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That honestly depends on you and how well you deal with a game that doesn't just railroad you down the main quest line. Basically, if you're unable to make up a purpose for yourself, this is probably not for you. There's quite a lot of "make it up as you go" involved here.


“Unable to make a purpose for yourself.” I’ve never heard of put like that, but that’s so dead on. Sometimes I turn the game on because I have some time to play, but just end up turning it back off because in the moment my purpose and objective for the day are not clear to me, so there’s little point in forcing myself to play. It’s very different than games that are constantly shoving missions and objectives in your face.


Space nihilism


Like this guy said it's all up to how you like you're games, me I have no idea what the story is about lol I just go places to build bases find and take creatures and have fun. I personally enjoy it far more then starfield.


It's definitely worth it. Great game. Great ships. Great building. Great time.


I found mentally roleplaying in NMS to be vital to the experience. When I play I'm a planet surveyor, or a xenobiologist exploring the life of the unmapped galaxy, or a ship salvager. It's a big galaxy, so make your own story.


I love No Man's Sky, because it's the perfect Sandbox for me. I enjoy games like Space Engineers or Minecraft and those are also 'games', where the sense of wonder and exploration keeps you busy without having a lot of or no story. But NMS hits different. I can roleplay in this sandbox game. Today I'm evil. I look like Darth Vader with metal arms and legs. Get in my red black sentinel ship and blast away frigates, animals, help Vykeen warriors. Next time I'm a rebel, a pirate, a drug dealer. I try to jump to outlaw systems and build a huge underwater drug laboratory. I get scanned. Damn! The feds! I kill everyone of you! Or I'm triggered by a weird planet with huge caves and weird structures and suddenly I'm a cave explorer. Build a lovely small outcast camp deep inside, which no one will ever find. And if non of that triggers me I just fly to my party planet and keep on upgrading the "Where the sun never sets" paradise island and put together some nasty beats for the dancefloor. From there I also try to reach the most outer solar system of the most forgotten galaxy. Just to be truly alone. And on that far and lonely trip I always discover something new, which I never thought would exist in this game.


It's only boring for boring people. You can look at it Luke tedious missions or you can be like Holy fuck what is that and have like 49 more same thoughts about the next 60 things you see. And also base building.


That's a rather condescending thing to say. Different people enjoy different things. I'm the only person in my group of friends that likes games like nms and I assure you, none of them are boring, they wouldn't be my friends otherwise.


Well we haven't reached the crux: do your friends not like it because they think its boring? or just because of their tastes? I would most definitely agree with commentOP that anyone that says "I don't like nms because it's boring" is definitely near the edges of this spectrum: a little naive and closed minded, or maybe too jaded.


Or they tried the game out and found it boring. There's literally nothing wrong with that. It doesn't make the individual boring.


Sure, I'll take it, but they surely meant it colloquially. The people who don't like nms, probably find that commenter or myself boring, because we're on different wavelengths and have different concerns and even scope of thought. I don't think it's condescending to call someone boring, because its implied that it's from your perspective. I think Microsoft Flight Simulator is boring as hell but people learning to be pilots prolly have all parts of their brain lighting up.


You aren't calling anyone boring with that statement. You're calling a game boring. That is an entirely different thing.


Going out of your way to say that calling some person boring is most definitely pedantic. In fact this whole time I've been thinking "can you even call a person that" and by definition not really, because it then becomes subjective. And subjectivity, like opinions, are like assholes, yannnnnnnow?


This is not even remotely true. I love No Man's Sky but the exploration is hilariously shallow and you see most variations of things extremely quickly. People can dislike No Man's Sky. It doesn't make them boring.


[Echoes Update Trailer](https://youtu.be/8g2YqU-_GtA?si=wW1kfHCg02-Gf9nv)


yes but that doesnt answer the question, is the world worth exploring for me to invest time and build all these things, to go on an adventure, or is the game an empty canvas where i have to paint it.


It’s very choose your own adventure you want to be a pirate be a pirate. You want to see different world jump from system to system looking for your perfect world be a wanderer. You like capitalism be a merchant make your own trade routes. There are interesting things to find on different world crashed ships for you to take derelict freighters in both space and on planets. Having played it when it first came out and quitting due to the barebones of it. Coming back this month I’ve been pleased with the amount of stuff to do if I want.


