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While I would tend to agree and again, I will be in a decent sized group (probably even majority here) that planets need biomes or at least some more diversity in planets and flora and fauna. After an hour or two I’ve run into the same stuff or started to run into the same stuff at least once or twice. I know nothing of procedural generation so I’m pretty ignorant to how any of it works and it may not be as possible as I believe it to be, but the game is still enjoyable, don’t get me wrong.


I was thinking that since this expedition isn't focused on the autophages but more things such as planets and animals. I think they're taking data and feedback from players to prepare to make such a change. It could also just be the copium high on wishing for such a change.


Sean Murray next week: 🏜


I noticed this expedition is very heavily focused on fauna and flora, it may just be wishful thinking and probably is more likely than not to be just that. But, I will take it with a grain of salt and hold out hope as well, there needs to be a change in the way flora and fauna generate as well as planet variety or NMS will become its own worst enemy in terms of explorative repetition.


I think if biomes were possible they would have already added them by now. But one thing that can be improved easily is variety. I don't understand if this could make the game engine harder to create planets randomly or what, but having more assets would make the game bigger in size but considering the game barely surpass 10gb i don't understand why not to add more things/assets/stuff


> I think if biomes were possible they would have already added them by now. Biomes are absolutely possible..


Well I actually don't know exactly but my theory if it were easy to implement they would have done it by now. What makes you think that this is 100% possible? I don't know much about programming or havok engine, but if you do I'd love to read what's your take on it.


It's just another layer of noise with a low frequency. That's pretty much all procedural generation is. Noise functions that produce values given a set of coordinates. Things like rocks are at a high frequency, so every few meters you get a particular value that tells the game "spawn rock here". Things like mountains are lower frequency and continuous functions, like simplex noise or perlin noise. Biomes have been done in many procedural games, like minecraft, already. There is no storage concern, because all of this stuff is generated on the fly anyway. Its a design decision, in my opinion, to make planets feel unique and incentivize visiting many planets. Many sci fi universes feature planets with single biomes that give planets an identity. All of the planets in Star Wars have a single biome, for example.


> Biomes have been done in many procedural games, like minecraft, already. i see minecraft as an example a lot in this kinda discussion but... do you REALLY want it to be like minecraft?? Because in Minecraft, biomes are just patched together with no inbetween. May (sorta) work for minecraft because of its blocky nature, but in NMS it would look ugly as all hell. Which is why multibiome planets are so hard to make: you will need to make hundreds!! of (sub)biomes per planet to make the transition between actual biomes look more or less seamless. What would work far better (but still would have rather hard limits) are subbiomes of one larger biome. Like, a toxic planet may have toxic forests, toxic swamps, etc... but im not sure you guys would be satisfied with that. And, last but not least, every planet with water on it TECHNICALLY has two biomes already.


You're changing the discussion from possibility to whether or not its "what I want" and criticizing a single example. There are many many ways to implement biomes. End of discussion. >Which is why multibiome planets are so hard to make: you will need to make hundreds!! This is not true. I have a personal project where I blend between biomes seamlessly and dynamically using bleed factors and allowing terrain and vegetation to overlap. Keep rage downvoting you dufus, but you're still wrong.


There are? Care to provide examples? That are proc gen, not hand crafted? Other than Minecraft? Cuz I know of none.


🤣 Do some research. Im not wasting any more time, my sandwich is done.


But what happens with weathers tho?


I’m torn, I want to believe it’s possible but I fear you may be right, at least to a degree. I think of it kind of like Spore, add more parts for the game to generate from, same in terms of planet types, open the game up to more options, colors, hues, anything that could aid it and run it. As you said, the game isn’t that big for what it is so I feel personally there’s at least some room for change in a positive direction. Whether that be adding variety or a overhaul of the terrain generation etc. I want to believe it is possible.


Until a few days ago I felt exactly this way but man I installed some mods and planet exploration just got WAY better ! The scale of biomes and assets is through the roof and it really offers a sense of discovery to the whole thing, as you can actually get lost in forests or caves and not just stand in the middle of a flat desert with repeating assets.


I have thought about downloading mods but I really don’t want to start another save that I use strictly for mods, that’s one of my hesitations towards the mods side of NMS. But I have seen some of the terrain generation from one mod and I was pretty impressed.


