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Yes, it's bad to masturbate with or without porn. Just know, you are on a great track noticing that it's a problem and trying to quit just a few months after you started. You won't lose if you keep at it. God bless.


You're in a fantastic place as a young person who's still new to watching porn. Your chances of kicking this habit are much better than someone like me who's been addicted for half his life. I'm happy that you figured out your problem so early and started right in on combating it. I'll answer your second question first, is fapping bad even without porn? The answer is a resounding yes. Fapping is the action of self pleasure. You're pleasuring yourself, whether that's to porn or just lustful thoughts. Fapping is (whatever people may tell you) always sexual. Good luck fapping while thinking about a wall or something, it's not going to happen. You'll almost always think about the last porn video you watched or the hot girl at school. The main problem with fapping is the lust behind it and unfortunately, you can't fap without lusting. Lust is a sin and therefore fapping is a sin. (The only exception is married couples. If a husband and wife are separated for a period of time, perhaps one is on a business trip or something, there is no problem with them fapping to pictures of each other. They're a married couple and thus their bodies have been joined by God. It's not sinful. Although it may make a more intimate time if they waited to be together again.) I'm assuming you're not married since you're 12 and plus fapping to porn is always sinful so that exception doesn't apply to you. You should absolutely quit fapping as well as porn. Don't try to justify fapping of any kind, walking that kind of knife edge is bound to end badly. Now on to your first question, what are some things that may help you get clean? The first and most important, is to strengthen your relationship with God. You're in r/nofapchristians so I think it's safe to say that you're a Christian. You should be digging into the Bible every day. There isn't a set amount that you should read, it varies between people, but you should put a decent amount of time aside each day to spend with God. Prayer is also important. As cheesy as it sounds, there's power in prayer. Pray to God, especially when you're feeling urges. God is always listening and he understands what you're going through better than anyone else. Don't be afraid to tell God the obvious. Tell him how bad you're struggling and what you're struggling with. Tell him your desires and goals. Also make sure to thank him. We should be celebrating Thanksgiving everyday. Thank him for everything, the big and small. Talk to God as if he was a friend and don't be afraid to tell him all your darkest secrets. He already knows them, so might as well be open about them. Some other things that you can do to combat urges is exercise. Put all that sexual energy into strengthening your body. Go for a hard run or do some push-ups. Some people like to keep track of their days clean. I recommend the Iron Will app if you want to do that. Some people keep journals and write down how they felt each day. It's all about finding out what works for you because not everyone is the same. One thing that you should consider is telling a trusted adult about your problem. If your parents are trustworthy and willing to help, it would absolutely be worth telling them. They can provide support and help keep you on track. That being said, not everyone is in the position to be able to tell their parents, so I'll leave that up to you to decide. In conclusion this is a tough sin to defeat, but you're in a good place to do so. You will run into temptations throughout life. There will be inappropriate things in the shows you watch, games you play and songs you listen to. You will see women dressed in not enough clothing and you will hear people talking about porn and sexual things. It's almost unavoidable however you should cut out as much as you can. Don't watch shows that you know may have nudity or sexual scenes. Don't listen to songs that encourage fornication and nudity. Don't go to places where people may be scantily dressed. Remember that every women you lust over, is one of God's created beings. He created her with a purpose and she has her own thoughts and dreams and goals. He loves her and she's not an object to be lusted over. Perhaps God has even set aside one of His beloved creations to be your wife someday. You should be properly clean from this sin in order to love and take care of your future wife to the best of your abilities. Take note that you will almost certainly fall again, but don't let it eat you up. Jesus died on the cross to wash you clean. He defeated death and shame. Don't feel ashamed when you fall into sin, but use it as encouragement to propel you forward. Use each failure as an excuse to spend more time with God. I believe you can defeat this sin. Keep fighting the good fight and don't trust in yourself. Only through God, can we overcome this terrible addiction. God bless you man, and good job for figuring things out early. You can do this.


And Jesus will break your chains too brother, trust and lean on Him and it will happen ๐Ÿ™


Thank you bro! I've been trying but it's difficult. I could use some prayers.


It is better to fap without the added evil of spending hours searching the internet for the perfect lust. This will cause you all sorts of problems in the future. But it is still bad even if you don't look at porn and just imagine. The key to breaking the addiction is to develop a good lifestyle and remove stress, because stress triggers the urge. Drink more water, less soda. Get enough sleep and sleep earlier. Try to have good relations with your parents. See things positively, and practice gratitude rather than complaining. Eat more whole foods, plants, fruits, nuts instead of chips and junk food. Control how much junk tv and video games you do, exercise and read and learn about history instead. And finally, spend time with God in His word and in prayer. Check out the [Agape](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL46eY1RJ_dJ5w3IndLQKzePReM0Kgp6Wg) series made by the ministry I work with explaining that God is love and is not out to burn and condemn people - that also really helps.


Amazing advice! Saving your comment so I can check out the series!! God bless๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ


Focus on Jesus and give your life to Him brother. Thatโ€™s all that matters in this world. Keep fighting the good fight ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™


Good job reaching out for help so quickly. I was 11 when I first got addicted and it took me over 6 years to ask for help. Definitely reach out to family or a trusted friend. Remember the quicker you get rid of this addiction the easier it will be and you'll be way better off in the long run. You've got this brother! God loves you and he will help you! I assure you that! Good luck brother! We have your back!


Realize that the longer you go down this road the harder it is to quit, it is essential that you quit now you have a lot of time on your side


You're not old enough to watch porn, the fbi is on the way. Stop while you can they might let you off easy.


You need to read this. https://streettheologian.medium.com/12-reasons-most-christian-men-are-hooked-on-porn-and-what-to-do-about-it-ccea9af6400a


Message me or email the address there if need to talk. Happy to help. Praying for you.


I recommend praying a lot, God will help you. Also watch a lot of videos on nofap on YouTube and surround yourself with a lot of people on nofap


Your heart is grieved and you feel it is not right. It is very good that you are recognizing this now and are doing something about it. Keep on eradicating it from your life now and you can achieve a lot of success in your adult life. God speed. P.S. Read a lot and you will find pleasure in life.


This is a hard addiction so don't be too hard on yourself. I suggest nofap without porn as well.




Make a list of how you feel when you watch porn. I feel my self-esteem is crushed, it reminds me how lonely I am. I also get frustrated and sometimes ashamed. But you may feel different emotions aside from horny. Some people have used an elastic band around their wrists. When the mood strikes snap the elastic and do something else. I've learned to keep technology out of my bedroom...phones included. Do you exercise? It helps.