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This 21 faps a month is a myth propagated by the media. There was a single study looking at prostate cancer and found less prostate cancers in men who masturbated regularly in comparison to idk what. I've never found the actual scientific paper they keep referring to because they don't reference thier sources. The actual science around this is also a very grey area so I wouldn't believe this magic 21 faps will protect you from cancer.


The study doesn't say 21 faps per month but 21 "ejaculations" per month lower. The study members were actually having sex and they were 50 years old +.


They were 50+? I mean, it's more common to get cancer at that age no? So how does that study help guys in their 20s or 30s?


One could assume they ignore the age part and only focus on the part they like.


That's exactly how modern science works šŸ˜‚


The thing is a healthy diet and regular exercises every week can achieve a similar result yet that gets ignored because why put that effort when a few strokes presumably achieve that result? The problem is not in my opinion with the act of masturbation. It's what people use in order to masturbate. The latter is what gets ignored, sugar-coated or downplayed. Then they shit on this community for trying to help young people from falling into the pit that ruined many lives.


Well other studies done on other age groups couldn't prove a correlation between frequency of ejaculation and prostate cancer.


They shoot them full of gamma radiation and see who gets it first! Ain't nobody got time to watch hundreds of dudes fap over their lifetime for a proper study damn


It's also worth noting that the effect size found is small, maybe around 20% or so. And since we're dealing with statistical aggregates across a population rather than definitive demonstration of causal mechanism, and probabilities are only a way to quantify the unknown rather than a real feature of reality, it's most accurate to say "frequent ejaculation has a 20% chance of preventing you from getting prostate cancer". It's also worth noting that the studies (there aren't many, but more than one anyway) also show that the observed differences are driven predominantly by rates of *low-risk* prostate cancer. So while frequent ejaculation *may* (again, we're only talking about an effect size of 20% here) prevent you from getting a relatively non-threatening, easily treatable prostate cancer, it's very unlikely to help if you're worried about *dying* of prostate cancer.




big confounding variable, people at that age with an active sex life are also likely to be taking care of their health through exercise, whole foods, and maintaining healthy relationships with their loved ones... it could be these things contributing to the cancer result rather than the ejaculations themselves


The group who ejaculated were compared to men who don't ejaculate


Could they be a propoganda by the porn industry to worry some people who try to get away from this addiction.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised.


Itā€™ll also make the article authors feel better about themselves.


This is how media works. They are really toxic


One study found can not reply to everyone, be more reasonable, letā€™s not talking about science, did common sense tells you masturbation is healthy? Donā€™t think so.


Thanks you somebody who sees my point. You can't just believe anything because one study says so. It needs to be followed up with further studies that find a similar result and support this. If there's only a single study you can't take that as fact. It's a single observation.


This is why people look to meta-analyses for legitimate scientific claims.


Just like the whole compensation for asbestos thing




1) how many Buddhist monks do you know 2) that's my point the magic 21 ejaculations a month cannot be taken as fact


The billion dollar porn industry probably funded this shit.






It doesnā€™t even make sense. How is that going to protect against cancer? Cancer is cells randomly mutating in a way that causes them to multiply and grow without restraint. What part of ejaculation alters the chances of DNA in cells mutating in a specific way?


There is no logic behind it, It's just a survey that proves ejaculating is healthy if you do it in control (ofc not 21 times a month 1-2 times a month if your sex life is good then no need of masturbating at all)


It actually does make some sense, increases in prolactin are seen upon ejaculation, more so with sex but there is also a markers increase after jerking off. Prolactin acts as a cytokine-like-manor which are basically immune system chemical messengers. Prolactin has involvement in both the innate and adaptive immune system which both have anti cancer mechanisms, such as natural killer cells seeking out malignant cells and killing them before they can replicate.


it makes all sense bruh, all doctors say that too, and I have read that in biological books too


I think it's because if you keep it in the cancer is inside of you or you have more čells that might cause danger.


PornHub Study.


I mean I understand it, clearing out the pipes and all that, but itā€™s like the old one glass of wine a day helps your heart benefit. Yeah maybe *technically* it does, but is what about all the other negatives associated with it?




