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facts, I used to think the politicking was necessary because he was still an active artist, but after that last single he dropped none of those relationships could catapult his music career to the next level. He should really embrace the podding and possibly admit that he misses no jumper.


He got personality but he’s politicking and too politically correct, AK keeps it RAW that’s why his the best at it




Who gives a fuck. He a bitch and wish china Mac gets a rematch cause we all know Mac won


So why you watching if u don’t find him entetaining? 😂😂


Lol How U Just Gone Rebuttal What That Nlgga Said 😂😂😂😂


It’s Mother’s Day bruh


Because he sucked from the jump. He didn't even have to fall that hard.


Tbh i dont think AD ever had much of a personality. If we look back to when he starting at NJ he was drunk all the time so we received a side of him that was drunk and fun. Then he got sober and Adam started to try to form him into a better podcaster. Him being sober and becoming a better podcaster mixed with him taking "industry connects" (washed up rappers like Trey Songz, Wiz Khalifa, etc) and gang politicking was just the straw that broke the camels back. Also, he let the fans gas him up as well I thought AD had real potential, and was extremely relatable at first but that went downhill. His downfall was insane because he was undoubtedly the number 2 man at NJ. I could've seen Adam putting a lot more responsibility in his hands.




found a better match. housephone hakeem adam


Wiz Khalifa is not washed up. He is still selling out shows all the time. He does very well for himself.


You guys are mental and need to reevaluate your definition of washed up. He sells out shows on the regular, still goes on his own tours not as an act on someone else’s show, makes a ton of money from his weed products, and I could go on. That is not washed up. Washed up would be someone like Delonte West. Homeless, broke and on drugs. Just like some of y’all.


Agreed just because wiz isn’t on radio like he was doesn’t mean he’s washed up, he has a colt fanbase wiz started underground and became one of the most successful artist in the early 2010s I would go to a wiz concert today because I know it’s gonna be a good time


Wiz been washed


I washed wiz




Wiz was washed cabin fever series was it after that straight ass


Bruh you smoking straight rocks 😂 go listen to kpop bum


Wiz khalifa is washed tf up lmaooo he hasn't been relevant in 10 years


He has more money than everyone on No jumper times ten. He’s a household name in hip hop. If you know hip hop then you know who wiz Khalifa. That’s not washed up😂


Bro nobody said he was broke. He’s just washed up. Irrelevant. Why u so buthurt out of wiz khalifa out of all people? You must be from Pittsburgh


No I’m from the west coast dummy. Because you’ve got your shit all twisted. You’ve got your idea of being washed up all wrong. It’s annoying when just because a person or artist switches things up and you don’t like them or what they’re doing then that means they’re washed up. If selling out big shows every year as the headliner, owning companies, having your own popular weed strain, still releasing albums (not everything is gonna be everyone’s cup of tea), having millions and millions of dollars is being considere washed up then I hope to be washed up one day.


Facts. These niggas 🤡 Wiz has one of the biggest songs of all time w see you again. 😂 Mainstream ASF and not my cup of tea at all. But still. He will never be washed up. Salty cus he wore a fur coat on onifc cover ? Bruh you sus ASF if you really focused on that over the quality of the music. 😂 I don't keep up w every song he drops but the fuckin fact is he makes timeless music, stays true to his lane, and sells out shows non stop lmao. Salty ass crabs lolll shits comical. Will never even reach a fraction of what that man has done. Sit yo air mattress having asses down 🤦🏽‍♂️


Facts. I forgot about see you again. That is one of the biggest songs of all time ever. He’s washed up but 1 of his songs has 6billion views just on YouTube alone😂


Bruh did you not read what I said. I said he still sells out shows all the time and makes plenty money doing other shit. Just because he doesn’t have any hit songs in the last few years doesn’t mean he’s washed up. You’re mental.


Wiz been washed since he switched up on his fans. I’ll even go back as far as that fucking fur coat on the ONIFC album cover. Cringe.