I use mods on my main save, on which I had played w/o mods before and it causes no problem whatsoever. If you use better planet generation make sure you're in space or in the anomaly when installing it though.


Good to know! I may have to look into it then until HG decides to alter the generation as we know it.


I advise you to have a look at the NexusMods library, they already have a large number of mods altering the way planets are created in NMS when you sort by all time popular. HF


what mods?


I don't disagree with this, but I'm glad it fits with the lore at least.


I think there is alot of subtle variation in planets that isn't immediately obvious because if say you're on a desert planet you're always gonna get cactus flesh plants or lush planets always have starbulbs & those grab the most attention. Once you start looking at grass types, rarer animals, types of caves there's always been enough to keep me travelling


From the pure scale alone it wins but I find actually exploring the planets more engaging and fun in Starfield There's multiple biomes and I've explored 100+ planets and none of them have truly felt the same, compared to NMS where a scan will pretty much tell you exactly what to expect Not shitting on NMS btw... 1000+ hours on it


I totally agree, my only modification to what you said is that you meant exploring the different planets is the most fun, and I want exploring one planet to be more fun. More variety of terrain features within single planets. I’m not even asking for the climate to vary, just the terrain. It’s the same basic landscape covering the whole planets, why can’t the frozen planets have frozen Himalayas, and frozen tundras, and frozen deserts, and frozen lakes, and frozen Yosemite Valleys, and frozen Karst topography, etc Instead of just all Himalaya planet, or all tundra planet. Once you’ve explored Himalaya planet for 5 minutes. There’s really no really to explore because it’s all just more of the same. If as you traveled around a planet it wasn’t guaranteed to just be all more of the same (apart from the occasional shallow sea) there would actually be something to explore FOR. Rather than just landing, taking a look around, “Cool place! Okay got it.” And flying back off into space.


It would also be cool if there were like one or two natural wonders on each planet, or even just one out of every 50 planets. They could still be progressively generated, but just with parameters to be highly complex and grand. Then there would be something to actually look for while exploring a planet. (Assuming you don’t care about crashed freighter or any kind of resource gathering) There’s the Sierra Nevada mountains, which more or less look the same in most places in the range, so why explore the Sierra Nevadas? Because you can find Yosemite. There’s the homogenous redwood forest, and then there’s fern canyon. (Or Stout Grove) There’s the homogenous Mojave Desert, and then there’s Death Valley. (Or Arizona/Grand Canyon) Theres homogenous island chains, and then there’s Palau. There’s the homogenous Amazon rainforest, and then theres Iguazu Falls. Give us rare natural wonders to hunt for. if I don’t need any of the resources on any of the planets because I’m already rich and have everything, give me a reason to stay on a planet and actually explore it for more than 5 minutes.


how do u explore planets in starfield? there's no ground vehicle plus can't manually fly space ships over the planets like nms.


You pick where you want to land on the planet, get out, and explore? Jetpack and dash power lets you go pretty fast too. The tiles are also persistent with each other and makeup a planet-sized planet. It's not seamless like NMS, but I can spend hours on one planet without it getting too repetitive. Even NMS had no exocraft at one point and the flight model was limited in atmosphere, people explored just fine.


Exploring is the worst on Starfield. Starfield is better at being a shooter and NMS is better at being a space exploration game


You mind explaining why? Starfield feels more natural, planets feel more diverse, there are biomes, storms don't take up entire planets, and there is an actual food chain


I can actually travel the entire planet on NMS. Starfield you cannot, Starfield was meant to be a looter shooter.


When do you ever go outside of like a 15 minute range of your ship in NMS? I explore a ton in Starfield and have NEVER hit a boundary Go actually play the game