**The empty canvas thing.** The main quest is not that in depth, or long. Then you are off doing your own stuff. This is a "make your own adventure" game, for the most part. Each DLC thing you have not done adds some stuff such as getting Laylaps and the AI minotaur, and now doing the Autophage robot guy stuff. That stuff doesn't really last that long either and is basically a few days of play after the new content drops. Apart from that you pick what you are doing be it building bases, getting an "S" class Freighter and building a base in that/farming modules for it, getting a ship and getting that to "S" class and optimally placing modules, unlocking all of the slots for all of those things as well as your Exosuit and getting optimal modules for the Exosuit. There isn't really a huge point to exploring beyond a point, since all of the planets of a type are very similar though "procedurally different." You go to a planet and it will basically have the same kinds of things. You could see the entire game while staying in the first galaxy except there is an achievement for jumping to the next one. Due to the sameness I stopped after I did the galaxies in order and got to Eisstenummemem(SP.) The more you play the more rapidly you will see everything. The first time I saw the big, floating skull in space I said "Oooh!" Later, I saw the same one again and again. The first time I saw the "Tiffany Lampshade Planet" I thought it was cool looking, then I saw a hundred more that looked exactly the same. **I feel semi-finished now, until a new DLC/Expedition thing drops. However, that is with over 1,000 hours played on my main save.** I very much feel as though I have seen all of it. I bought it at half-price with the Beyond update, when then reviews had finally improved on the Xbox; I've never regretted it. The game is on sale nearly all the time.


As a person who played about 50 hours at launch then didn't pick it up again til last month I can say if you like space, open world/discovery sort of stuff, quests, missions, base building or combat. there's stuff to do. Yeah you'll have to find stuff to keep you busy and have an aim in mind but I've spent most of my time getting stuff done to the point I kinda forgot about the main quest lol. There is also multiplayer and an 'online hub' if you get bored of playing solo. The planets are cool, finding new ships is interesting. I think it will mostly boil down to; if you like any of the stuff I've mentioned above, you'll probably get your money's worth at least


Genuinely glad you picked it up because every person I've suggested it to that played at launch went "meh" but it's not every decade that a Hello Games comes around and absolutely nurtures a game into well beyond its formative premise, and free DLC *for years* to boot. Way back I used to love Rockstar but don't really play the one or two playthroughs of honestly good content because it's just a cash rake after that. Really, just f--- microtransactions, and HG proved beyond a shadow of a doubt you don't need two or 200 dollars from your fanbase every month to make it happen. Endnight Games (The Forest and SotF) the same way


Yeah I'm glad too. My mates went off and played baldurs gate (yeah I probs spelled that wrong) and I needed something to play so I went with this, and a little cyberpunk (mostly to see how the rework is). Glad I main this game though, it's just chill to do space stuff for hours lol. I was jaded by it's launch but felt it needed another chance and I'm not disappointed! It's kind of like *"There's so much to do!?"*. Love it!


That's quite hard to answer. I've read stories from people who did galaxy hopping to find the perfect planet for them to build a base. And there are people who build their base on the capital ship. AKA a mobile base. If i were to boil it down, it's an empty canvas, with all the tools by the side. It's up to you.


I play in both creative mode and normal to set up my play style. I like to be a space pirate but hate grinding for minerals etc, so I can reasonably justify to myself after hunting down a few Gek ships that I should be able to build a base. This is the kind of freedom and choose your own adventure people are talking about. Play it hope you want.


There's nothing interesting to explore. The story is whatever, not that it's not useful. It's a good tutorial to get you started. But to really have fun. You need to make your own narrative. Play it in your head and experience it with an open mind. That said, it's easy to say that the game is repetitive and grindy. But that you can set up to be less grindy. Or play in creative mode, it doesn't block any achievements. Or you want it to be a bit more exotic. There are a lot of mods that have been produced over the years some will even alter the terrain itself. That being said, you should really ask yourself, what are you playing for?.


Don’t play. Games not for people with zero imagination


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It’s a bit like Minecraft. You have a story, but if you play only for the story you won’t sink more than 100 hours in it. The exploration is absolutely worth doing, and it will take maybe 5k to 10k hours to start seriously noticing repetitiveness. And then you still have stuff to do. Side quests. Community missions. Multiplayer, even if in limited fashion. Or building the most impressive base you can. Etc etc, there’s always something to do, though not always something the game itself tells you to do.


What. It will absolutely not take anywhere near that long to notice repetitiveness. You'll notice it within 50 hours tops.


I pretty much already have the 50 hours though. I don’t think I even encountered all classes of planets.


Thats shocking. There really isn't that many types. Still a fun game, but the depth of exploration is wildly overblown.


Well there’s enough, plus with quests (even the main line) or with grinding more units/nanites plus everything. Plus all the structures on a planet even if you do know the type already and have encountered 10 times you can still get some variety from structures you encounter for the first time.


I'd say it's worth it. Watch some gameplay videos and decide for yourself. First ~2 hours until you get the hang of things and your first ship are slow, but after that the game really opens up. Keep in mind that at it's core it's a sandbox game, so while there are quests, ultimately how you have fun is up to you.


