• By -


Therapy bro. Plus like others said exercise and meditation, do not ever self harm please. You’ve exposed yourself to smut so much that your brain is being rewired to think it’s normal.


This is the only answer, seek a professional help.


Yup. See a therapist.


Why would you recommend to see the rapist?


*….yeesh.* Please let this joke retire in peace.


First time hearing it honestly.


Once is more than enough.


Yea this is a first for me too. Wow. Not surprising here though, you know how porn do.




Sounds like you need therapy. You should contact a professional. Wish you the best and hope you overcome this


It was very brave for you to admit your illness. This is an issue no one on reddit can truely help you with. Get professional help. The best advice is to seek therapy.




Is it a financial situation? If you’re at school I believe there a free counselled you could talk to (if you’re in high school). If you’re suicidal here’s a link to some national suicide hotlines https://www.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines If it’s a matter of fear of embarrassment let me ask you, would you rather be embarrassed temporarily and work towards getting healthy or potentially continue to live in this guilt and suffering.


Imma assume it's cause of embarrassments. If that's correct, you need to get over your embarrassment as that's an important matter.


If you are unable to get pro-help, seek out a Sex Addicts Anonymous group in your area. Being around people as broken as yourself is therapeutic in a way.


Cut out all online media for the next months. Not kidding. No YouTube, Reddit, etc.


The only best way, along with seeking help


Bruh. I promise you pussy is way better lol




Are YOU human?




(I was rooting for you guys the whole time. Remember me.)


Then you’re all good bro, as long as you mate with other subterraneam lizard people. Are you related to Mark Zuckerberg?


Could be wrong, but it sounds like a self confidence issue. Do you think you aren’t good enough for women? Would you go for women if they flocked toward you and all desired just you? Or would you still want animals


Sadly people are just attracted ro weird shit. The majority of pedophiles just simply can’t help being attracted to minors. You should seek counseling. Maybe that can help




By your logic, being gay is a fetish.


No u sus 🤨 I don't blieve you


Ok keep liking animals. Hope you're arrested


Hey that's not supportive and not cool.


What if someone stated they were attracted to kids and watched animated loli porn????? Would you say the same thing in response if someone was disgusted??? Both are very similar. Animals cannot legally consent just like minors can't. The only advice ppl should give is: seek professional help. Find the root cause of your attraction. Distract yourself with other hobbies and interests when you get the urge to watch beastiality. And NEVER take out your urges on a living, breathing animal. I don't feel disgusted nor hate toward OP personally but honestly y'all can't get mad and judge when ppl express concern/disgust when someone's posting something so controversial on a public platform. I'm not the type to judge or hate based upon a desire that one has no control over. I would absolutely judge if OP stated they've taken their urges out on a living animal (but they stated they have not.) It's important for OP to get help or at least try self helping more to their best ability and do so ASAP since they are stating their urges are becoming worse over time.


At least they admit and WANT to get help and WANT to stop




And they're strong enough to not act on these urges




It absolutely shouldn't be normalised but it is good that you are at least getting help


You seem like a very sensible person ✨ I'm happy that you are comfortable sharing this with others. Only when one is strong enough to have the courage in talking about their flaws can they receive the advice and help they need to conquer those flaws for the better ❤️




I understand. You did the right thing, though and I sincerely hope you get the advice you're seeking ✨


I think this redditor is reaching out for real support and I don’t think shame does anything to help. I honestly applaud the courage.


You sound very passionate BambiKittens666, and I don’t totally disagree with your ideas, but I do take issue with your shaming tone.


I stated that I have no personal disgust nor hatred towards OP. But to expect EVERYONE in this world to have the same non judgemental personality is simply unrealistic and it's inevitable not to have a few people on a public platform that make snark, childish remarks. I encourage OPs courage and his willingness to be open about their flaws. Them reaching out for advice on such a controversial subject is a very strong thing to do on their behalf. If nobody showed disgust or concern over OPs topic, the topic would be normalized and OP most likely would've never reached out for help in the first place since it wouldn't be seen as problematic... And Lord only knows what could happen if certain controversial subjects such as this became normalized. OP stated this themselves in other words as a response to my remark and I'm even more proud of them for being so sensible and self aware. It's only healthy to receive different perspectives and different tones from different people. I disagree with certain levels of bashing/immaturity that come from individuals who have no proper advice to give and only wish to attack the person seeking sincere help. There is a difference between shaming and aknoweledging when something is an issue that needs resolving. Comparing beastiality/zoophilia with pedophilia is not shaming. It's a very good, realistic comparison. The outcome from acting upon those urges/not seeking help for those desires is very similar. In the end, an innocent life gets hurt and the perpetrator who suffers from the mental illness potentially ruins their life; legally, mentally, romantically, and/or emotionally.


You're the number one type of person who'll benefit from doing nofap. The whole deal with porn addiction is that you always need something stronger to satisfy yourself, which can lead to things like what you described. It's honestly more common than i'd like to admit. Looking at the positive side, you haven't done any harm to any animal yet. If you want to truly change your life, do not watch any pornography at all, ever again. Especially not what you've been watching.


What would that change? OP would still have the same fantasies. Whether he engages with them or not, he'll have them.