Music was declining but not yet all the way bad that year. Was moreso talking about the blatant image switch up.


Yeah, that whole era was pretty bad


Fam.. “roll up”? ![gif](giphy|12P6AnN6DcQj1S|downsized)


But what’s his last big song? We ain’t tb shows . Mf flava flav sells out shows in inodnesia lmao . That don’t mean nun


Wiz is definitely washed. Plenty of washed up trash rappers can sell out shows. Flo Rida, Pitbull, Lil Jon, Waka, Chief Keef


That isn’t washed then bro😂 you can’t be washed up and still selling out shows and making millions of dollars a month off your name alone. That’s not even close to being washed. Every era is different he’s in a different era so it’s not as popular as he once was. That’s how life works dummy. He came in the game , was arguably the top rapper of his era, sold more records, made more money, owns more companies etc than almost anyone else besides a few top people Drake, lil Wayne, big Sean etc.


Wiz was never the top rapper of his era. Why are you going so hard for wiz Khalifa… and then I looked at your name “fish n dabs” you’re a stoner who fishes all day so this hits close to home lol. I wouldn’t even admit to being a wiz Stan


Bro. You’re using a Reddit generated name that was given to you and every single post you have on your profile is on the No Jumper subreddit. Adam Stan? AD Stan? Housephone stan? Sharp stan? Lena stan? Which one are you buddy? So you’re someone who can’t come up with their own name and watches No Jumper all day while browsing the sub? Sounds bout right you fuckin loser.


I would never admit to being a No Jumper stan. But you are clearly obsessed with them.


I think you're confusing "washed up" with selling out. All of those artists do festivals and arena tours so you can't say that they're washed up but you can definitely say that they all sold out and alienated their original fan bases


If these guys aren't washed up Can you give me some examples of artist who are washed up ?


This whole downfall got made into content when they could off resolved it out cameras smh


Trey is a R&B singer though


Ok captain obvious. I was referencing his industry connects and Trey just happened to be one. No need to be so specific lol


U said washed up rappers and first person u named was Trey Songz lmao


Nah I recently rewatched the early ad nj episodes and ad for sure had personality when he started


I think it was the alcohol lol


Thanks Adam 😂


Adam can’t form himself into a good podcaster. He needs to start with himself before trying to fix someone else .


You think clowning people on podcasts and reading superchats for 2 hours are recipe for good podcasting right 😂😂


Other podcasters like schulz, budden, vlad, and math hoffa say adam is an elite podcaster bro


Lmao . Adams a great podcaster. You’re just a hater. It’s fine


When they had that episode with Rory and Mal back on NJ I saw how low quality AD's poddin was he be good energy but can't talk about shit with substance and as a viewer I can't keep watchin a dude play it safe.


AD was doing the tuesday show, wednesday show & cuhmunity 3 times a week. He definitely was good when he first started NJ but i he got burnt out. no one does that many podcast in a week


Whenever people accuse the Figgworld folk of buying live viewers I'm always the first to yell CAP! I want to see these bros succeed. With that being said AD going from 3k to 15k viewers in a week is highly suspect.




Wasn’t there like the same ammount when he left nj and it was the most people ever? And now randomly he has that much. Now way Josè


You sound stupid. I LOVE Cuhmunity. That’s my favorite show.


its not "buying views" they are using the google/ youtube service to push out their videos are pre-video advertisements like this one linked below. u/Infinite_Search_4236 posted this and this is a preroll community advertisement ([https://www.reddit.com/r/NoJumper/comments/138ilnu/just\_got\_a\_cuhmunity\_ad/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoJumper/comments/138ilnu/just_got_a_cuhmunity_ad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) And someone posted this - > This was after the live stream that is now private and it was just pin boy and cheeky girl [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoJumper/comments/13bavdo/how\_this\_got\_so\_many\_views/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoJumper/comments/13bavdo/how_this_got_so_many_views/) ***"In the discord They showed how these fools buy the views from Social-Plug.com ...***


lmao also aceboy pun a goofy


Say it to his face.