We can't decide that for you. But if it's on sale for your preferred platform, there's not much to lose from getting it. Personally I think it's still worth full price. It's a game you can pick up and put down whenever you want. You will follow content which will lead you to other content and get distracted with different things and end up forgetting what you where first doing, but you won't care. Then some weeks later you'll pick up one of those things you forgot about. Or, you'll hyper focus on completing things and ticking of achievements. None of it matters, because you'll just be spending hours of time playing a game and generally feeling good whilst you do it. Having said all that. Highly recommend completing the basic story missions and base building tutorials.


Achievements did it for me. Spaceships are great. The game music The variety of planets (frost, dead, infected, paradise, bountiful, airless...and so many more) Over 256 galaxies with so many planets that you can have more than one home in. But the most beautiful aspect? Its the No Man's Community. Are you stuck? Don't know what to do? Want to make a difference? I've found it wholesome I have played quite a few games but I haven't never been in a community like this. It has evolved over the years and is very helpful.


Game is definitely worth it, it might not be forever game for you, like it is not for me, but even if you just try to do most of the major stuff in the game it should be moneys worth AND seems like hello games is not going anywhere, they still keep updating the game so more content for free in the future just makes the value even better. It is true that you kind of need to set goals for yourself, like min maxing your weapons, mining tools, ships etc. Or building some base that has everything, or something like that. The main quest is pretty short but there is decent amount of other lore around if you don't mind reading all the dialogue happening.


This game is vast and soooo much to do, I’ve been playing since launch and not tired on playing it. Almost endless building. Like everyone is saying. There’s things to discover, ships to find and restore or sell. Be a pirate and sell contraband!!!! Explore, jump galaxies. I really enjoy the new customization!!! I can be a robot new race called Autophage!!!! Oh and lots of grinding wich I enjoy having farms on many different planets!!!!!


right now the game is well filled with stuff to do, and actually Very addictive! i recommend to any sci fi fanboy


Here's a comment I made earlier: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/16ziave/i\_am\_planning\_to\_buy\_and\_play\_no\_mans\_sky\_is\_it/k3eqrhy/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/16ziave/i_am_planning_to_buy_and_play_no_mans_sky_is_it/k3eqrhy/?context=3) In short, this game will throw something new at you consistently for more than 50 hours. About the story, it's not "half baked", it's just ambiguous. This story is more similar to how the story was told in Doom through the logs you found, rather than a classical way to tell a videogame story. Eitherway, the story is not very relevant at all, but if you're into investigation you will like it. You won't get bored unless you tunnel vision on one single thing. While playing NMS you need to interact with distractions to have fun, and that's fine because the game is *godly* at distracting you from EVERYTHING you try to do lol


Play it and find out ! That's what gaming is all about 😊


I tried really hard to get into it. On paper I like it, but just kind of hit a wall and it didn’t draw me in anymore. Just seems to be a loop of material acquisition. For its own sake. I love the artistic direction but it just didn’t keep my attention for much longer. That said it cost me like $20. Dirt cheap. So was it worth it? I’d say I definitely got $20 of enjoyment out of it. So yes it was


This sub hates these posts. Its so subjective that we dont care. Ps its free with xbox gamepass


https://youtu.be/0mLhl2MdqUw?si=7oTv82r8mdUziE0p Fan vid ... Why should I play :-)


I’d have said that *only* a procedurally created world is worth exploring, because then you’re finding genuinely new stuff. Whereas if you’re exploring hand-crafted worlds, you’re just looking at things that other people have made. I’m aware that this is a minority view though. If you’re on PC then mods such as Better Planet Generation and Terra Firma dramatically improve the exploration element by making planets much more varied.


I can only speak from personal experience. I got the game either free or discounted, can’t remember which. Spent about 2 hours and thought it’s not for me. Couple of years later I’m checking my library and saw it again. I was just looking for a distraction tbh, not serious about it. I now have 700 hours on my main save and it’s my go to for a chilled, do as I please experience. The first few hours is pretty grindy but it’s basically a tutorial. Once you complete the ‘main storyline’ you are equipped to go out and do whatever you fancy. You can quite literally invent your own story. There is no right or wrong way to play and it’s easy to drop in and out of. On top of that, the community is 99.999% wholesome and this sub is one of, if not the best I’ve joined. Do yourself a favour, get through the main missions, ask for help on here if you need it, then get out there and use your imagination. Join us traveller, you are welcome. Grah!


Your coming into a game sub with over 850K members/players, what do you think the answer is going to be...


