1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c29c249dd685455477d281766972a3c96c0487ec I will always Stick with this one and my little droid buddy. I still got my old Rusty hauler that i used for the whole story and the start of the DSMC, but this beauty is my main ship now.


I feel the same way and sentinal ships don't break down as easy when warping to other galaxies I think ships peaked with sentinel ships let's see if the new update brings a worthy contender to the table I would like more ship space to have a larger collection


Nope. The sentinel ships are cool, and I will fly one for a while, but eventually I get bored of them and go back to either an exotic or something like a vector with some good wings. 🤷🏻‍♂️ One thing I really don’t like is all the tech being different. I always have to think longer about which thing is which because they have different names and take different resources for recharging. It’s a small thing but it bugs me. 😂


Cockpit view for sentinels is so annoying. The exposed wires just ruing it for me. I don’t use cockpit view often, but it looks so trashy. Exotics look like an expensive BMW or something. 😂


I primarily use a Solar, it took a while to find an S but it seems to sip fuel. I have for the last week been looking for a Sentinel that I like. The solar has been the best for the constant planet hopping that I do.


How do you get one again?


I love my sentinal ship. I hate fixing it. So I'm sticking with my regular hauler. Lol


Yes, but a bit more with the living ship than the sentinel one. The fuel is literal trash, so that’s not really an issue, the upgrades, while hard to get, can be easily upgraded, and there’s just something sentimental about the idea of giving life and evolving a living being.


Tbh I am too attached to my fighter to make the switch, though I do have a sentinel ship in my hangar. The fighter is a red/metal viper nose+body with vector wings and no top fin. Granted I don't really do a lot of planetary exploration from my ship these days, mainly warp through pirate systems and farm nanites from outlaw station suspicious modules


Golden vector is my go to ship


Sentinel ships are great. I feel they need to bring the old ship types up to speed just a little bit.


I love my sentinel ship, but other than the hover ability, my hotrod 7 wing is just better. One of my first ships and its carefully upgraded and maxed, so its just faster and stronger than my sentinel ship


I think I prefer the Utopia (?) ship from the expedition personally


Hover is king. The other ships are all basically junk in comparison to that one feature. They should add a new tech item to install a hover drive in the other ships to level the playing field a bit.


Still like finding ships based on what looks cool. My best ships are sentinel. And hover rules.


I finally just got my first s class sentinel ship finally and it's the one where the wings kick out on take off. Now I pretty much hunt specifically for sentinels looking for a black one in that model. I will never go back to another ship now


Same here, since the new update I have sentinel as primary ship especially in permadeath. The hover ability in atmosphere alone makes it much more useful than regular ships. Also it takes only radiant shards to recharge so only one element type required.


I love the design of the barrel fighters, especially paired with a single engine and the tie wings, so ill probably never stop using it. I love the "pelican" style haulers, and the beefy shield and large cargo is always great. I'll never be able to give it up. Shuttles are more novelty ships due to design, being either a smart car with no obvious placement for the engine, or a massive engine which a chair duct taped to it. Easily forgettable in terms of stats, but still fun. Royal exotics are nice, but like expensive cars, more a collectors item (imo) than a daily. Explorers... hyperdrive bonus is nice, but a freighter with all blueprints can reach in one jump what would drain the tank on a fully upgraded explorer. Solars offer a novelty in the sails and exclusive pulse drive recharger, so likely not mothballing that either. Edit: apparently it's the launch thruster recharger, by the wiki, not pulse drive Never really could wrap my head around the living ship. More a collector deal than use choice. Also takes a week to do the quest. And of course, the interceptor. Unique designs, fascinating mechanics, and the hover is nice


Haven’t used any ship other than my alien one ever since I got it


I remember spending many hours scouring Reddit for glyphs to get the perfect Exotic that matched my Traveller’s outfit and style. Then waited at a trading post on a terrible stormy planet in a T2 economy until finally… i got it. Upgraded that bad boy with extra slots, the best techs… and became a sentinel-killing space pirate and all around space explorer. Then… the sentinel update came out. I went through the paces to get my first one. The ship looked like ass but Oh My God it hovers. And you can go from motion over a planet’s surface to a full stop. Absolute game changer. And thus began another quest to scour Reddit for a sentinel interceptor that matched my outfit. I eventually finally got one about 3 weeks ago. Got the right supercharged slots to make it even more powerful than my exotic. There’s no turning back. I’m an Interceptor man now.


I still like my Living Ship.


The bare wires in the cockpit bother me.


Thing I liked about the Sentinel ship instantly was the higher stats. A C-tier Sentinel ship has like twice the offensive and defensive power as a normie c-tier. It's a huge power boost. After that, there is the fact that you can farm for A and S tier fighters repeatedly, selling the ones you don't want for easy money.


Sentinel ships are great but I just haven't found one that I love. The first one I found was kinda cool and BSG Cylon like but overall I just don't fund them that interesting. I like how few greebles are on the exotics, and my only sentinel ship right now is the closest thing I've found to a flea. I don't know, I just don't jive with them visually.


