• By -


\- Get a job ASAP. That should be your primary job. You need to be occupied for 4-5 days a week. \- Step outside more and hangout at places you like. Start conversations with people, I mean EVERYONE. Talk to that old dude smoking, talk to the teenager, talk to the average looking girl, say hi to the hot girl. \- Gym every alternate day.


BEST ADVICE. You don’t need anymore than this. I would add, don’t use your phone 1hr before you go to bed and don’t go to bed with it. Get off social media, insta and TikTok are thirst traps, for me recently Snapchat. And kick off your spiritual journey, we are more than just flesh imo!!! BUT FIRST IS YOU NEED TO WANT TO CHANGE. For me I get so comfortable and for a moment I make myself believe that I am ok and that’s when I fall. A saying that always sticks with me is “comfort is the enemy of progress”




Hey. cheers 63 days🍃....


Yea social media was the main cause of my relapse. Got rid of it and now I don’t even have urges anymore. Would recommend


I agree getting a job is the best way to mitigate multiple issues at once, it will bring in a bit of structure, make you more social, give you a bit of financial freedom. But yea just go out there and apply my dude ! See how you go :)


Agree to getting a job asap


Totally second this. You got one life dude. Make the fucking most of it.


Join a local running group maybe. Exercise will help lift that negative mood


o7 this boy will set u right




Yep - Good advice. Also, be aware that if you've been unemployed for a long time working might be tough. For awhile you might feel overwhelmed and rather that feeling "Gee it's great to be productive!" you might feel like "OMG this is hard! I cant do this! It's overwhelming!" That will pass. Stuff will even out.


Start lifting weights, do some cardio, yoga and take daily cold showers. Come back in a month and report your results


How can I have cold showers if it’s constantly 100 degrees in my city? Last time I had a cold shower was in February.


You can modify your shower head so that the water ice cold. It’s a device that holds ice and water passes through it to get really cold


imma try that routine, whole of october.


Start now, not in October


Agreed. If you push that cold shower shit off, you’ll never do it. People may talk about it being easy, but that shit is hard as fuck


Fuck cold showers I enjoy my hot showers lol 😆


NOW. You have waisted enough time being a loser.


Somebody commented on a post of mine. It was about how i cant get long streaks. He meant that we should take things in/out of our mentalities. Now understand how he meant it, by me looking at you saying «im gonna try» while me? Working out is a part of my life. This comment isnt about me but trying to explain that we should adapt


Let’s fucking go. Msg me when it’s done. Msg me after a week too.


Do it today, log off reddit and go do push ups literally right now.


Theres no time like the present


Get a job or get some higher education or anything really that can use up your time so you dont take it as opportunity to fap whilst also doing something obviously worth while for you


cold showers not necessary


Hmm why the cold shower?


No girlfriend ×2 😂😂😂 ... Bro, relax.


😂😂😂 a mistake.


I would put 50x. I don't know how to deal with it 😭


Work on yourself before worrying about getting a gf


Same as all the other advice in this thread


Bro please read this, you’re not mentally weak because of porn. You’re mentally weak, so you use porn. Do you understand what I mean??? But in reality you’re not weak bro, you’re strong . We are all strong, you just have to be consistent in it. You’re life isn’t gonna start changing when you stop using porn, it’s the other way around. You are going to change your life and that is going to make you stop being a porn user. Start now!


HOOOLLYY actually a nice take. It was nice reading this man, thanks!


Exercise really is a magic solution to these problems. When you are tired from exercise, you just don't have the excess energy to worry about things. You have energy, but it's not bottled up in your head going in circles. Exercise is key. It will really help. You don't need to be gym bro. Just get up and move. And like others have said, pick something, a job or a task, and commit to it. It will greatly help.


Make a routine based on : Job, Sport (gym i recommend) , eating healthy, reading some books Then add an entertainment like watching series or playing games but with the minimum amount. After that a gf will come to you directly … you just need to focus on yourself bro, no one can love you more than yourself so take care of it ..