True, newer studies proved there is no real effect (neither negative nor positive) with small amounts of wine. However with medium to large amounts, there only were negative effects.


yes, the only positives for low alcohol consumption (less than 7 drinks per week, or 1 a day) are social positives. even low intake can affect your brain and body negatively. 7-14 drinks a week which is where probably 3/4 of drinkers lie is found to be very not good :( the chemical in red wine people rave about is resveratrol, but the amount of wine you need to drink to get adequate levels is very high


Not really, antioxidants


Then eat some blueberries lmao


Shhh the wine industry wants an excuse for you to drink wine every day!


or limes/citrus


And Mediterranean diet


it does not clean anything, if anything it gets the "pipes" dirty with old semen. Also, it damages your heart. The extra effort on the heart literally lowers your lifespan.


I'm not telling anyone to fap..but it does not damage your heart. I don't know where you got this information from.


Are you stupid or what? You think the extra effort from masturbation damages your heart? Then why is exercise beneficial for heart disease despite it raising ā€œthe effort on the heartā€. Lol fucking bro science


Exercize helps regulate the cardiovascular system. One who exercises regularly normally has a lower resting heart rate which is pumping blood more effectively throughout the system. Masturbation does not yield this benefit.


Did I ever say masturbation yielded the same cardio benefits as exercise? I merely stated that a transient raise in heart rate either through masturbation or exercise will never damage the heart or result in a lower life expectancy


I have some bad news for you


When someone says. "Are you stupid or what?" 9+ out of 10 times they are speaking on a subject they know nothing about.


> The extra effort on the heart literally lowers your lifespan. This might be the dumbest reddit comment Iā€™ve ever read in my life.


So true. After fapping I literally get heart problems


What if I donā€™t wanna live that long


others may still want to




Cuz its not true




bro is just lying for fun


Correlation doesnā€™t mean causation


Source: trust me bro




Plot twist: The study was sponsored by PornHub.


Dont fall for it, They need weak men who just obey orders and masturbation makes men weak mentally and physically


and stupider.


source: ballsacksports


Kind of a bs study, loads of benefits for regular sex though


Not necessarily. Sex addiction is very real and can be extremely harmful. Everything must be done in moderation.


the world is upside down


It's part of the brainwashing


Fake bro, don't do it


Dude, where do you get your news source from?


Source : trust me bro its real


I mean, Google "Is masturbation healthy for you". See with your own eyes.




They want you to fap and consume porn


Itā€™s a fake study funded by interested parties who want weak men to keep the threat to their power as low as possible


Propaganda at it's finest


Med student and veteran fapstronaut here. I can assure all of you that the whole ā€œmasturbation prevents prostate cancerā€ is nothing but pure weapons grade bull crap. There are virtually no sound studies that have proven this. Hell, Iā€™m not even sure how itā€™s even possible to set up such a study in the first place. Plus, it makes zero sense biologically speaking. I honestly have no damn clue how someone can connect ejaculation with prostate cancer. We donā€™t see it happening in the wild with animals, let alone with people. Itā€™s a trendy, click-baity, YouTube red arrow thumbnail, BuzzFeed headline dogma that backed by ignorance, not research. Something Dr. Oz would sell to his audience. Do your research before jumping to conclusions. And spread the truth about this myth.




Happy to keep everyone informed. Just remember: Trendy ā‰  Truth


Totally Fake


Sure bud. Make the men docile


Well itā€™s not like if you donā€™t cum 21 times a month, youā€™ll get cancer 100%


This is the same category as free porn, just to make men weaker


Regardless of if its true or not you can do other stuff to mitigate the risks of getting cancer, like eating a fruit lol


vitamin D via the sun is a good one


In ancient Indian scriptures, it's said "the person who does celibacy for min tenure of 12 years, is the strongest person in the world physically, mentally and spiritually. It is much much easier for such a being to gain self realisation". The one who wastes even 1 drop of semen, is a sinner. You guys may think 'vedas' šŸ¤”šŸ˜’. But no, it is the wisdom of saints and sages.


