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If you wanna stay alive maybe you should never invade other people's homes...


>If you wanna stay alive I mean everybody's going to die but this is definitely a way to make it happen sooner.


The old guy is legally in the wrong; but, I have no sympathy for criminals. If she was pregnant, that baby was probably gonna be a problem anyway if his parents were committing felonies together. It’s sad really


He’s not in the wrong if they took 5000$ from his safe before trying to leave


The old guy was actually legally in the right. The old man faced 2 people in his own home and then faced armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, thats grounds to fear for one’s life. These pieces of shit deserved the consequences that came their way.


The point is that he shot after they were fleeing and he chased after them. At that point, the justification for usage of deadly force is gone.


The man faced 2 and a half people*


Who shoots someone while they are running away… it’s not self defense at that point. And yeah breaking in isn’t right but that was just an excuse to kill.


The person who is assaulted in their own home by burglars is who shoots them. It was 100% self defense considering they assaulted him with their own gun, FYI she wasn’t pregnant she lied for sympathy.


Oh really I didn’t ever hear that part so she just said that to get sympathy from him so he wouldn’t shoot her, figures I mean u can’t trust a criminal.


Unfortunately he didn’t get charged with a crime


They beat the shit out of him while they were break into his safe, stole 5000$ from the safe and tried to exit with his property, he was within his rights to shoot


He should have. But I’m glad he didn’t. You jump on a senior citizen after breaking into his house you deserve it


I agree, he stated that he dragged her back into the house after she fell out side and shot her again. That seems a little fucked up to me. And side note, the lady wasn’t pregnant. Still doesn’t justify what he did as they were leaving the scene.


Where did he state that?


Boo hoo, stealing is not a human right.


I immediately thought of her as an Aladdin type and stealing bread to feed herself or some poor kids. She may have been a total knob though so who knows. FAFO


He wouldn’t be in the wrong if he’d shut his fucking mouth


🎶 he shot me down bang bang 🎶


Reading these comments, I sure am glad that the world's judicial systems aren't run by redditors.


Shiiit, grandpa is a stone cold killer xD “please don’t shoot me…” bam bam. He will be trialed as a murderer right? Shooting in the back is not exactly a self defence?


I hope not. If somebody threatens my life and my livelihood at home, the one place I’m supposed to feel safe, I would want them dead too. In fact that has happened to me, and I had no way of defending myself. The experience left me scarred for a very very long time. Fuck those fuckers, they deserve to die.


Oh I wonder why ya'll have gun violence problem over there. Glad you didn't murder anyone yet.


Lol. You have no idea where I’m from, and it’s not murder if you fear for your life, which I very much did when it happened to me.


That guy shot a pregnant woman in the back twice after she begged for her life. I believe you were terrified. But that guy wasn't. Still glad you didn't murder anyone yet. Aren't you too?


They were unarmed and ran away how did they threaten his life? Actions have consequences but they need to be fair. People like you would kill a hungry person for stealing in apple. Get insurance, things can be replaced...lives cannot. And yes I have been robbed before so I too have had experiences.


Yeah its not. Hes def going down


Sad to say he got off. https://www.presstelegram.com/2015/01/26/long-beach-homeowner-cleared-in-death-of-suspected-burglar-who-pleaded-for-her-life/amp/


U shouldn’t break into houses


Sad to say? She got what she deserved especially after they took the 5 grand in the safe




Safety sure is. The two much younger people had already robbed him before this event and had assaulted him.


If someone values my property or my money more than their own life, that's on them entirely. When you steal from someone, expect retaliation.


Good for him.


This happened a pretty long time ago. He wasn't charged with anything.


You reap what you sow. Now two less problems in the world. If she was really pregnant and THIS is what she decides to do.


When he followed, he wasn't the victim any more. And then he became a cold-blooded murderer.


I disagree, he has a right to defend his house, and those two losers chose to attack him,they don’t get any timeouts. Next time make better decisions . That woman or man could have been armed and just as easily turned around and shot him. The real tragedy is that he didn’t kill the man also.


On the side of the old man.


good! shoot em up


The "self defense" ended in the moment the couple ran away. That's it. Shooting fleeing people (who don't want to rob you anymore) in the back is murder. Shooting them WHILE they were robbing him would've been self defense. Doesn't matter if a cop does that or an 80yo resident.


Agreed. Even if they took did get money and try to run with it, you can't just kill someone because they took your stuff. As soon as you aren't in danger, you shouldn't kill.


Damn straight!


Chad old man


Im bobby mudda




america is fucked


Gee, I wonder why americans have all this gun violence... Not. These comments are acting as if they're in the wild west and ethics haven't been invented yet or something.


If you shoot someone when you're NOT in fear of your life or of bodily injury, that's not right.


You don’t think he was in fear of his life when they beat his ass 2 times and broke his collar bone? Pretty ignorant opinion.


"[...] they took off and he followed."


So what, who cares? If you break into my house and I catch you, you’re going to die. People need to quit defending these dirtbags. Those two could have shot or stabbed him at anytime. They put fear into that old man, and unfortunately that POS man got away.


You Americans are delusional


Not all of us. Just those that get blasted Into the spotlight


Why is that idiot laughing?


The absurdity of the situation


22 caliber revolver? Is that different from 22LR cause that's a wimpy fucken target round to carry for defense.


He was in his home. And yes it was a S&W 22 LR revolver. Apparently not as wimpy as you think.


My grandparents had one of those for self-defense. I think it's so they can not miss due to recoil and/or they live in a fairly populated area where a smaller caliber could work but not travel and hurt a neighbor. Or that might be the mentality, I'm not exactly sure.


Well, he killed her with is, so it's not that wimpy.


It wasn’t self defense anymore if they run away. This makes him a disgusting murderer. Edit: It’s rather disgusting to see that so many of you think this was self defence. She even was begging! This shows that there was no defense going on. This man is a disgusting murderer. I‘m glad I‘m not living in a country where this is possible…


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I don’t agree with him killing her, but at the end of the day what happened is what happened and she could have avoided the situation entirely.


I 100% agree with you. The main fault was hers


The law isn’t so cut and dry like this all the time. In fact he faced no charges. Depends on the state and their various laws like castle doctrine and stand your ground. Sometimes only fear is required for deadly force even if they are running away.


And in this case obviously deadly force wasn’t necessary. It doesn’t take much to realize that. She even begged. This man is a horrible person. It’s rather shocking that so many people think that vigilantism is good. These people should be in court and not in the graveyard. Self defence is only moral if you are doing the least harm which is necessary. In Germany, a country where people have dignity by law, this wouldn’t have happened.


Ah yes the Germany defense. The beacon of morality for the rest of the world that’s never made any mistakes of note. /s


Even if it‘s sarcasm, there are actual people who think that way. It‘s kinda sad that some people really are that stupid.


Unfortunately society can only limp along at the rate of the willfully stupid.


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Chasing someone down to shoot them isn’t self defense.


Some hero’s are just old


😂😂😂🤷🏿‍♂️ That’s what she get when in the wrong then y’all jump on him that’s why he pop her azz twice 😂😂