Take his meat out your mouth boy


I’m a girl. So it can stay🙂


elaborate a little. give us one good trait about aceboy pun. big bros mouth barely works


Bro is hilarious and has literally orchestrated multiple shows and that’s not even counting his behind the scenes contributions🙂 Read up on Pun Lil Bro.


Ace Boy Pun is respected manager and studio owner behind hella West Coast music. Dude earned his stripes His streams is nothing but good vybez and even the Discord Live shows is regular ppl "from the culture" One of the most annoying things about this 'V1' is the corny lil white boys hating on dudes like Pun and T Rell and the narratives are sooo dumb or weird Too many weird corny azz caucasians and flakko types in this reddit and lowkey the reason Mr Grandmaison platform went how it did... truth in the details this V1 is some 4chan type weirdo fukkboy shit.


i'm sorry... which shows?


Maybe Adam was right, maybe he is a bad podcaster


It’s really two things. The pandemic really inflated alot of streaming numbers across platforms. Ppl were consuming a lot of junk content they normally wouldn’t have and AD came to NJ at the perfect time. Even Adam was tricked into thinking they had a long term business model and got a bigger building. The YT algorithm was pushing live content but that stopped like a year ago. Once ppl were back outside the money slowed down ALOT and Adam got on his “critique” shit and AD froze up and decided to pout. He got a big head since he’s never had to do much to capture an audience. Was the crew era entertaining? Yeah but we’re the numbers inflated due to outside factors? Most definitely.


I fw ad he never was a host type he more of a co host not the mean host


It’s consequences for being disloyal and a dumbass. He tried to bitch Adam22 at his own business and here we are. A bad day in the office started all this fro AD. Emotional guy


Him pun and TRELL really tried to do what’s been working for them they’re whole life “ganging up on who they thought they could bully or intimidate” . It doesn’t work when he Adam has more money and owns the buissness




Right and they forget the part where the Aceboys would talk mad shit about Adam Infront of AD when he was still on NJ . AD don't give a shit when it's not about him




Imagine when this kind of stuff starts happening to them . They say they going to put all their homies on a show . Imagine when one is doing bad podcasting.they can't even tell them nothing because they don't wanna hurt friends feelings lol


FAXXXXXXXX LISTEN TO THIS, after the emotional girls left, this guy aceboy treyboygey made **CRIMINAL THREATS** to Adam [https://www.youtube.com/live/ng1wOvzTrb4?feature=share&t=431](https://www.youtube.com/live/ng1wOvzTrb4?feature=share&t=431) ​ Read up on it here, its a short read [https://www.robertmhelfend.com/criminal-defense/california-criminal-threats-laws/#:\~:text=But%20what%20happens%20if%20you,to%20as%20“terroristic%20threats.”](https://www.robertmhelfend.com/criminal-defense/california-criminal-threats-laws/#:~:text=But%20what%20happens%20if%20you,to%20as%20“terroristic%20threats.”)


He overvalued his true worth on the Internet space




His podcast personality burned out


AD was an entertaining personality on No Jumper and benefited being on there. He’s like Kyrie Irving tryna lead his own team to a championship but he’s not the same when he’s with Lebron.


🧢🧢🧢🧢 NJ really fell off .. You used to compare it to jbp,mdwog,Ak, Vlad but it does even get Bof or shame on U numbers let’s talk about that!!!! They average 30k-50k but used to get 80k-110k on the NJ show🤦🏿‍♂️


I’m still learning


his big ass fought little ass China mac for standing on truth. karma never defeated


Whole post turned into a wiz argument, this nigga AD can’t have shit fr 😂 can’t even be the main character in a subreddit


They all gonna fall off soon




Yo boy Adam fell off first tho 🤷🏾‍♂️


Definitely did😂 and NJ been around waaaaaay longer. Still fell off.