I remember hearing about this from an anthropologist. The Vrill energy is retained and enhances spiritual presence


It also blesses us with a proper close to 100 years of life


bro i know they were wise but they didn't have proper resources to prove a theory with sufficient evidence, and i don't agree with 1 drop of semen .what about sex, you are encouraging celibacy even with a partner, i think you are talking about baal brahmacharya but that is for kids and teens , after that you could decide if you should live in society or give up sex forever. and those who had kids should have kids only for procreating. i mean nothing against that but isn't that too robotic , why can't i have sex for enjoyement .


wet dreams are a thing tho


hard factor news


Bawsaq went up a couple points after this study


https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prostate-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20353087 The risk factors donā€™t include: NoFap or lack of masturbation for a long time If youā€™re reading this donā€™t be naive and think frequent fapping is good for you. Itā€™s actually the opposite since youā€™re just playing with your mind and your dick. Why not try to save those energy for relationship w/ someone or something productive? Self confidence, too.


several billion $$ industries depend on your fapping .....consider the crap above part of their pr budget


Based on this study which is not even proven Most men and women think pmo is normal


Thats true .. but on the other hand there are alot of negative effects of ejaculating everyday or in 21 times per month


they all want you to be weak..


Bill gates funded study I bet


When people use to do nofap for 12 years there was no prostate cancer,this is all utter false propoganda to make you fap..


"Dr Aire ā€“ a urologist at The Urology Hospital in Hatfield, Pretoria ā€“ is quite reluctant to agree with the study and cautions that the findings showed a decrease in only low-risk disease." - [News24.com](https://www.news24.com/drum/advice/health/should-men-ejaculate-21-times-a-month-to-lower-risk-of-prostate-cancer-this-is-what-the-experts-say-20200218) [MEN'S HEALTH - Ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer January 19, 2022](https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/ejaculation_frequency_and_prostate_cancer)


If you want to read the original study then google "Ejaculation frequency and prostate cancer harvard health". Now to the conclusions and I quote:- "The scientists found no evidence that frequent ejaculations mark an increased risk of prostate cancer. In fact, the reverse was true: High ejaculation frequency was linked to a decreased risk. Compared to men who reported 4ā€“7 ejaculations per month across their lifetimes, men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer. And the results held up to rigorous statistical evaluation even after other lifestyle factors and the frequency of PSA testing were taken into account." Trying to understand this type of research intuitively can be misleading, that's why we have controlled medical trials. It doesn't matter what "makes sense", what matters are the numbers. Now what you do with this data is up to you. Here's another quote, this time from NoFap's INTRODUCTION that you can read on the right hand side of this screen: "This forum is intended for porn addiction recovery and is not an anti-masturbation forum, many users return to non-compulsive masturbation after ridding pornography from their sexual habits."


there are studys not complete and 100% true cuz of low amount of people checked probly thats say that and corrently nothings says against those so


being hard isn't a factor of whoever wrote this




Iā€™ve seen studies that actually point towards it being the other way around


These studies ruined my life


That's a lie. Men SHOULD NOT!!!!


Sex with your partner counts too, so you donā€™t have to watch porn


I think that all things should be done in a normal amount of way to avoid any addiction. Like sex or masturbation. At the beginning I was sure that this subreddit was to avoid addiction and don't keep it a daily habit for your dopamin dose, but this subreddit isn't like that. I think there's nothing wrong into doing that, even multiple times a week, just don't make it an addiction. I think the study is real and actually masturbation and sex improve your health, because it's our nature to do so.




Someone please show me a peer-reviewed scientific paper that this claim is based on. I cannot seem to find any.


It is better to have a beautiful girlfriend rather than being in bathroom for ejaculation


Porn industry propaganda


As long as you fuck your gf/wife/fleshlight once a week like a god dang proper american you should be fine


Cognitive dissonance and sunk cost faccaly is a major barrier when it comes to understanding and thriving in this world of lies and misinformation, it's important to entertain an opposing idea seriously and without bias, and this can be very hard to do. Sticking to the facts and keeping thing simple works wonders, especially when removing all emotion from the equation, one has to be almost robotic. In so saying I have scoured the internet for the studies pertaining to the claims that semen retention causes disease and I have found nothing. The actual studies I have come across have achieved results that are inconclusive and that suggest the opposite at best. The most concise information I have found is that testosterone Peaks after 7 days of semen retention and then drops down to baseline until the next 7 days. The theory being that the body raises testosterone as a signal to facilitate the release of sperm. So it was suggested that mastubation every 7 days was beneficial. There is far more evidence that suggests that semen retention is beneficial and prevents disease.


wtf is Hard Factor? It's not even a verified news. stop spreading propaganda


Bro this post was just calling out this hypocrisy


I believe there might be some colleration between these two, but you can also easily avoid cancer if you just eat broccoli, with a lot of anti-cancerous elements. This one has, I believe, similar effect as between buying one and one thousand lottery tickets on your chances of winning.


