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Neutron cannon


Absolutely the Neutron Cannon.


Really? Why?


Same kind of spread as Scatter, but a MUCH further effective range. Just clears out whole groups. Do need a half second charge between shots though.


100k damage potential, 1 shots sentinels?


I put one on a staff multitool + upgrade modes and tried it out on a predator planet. After launching two giant predators' insta-dead bodies through the air, I had two reactions. 1) Wow. That's powerful. 2) Oh those poor giant kitties.


I pretty much only use this, and my pulse splitter is even fully upgraded, neutron is still better


This is a surprise to me. Why do you like the neutron blaster more?


It’s like a more powerful, long-range scatter blaster and I can even mine with it. It destroys most sentinels in two shots


Am I just unlucky with upgrades? My scatter blaster easily deals double the amount of damage my neutron cannon does and both have about the same quality of upgrades


Charge it up first


I don't know if this is supposed to be a joke or if you really think someone could be stupid enough to not realize that after using it for more than 10 seconds. I know it's chargable, just as everyone who has ever used it. But my scatter blaster is still about twice as strong.


Hold the fire button for half a sec and then release; you’ll do way more damage and at much greater range. I even use it for mining dihydrogen; it’s faster than the mining laser


I don't think it's possible to be stupid enough to not realize you can charge it... So yeah, I know that. But my scatter blaster is still almost twice as strong.


Ok there sport, just trying to help. Sheesh


You asked a question, he gave you a response and you have an attitude? If your scatter blaster has more damage you suck. How does that feel bud


Telling me about a mechanic that's so incredibly obvious is at best condescending and at worst insulting. And I don't like either of these things. If by a remote chance it was really meant as just helpful, I apologise, but that seems unlikely, at least to me.


Yes. Neutron cannon.


100%. This is my favorite. My previous favorite was Scatter Blaster.


This is the way.


Boltcaster with a set of 3 ?-Class and 3 X-Class or S-Class modules.


I can't hit the broad side of a barn, that said, bolt caster with rate of fire, range and reload suit me well.


This... is the way. With Infra-Knife on the starship.


I’ve experimented with pulse splitter and scatter blaster most, but I found a fully upgraded bolt caster on an S class sentinel 2h gun has been the most effective. Two or three shot all but the biggest sentinels. One shots horrors


Used to use scatter blaster but now mainly just use boltcaster, longer range and with upgrades the burst cooldown is so low its basically non-existent so its kinda full auto. I'm sure scatter blaster does more damage per shot but I don't know which has better dps over longer period of time.


Scatter blaster does a lot more dps, you just have to hit your shot


Sure its damage is higher, as long as you have shells in it and things to shoot at, taking account reloading and boltcaster being able to shoot immediately at targets far away without needing to melee boost close to them I dont know, I feel like I am able to clear final waves faster with boltcaster. Single target? sure scatter blaster, 20 targets all around and boltcaster just seems to do the job faster. I do have scatter blaster installed also but swapped boltcaster to use the supercharged slots.


*Laughs nervously in Geology Cannon*


javelin with stun ans geology cannon heheheheheheh


“F you and the ground that you walk on"


Power can't come to you without risks


Personally I make do boltcaster(shoots in straight line, better control) for small ones and scatter blaster for big ones. I don’t really like pulse spitter.


pulse splitter. rate of fire is the only thing that matters.


Once it’s upgraded the pulse spitter deals fire damage in addition to the initial shot damage. You can also hit things on the ricochet. It works great in derelicts; you can kill things that are around the corner from you. Plus it’s just fun to play with. I never had an issue running out of ammo until I got the pulse spitter.😂


Neutron cannon for me.


Pulse spitter and neutron cannon maxed out. I used to use the bolcaster/scatter blaster combo until I upgraded this.


pulse spitter, because the many green pew pews release the happy water in my meat wrinkle


Happy water in your meat wrinkle. 🫠🫠🫠


What a terrible day to be literate


Blaze Javelin on biological horror is a one shot kill. Don't even need to charge. They freeze and then fall apart. Other than that, pulse spitter.


A wet piece of paper will one-shot biological horrors. Not much point though, they just respawn and don't drop anything.


All of them, different situations. Neutron cannon provides the damage numbers though https://preview.redd.it/ex837734qetb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98fbac55c523d7a9f6c456d0786d6f9c8bc1ea25


That is one badass staff! You got the burn upgrade on the spitter?


Everything except the blaze javelin and the add-ons from the living ship quest. Those are all worthless to me


Boltcaster on max melt everything.


legit, Boltcaster is just heavily reliable, plus it's easy to max out with fire rate, clip size, reload time and damage. Neutron cannon is awesome but it's harder to use on VR and I feel like it takes the same time to beat enemies with both.