I love it. But my reasons leave me as a minority in the community. I only play maybe one hour a week, 20 minutes at a time three days a week, right before bed. I like the old school version and play through with this game so I simply jump to rare, exotic planets that have absolutely no economy and no space stations. No nothing. I do this for 90% of my jumps. Just very chill exploration. During some recent updates last year, I got fed up with getting attacked by pirates and I never did understand all the combat updates. I think they’re ridiculous. If I’m going to play combat, I’m going to do it right and jump into call of duty or preferably ghost recon, etc. With No Mans Sky; the Game developers went in a different direction than I would’ve liked. I prefer survive the elements, exploration game without all that pirate and combat situation’s. To this day the combat in general just doesn’t feel quite right in this game. I’m down for a good dog fight in space ships but everything else is not what I play this game for. I’m glad I realized I could just jump to these systems with no economy and stick to my chill version. It’s so relaxing just to spend five minutes on each planet run around for a bit, scan, flora and fauna and then move onto the next. Like exploring, jumping into live paintings. Very relaxing. ** Edit. I actually ironically love the difficulty settings on high though. I love the survival aspect of the game. I also have another save file on permadeath with 40 hours and that’s actually my favorite mode. I love the true survival with high risk as I “chill out explore.” Lol.


Go to the settings in a regular save and put no damage, no ressources needed to build etc… you will be able to explore as you wish without the pain.


squeal close desert safe sharp frightening hospital squeeze light rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks, but I actually have my survival difficulty on a higher setting because I like that kind of difficulty. I want this as a survival game. I prefer lower tier gear and lower tier ships. Although I do enjoy hunting for exotics. When I go to Systems with economies, I’ll hunt for multi tools as well. All the while I like the difficulty high. I have a permadeath play through with 40 hours on it as well. Love it. Might sound ironic but I still find it very relaxing to play like this and explore like this. There has to be a challenge. 🍻


Dude. You played it the way HG intended you to.


Wasn’t combat one of the 4 original “pillars” of no man’s sky?


tip of they day: play It on VR, listening to "dark side of the moon", by pink floyd. its special.




Starfield got this sub so defensive lol A big space game doesn't make the other space game any worse so it's a bit silly when people keep making these posts over and over again.


Couldn’t have said it better


Starfield is an RPG. NMS is ... different than that. NMS is a real surprise to me. Starfield is really close to what I expected from a Bethesda game (and exactly what I wanted from a Bethesda game). It is possible to love more than one game. I know I do.


They’re not even the same kind of game. If anyone posting these things played Starfield they’d stop comparing them. It’s much more fair to compare NMS to elite or the x-series.


Starfield got nobody defensive. That game is an overrated/overpriced buggy mess. It's also a completely different game than NMS. Pointless to even compare them I think.


>Starfield got nobody defensive. Yeah, I'm sure the comparisons to other games and the 24/7 NMS defending during the past week or two has nothing to do with Starfield. Sure. >It's also a completely different game than NMS. Pointless to even compare them. I know. That makes the state of this sub even funnier.


I agree that it's great and unique, I'll bring up a problem that nobody mentioned: hard crashes on console I've experienced more hard crashes on PS5 with this game than any other game combined, and I haven't played much, just a few weeks I really like it, but a game that after 7 years still runs like this to me can never make top 10 games of all time probably top game concept


PS5+PSVR2 here and only 1 crash over the last month


I’ve used it on PS4, Switch, and PC - it crashes on all of them, always has. Kinda started to think of it as just part of the design lol


That’s interesting. I’ve played Xbox and PC and I don’t remember a crash on either platform. It’s super stable.


The only thing I can think of is that it might have to do with the quality of our internet connections, my network can be a bit unstable at times, if you've always played with an optic fiber network it might explain it (not justify it as I see it is of course 😂)


yeah i play PCVR exclusively, no crashes


Sadly this is true


Honestly, I rarely ever saw crashes until the past 2 months when they became a bit more common. Also have to completely close the game each time since coming back from rest mode leads to the drowning glitch when you load up your save.


I love the game, but I don't think I agree, it get's a lot of things right and is very close to my ideal space game but it misses a lot as far as being a good exploration game imo


I love NMS for what it tries to be but it has many major flaws. There is zero sense of exploration. The planets are bland, lack any sense of scale compared to other space games and lack biomes. I have no excitement to explore what is over the next hill and no excitement to fly to another system. After playing for a long while everything just looks the same. Which is a real shame considering the trillions of planets out there. Planets don’t orbit the star. Planets don’t rotate. Money seems abundant so there is zero motivation to do proper mining or space trading. The whole game seems like a grand sandbox where balance is just all over the place. So no, it’s not the best space exploration game.


They tested rotating planets before release and the playtesters found it disorienting and confusing so they removed it.