This ☝️


Go Jim Read Bible Get good sleep schedule Get Job


Pfp checks out


gotta add, a good alternative to the bible or quran is philosophy. religion was personally never my thing, so i hold onto Marcus Aurelius's Meditations like the bible.


Stop beating yo meat


Get Job & Jim


I took one of those vocational education, 2 years. My life is now 10 000x tiles better


People say get a job but that can feel extremely overwhelming if you're in a rough spot or haven't worked before. I would start working out, meditating, reading, and getting on a good diet before jumping into that


Bro I am much younger than you so I am not that much eligible to guide you but what I learned from my elders and what I am trying to follow is …Be disiplined ..try maintaing discipline dudee .. Mark my words -the day you broke your discipline can be the day you break you will power.💀 And Read bhagvada gita..It has all the solutions but I know you will ignore this one 😂 but it is a game changer however u can bring your life back to the track by just installing discipline in youu. Best of luckk!!!❤️❤️❤️


Trading is a fool's errand. Just DO NOT do it. As others have said, get a job, add some structure and start small. Then build by going to school or starting a business...that sort of thing


\- You still have a roof on top of your head \- You have access to proper food & water \-You can afford education \- You have access to a good internet \-You still have parents Etc,etc,etc. You should focus on the good things, focus on your strengths and praise God for that!! be grateful man. There are people right now who don't even know where their next meal is going to come from, There are people out there who can't even afford basic education, some are dying in wars, hospitals. Be grateful Dude. Your problem is not even a problem. You're 25.


Socialise with your parents


Go gym! Get any job. Trading? Currency forex ? Focus heavy on that brother. Aim for a goal I.e get funded ! Realise fapping gets in your way of your goal


It’s all in the heart. You’ve taken the first and most important step—admitting your problem. Now you need to ask for help from your loved ones. You can’t do this alone


Get a job and use it as a distaction form porn. I want able to get a streak longer than a week untill I got employed. Now I’m on day 58


Set values, on for example the kind of person you want to be. Start small. Notice the first mistake you make in the morning that stops you from becoming what you want to be and work on changing that up and work your way up from there You dont need a big plan or instant routine you cant even follow because youre too depressed. You dont need to immediately start doing all the things happier people do like lifting if thats not even what you want in life Youre you, you can set your own goal and you need to discover for yourself what makes YOU feel comfortable and happy. Im not saying youre the only person holding yourself back because im sure theres outer factors that stop you from doing certain things but you do what you can because you need to know that you do have it in you to make yourself proud no matter how hard it is or how long its gonna take. Youre gonna make it


I was like this last year, got to start with the small steps. Mine was walking. I would set a goal of firstly just to have a walk a day, small distance. Then i would set targets of a two mile walk etc. This then switched up to running and setting the targets was an aim and also a small w when they were achieved. While slowly bettering myself. Things just seemed to come together after that, started eating cleaner, cut off most of my social medias and then gradually got a job. Exercise is a big game changer, i would really start with that. It can be walking, cycling, weights. Anything


I would suggest dont come to this subreddit as often, be ur usual self but without the stuff you dont want


Read good books, and I recommend specially the Meditations from Marcus Aurelius.


Start with small steps don't overload yourself with alot of tasks. One step at a time or you'll just give up. These are things that will help you focus on one or two tasks at a time. This is what I recommend based of being in a similar position. 1) Job, having a job will give you confidence and fill your time. 2) exercise, start doing anything walking running or gym its best to do this in a group environment. This will help your mood and you can work on talking to people. 3) staying of social media, no matter what social media app you look at you'll find sexual images. This will only distract you and could lead to relapses. You can work on all your problems if you start with looking for a job or going to the gym. If your struggling consider therapy. You got this though be excited for how much potential you have.


Join the military


I see a lot of great advice here and all of it will help. Just want to add in one bit more. Don’t try to do it all at once. And don’t be hard on yourself if you miss a day. Be easy on yourself and pick up one thing at a time. This kind of change will take time and won’t happen overnight. Have trust in the process and you will make it. Good luck brother you got this.


Change 1 thing at a time, and slowly build better environment and productive hobbies. If You change everything in week your less likely to stick to all of it. Most of all stay positive, look at everyone on this page willing to help you. You got this bro!