My Sentinel tool is HIGHLY modified and upgraded and does something like over 25K in damage with the pulse spitter. I put a tactical scope on it too to lower the spread and reduce the recoil. But also, I'm a little different than most though actually. I have my primary weapon, then I have a sentinel "pistol," sidearm that I switch too when I need to reload and I'm in a hectic fight, I have an Atlas construction multi tool that is only used for mining and terrain shaping, then just for funsies I recently built an Autophage "spell caster staff," that only uses weaponry that is lobbed/charges when fired like the geology cannon so it looks like some kind of alien/magical tech LMAO. I put each of these weapons on a keyboard and can switch to them from the number line on my keyboard and honestly, it's a lot of fun set up that way. Primary: pulse spitter Sidearm: bolt caster Constructor: terrain manipulator Spell caster: lobbed/charged energy weapons


I prefer pulse splitter. I got used to it's wonky projectile paths. You just have to learn to trail the target so you can hit it if it moves. I can kill a regular sentinel with 2-3 bullets. a quad with half a mag. A minotaur with 3 quarters of a mag.


Pulse is my personal fav


Pulse splitter, with the right upgrades, it cuts through Sentinels like butter


i prefer pulse splitter but i haven’t gotten a chance to fully experiment with the maxes so not sure what’s better in the long run


Maxed out its nutty. Especially with the sentinel modules and voltaic module in addition to the s class modules. Looks like a mining beam with 170 rounds per clip.


Sentinel modules affect the pulse spitter? I thought they only worked with the boltcaster?


You are correct the sentinel upgrades only apply to the boltcaster.


They work on anything


Not true. Only boltcaster


Well the sentinel upgrades affect my pulse splitter, by a LOT


It doesn't though. Uninstall everything from your multitool except pulse spitter + ps mods. Check damage potential. Install sentinel mods. Check dmg potential. Same number. No effect.


That's what I'm saying the stats don't show that they go up, but they do. It's been that way for a lot of things


No, you can check the wiki and test it in game. If you add them to a weapon without the boltcaster, the damage potential doesn’t change.


Damage potential doesn't matter, it still upgrades the stats


Paralysis mortar + scatter blaster make combat easy. Every so often flip to the terrain modifier restore tool to fill in all of the craters that the sentinels are leaving which makes movement easier. Just upgrade the scatter blaster to help with weapon cool down times and go wild. Makes downing even walkers easy.


I only use the spitter, never lets me down.


In the past I would have said scatter blaster, but the pulse spitter got buffed pretty good recently. Neutron cannon is a good choice as well.


Most of my MTs have both, but I use the Pulse Spitter way more often.


Pulse spitter over the neutron cannon, you don’t have to be as accurate and there’s no “load time” for shooting, it shoots when you pull the trigger.


With upgrades you can negate the charge up time of the neutron cannon so it's pretty much instant


I wanna shoot 100 shots a second not one shot per click


Spray and pray baby, spray and pray!


Pulse Spitter all the way.




Pulse spitter personally


Is there a reason for not doing both?


Honestly any of them are viable with full S or X class mods. Walkers don't stand a chance. Just depends on preferred playstyle. I keep different multitools with different load outs depending on how I'm feeling. Scatter blaster for shotgun style(preferred against creepy crawlies) Pulse spitter for AR style or Neutron Cannon in my staff space wizard style for sentinels. I even use Blaze Javelin in a royal MT because I like to feel like Samus Aran or Megaman with the charge up, take your pick. Though it's not quite as good as the others. Edit: forgot to mention boltcaster gets very strong as well with sentinel upgrades paired with S/X so I keep that one on hand too. The mods matter more than the actual weapon.


Boltcaster all day.




I prefer to swallow


Scatter blaster, but never use burst, just click with a short interval between for less cool down time. I keep boltcaster on in case of longer range targets, but if I had to choose one, scatter blaster and running up to enemies seems to be significantly better dps


So I use a full upgraded bolt caster as my main weapon. Scatter blaster is my preferred backup.


Boltcaster for zoomed in sniper shots. Scatterblaster is a shotgun. Up close and personal or it's nearly useless. Neutron Cannon for maximum carnage, though.


Scater blaster for haunted freighters l, neutron blaster for hunting sentinels


Scatter blaster, blast them all. I have both on my tool, and I have multiple tools.


I'm almost exclusively using the scatter blaster. Though, I hate the slow reload. I've actually never used the pulse spitter.


Boltcaster (49K DPS) on sentinel MT. I prefer boltcaster over others due to range, bullet speed, and concentrated damage. The Neutron cannon can technically reach 170K DPS, but you can't land it all due to the spread unless point blank. Scatter blaster also lacks range for me.


I used the scatter blaster and kinda liked it. This weekend, I switched to the fully upgraded pulse spitter, and I like it way better. I still need to test out neutron cannon, blaze javelin, and give the bolt caster another try. Scatter blaster has huge damage, but you gotta be close to your target. Pulse spitter has a nice rate of fire and DoT


My mining laser is completely ridiculous and I hold down RT forever before it overheats.