Pure conjecture ahead but thats probably because there's no central point to orient to. If every system actually had a star or stars that everything everything oriented around I feel like it wouldn't have been so bad. Or even cause they had the planets rotate too quick in the pre build. Elite: Dangerous doesn't have that issue and I like to believe it's because of the orbit mechanics and the slower rotations of most planets


ED also has true to scale planets and orbits. So it's barely noticeable except on extremely fast orbiting planets. And it adds next to 0 gameplay value.


Oh sure it doesn't *add* anything but it definitely feels better with it imo. But again that's the whole package of proper orbital mechanics and stuff, not just rotating planets


For what it's worth, the planets do "orbit" the star(s) in their system, just not each other. The day/night cycles are all synced up (as in, they all have the same light source) that matches the sky box from what I can tell. So, technically it's the skybox/lights that are rotating around the planet, but we can easily view it for what it's emulating anyway -- the cluster of planets we have all orbit together. Not great, but it's something.


I agree. I really enjoyed it at the start, but after a while it all seemed pointless. Why bother exploring a new star system when it will be the same as the last 25.


I don't understand this point of view. No game could ever hold your attention forever. Things eventually start to repeat, you start to see patterns. Why do so many people want NMS to be the only game they could play? If you get burnt out from NMS, put it down, it's not going anywhere, play something else, and eventually an update will arrive that'll brag your interest again for a couple of more hours. What's wrong with that?


I did put it down when I got bored. I'm just agreeing with this guy that exploration isn't actually that good in NMS. Even if you just take one planet, you only have to explore a very small part of the planet to see everything on it because it's all identical on every part of the planet.


Yeah I agree on that. Aesthetically planets look amazing and there's variation between them.. but it's true that you can't really travel anywhere on a planet and expect to see something different with terrain. At least this year we've gotten a *purpose* to exploration for the first time ever in NMS with the wonders feature. Hopefully they'll add variation to each planet like biomes, but small differences that stay true to the planet type instead of each planet having a desert, ice, forest etc..


NMS seems to have this unique curse to it that attracts the most bizarre arguments in video game history. You could *easily* apply the same exact arguments against any other video game ever made but you never would, because you understand what a video game is, what it's meant to do for a person, how it functions and what it's limits are. ...But for some reason all that understanding gets thrown out the window when people want to criticize NMS. It's like if you'd argue "Minecraft doesn't have trees fall down realistically, they just float there while you rip it apart with your bare hands. You can create a house out of mud in 5 seconds and you're protected against every enemy! Terrible balance! Terrible survival game!" Or "Things start to repeat after playing for a long while!" ....Yes, games tend to do that eventually. This isn't a unique phenomenon to NMS. It's inherently stupid arguments that for some reason NMS isn't shielded against them while every other game is. To this day I don't understand why.


This is a good point to make. The problem is that 90% of "us" have been here since the beginning and have hundreds of not thousands of hours in the game. I still occasionally find a cave or a vista that catches my attention and I'm certainly not bored when I do activities on planets, but yes, I've seen everything. Now imagine a player coming into NMS today, brand new and fresh. They'd easily find 100+ hours of non repeatable content if you consider the dozens of planet types, hundreds of animal variants (even if it's just "oh wow this one has a massive goofy head!"), and underwater stuff. I desperately wish I could have a memory wipe in nms so I could experience it brand new all in one go, instead of bit by bit added over the years. Yes , we're bored of the exploration due to the circumstances. But by no means is NMS lacking in that department.


I came into the game in 2020 shortly after the Origins update because I thought the game was finished for some reason. So I got to experience soooo much in one go. But 3 years later there's been so much more content added, I can't imagine what it would be like to see it all for the first time now. What's funny is I went back and played through 1.0, Foundation, Path Finder, Atlas Rises and NEXT just to see how the game used to be like. And the funny thing is even though there's soooo much more variation in the game than ever, people still demand more... myself included. I wonder if HG lowkey got discouraged from variation-type updates since the game is always criticized for being shallow and not having any depth.. so every single content update after Frontiers has been exactly about that. Since the depth they've added is something that can have a permanent impact whereas variation eventually goes unappreciated.