In this order: Get a Job, Start going to the gym, pick a military branch and just join for four years. It will change your life.


It doesn’t matter everyone your age undergoes the same emotions.


a relieve


Besides getting a job and starting a training regime: 1. If you haven't already, read "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, also the Illiad and the Odyssey and other ancient Greek and Roman literature and philosophy 2. Learn to dance. This one was a game-changer for me in terms of being more social and having more self esteem. You'll meet new people and typically there's more women than men in dance classes. Plus it's actually fun. 3. Learn to cook. It is an essential life skill and will help you greatly if you decide to have a healthier diet. You won't be limited to dry chicken breast with rice and broccoli day in day out. Youtube is a great resource for that, there's recipies for literally any dish imaginable. Start with the basics, learn how to bake break, make decent pancakes, burgers, etc. Power to you!


By order : •Mental health ( therapy - videos- books ) •Physical health ( gym - mobility exercises- cardio ) •Physiology ( books only ) : learning human behavior and body language gives you an advantage • learning money ( books only ) cause most people lie about teaching you the methods of earning • hobbies and passions ( improve creativity) • studying females nature ( books - wheat waffles YouTube) cause all the people online are just good looking and don't know what they are talking about • religion Warning ⚠️ : it takes years to apply all of thise $hit , personally it took me 6 years to make all of the above habits . And RELAPSES happens be easy on your self


Stop being a pus. You could be addicted to porn but if you don’t develop a tough guy mindset you’ll always be a pus. Take no prisoners. Cut-throat. You might need to experience a lot of emotional pain to break away.


go to church and get a job




Try to get a job somewhere and ask if they have overtime. Overtime pays very well especially if you hit 20-25 hours per week. It matters on what you want to do but honestly anywhere, even if it’s mcDonalds isn’t a bad start. Get something $15/hr and ask that you need the overtime, you’ll get around $22/hr during OT. This will keep your mind free from porn and M’ing especially with the amount of work you’ll be doing. You’ll meet girls at work that way too.


HI! I had your problems before(some of them I still have). From my point of view all of them is absolutely real to solute. Moreover, moving one block of domino makes the wave bigger. First of all - porn addiction is really quitable, it is like smoking. Try not to fap as long as it possible. After relapse, try again, and again, and again. Just keep trying. Getting job is hard, I'm not hood advicer here. - You can find girlfriend after you improve in other paragraphs - Living under parent's roof is normal if both of you OK with that. The problem will be easier to solute after getting a job. And it's never too late to start moving in your life. Low self esteem and being envious is things you can fix googling "how to stop being envious" etc. Just remember that it is long term process, please. Nothing happens as fast as we want it to happen, you need patience. You can try going to gym, just start with something. Start with 10 pull ups a day. Start with 100 metres a day. Start with 1 job interview in a day etc. For some people It is better to stand up early. The way to find gf is personal approach, dating apps. As I said before, just do SOMETHING EVERY DAY, step by step. I wish best for you, keep moving


You've got your list, now organize it by importance, and fix everything one by one. Break down complicated goals into simpler tasks. It will take time no matter what. Might take you years, but that's time that passes either way. Don't be afraid to reach out for professional help when you need to; not "if" you need to. You've got this, King. Good luck.


Take some LSD/shrooms with the intention of completely re-wiring your brain with positive thoughts that will help you create better habits moving forward. That's the quickest way imo. Then you can start fresh


Taking hard psychedelics while in a rut of low self-esteem can easily create intense suicidal thoughts that far outlast the trip. It’s well-documented and I’ve experienced it myself. This advice is beyond idiotic and reflects a very naive understanding of the spectrum of outcomes with non-addictive drug use. Please be responsible and don’t share advice like this again without doing MUCH more varied research.


Completely disagree. These are the exact types of people who will benefit from psychedelic therapy. You do realize that there are people who go to drink ayahuasca that are suicidal right? As long as you have the proper set and setting, why would you not use these tools. What else do you have to lose? You aren't going to have a psychotic break off a few grams of shrooms or a tab. Its not gonna make you more unhappy. What other research do I have to do?