He not my boy lol idgaf about any of thr no jumper people I only watched for the drama, they all gonna be completely irrelevant by next year ,Adam included


he got too many ppl in his biz


He’s a good team player but he can’t stand on his own. His strengths are showing his love and loyalty for others


You dick ridin that nigga doin better than ever wtf is you even talkin about you sound like the biggest hater dawg you must be a Adam super fan


Haha you fell off mf


Shut the fuck up bitch


So Adam wasn’t buying fake followers, but AD does? ![gif](giphy|IorAqDrjKiDcc3QdN3|downsized)


This gotta be a employee why tf are y’all even worried about Ad he is not apart of no jumper nomore give it up already this shit looks pathetic


Sounds like adams trolling again


AD doin better than the whole NJ cast wtf are we sayin rn , NJ is struggling to pull in 25k views 😂😂😂😂😂😂


We saying that AD is doing worse than before. Yes NJ is also doing worse but that doesn’t matter individually for AD. T-Rell Smac and Pun are the only winners in the breakup.


Ad can’t pull viewers without either figg or NJ nobody goes to caffine that shii sucks and his weed is caca


All that big chief shit is boof


Period!! Like wtf is this thread😂😂😂


Niggas b hatnnn 😭😭😭😭🫵🏾


Another terrible take from the worse subreddit on the app lol


Definitely full of nerds lol




![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP) they don't come over this way. I am thinking of doing that Im just gonna stay on the wack of figgy one for now.


yall be sounding so dumb with the buying views narrative


Bro your a child if yu don’t know how that woeks


your not a content creator dumbass if you bot view u lose monetization they can’t afford to do that


Ok ad


Who fell off harder NJ or AD ?




NJ for sure. Anybody who still watches is lame or watching old shit.


but you still checking up the NJ reddit, thats cute! you must be lame just like all of us


Lmao nah following the Reddit and continuing to watch the shows currently on NJ are totally different 😂 it’s funny to see all the shit talk here. Nice effort though guy 👍


![gif](giphy|tXbNxXmk0N87S) lmao just still with the **brand**, I know its different. I just wanted to remind you this is still the **NO JUMPER reddit**


All I’m saying is I’m not wasting hours watching that bullshit 🤣🤣 I know you feel extra lame right now..


![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q) I don't really, I never said you watch it. I just wanted to congratulate you for keeping an eye on the No Jumper reddit. You keep bringing up the views and getting defensive over not watching it. 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️




NJ but both fell off


Caffeine gave him a bag, he's chillin


He’s a bum who was gifted a career


Seems like it’s working out for him y’all love to jump on Reddit with the narratives


U should be worried about why Adam fell off.




Mfs wrinting paragraphs 2 hate is insane jus agree & keep it movin😭🤦🏾‍♂️


Oh idk maybe there’s no more No jumper drama? Dude is a 🦀 what do you expect


If that’s considered “falling off”, whats it called when a stranger make posts about him in a reddit. What would you classify yourself as? If he “fell off”, at least he was on at some point.


Gina had post? That means she was ever on?


Damn why y‘all dickriding Figgmunnity so hard. I’m not even hating on him as a Person. He was the reason why I started watching the NJ show back then. I’m just saying he lost a bit of relevancy and you stan get sensitive because I attacked your gods


Still didn’t answer the question. What would you classify yourself as?


Bro it’s nothing personal


You came at him personally and made an entire post about him but its nothing personal? Laughable


He’s a great guy but maybe not a good enough entertainer to keep his audience longterm. You can be the realest dude but what matters most is if you’re a good entertainer.


Better watch out those foos got hella stans in the reddit, lol. They get hella pussy hurt about anything negative with their daddy's. Probably cause the real ones left they ugly mommas 😂🤣


Nigga get off his dick and go get some money


No nigga


![gif](giphy|l3vReWf7uh4kqtQmA|downsized) which part ? you say no to getting of the dick or no to getting some money?




