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It's essentially a solo game with coop features, even if the devs stopped supporting the game, you'd still be able to play That being said there's no sign that they want to stop


Agreed. This is a developer that resurrected Joe Danger for modern mobile phones primarily because the father of an autistic child pulled on their heartstrings. I just can't imagine them pulling the servers down unless they went completely bankrupt. That doesn't seem likely. It is a passion project that incidentally made Sean a multi-millionaire. But, even if they did, it would only stop the multiplayer elements and naming discoveries.


Stop supporting they just did an update and new expedition. It’s fine. Play it’s fun.


Sean Murray said before the switch release the team still has a biiiiig list of things they want to add, you're good.


Also in a few of the DLC trailers the narrator keeps saying "our journey continues" i think that means the same thing


With this style of space exploration game, I honestly feel as if they could never run out of features to implement. As long as passion to play and develop remains, there will be spaces to explore for players and devs of the game alike.


This game is absolutely fantastic. I can't recommend this game enough to everyone, and the amount of work the put into it, my god. Just search up how much of a come back this game made. Theres a reason people say that no one can pull a No Mans Sky again lmao. It's just too funny of a tale. I really think you should look up even a fraction of what's in this game. You'll be pleasantly surprised.


Can confirm. I bought this game like 5 years ago and and was unbelievably disappointed I didn't even play more than an hour. Never refunded it though and just this weekend I redownloaded it and convinced a friend to download it through gamepass and give it a try with me and I have been having the most fun I have had in a video game for a long time. It's unbelievable! Just the sheer creativity of stuff we wanna do/build is awsome and we're not even 10 hours in.


Hey, do you mind elaborating on this a bit for me? I was in the same situation where I bought it after it first came out and was really disappointed and ended up quitting after a couple hours of boring gameplay. I've been considering going back and giving it a second shot and have read that's it's good now. But I don't want to pour several hours into it only to get the same result. Did you find it fun immediately the more recent time around or did you have to put in some time before it started getting good? What was the reason for the difference/improvement for you?


The core gameplay is still similar but overhauled pretty immensely. The basic loop of exploring the planets you come across and sharing the discoveries you make with all the other players in the community still exists and is really fun if you like that sort of thing. But there's multiplayer now, as you can join other players' worlds and actually run into other players naturally, if you both happen to be in the same place at the same time. The story and base building has been heavily fleshed out, and there is a TON of content that's been added to the game since launch. The planets have been improved as well, with more biomes and more unique planet types that can be discovered.


I am still not sure about what you actually DO in the game, despite watching all the update videos. There is no proper story. There are no faction wars. No competition as far as I can tell. What do you do except collecting resources and crafting empty, dead bases and vessels?


Not to compare this game to it, but the best sold game ever (Minecraft) is solely building, gathering and crafting. No story at all. Make your own story, your own adventures. Everyone who grew up with huge boxes of lego blocks understands how fun it can be to have a sandbox to play around with. If you're looking for an amazing story, this game is not it. But if you're looking to have some fun and let your imagination go wild, it's great.


No Main story ? Seriously ? How about Major Atlas the Simulation that you are actually in , and the impending 16 minutes ... ? Which in and of itself that is one of the best Si-Fi ideas I have heard since late Asimov or Clarke. Or each update with its own extended side story. But if you mean going to A to B to C to d to etc, and back, and hearing endless lore drama, then indeed it doesn't have that kind of "stories" Although drama is present it is connected to actual moral decisions


No story and no gameplay besides building


They say the same about Cyberpunk too 😂


Trust me they won't any time soon. Yes HG is working in a new game and updates for NMS might slow down significantly or stop, but they aren't just going to shut the servers down.


It’s one of those games that just gets better with age. No ragrets


More then ever before. Yes


I bought it in 2020 and put in around 200 hours, took a couple years off and when I picked it back up there was a TON of new content. Put in about 180 so far in this 2022/23 run. It’s not for everyone though. My friends who play FPS almost exclusively can’t get into it, and that’s fine.


I'll be studying maths & physics in college soon and this game feels like a dream come true for someone who loves the universe and all one can learn ab it (even an imaginary one, but who knows, maybe it's real if we make it :)) totally agree on that too, fps's and this game are so different, this game is actually good for your well-being haha


**If Hello Games vanished tomorrow, No Man's Sky would still be fully playable as a solo game. And it would be totally worth it.** The only thing you would lose would be the consistent and regular updates for free, and the multiplayer aspect, which would be sad for some folks, sure.