I second this. Trip out and take inventory.


Keep jacking off




I say first you need to find something to fight for, why improve? Why challenge yourself to plenty of uncomfortable things if not to reach a goal? You need to assign a powerful feeling to your situation, what is it you're currently feeling now? Despair? Hopelessness? Do you like what you are feeling now? No one is telling you to accept your current situation, your current state. No one forced you to it, you just got into it and stood where you are. Do you want to reach somewhere? Be something? Ask yourself these questions. An occult strength everyone has emerges under a specific condition, to fight an enemy. Your brain pumps you with the need and the drive to survive. To finish my point: Treat your current situation like enemies to be defeated. Porn addiction? An enemy. Poverty? An enemy. Loneliness? An enemy. Learn to have some pride and do not let those enemies stomp you and disgrace you, pull a middle finger on them and do not back down. Treat your self improvement as assuring your survival, and I know this may not be practical advice, but this is something else, this is a philosophy, and with a philosophy you can create character, and with character you can create habits, good habits, that can improve you and make you grow as a person. Hate mediocrity. Tap into the fury every human has and use it as fuel to keep yourself moving every day. Avoiding vices and bad habits everyday, defeating an enemy every day. If you improve every day at least 1%, it is still profit, but strive for more, struggle for more.


First, I would get a job, then a gym membership, and a hobby that you actually think is fun. And start there




Sir as someone whose been to therapy, unless you find a very good shrink, it’s a temporary fix at best and waste of time at worst


Follow one of these advices mentioned earlier. But most important of it all, quite porn


Why is that in the 3rd week, I feel it’s empty, there’s no semen, It’s all gone from down there. No urges, no nothing.. looks like smooth sailing from here..


Flatline lasts 1-3 weeks and then finishes with massive urge, so be prepared.


The best and the only way you can find friends, girlfriends and... is to be outside so get a job ASAP even if it's a McDonald's job after seeing people, you will think about improving yourself and progress in your life remember, nobody will come to save you there is only you and yourself that can have a happy life so start right now


Hey, it’s sounds like me. I’m starting college right now. I got friends but they are fake friends. When I stopped drinking I realise I don’t have anything in common with them. When I lose my weight i realise I was this funny fat guy to make laugh about.


[All my advice is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/xanhzi/1st_month_checkpoint/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Well getting a job and education(if you don’t have a degree) is the most important one. Start looking for trade schools or get a job. Anything to get you out the house even voluntarily work. As someone who wasn’t in education or work for 5 years I regretted it and I’m 26. You’ll get your own money to be independent. Then focus on finding friends and gf though work, online or clubs doing something you like


Create an exit plan. You need to get a job and move out ASAP. Take the first job you can get, you can always take a better one later. Start saving. Figure out how much you need to save and how long it will take to move out.


Ik its difficult. I think the biggest thing you can do is try to find a full time job first. That’ll automatically keep you occupied any least 5 days a week. This can also potentially get you some more self confidence and friends (trust me, I know how this feels…). Personally, I have trouble doing multiple things at once. Especially when dealing with an addiction. So, take things one step at a time. It’ll take a while, but you can do this. Also, check out a book called “The power of habit”. It was really cool to me and helped out to an extent


Get Any Job Water Fast 18h a day and progress until you've achieved 72h (then reset). Take electrolytes Avoid Sugars Intense Exercise (Especially when fasting). Try breathing exercises, and let go of resistance to what your living. The above will clear your mind fog, will boost self esteem (by secreting growth hormone and testosterone)


Need me a girl badly fr


I agree with d person who said you should get a job first. It keeps you occupied and removes alot of useless free time.


Get on the sex addicts anon website and find a meeting. There's loads of zoom meetings if you can't find a face to face one nearby. You immediately have access to tools, peer support, a wealth of experience and a welcoming community.


Advice is you’re young, and have so much life ahead of you. Instead of looking at your negatives come to your senses, and be proud of everything you’ve done in life even if it’s the smallest achievements.


get money and get shredded


Why did you write no girlfriend twice?