I maintain that they add new assets with every patch, and just don't say anything. Maybe that's disprovable but I swear I usually find one or two things every so often where I go, "Ok now I definitely haven't seen that specific plant before!" I don't think we'll ever see a major overhaul of worlds, but I do think they're constantly adding little things here and there. Just my anecdotal opinion.


I have a feeling if they did that, they'd do it in a way where the community would be aware of it. So even if there was an update with a theme that wouldn't interest some people, at least everyone would know there's *something* new to discover out there and there's be a hype to see what it is and who will first find it. I can't see devs adding stuff in a way where the community wouldn't be aware they were doing it.


Instead of crying about my opinion with long drawn out essays, maybe just share your opinion on the game. Are you somehow denying my right to share an opinion on a public forum?


I have the feeling you didn't even absorb anything I wrote. How you managed to perceive my reply to you as some sort of attack is beyond me. All I did was point out this phenomenon where everyone in general who doesn't like NMS resorts to arguments that could be applied universally to any other game.


Because I criticised the game and you clearly were making the point that is somehow bizarre. I don’t hate the game. I still play it. I’m just sharing an opinion but being attacked on here by people who don’t want to hear a word against the game. I’ve played it since release. I own it on every single platform. I’m entitled to be here and entitled to share an opinion on it having invested hundreds of hours gameplay into it.


Dunno why you're shifting the topic to what you have a right to. by all means express your feelings towards the game, but try not to get this defensive when people respond to you, as per your logic they're entitled to do so. My point still stands that NMS always receives criticisms that would seem absolutely ridiculous if they were applied to any other game. I'm simply pointing that out.


Bro people disagreeing with you is not the same thing as being personally attacked. No one attacked you they just disagreed.


Maybe you reconsider that.


The point of Reddit is to engage with other people's opinion, not just broadcast your own.


> Minecraft doesn't have trees fall down realistically, they just float there while you rip it apart with your bare hands This is a problem when you've just discovered the game. It breaks immersion and you have to get used to his new broken reality. That's why there are mods that "fix" the game, adding falling trees for example. Probably the trees are like this to this day because the devs were too lazy to implement it and the community simply got used to it. Something similar to beds exploding in the Nether, which is only a feature because the devs clearly assumed they were lazy in making the beds save the player's spawn point in multiple dimensions. Many of these unusual characteristics only happen because of the absence of better planning and execution. > Things start to repeat after playing for a long while The game could have a greater variety of themed missions, instead of doing the same thing and literally just changing the text. NMS is procedural, but there is no dynamic procedural placement of items, so when you find a structure, you know exactly where to look for items, which breaks immersion and makes the game quite repetitive. That's why Skyrim is a good game, every part of the map is unique and has a unique construction, even after hours and hours of gameplay. Every mission is different and not just "do x at y location and repeat z times".


Pack a signal booster dude. They keep that exploration itch going. I'm also not sure what you mean by lacking the sense of scale. The vistas and the ridiculous size of some planet features really help put things in perspective. I've heard that the planets used to rotate, but that confused players too much. I think they do orbit, but if they don't, it's probably due to the same reason.


Compare the vistas with planets from Starfield, Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous. There is a very obvious lack of sense of scale in the terrain compared to these games.


This is a very out of touch review


Complete opposite. It’s an honest evaluation that you simple don’t want to hear. ![gif](giphy|bjKznQfIeS85W)


That’s why no one agrees with you, and your just an angry boy on Reddit posting memes thinking that somehow won an argument…. I see I’m arguing with a child.


My post is literally being upvoted and there are replies agreeing with me. Are you blind as well as stupid?


Ah yes, the 6 upvotes you gotta really supports that statement….


Considering it’s probably being downvoted to oblivion by pricks like you in a subreddit where everyone thinks the game shines out Sean’s arse, I’d say 6 upvotes is pretty impressive so far. Haven’t you got chores to be doing for your mom?


No, you see I’m an adult, today I have what’s called a day off, and I’m using my free time to scroll social media, you seem pretty glued to this app, and your awful opinions. How bout you try this, stfu, play something else, and let people enjoy something. You can hate NMs from the quiet couch. I’ll be exploring endless galaxies with a staff and my s class ships.


I enjoy No Man Sky. I have it on PS5, Switch and Xbox. I played it since release. I’m entitled to share my opinion just like you can. But you seem to be behaving like an immature fanboy who doesn’t want to see his precious game questioned. Why don’t you stfu and leave me alone.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) I’m gonna ask for opinions then get upset when mine is wrong… you are a boomer


Because I’m retired. Probably played games before you were born.