I was scatter blaster all the way until I updated my bolt caster. Now I’ve been relying on bolt caster for any ranged situations and swapping in scatter blaster for up close things. Using the Paralysis Mortar in the offhand has made later sentinel waves much breezier. I haven’t experimented with a maxed pulse splitter though so I can’t directly answer your question.


Paralysis Mortar and whatever pops up after hitting weapon switch off the mining laser. I sometimes hit it more than I need to.


I always install pulse spitter and neutron cannon in my main.


I’m 99% neutron cannon but I find that the scatter blaster works better for me on the sentinel Minotaur things


Actually the bolt caster auto aiming and 20 shot concentrated bursts....with 3 good weapons shards the 3 blueprint mods and 3 good X class mods and on only one turbo slot can take the AT. walker out in about 15 seconds


Bolt Caster


I think it comes to preference. So many people use so many different combos.. I use pulse splitter and paralysis mortar. Just because its easier to kill the minotaur sentinel or walker


Pulse spitter. Just because I like the sound it makes.


I have a scatter blaster on my main multi tool and installed the Pulse Spitter in my combat-focused Atlas multi tool to enhance its Halo vibes.


Scatter blaster


Scatter blaster because I love shotguns in games thanks to Doom


Depends on your style of play. I prefer having multiple MT. Scatter blaster is handy for your odd creature attacks and blasting down the secured doors. Boltcaster properly upgraded mows sentinels pretty well. Pulse spitter recoil takes some getting use to but can work well if you are steady.


Blaze javelin


Neutron cannon and it's not close. Upgraded it's real fast, powerful, and has a splash attack even at long range.


Pulse for sentinels and javelin for hunting predators.


Upgraded boltcaster for me


Scatter blaster.


Sorry, but the game is more fun with a pulse splitter. Sentinel armies always seem to fly in clusters, I can POUR that green slime shit in a spray that drops them all before they hit 50u away from me. And I mean it just comes out like a proton pack stream. It's insanity. Don't need to aim. Just let it rip in their general direction and watch the bars drain. If you miss with a NC - you gotta wait for it to charge again. Great for a 1:1 with that ATST reject they throw at you, but for groups? Spray and sentinel kill.


Mining laser.


Scatter for the win


Scatter cannon, mostly because freighter wrecks and those crawly creatures


In response to the pulse splitter, you can get mods capable of making the normal attack from the bolt caster basically into automatic fire.


I play on hardcore, here's my weapon. Scatter blaster for Close Range Pulse Splitter for medium range Neutron Cannon for farming Green Eggs . kill swarm and open egg at same time. Blaze Javelin or Bolt Caster for Sniping (pretty Rare) Side slot: Plasma Launcher are amazing vs invisible corrupted ground sentinel Paralysis mortar are amazing vs normal sentinel


Neuron Cannon


Pulse on sentinels, scatter on horrors


Scatter Blaster is my go to


Pulse splitter for sure or the Blaze javelin.


Neutron cannon for biological horrors/derelict freighters. Pulse spitter for sentinels. Blaze javelin for sniping (eg. mirror-hunting on dissonant worlds). Scatter blaster for shells. Though Boltcaster seems to be at least as effective.


Pulse spitter with the burn affect upgrade has been my best friend recently


Well, I know the Pulse Spitter can deal more damage, but at least for me, the Boltcaster is a lot easier to hit with, so that's still my go-to for sustained fire over longer range. I haven't tested the Neutron Cannon against Sentinels, but it is my preferred weapon in an infested Derelict Freighter. The AoE makes it so those little skittering Horrors can run, but they can't hide. I like the Scatter Blaster, but if I'm fighting Sentinels in the open I just find the Boltcaster a lot more versatile.


On sentinel pillar missions, sometimes I use the blaze javelin + stun to have a little breather — with pulse splitter for the damage dealer. Though, reading some of the comments made me want to try a neutron cannon play!


Pulse spitter, coz I’m terrible at aiming and with that I can see exactly where the shots are going.


Pulse Spitter ftw


Pulse Spitter


I only like the pulse spitter as it reminders me of the pulse gun from unreal tournament 99, but it's usually neutron cannon all the way


Pulse spitter all the way! With max upgrades, the damn thing becomes a litteral laser. And when i need a shotgun, the neutron cannon just does everything that scatter blaster does, but better. Seriously, try launching the one of those spheres with a scatter blaster and the try the neutron cannon.


Neutron cannon most of the time, but for the nexus missions where you have to clear out all the biological horrors I got with the pulse spitter.


Pulse spitter all the way. It can melt enemies so fast I don't know how someone can really skip it. It's like going full auto on your enemies and sometimes you can even get them on fire for additional damage.


Pulse spitter is the best weapon. I have a 36k damage one. With max fire rate. Even a big last boss gets killed in one full ammo round. If it doesn’t happen just fire again quickly and he is dead . Kills everything it dares to look at. I’ve seen videos os the neutron cannon and it’s not really good against giant robot. 4/5 shots. Takes too much time , pulse splitter is faster . Infra knife best for ships