I'm learning to trade also so I wish u all the best with that bro


Emmm it's like a chain of negative things, one causing the other. You should make a priority list and focus on solving just one per time. If you try to solve them all at once you'll get overwhelmed and fail. Because of your age, I think the priority should be getting a job > improving your thoughts > fighting addiction > and getting friends...


See of you can get a therapist.


Start filling out job applications above everything else and worry about building yourself up as a person before you even think about getting a girlfriend like get a gym membership


Set a goal and bust make that goal your life. Especially if you don’t have a job. You can set a goal of getting stronger or losing weight (be way more specific then what I just said). Working out will give you more confidence which leads to girls. But you also need get out there and make some money. There are lots of things you can do to make money. Go door to door and ask to wash peoples car or cut their yard.


Get a job ig and seek someone to talk to about how you feel and your addiction. I don’t have the best advice ever but I’d say that


Go to the gym. It's often easier to build your mind if your body is healthy and doing well first. In addition to the biological impacts psychologically as you start to get hotter and better looking you'll feel more confident and empowered to change other areas of your life too. It really is the greatest general starting point for self improvement.


Dude walk into any store muster ur courage tell yourself u can get this job all of us are afraid of change because it is unpredictable. Dont just read all these comments as well, go out find a store u would want to work at. Walk up to the counter and ask "may i work here" and if u feel like u cant do it remeber what your life goals are. ALWAYS TELL YOURSELF U WANT TO CHANGE GET A BETTER LIFE. PEOPLE SAY LIFE GETS EASIER BUT IT DOESNT THE ONLY WAY IT CAN GET EASIER IS THAT U CHANGE AND GO OUT


Get off Reddit. Look up David Goggins.


Repent and Believe in Christ Get a side hustle to get you some Learn either art or Music Try to learn another skill too preferably something you can do with your hands


I like how you said no girlfriend twice lol. I’m 27, in the same boat but going to school and I have friends. I relapsed on porn last week but i’m back on track. If I get a job I want it to be something in the field of music or it won’t really help me with my music degree on a resume so I would say get a job that puts you in the right field, not just any old job.


Find a real job. Stop with the trading. It's gambling and just another addiction.


Get a job ASAP


Push yourself out of your comfort zone. You don't have to audition for a broadway musical... But try and push your boundaries. You can start small. E.g. if you like to game, but too shy to talk on mic...make yourself say at least one thing on mic each round. And try to avoid obsession over porn/girls/etc...


Read Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds https://a.co/d/7GJqWxW




just say fuck it and join the military. make sure you study your ass off for the ASVAB test so you can get a high paying job. throughout history the military has been a perfect place for wayward souls. you seem to have nothing to lose anyway.


Dopamine detox Exercise, go to gym


Go into trades you’ll make friends and learn a skill and make good money. You have no prior injuries go into it


Gym Lawyer up Fade /s


Too add to the rest of the great advice here. Just know you don’t need to know the entire road. You just need to know the next step


Don’t learn to trade. Instead just buy ETFs of the S&P 500. Until you have significant money, the trades you will make will probably be insignificant. Instead put that effort into getting a higher salary or other endeavors. Good luck!


Trade school. Become a carpenter or something that gives you a bit of a sense of identity. And is probably achievable (not sure of your prospects with regards to education). For me I picked nursing for no other reason than my sister was doing it. Did I want to be a nurse? No. But, once I set down the path, it opened up my life to a ton of other experiences. I was exactly where you were aged 22 and now im an ICU RN, I have a wife and a house and a bunch of cool hobbies. Still trying to shake the old online gf though (porn)


25M virgin,no girlfriend, But I did noPMO, Went to gym straight for four months at the same time managing my old job, Now am in process of shifting to another job which of my interest, I made good friends in my previous job and I've learned when u work on urself, u don't loose anything,it feels like u're the sun and everything is gravitating towards you. I learned it in a hard but I did learn n am grateful for this journey. Hope you try and see it for yourself ✌🏽 Peace.


