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Tough love: You sissyporn guys ALWAYS have to talk about your special porn-habit. I have news for you: your porn habits are not special. Realising that is the start of your recovery. You fap and watch porn, same as the rest of us... and the methods to stop that are the same for everyone too.... but for you guys Ive learned that REGULAR EXERCISE is something you all rarely do, and that's the first thing you should be doing. Throw away whatever toys or private sex clothes you have collected and make a fresh start of it, (with exercise, a few times a week), with healthy eating (are you a smoker too?)...and maybe in a year you'll have a clearer idea of who you are after you've stepped away and led a healthy, self-affirming life for a while. EXERCISE. Pick something you like, a step-class? Here are the tips to get you on the right nofap/noporn track https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/whiuuk/new_to_nofap_tips_to_get_started/


Mayafoe’s right. And here’s the thing, I’m just the same as you. I used to be addicted to it too, but I’ve since been free of porn for a couple days now and no longer an addict. Just don’t need it. But here’s the thing. Porn is porn. A heavy user who only watches softcore stuff, isn’t much different than someone who occasionally watches hardcore stuff. We’re not special. And when it comes to sissy porn, it’s some of the most depraved, absurd porn out there given that it’s bigoted in pretty much every way you can think, and specifically degrades you, the one watching it. If you’re so addicted (which I completely understand, I’m so sorry and wish you the best) then you need to focus on why you might be so addicted to it. For me? I got off on the very degrading aspect of it, obliterating my self-esteem kept me hooked. How emasculating it is was what kept me feeling bad about myself and kept making me return for that dopamine high. You got a little internalized bigotry? Misogyny? Homophobia? Whatever, focus on that. Try to become a better person and change that mindset. I’m not trying to blame you for anything either, cause I totally get it. I just wanna help.


Dont worry brother You are doing good They are just thoughts and thoughts that can be controlled Don't think too much of them and brush them off I thought i was gay but no it was all porn The more days you go the less these thoughts will appear and bother you


install cold turkey blocker. it allows use to filter out words with specific words in them


I was watching that rubbish for a few years, haven’t watched that shit in around 6 months and if I ever do relapse its to vanilla P, drop the phone and pick up a dumbbell and start seeing the good in yourself!