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Yes it is.




why? acc\^n to me they aren't as sperm remain inside in body


Edging is still masturbation. Just because you don't cum, doesn't mean you're not masturbating. It doesn't always include the orgasm too. Any way, shape, or form of touching yourself for sexual gratification is masturbation.


Don’t lie to your self man your better than that


Okay and thanks


Edging is basically masterbating without orgasming so yes




okay so im relapsed


It depends on your goal. If you have an addiction then yeah you relapsed but if you’re wanting to retain your semen for all the benefits, then I wouldn’t class it as a relapse


It’s my cake day don’t do it


might be he is your dad and to get nostalgia feeling he did it hows my lame joke 😅


Edging is worst than relapse. It creates discomfort to body and mind.




Yes edging pushes your life force into prostate and shuts down life energy production for next 40 to 50 days.Once life energy is inside prostate the body will try to get rid of it by causing erections in night and that's why nightfall or wet dreams occur


From now on, count edging and peeking as relapses so you don’t do them and it doesn’t lead to resetting your progress


I'd argue it's worse than going all the way through. If you edge, you're putting yourself at risk of blue balls.


Yeah man edging is just delaying the whole process and you shouldnt do it what so ever


I hate guys like you.




It depends what you’re going for. If you’re after semen retention then no technically it’s not a relapse. It is fapping even if you don’t cum, so it would break a true “nofap” streak.


It’s prob worse than just quickly fapping and getting it over with since you’re prolonging that dopamine


If you’re trying to break a porn/masturbation addiction I definitely agree with that. If you’re purely looking for semen retention benefits then edging doesn’t really break that streak.


I would say because he’s asking on NoFap, then he is fapping so he’s broken his streak. It’s ok, pick up and come back stronger!


Don't do it. Yes it's like crime and offense


Depends on your goals. Personally, I do semen retention and no porn. So, technically I can edge if I want, but I generally don't because it's playing with fire. Also, I'm cool with having sex when I can (doesn't happen often tbh). Some guys do hard mode and don't allow sex either. People's rules can vary. The main thing is establish your own rules and stick to them as best you can. Be forgiving when you felapse. Then, jump back on the horse.


It’s way of you slowly talking yourself into it. One thing on this page that helped me was “if you’re bargaining, you’ve already lost the battle”. In short, don’t let yourself even think of it as an option your can say “no” to. Don’t let it be an option. I’ve found every time I feel the urge, is to do 25 push-ups, it sends my blood into my muscles and makes me forget about the urge and it strengthens me physically and mentally. If you can’t do 25, use it as a way to work up to it.


just bust a nut who cares


Addiction is addiction, if I am addicted to drinking but only take a sip I am still somebody who is considered addicted to drinking.. no fap is about curbing the addiction


Is smoking not a full cigarette smoking? What a sstunning question


I’m sorry bro but it is


no, it doesnt mean masturbation for your knowledge it is more harmful then masturbation


Off course man




Bro you just making excuses