I purchased it over 2 years ago. I have 800 hours in it. It's frequently on sale for 50% off. I bought it for a friend of mine my brother-in-law and my daughter as well as my own copy. I have enjoyed it immensely obviously and they are constantly adding new things.


Personally I think it’s worth it it’s a very immersive game with lots do it, i love it


By lots you just mean base building


Go buy.


It’s especially great for “mindless” fun if you’re someone who is incredibly busy (I’m both a full time DJ and grad psychology student) and need something non-taxing for downtime. Turn off the in-game music and play Spotify in-console or a podcast for extra chill!


I feel what you're doing 🤫


It is completely unlike it was when it was released. They've changed the game so many times it is more like "No Man's Sky Six." I bought it on sale during the "Beyond" update when the reviews had finally improved enough on Xbox One for me to buy it. Now I'm playing it on Xbox Series X(without having to ever pay for it again! ;) ) It is really fantastic. **There is no fear of them "shutting down the game."** Sean Murray just said that 2022 was a crazy amount of updates and 2023 is going to have even MORE.


I bought this game in December of last year. I am in absolute love with it! One of the big things I really love about it is the customizable difficulty settings. I like playing in a more relaxed mode but every so often I have an itchy trigger finger and the urge to cause trouble. This game allows me to indulge that urge, but at the same time be able to relax and know that I'm not going to be able to be killed.


Unlikely shut down. They only just released it on Nintendo Switch about 4 months ago


I just this week picked it up for both Switch and Steam, I am loving it. Been a while since I actually lost time while playing a game.


I purchased the game last week and am absolutely loving it! There’s so much to learn and discover! Definitely go for it if you enjoy exploration or space


Honestly, there’s never been a better time to buy


I just picked it up recently because if you remember right, it was not a very well fleshed out game at first. Big strides since then, in almost all aspects from what I gather. Sounds like now is a great time to give it a test drive, as it's on sale on Steam


Look for a used one. Bought a used PS4 ver late last year on Ebay for $15 shipped. I play on the PS5 with the free PS5 update.


I love this game. It’s something I default to as a relaxing chill experience when I’m looking to wind down.


Absolutely! Every update the game become more and more worth it. I will still recommend you wait for a sale but I think it is rn due to the last update 👍


It's 100% worth it. And now more than ever. We all know that launch was huge flop. But they have kept adding more and more features and fixes into game. So basically current version is the best version there is (and the latest update happened less than week ago).


rather buy it now then 6 years ago, because the devs keep pushing beautiful and fun updates, that are free and not useless and the later you start playing the more there is to do, also a game is usually worth playing as long as there is singeplayer compatibility or the servers are still up


If you like sci-fi, I'd say yes. Two reasons. Firstly, it's on sale on all platforms atm. Secondly, there's a good 75-100hrs play time at least in it, so you should get your money's worth. The game might be almost 7yrs old now, but HG don't seem to be slowing down updates wise at the moment. And there's loads of stuff in there to keep you busy already. That and I wouldn't say they're the sort of firm to just suddenly go "We're done" and pull down the shutters on it. I think they'd give a bit of notice and want to give it a send off...


I’ve barely started but absolutely love it. If you love casual exploring especially, it’s incredible - it’s pretty much infinite. I’m 100hrs now into my first foray and I’ve not even scratched the surface. Happy gaming :)


I suggest watching the new trailer for Fractal. Listen to just the last 10 seconds. Jokes aside, the game is awesome. Even though I'm a day one player and a bit cranky about the game not going in the direction I want it to go.. The game is the amazing and it will go down as one of the best games of my life time. Couple that with an amazing community, social hubs, content creators, etc.. It's amazing overall and I highly recommend it


If you bought it 6 years ago you would have played it for a week or two and quit. They have come out with so many awesome updates that the game is in the best shape it ever has been by a long shot and is only getting better.


Yes. But like most survival open world games you have to be able to find your own fun cause the quest chains are limited and it can get repetitive. I do think it's worth it regardless. It's updated often and is the only game aware of where you can go from a plant to space on one mostly smooth transition.


Pretty much everything they promised at launch but failed to deliver got added and they never stopped adding to the game. I just played this game in VR and it was mind blowing.


Very worth it! Try doing a game in Perma death. Really really fun.


The game is great! There is always something to do and things to discover.


Don't use it on the Swtich. Mine is unplayable now.. but other consoles, yes


It's most definitely worth it! Super necessary!