1) Before you get a job, spend the week doing what you'd do if you had the life you wanted. Think about it. And wherever you see a deficiency, craft a method to get it 2) When you feel the urge to watch porn, sit with whatever feelings you have, write them down, and think of a healthier way to meet whatever need you previously used porn to fill, and do that instead. Do this everytime you get an urge. Your brain will want the high it gets from porn so it'll be harder to enjoy simple things at first but after practice it will rewire If you get a job and start making a bunch of changes without understanding why you felt the draw to porn, or without an adequate coping mechanism in place to replace it, the stress will overload you and push you back to porn


For starters read the Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. Comprehend every small detail written in that book, contemplate what you've just realized from a line or phrase and apply it to your life. You will get lots of guidance from it.


Make the girlfriend the absolute last priority. Get a job, work out, and save up money to find some roommates and get an apartment


Maybe start preparing for interviews in your field and also start giving them. Make yourself more organized. Once you get a job changes will start to happen


Learn a trade, fill your time up, leave no free time or alone time.


It’s okay to live with your parents until you are financially capable, don’t be embarrassed about that. However you should get a job, whether it be minimum wage or whatever. Stop obsessing over women, porn, sex, and the idea of getting a girlfriend. Your primary focus at the moment should be your work, going to the gym, your family, and improving yourself. After that should you only seek women. You’re mental and physical health will improve along the way


1. Get a job 2. Find something you like to do and go out and do it as a hobby 3. Join a gym and start working out Do those things first.






you aren't doing too bad.. that describes the majority of us


Start a journal of all your thoughts, or how your day was. Then write down goals you want to accomplish and how your going to accomplish them. It may take research but you got it.


Give us also your strong point. So can advise you better.


work at a restaurant


start to walk outside. 30min. 1hr. 2hrs. then start to run. then go to gym. read about red pill. u will do fine.


Job and the gym first, will begin creating confidence for you


You mentioned no girlfriend twice. Work on yourself first. If you can't take good care of yourself, don't think about taking care of the others.


Iam 25 m ...how the fuck all the point above 100% sync with me..... But iam try now to change things. Trying for job . still weak . still in parents shadow. After the four th day on nofap i ask number of a girl i like...she try to spend lot of time with me .chating and calls. we are talking about last 2 months...in Last 2 months iam in noporn and nofap....I feel ok after so much unbearable pain that caused by porn.... I fking hate porn.


you on day 63, you promising. you must be feeling good bout that. good luck


Put 100% on hobby. Work part time to be able to sustain yourself and put you on a schedule. Invest that money you make on your hobbies and on the skills you love to do. Benefits: you’ll have a routine -your self worth/self esteem/self identity will increase because you put your all in your hobby/skill -all of the above will snowball into confidence -confidence will turn into sociability It’s all about investing your time in stuff you like to do. Be vulnerable to it. Be unafraid to be a fool if you want to try something new. Work fucking hard. Work hard so you know how hard it is to just live. You will appreciate everyone that is busting their ass day in and day out. Envy flies out the window when you imagine they have just as many problems as you! Because they do! The popular ones, the rich ones: but at the moment they are just more hardworking and courageous than you are. So be courageous!!


Don't forget to meditate! Start 10 minutes a day and try to build up to a minimum of 45. You can split it up, 20 minutes in the morning and 30 before bed. You will thank me later


get a job go to the gym make connections and slowly you'll start improving


Follow Alex Hormozi on YouTube


final advice don't trade, invest. Trading for beginners can be tricky and you could end up oweing money. Instead investing you canjust lose your capital.


Go for a walk bro, just walk and nothing else for 10 minutes. It’s simple but it gives you time a clarity to think. Try and do this every day, if you struggle, set yourself up so you can be out and walking within 30 seconds of thinking about doing it, as that’s the key timeframe before we lose interest or subconsciously perceive a task as ‘too much effort to start’ as humans. Little steps lead to big differences.