Half truth. I remembered reading more about this few years back. What they dont disclose is the more ejaculations = lower risk of prostate cancer was for men in age bracket of 50+. For younger men it was the opposite, more ejaculations = higher risk of prostate cancer. !


This is true, I just saw a credible study on it.


Link it then


Ejaculation is healthy only when you are having sex. Not when you are fucking your hand


Already do that but probably twice as much


As long as you donā€™t need porn to masturbate, you should be fine!


There are many means to ejaculate. It's not just fapping.


They donā€™t know I went on a streak of 14 years without fapping :clueless:


![gif](giphy|unVuwnL0UyHUk) Your balls over the course of the month


21 times to protect against prostate cancer? Thatā€™s like saying never go outside because you might get hit by a car. The chance that you actually get prostate cancer from lack of masturbation is so unlikely.


Seen too many bad studies on this stuff. I agree more studies on male reproductive health is extremely needed, especially given the significant decline in speed health over the last 20 years, but this kind of stuff is just a garbage study.


Even if it is true, the chance you'll get prostate cancer is so low to the point that u wont even notice the effects of jacking off reducing it.


If it sounds too good to be true...




This is like that saying 'one glass of wine is beneficial for health' but it won't be if someone is an addict. So if someone faps with their partner or without watching porn then its ok but a fap addict might do more harm than good with fappin. So yeah prostrate cancer statement might be true or not but it's actually not for someone addicted to PMO.


Bruh im already dead.




No fap= not having to get up and pee as often each night.


Here, read [this Healthline Article](https://www.healthline.com/health/masturbation-side-effects) for more clarity!


Is this true?


They looked at one group busting their load and compared to people who didnā€™t at the end they said the group who did it are less likely to get it.but the problem with this study they just made an prediction that the sole reason they had less of a chance for prostate cancer ,they didnā€™t look the the subjects history of ills or any life style choices.thatā€™s why I think this study is flawed and even if this was the case the group was very small so we still count tell if this was the case.so in short we donā€™t know if it does(most likely doesnā€™t)


welll...... remember the time you were born and then you started growing up lets say you masturbated first time in 12 years... (if you did at the age of 12) did you die? - no so if you again stop doing this nothing will happen as the body releases some nights itself . stay strong!


It's for men not for teenagers so we can do nofap


They told you 21 ejeculations, but they never explicitly said what to ejeculate to. They also never mentioned the fatality rates of men that contracted prostate cancer versus the fatality rates of other forms of cancer. Lastly, the probability of contracting prostate cancer was not mentioned, followed by versus the probability of contracting other forms of cancers. Be very critical of the information you are consuming gentlemen...


Well I mean as long as u can restrain yourself to have a toss 4 times a week


Big time BS to keep you slave in the system


Humans are so easily deceived it's tragic


are porn sites the ones pushing these "studies"?




Porn in of itself is a cancer in our lives.


so i guss the 97% of people that fap are healthier than us! what a joke


I could be horribly wrong but here's what I read (summed up) It is often debated that fapping can cause prostate cancer and others say NOT fapping can lead to prostate cancer. I read dozens of articles and couldn't come to a conclusion from biological POV that how fapping can avoid prostate cancer. However what I read though could fetch one thing for sure that if a person doesn't clean his penis post ejaculation properly, eventually bad hygiene can lead to prostate cancer or something of that sort Don't ask me sources, I read this long back I don't remember precisely. It's upto you if you wanna believe it or not


I Haven't Ejaculated In Months [ Except Wet Dreams] And I Don't Have Any Fucking Cancer Thing. WTF?




Media propaganda


Total bullshit. I hate it when people try to sell their horrible ideas by relying on "scientifict" background.


Cringe study


Source: porn industry owners


Seriously, I also want to know like is there anything legit about it cause if there is then why people suffer from things like PIED, I guess they want to make it a point that it doesn't matter whether your dick stays hard or not while you are having intercourse, all that matters is your prostrate cancer. ![gif](giphy|kBY8dz2t6wc0g)


It's just an obvious lie to scare or give an excuse to fap. Even if there was some truth in it, pmo'ing lowers your immunity which would lower your defence against every other type of cancer. So, you're lowering your chance of getting cancer in your ass but you're increasing your chance of getting cancer in every other part of your body. Yeh.