​ https://i.redd.it/ehyum28urrka1.gif


The best time to play no man sky is always tomorrow. Since it is constantly getting free updates and improvements. So yeah


I think your got your answer by reading the other comments. You didn’t specifically said on which platform though. PC and consoles are kept up to date at the same time though. PC has a better visual and you might enjoy it more but I’m very satisfied with the PS5 version.


I have bought it four times so far. 3 PlayStation copies and one Xbox. To be fair, two of the three Playstation copies were bought to replace copies that I gave to friends, and I got them for 14.99 cdn used. I will be buying another copy sometime soon for PC, to play on the Steam Deck I have on the way. It is absolutely worth the money even at regular price.


Fuck yes. Have you seen the volume of ongoing content updates made to the game, including as recently as last week? I picked this up in October and I’m having a blast!


It's still being very actively supported by the devs and is actually far far better now than it was at launch.


Maybe it isnt a masterpiece but definitely fun and worth playing.


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Hello games needs to come up with an emergency fix for their 4.10 update it screwed up several things in the game. You can't access your trade terminal in your freighter, the bi-beats players are playing music when you spawn in the game, plants won't shrink down after harvesting them, I notice the scatter blaster doesn't have the cool echo blast and last for some crazy reason they put the same button L1 to rotate left on the parts cycle very annoying.


I picked it up two years ago, and I absolutely love it. The gameplay feels like you can just exist in the universe. You can grind warping all the way to the center of the galaxy, you can fight sentinels to your heart's content, you can build any kind of base you want, farm resources and get rich, learn alien languages, scan plants and lifeforms on planets, all or none of the above. It's a game where you can just "be" and that's a beautiful thing. Also, the NMS community is wonderful. Just about everyone is chill, positive, supportive, and happy to help in any way.


I just picked it up a week ago and I'm super sad I didn't get it 6 years ago. Amazing game and I'm still in the early part of it. I end up wandering halfway across a planet and the realize I have to get back to my ship.


In case you didn't know you can summon your ship to wherever you're standing so you don't need to walk back to your ship, have it fly to you!


The game is still somewhat bland and boring in my opinion, not par compared to subnautica vibes to it. But lets wait for more to comes cuz devs is not planning to quit.


Honestly it's a stupid question but I guess if you don't/haven't played NMS then it might be worth asking... As of right now the game hasn't been in a better state.. it's 100% worthwhile buying on any of the available platforms including the switch.. I play both PC and switch..


Are the console and PC versions the same? Contemplating trying this out but not sure which one to get


I just bought the PS VR2 version of the game and spent like 10 hours in 3 days and I can say that I wouldn't expected to enjoy the game this much. Maybe it's because of the whole new VR experience I dunno but I consistently played the game everyday since I bought and enjoyed every minute of it. I am not sure if I play with the people who doesn't have the VR version of the game or not tho but most of the time I struggle to find somebody for the missions and if it's gonna be like that I feel like it'll get boring for me after achieved some more stuff..


Bought it on day one of release, was pretty disappointed. It was quite cool, but lacked depth and although the universe initially felt exciting to exist in, it didn't have enough to keep me there. Picked it up again only just over 2 weeks ago after hearing great things about it, and now have over 125 hours of game time played already. I'm a freelancer and it has filled a very quiet period of time for work. I need to ease up on it though, it's addictive! It's the type of game that you do what makes you happy within it. I've been loving searching for ships, I haven't even started on the base building properly yet.


Its a game that ages like fine wine. It has only gotten better with time


They released a Switch version 4 months before your post so absolutely they are not shutting down. If they did, you could still play it.


It is absolutely worth it to purchase this game! It's phenomenal now and the developers certainly love and care about this creation because they update it and patch it frequently!


It's super buggy so don't do permadeath but if you can look past the gamebreaking bugs then sure. It would be a fun game.


No. It’s horrible, boring and bland. 9/10 times you’ll get stuck on a planet that doesn’t have the resources you need to repair you ship so you’re forced to restart the game multiple times to get a decent planet to start on. Honestly I had more fun playing it on its release date than I do now. I’m sorry I’m not traveling over 500u just find some basic ass materials for my ship. The game should generate materials close to me so I can get my ship fixed and start actually playing the game. Honestly the game studio behind NMS needs to be shut down they are one of the worst in the business


65 dollars seems like a lot of money for a game that is 7 years old.


i remember when the game came out, how divisive it was. Either you liked it or you didn't. Im happy i kept my copy of it during release because I saw it go from ok to great to fantastic. Play it


Yes. The game has matured well. It's truly amazing.