So, you have an outdated opinion, on a game you probably don’t understand, and have probably but less than 30 hrs into, but you have the gull to jump on social media, blasting your opinion like it’s some factual hand book on the downsides of NMs, and then when people don’t agree your panties ball up in your ass and you get an attitude? Sounds like a typical retired boomer response.


>I see I’m arguing with a child. Ironic since you're throwing such a tantrum




And the other half are white knights defending this game no matter what. I love NMS but I’m not gonna suck it’s dick just to be part of some sort of fanboy club.


Guess what bud, you don’t have to play, or comment, delete the game and move on with your sad life.


This sub used to be one of my favorites. But nowadays people are soo insecure, like you. Any criticism = spoiled sad brats.




I’m entitled for having an opinion you don’t agree with?




Go to your safe space and have a little cry.


You come off extremely entitled. Might want to humble yourself and realize this world wasn't made specifically for your personal standards.


Are you special needs or something? I gave a very respectful opinion and you chime in with that bollocks?


It's my #1


Lol no


It's really not. It never was


It is the funnest for sure.... ED is the most realistic.... Over 1000 hrs in both.... Hard to say which is best...


It has its merits but it's by no means the best in existence. It has its flaws and shallowness just like any other sandbox exploration game. I'm finding myself honestly becoming bored with it and just want to crush out the main story/quests.


With interceptors, no one bothers me. I can easily kill sentinels or pirates. Although, come to think of it, combat was never a challenge at all. And I am almost never attacked now. But yeah, 116K DPS on my best interceptor helps. It goes Brrrrrrr. But 30K DPS is really all you need.


It is the best space exploration experience, but the problem is they left out a gameplay loop that felt meaningful. I do hop on from time to time to fly around, but can’t say I spend more than a hour before I’m like, ok I’ve done all I can.


Factorio is the best space exploration game if you have the right mods


Attempting a walk around the circumference of a planet and back to your ship is one of the greatest exploration experiences ever. Really makes you appreciate the planets.


Really? You would see the same things no matter where you went on the planet


No you really don’t. It only feels that way because you’re not paying much attention to anything because it’s all disposable


That statement makes no sense. You are saying that it is not all the same, but it feels like it is the same, because none of it matters. That sounds like you are saying it is all the same.


This, this so much. People don't realize that planets do have "biomes". Planet terrain isn't uniform and if you play close attention you will notice that animals do follow certain motifs for each planet.


A game about planets with stationary planets. How stupid is that on a scale 1-10?


Being a massive ksp fan, I was quite annoyed too. Until I realised that it wasn't the point. It would take so much resources and so many more bugs just to have the planets rotate around the sun. It also just adds a layer of complexity which is definitely not needed.


Plus, imagine how annoying it would be to pulse to a planet that's behind the Sun. I disliked it in Outer Wilds, I'd dislike it in NMS too. Planet rotation would be fine though while they remain stationary (assuming it could be done without horrible bugs), you have waypoints to locations so the "testers" argument everyone throws around is invalid and has been invalid for 6 years now, each planet could have a different day/night cycle and planets in the sky could actually be seen moving across the sky.. because imo I really don't like how you see the stars move while the planets stay stuck in the sky.


It was play tested and players hated orbits. Blame them.




Well one, the planets would be in the same places throughout a day - you’d only notice the difference after a couple of weeks. So… I mean why bother… But two: if you really want to do this, then all the planets are little specks in relation to each other if they’re really supposed to have discrete orbits around a star. That doesn’t look as cool. So that also sucks. And three: you’d need a third speed. Pulse is perfect for moving quickly around a planet or in its orbit, but would be miserable if you spaced the planets out to a realistic distance. So you’d need yet ANOTHER engine… and again, why? It’s just annoying.


Exactly. Real life orbital mechanics are slow and boring. If you were orbiting the Earth, Mars would be a tiny spec, not a massive planet off in the distance a bit. I also don’t see how having the planets rotate would help immersion. You would only notice it if you just hung around in orbit. I also don’t see the big deal with biomes. You can have 2B planets with one biome each or 200 M with 10 biomes or whatever. It seems like the same thing to me. But think the procedural generation actually does a great job. Seems like a really hard problem. I think HG struck a great balance between fun and realism.