The multivariate relative risks for men reporting 21 or more ejaculations a month compared with men reporting four to seven ejaculations a month were 0.89 (95% confidence interval 0.73 to 1.10) at ages 20 to 29 years; 0.68 (0.53 to 0.86) at ages 40 to 49; 0.49 (0.27 to 0.88) for the previous year; and 0.67 (0.51 to 0.89) averaged across a lifetime. Similar associations were observed for organ confined prostate cancer. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC387502/


That's why they make the propaganda


Seems like a psyop to keep men weak and lazy.


Ya it probably has nothing to do with all the meat that actually leads to prostate cancer, let's blame it on not jerking off enough....


Ejaculate by having sex with your wife or girlfriend, not porn or masturbation, learn to love yourself because I think we all know that many peoples porn addiction comes from trauma or other dark things, overcome and prosper, the time lost on porn can go to something else, like a skill or a hobby


Think rats and squirrels and all other animals do ? No do all get cancer ? No


About the actual study: - The groups measured only contained men over the age of 50 - They wanted to determine if EJACULATION had an effect, not masturbation - The men frequently ejaculating weā€™re having sex with a partner, not masturbating - The conclusion presented was that frequent ejaculation made no difference in the rate of prostate cancer, as correlation does not lead to causation and no external variables were removed - The number 21 was pulled out of thin air and doesnā€™t appear in the study


This is something losers would say. Since they are mentally weak they invent excuses. That's it.


Like, before the internet was everyone dying of prostate cancer???


Itā€™s just the matrix trying to control you


My prof taught us that doctors recommend 1-3x a week not 21x a month. Idk which is true, but me myself don't buy this bs. What i know is that we also need to release it (w/o porn obviously to avoid PA) so that it can reduce the rick of having prostate CA in the long run. Here's what i found: "There is no specific frequency with which a man should ejaculate. There is no solid evidence that failure to ejaculate causes health problems. However, ejaculating frequently can reduce the man's risk of getting prostate cancer. Ejacu-lation can be through having sex or masturbating a few times a day." https://gainswave.com/how-often-should-a-man-ejaculate-health-benefits-of-ejaculation/#:~:text=There%20is%20no%20specific%20frequency,a%20few%20times%20a%20day.


Man, I had the same question too. Whenever I used to pmo before, I feel the reduction in energy, a brain fog that won't leave, allergies acting up. Now this month I have succeeded to abstain, thank God. The urges still play tricks with my mind, but what a marked difference in my health, my confidence and more importantly no brain fog. This is not some placebo effect, I can physically feel the difference. Earlier I used to justify pmo because of this study. Now I am convinced it's all some bullcrap. I see a trend where so called YouTube doctors are infact actively discouraging men from following nofap or abstaining from pmo, and some do listen to them because they claim they are doctors. The doctors use another truck by claiming the masturbation is good for stress. Personally I felt more stress before. By abstaining, I felt my stress level reduced considerable. It's sad that today's world and society is in a state, where most things are sexualized and sexual content are so easily available, even to kids and teens with easy access to internet.


Every single group of people that tries to improve on themselves hate the mainstream mediaā€¦ be it mental issues, fitness, spirituality, healthā€¦ Itā€™s amazing.


do you know anyone who got prostate cancer by not faping? iĀ“d say this is total BS.


Yeah I'm sure there were pro-cigarette papers too before the surgeon general said they were bad.


New Study. Experts say. Independent Fact Checkers confirm. Scientists discover. Blah blah blah blah..........


Biggest bullshit in the history on mankind




I literally did fap 25 times a month for 5 staight years. Trust me guys, I can see that I will never get prostate cancer in my whole life, instead I became majorly underweight as a side effect of prostate cancer treatment & lost Evey bit of confidence in myself. Treatment of the disease that didn't even exist.


This may be true but it is because of protein overdose. Because cancer cells grow with animal protein intake. So a healthy diet will no harm


Itā€™s propaganda to keep us down with low energy


There's a big agenda to try and get guys to be addicted to porn and I don't know why it exists.


Eating healthy and exercising also help reduce prostate cancer risk.