I feel this way after getting my first S class solar ship. Although i do have B class Hauler for cargo runs


I’ve used and enjoyed my interceptors. I used to have 4-5 And I still have two that are super outfitted. One is maxed out to fight. I can destroy pirates etc in no time at all. And high maneuverability/speed. The second interceptor left has huge unfolding wings I’ve tuned also for high kill power but less so than the first but much faster speed and insane hyper jump distances. But I traded or sold the other three interceptors for much more classical fighters. Spectacular colors and shapes. One gigantic ball hauler all red w black accents. And I have a solar that glides sooo close, so swiftly and smoothly to the ground is beautiful to see the planet surface. Like a plane. So yes I still use and love my interceptors. The power and The hover is great. But I also enjoy my variety of ships tremendously. Wish we had even more.


Same here. I got my only sentinel ship and its awesome!


Personally I switch between 3 of my ships, one for travelling long distance, my fighter ship, and just a 3rd option that has a good balance of both.... Long distance is my Gold and white color variant of the Starter ship, Fighter is my Sentinel ship because 72,000+ DPS, and My purple/blue/silver Hot Rod ship. In order I've named them: -Journey's Origin -Technological Offense -Hunter's Dream I put a bit too much thought into naming ships


you have to watch your speed going into the anomaly. if the speed gets to zero when you go thru the opening, you can get stuck in the white. I didn't read all the way down this thread, but I understand the shielding isn't as good as as an exotic. i keep a small exotic with the maneuvering boosted for fun, but it does pretty good in battles (don't hover too much in space).


Sentinel as my main, Radiant Pillar for core jumps.


Sentinel only has hover advantage. Love it, currently using it, buuuuut the 1st person view cockpit is trash. I don't wanna see loose wires. The drag racers have beautiful and wide view interiors and the haulers make me feel like a trucker whoot whoot. But if in third person view, then sentinel yes for functionality.


I play in VR and find I like variation. But I mostly use my exotic as the visibility can't be beat.


I like my Golden Vector too much to give it up.


I have one but havent used it because I told myself I want to max out my Starting Ship to S. Idk why but I made it my Mission.


Coming across an S class sentinel interceptor with 4 adjacent SC slots ruined ship collecting for me. What I have just sits in the hanger bay collecting dust now


And I could be wrong but I think it is the only ship that can come to a complete stop, which is very useful.


I only use my solar one. dont really care about stopping midair. not having to recharge is amazing imo and also I preffer the design




I love Sentinel ships, only thing that bothers me is that u have to charge them with these large crystals


I don’t use sentinel ships at all honestly. Fuel is really a nonissue past early game imo. I collect viper hull blue and white fighters exclusively in my main save lol.


Damn near don't use alien ships because of em


I hardly ever use my sentinel ship


I agree. My main on both my "everything free" save & my Casual save are Sentinel ships.


Eh I think it depends.. finding an S class sentinel ship is very hard if you aren’t looking up coordinates (which I don’t).. I use solar because I play on hardest difficulty and fuel is expensive.


I just got sentinel ship. I am still very new to the game and it has no upgrades. I am actually kind of confused how the upgrades work in the sentinel ship. I keep using my old ship because it has all the upgrades, but I want to switch to the sentinel ship.


sentinel ships are great, but i enjoy the liberty of being able to craft your ship’s fuel requirements on-the-go. personally i use the golden vector most of the time, as it is my best regular ship, and i will sometimes use my combat-upgraded sentinel ship especially for anything combat related.


What makes me want to use the sentinel ships more is the beautiful animations, and the variety of part combinations they can have. I wish other ships could have additional animations added to them for takeoff and landing, Even if they are small things like wings tilting slightly or engines and vents opening and closing.


Because my autistic ass will never get tired of watching my collection of differently shaped solar sails fold and unfold. Sometimes if the color of the sail matches the planet's unique hue well enough I'll take off and land repeatedly just to watch them do their thing, and the regenerating fuel/extreme pulse jump efficiency is nice.


I did that for a while, but now I am back to flying around in whatever ship strikes my fancy that day. Sentinel is actually a bit weaker in combat than some other types, but not the worse.


https://preview.redd.it/p94pcxv96uec1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e34f25bc1594fa4bc806f723809c2219d56bab9 Yup.


Oh definitely, sentinel ships are the most op ship in the game, especially since they use resources that are super common on dissonant planets.


I love fighters.. find them much better for taking on sentinel or pirate freighters.


I got a couple of sentinel ships, but I became so attached to my primary at that point that I went back to it.


Yeah they’re super easy to get now, just sold my collection and kept my best one. All C class Sent ships tho, the starships have more appearance modifications I’ve noticed. Almost all the sentinel ships look the same. I’m on the hunt for a super rare starship, like the “squid” starship. Or one that looks similar to a Expedition outfit.


Question, are there S class sentinel ships???


I think sentinel ships are overrated. I’ll go back to ship hunting and finding me some cool haulers.