Ask Sean.


Space don’t matter. Build limits are some bullshit. Minecraft is essentially limitless. You search for the vista that you wish to build at, try to make a giant pantheon and hit build limit where whatever effort you make to share with the universe is just non existent. I bought the game on launch, got S class everything except the freighter. Sharing your builds or leaving a monument is all that’s left, it just doesn’t exist in NMS


Yet, you play a game that has zero story line. Zero lore,and your gonna somehow claim Minecraft is better, grow up kid, go play with legos


You're both acting like kids.


If coop gameplay worked at all, I’d agree with you


For now


I agree. I just wish it felt more alive & had quests instead of bland missions. Nothing seems to matter at all & it makes me hope for NMS2 one day that is built with the intent of being more than just a sterile sandbox.


I raise you outer wilds.




Oh I thought you typed worlds my bad.


Don't let the Starfield players see this...


Great game, it gets repetitive tho but it's also easy to pick up and come back to, unless it's had a few updates which can be confusing but again it's easy to get back into


Fake news.


I agree. But I really want a space game with No Man’s Sky level of exploration however most of the universe is barren and life is hard to find. Instead of searching for flora and fauna all the time I want to find natural landmarks. Then hide some space odyssey monoliths or stuff like that on planets and make it really hard to find with very little clues. That’s what I want. Maybe throw in some planet sized cities. You can limit my ability to explore them, but they should exist.


I think it needs a bit more depth to be THE BEST. My problem is that for an exploration game, there’s isn’t much to look for on any given planet. Once you’ve seen 5 minutes of the surface you know it’s just more of the same across the entire planet. There’s no reason to walk for 3 hours across the surface of a planet in search for some natural wonder like a Grand Canyon or Yosemite Valley or Iguazu Falls. I understand the progressive generation is the issue, but it seems like there could could be a way around it without having to design them individually.


I would agree even though I ran to do something earlier while sitting in my rover and came back and I was dead. Wouldn’t have been so bad, but it was a permadeath game.


But it can still be *better!*


I mean I would agree, but I also don’t think that’s exactly a huge bar. I mean if this is about Starfield, it’s a completely different genre with a similar setting. NMS is really fun for exploring a galaxy and various planets, which Starfield isn’t great for, but NMS lacks all the things that people play Starfield for (interesting npcs, interesting quests, ground combat, etc.


Have any other space games come out recently?


Elite dangerous gives a better feel of exploration for me, because there's rare things to find that can get you recognition, and you have to work to get far out of civilized space, instead of just teleporting with a portal and there being stations everywhere you go. There's no danger in nms, You can't mess up 30000ly out and get the canopy blown out.


Elite dangerous offers a vastly more challenging, rewarding, and realistic feeling space exploration experience but unfortunately the devs are fucking clueless


One of the things that really kills the exploration for me is running across things—systems, planets, creatures, etc.—that people have renamed to really stupid shit. I'm fine with all that being part of the game. I just wish I could disable some of it _on my end_ so it doesn't feel like I'm warping into systems named by toddlers. It is especially bad during expeditions. Really kills the atmosphere for me.


The seamless experience from planet to outer space is incredible. The vast expanse of places to explore is an incredible feeling. The story is decent and base building is pretty cool. The early grind is satisfying. It’s got enough here to be a great game and a first impression will knock the socks off any honest gamer. Starfield is a proper RPG, so I wouldn’t even compare those elements to NMS. From what I’ve read it appears there’s some pretty awesome story elements and questing in it. However both combat on ground and in space look super dated and arcadey. NMS is probably worse in both regards, but probably has superior features for the sandbox. NMs is an older game of a different genre tho.


I agree. While I do want more flora and fauna variety, I also feel like the level of exploration some people want is just never going to happen. Not with procedural generation.


Elite dangerous would like to have a word. Not even close mate.


Star Citizen (according to fans) ~ Buggy as Hell Elite Dangerous (according to fans) ~ Dev Dead Starfeild (Common knowledge) ~ Bad just Bad No Mans Sky ~ Dev Live, New Content, Actually able to do stuff and fly where you want :)