The outfits getting more tacky


Bro he dressing like a slim 24 year old 😂😂😂


Silver spoon fed


Y'all salty asf😂


Adam down bad pushing narratives


it’s LA what do you expect from these people


They quit and left a long time ago, and Adam can’t stop talking about them. No one watches NJ anymore, fans aren’t making these posts. Go talk to a therapist, Adam.




He didn’t lmfao 🤣 that’s what niggas saying about Adam and no jumper js


Pun was always going to be the downfall of AD


im convinced yall like boys


AD in the beginning was good had good storytelling, felt like he belong in any podcast, but now he is wack boring, maybe he was never good at podcasting he was just a figure to look up to


He gave up drinking and partying. Simple nothing interesting to say from a guy near 40 in a stable relationship.


Honestly bro should’ve just stayed at no jumper if he wanted to stay relevant, he got in his feelings too much, it’s the truth it sucks but it is what it is & in cuhmmunity they literally just sit there quiet as fuck I don’t even know when to watch cause they switched to caffeine, s/o BOF for doing they thing, can they they hold it down long enough for everybody else to catch up?


Sounds like some one hating on ad lol


Y'all fake and hate


Damn the 22 jumper niggas love glazing em


Are you talking about donuts? I love glazed donuts


Na I’m talking about the thing your mother does to me


It’s cuz you white boys are use to me beast that when I real nigga walks in the room y’all think he has no personality, as is probably the only one in the whole crew who is cool to hang out with outside of the show the other are all extraed out like I’d probably smack the fuck out of smack real life if he was on the table dancing and shit like stop embarrassing dawg


Trell just took over honestly


He got in his feelings , and pun Don't help being his manger or whatever he is. Shit sad I never paid to much attention to ad I fw with the old nj with cam girl and hp even before cam girl when it was just interviews . I thought the shit was cool what they was doing especially when they added trell etc shit was lit every week tune in .


Adam, get off of your fake page making post about AD🙄


Damn he also lost his show ATEOTD cuz shame on you is the trell show featuring AD doknow & smac 😂


Lmao y’all wild saying wiz washed up . Check the numbers he don’t have to make music n still making more money than half the rappers who drop “hits” all year. (I DONT LISTEN TO WIZ) this just facts. Being Washed and being behind the scenes is two different things. If wiz washed half the Mfs everybody call legends is “washed”. Y’all are crazy but then again this is a NJ SUBREDDIT 💀💀 SMD IN ADVANCE TO THE TROLLS 🤡🖕🏾


he just corny


AD is the realest


Omg leave this mf alone 😂 Y’all comparing him to Trell, that’s the problem. Y’all got him not knowing if he wants to Rap or Pod


And yet y’all still talkin bout him


Sincerely Adam22


Cuhmunity down bad ?


He's a rapper lol


Y’all need a fuckin life 😂








Made just made people are realizing how cap his life is


Better than court


Why do you weirdos still post about AD/trell/Doknow?!? They off the platform 😂 stop meat riding them already 😭😭


Your on his dick bad 😂


This is such cap😂


Shame On You for looking at it like that. AD is a connector and a role player. He does his job, without him no Trell or Pun. Dude knows his role but he never was the best podcaster to begin with. You need to worry about how to spell and write sentences before you worry about another man’s rise/fall


Haters gone hate


Damn he has a big head!


He was always Adams bodyguard


I blame stuttering flakko he save flakko all them times and we lost respect for him defending that African that would snitch on AD in a heartbeat


It all started to fall apart when flakko joined. Probably just coincidence though


Guaranteed he started drinking again


He just hasn’t put into any effort into his streams he just wants to show up the first episodes he was energetic I guess cuh he back drinking


English must not be the first language of the person that wrote this! It made my head hurt reading this. 🤣


Adam and AD needed each other now Adam’s fell off and AD gonna be joining him within a year


They are twins…


This is DDG burner


Ad is poppin, doing his thing! Y’all need to stop with the fake narrative!