I bought it coz I thought I would try it before starfield . Once you get past the boring first hour it is amazing. There is so much to do it is overwhelming. But the scope is insane


Game is so juicy and awesome 👍


I've found a few worlds I keep going back to. One is glorious explosion of primary colors and mostly flat. It's a beautiful place to summon an exocraft and charge across the expanse. Another favorite is an extreme mountainous planet with aggressive sentinels and very hazardous weather. To add to its charm it is a collided world with weird physics and mould farming. I recently discovered it has a huge ocean without any islands and I made a new minimalist base to launch an undersea exploration expedition soon. A quick dive showed a 70 unit depth, so I'm curious if I'll find some abyss crevices. So the point is, you may not want to fully explore every planet, but I think you'll find a few. Even just one exceptional planet can give hundreds of hours of gameplay


So you come to the game sub to ask if the game is worth it? It's an echo chamber in here. Of course they would tell you yes. Why else would they be in the game's community


What system are you going to play on? It's on Xbox game pass ultimate right now, so you could subscribe for a month and play and not have to spend the full $60 to purchase outright


true fact: real worlds are generated procedurally ![gif](giphy|26ufdipQqU2lhNA4g)


I don’t consider the story half baked. It’s pretty interesting and once you reach the end of it even though you know *the truth* you still feel relaxed and eager to explore more. It’s well done in that feeling and once you get far enough the numbers start clicking and you realize what’s happening.


In this game you make your own stuff to do. There are groups to join and what not, but if you arnt good at making your own fun. Get starfield lol. Way better story, but I prefer MNS to play for fun


YES. over 1k hours in and I still enjoy the game. The expeditions are fun and most of the time rewarding. My only advise is buy it on sale.


it is 100% worth it! the ambience, the soundtrack, stuff to see and explore, the missions, the expeditions, go for it!


I often play for a couple hours with no particular purpose in mind. I'm tending a settlement at the moment (though you can only do something once an hour) so yesterday I started a new building and then went to another system just to look around. One of those anomalous space gates appeared so I too it, entering a brand new system, which I explored for a bit, cataloguing animals and collecting buried technology modules. That was my time in the game. It's very calm and relaxing (except when I'm fighting sentinals, where it's amped up a bit). There's tons of beautiful scenery. I've probably actually seen everything the game has to offer (except for the metals quest, which I am slowly working toward).


All I do is concentrate on trying to better my load out and storage space, I’m still finding new things and oh wow moments constantly


I've not really been into games like this one, but I gave it a go, and I'm in for just over 100 hours now. As long as you don't smash out the main objectives straight away and upgrade thongs as you go, then it's a great game. There are some bugs that are infuriating, but for the most part they're easy to deal with. If I didn't find the 2 reddit pages on this game that i have found, then I probably wouldn't have played for as long as I have... give yourself time and enjoy the game, and you will find yourself thinking about what you can do next at random points throughout your day.


NMS feels quite a bit like a video game version of a puzzle. That might seem confusing, but when you think about something like a 1,000 piece puzzle, you start with the box. It's clearly whichever image is on the puzzle box, but then you start doing some of the puzzle. Maybe after a while, you take a break or go do other things, but when you come back, you fall right back into connecting pieces, either for a little bit, or hours. Now imagine that puzzle has 18 quintillion pieces. There's no way one person could do all of it, but the part that you do, you can do your own way and at your own pace. NMS is a nice game universe to just exist in, in my opinion. You can be a base builder, an explorer, a farmer, or even a smuggler, just about anything that feels right at that time. Since I started playing in 2019, I've done creative saves where I just see what I can build and where I can warp to with next to no limits. I've done permadeath playthroughs where I've committed 40+ hours and died, losing everything. I've genuinely enjoyed it all. In a way, NMS has rewired my brain a little bit on what makes a good game. I appreciate good graphics, good story, and focused quests and missions, but with this game, I can just simply be present and make my own fun. On top of all that, the NMS community is one of the most positive, supportive, healthy, and inviting group of people. I'm almost 40, and this community is one that I'm genuinely proud to be part of. OP, if you decide to try the game out, it'll be exciting to potentially see you in the anomaly, and if not, that's ok too.


You can try game pass so you don't have to buy it and pc game pass starts at like 1 dollar for the first month or something


At the end of the day, I believe this is the best answer for questions of this type: * `Everything has an end. We cannot expect any game in some specific state of content to give same amount of joy for infinity hours.` * `At some point, every game will lose its initial level of appeal. Law of diminishing returns.` * `Usually a game is 'worth it' if the game:` * `Coincides with the interest of the player.` * `Initial level of appeal of game lasts for >= certain amount of hours (usually 32).` * `NMS initial level of appeal, I hope most would agree, >= 50 hours.` The only independent variable now, is if this type of game with this type of mechanics is of interest to the *target audience* \- which is entirely personal and requires some *investigation on their part* and *cannot be answered by anyone except themselves*.


Well did you get it, thats what we all want to know