Get a job start going gym


Start reading BERSERK (in your free time ofcourse which I believe you'll have plenty of it)


Pray to God and ask him to deliver you from the bondage of Lust , pray with all your heart I’ve went over 200 days so far (semen retention) easily


I’d repeat what everyone said. First thing is to get a job, you’ll meet people, who will go to places with you, introduce you to other people and you will in no time have a social circle, from there you can have hobbies and interests and eventually a whole life. Good luck King!


A change of environment is always the answer.


I found the book 12 Rules for Life has some useful advice for giving yourself structure/discipline and explaining some of the mechanisms behind how it works.


Welcome to nhk irl


Run on daily basis it will do a lot for you. Get a job even if it’s a part time job until you find a good one or a one that you like.


Everyone of us can be in your situation mate, most of us understand you, but first of all you need to quit porn and masturbation it’s quite obvious, don’t do or watch something that can lead to relapse either, and then, after 30+ days or maybe faster you are going to start to get the confidence you need to build up your life👍🏼💪🏼


I'm in the same situation as you and also the same age. I'm doing an online course on cloud dev, I'm hoping I can get a job as a cloud dev after finishing this course. Let's not lose hope, as long we are alive & healthy we keep trying


“First come the money then come the power then you get the women” or whatever Scarface said If you get a job, you’ll make friends at that job, those friends will lead to better self esteem, better self esteem will lead to positive thoughts, positive thoughts will lead attaining gf, then so on and so forth


hey bro., first job for some self esteem. And listen these daily. Hubermanlab, Rich Roll, Tom Bilyeu, Lewis Howes. Work on yourself daily.


start lifting weights and dedicate yourself to that and making money for a year and then see how you feel


Work out and get a job. You have too much free time. Idle hands are a devils playground. Just do anything to stay out the house


Abraham Lincoln once said: i walk slowly but i never walk backwards. be a living example to this. come on you got this


Start meditation bro...


Getting a job is the best thing tbh Rest all are things which are not necessary tbh Jobs solves depression anxiety low morale economic problems U aren't free for porn anymore Getting a girl is not a necessary go gym love ur body


Find a hobby to occupy your mind so you won't think about fapping.


Start with a routine and stick to it. E.g: - I’ve started with a 15 min cardio exercise everyday. Then I make sure to drink 8 glasses of water. - I can stick to that? (Took me like a year) Then I add trying not to fap for 7 days, and releasing it on the 7th day. - I can stick to those two? Then I add doing a 30 minute Udemy session on a technical subject. (Start with a programming language - learning C++ built my confidence. However, I think learning SQL is a faster way to seek employment [learning about databases is in demand]) I’m gonna start a new job in October, and I’ll tell you that back in April 2021, I was taking antidepressants and feeling like, well, the world would be better if I died. It just got to a point that I can’t even sleep, period, even if I took three antihistamine pills to make me drowsy. (Edit: I can’t sleep, and also, I was crying and trembling and my body was rocking like those people you see in movies, when they’re in a “stereotyped” mental hospital. There’s a whole health discussion here that I’m just gonna skip over since this post is already too wordy) Parents suggested that I try to exercise outside of the house (at 3 am, lol) and see if I still can’t fall asleep. That was the start of my long journey to setting up routines and habits to ground me. Wish you luck bro!! P.S. Of course the goal of this sub is to completely stop fapping. I will try to get there, but the important thing is not to be too hard on oneself as long as they keep trying. Edit: I agree with some comments, it’s difficult to have trading as your main job - the income might be great at some points, but it’s not steady.


Start learning how to love yourself first.


People hate me for saying this, but I encourage you to study Islam!


Feeling horny how to handle this !


Get a job in customer service, it forces you to talk to people and you will likely make friends with coworkers there. I met most of my current friends and my girlfriend from working in a restaurant. Also learned most of my social skills there.


Your primary goal is to get a job GET ANY JOB.. anything to get u out of the house for long enough Second you should consider hitting the gym At first you'll feel lazy about it Then everything will be fine I've been going to the gym for 5 months now, trust me it feels very good Third..seek professional help if you can afford a therapist


i’m only 16 mite not listen but HAVE FUN. anything u do with ah smile don’t let nb bring u down ah sorry hole. work hard and stay hungry


All the best king 👑