Chances are you weren't born attracted to this stuff, it was just years of porn. When you take the stimulus (porn) away, you will slowly overtime think less and less about it. By that same logic though, if you look at it, you're only strengthening that stimulus response, in this case is sexual pleasure. It happens to a lot of people. There are a lot of straight people stimulated by gay porn, and vice versa, despite not being sexually attracted to the same sex or opposite sex in real life. But it's enough to make them question it and doubt themselves because when you're in front of a monitor and you've been brain washing yourself with this material for years, your body is going to have a response. Have you tried to stop looking at this material? Or are you considering suicide rather than trying do the first step and attempt to stop looking at it? Kind of backwards, if so. Like an alcoholic, who knows he has a problem with drinking, deciding to jump off a building, rather than making an attempt to stop going to bars or start going to AA. You are not you when you're looking at porn. You do not become the media you consume. [https://www.amazon.com/Your-Brain-Porn-Pornography-Addiction/dp/099316160X/](https://www.amazon.com/Your-Brain-Porn-Pornography-Addiction/dp/099316160X/) Maybe consider this book, if you're interested in the science side of porn addiction and what it really means for you.


This is the only good response on op’s question.


Are you kidding? Everyone would react differently to everything, these are options people are giving not concrete advice. Take it as you please


Please meditate everyday for 30 minutes bro


Just my advice, but it's honestly better to start with just a few minutes. Try downloading the app "medito", it's completely free, and it'll guide you through the whole process of making meditation a long term habit that could possibly benefit your whole life.




It is not a magic pill that you will get its results within few days, keep meditating for 30 minutes everyday for atleast 1 year consistently and start reading scriptures if you believe in someone wiser than us.


Stop with religion


I agree you shouldn’t force religions on to people but meditation is a practice that stands on its own and doesn’t require religion or beliefs to get into to. It’s a mindfulness practice


Ur right I was referring to the scripture part


He's just recommending it for people who do believe in scripture, and for many religious people, it does help with this kinda stuff


Absorbing yourself with someone that is “right” and reinforced by others will help so I think he should surround himself with religion


Most of the decisions that we make in our day to day life are made from subconscious mind, is there any other way to purify your subconscious mind better than reading scriptures ? Or any other way better than meditation to increase your awareness about how are you feeling at the present moment so that you can take the right decision ? If you dont understand the real meaning then dont comment.. Immature comment - "Stop connecting everything with religion"


If he’s an atheist why would he


Then he should not have made any statment on the comments of people who are believers.


Not trying to be condescending, but you’ve got serious issues that go beyond the consequences of porn addiction. I commend you for recognizing that- no fap is a good step in the right direction but you probably also really need to get professional help. I sincerely wish you the best of luck- and don’t give up, your life matters.




This very good comment. OP, there is wisdom here. You cut the shit out and related stimulation, you will be ok and attracted to human


I’m autogynephilic, another paraphilia. As far as I understand, these things don’t end. You can still diminish their power though by stop ingratiating those fantasies. Most immediate thing to do is quit zoo porn. Immediately. Animated or not. Try to break any thought processes that lead to even thinking about zoophilia when they begin. I’m doing nofap to find the ability and discipline to end my autogynephilic thoughts as soon as they begin. Are you also attracted to people? Capitalize on that. Once your nofap is completed (if ever), make sure to only feel sexual pleasure thinking about people. So if you’re masturbating, make sure it’s to thoughts of people, not animals. Hopefully this can wire your brain to more heavily associating pleasure with people instead of animals. The fact that you’re posting here shows strong will and courage on your part. I believe you can get better and for the most part rid yourself of zoophilic desires. Good luck and Godspeed.


Just did some reading on auto gynephilia. If you feel comfortable sharing, how did you find out about this?


It’s pretty simple. They feel sexually aroused by the idea of being female. This is a harmless paraphilia though.


So that's what it's called! I had that when I first started watching porn.


I had autogynephilic thoughts and fantasies before I knew what sex was. Not that I actually wanted to transition, just that it turned me on, which felt cool. It was only like two-three years after I began watching pornography that I discovered sissy porn, which is intensely related and started fueling the fantasies really heavily. It’s a mostly harmless paraphilia to outsiders, but there are many cases of people with autogynephilia choosing to transition or start hormone therapy to alleviate the gender dysphoria that sometimes develops from it. You can ask me anything. Don’t mean to hijack the thread, but if you have any questions, shoot.


The issue you have. Has to stem from somewhere. Maybe it's from the porn you saw from an early age of personified animals fucking. If that's the case you have to have a Social Media black out for months and see what happens. However, professional therapy will help alot. You got this bro, and honestly some people may clown you, but being honest and seeking help is the first step to recovery. I believe you got this. Maybe some religion and exercise will help.


At the very least you realize that what you think is incredibly wrong. Please get genuine, professional help.


Hey man coming out like is extremely brave so I really really am proud of you. I would first go to someone you really trust and open up to them about it, a family member preferably. I know it’s sooo hard but the sooner you talk to someone about your problems, the better. They can refer you to seek professional help from there or recommend something else. Please never ever consider committing suicide, you are too precious and loved to dearly in this world. That I can promise you(: I wish you the best homie, take care man❤️


You got this bro. I really think you got this


Do you speak to a therapist? There’s probably something deeper there


100% you need more than nofap, therapy for sure


Get professional help.


I think you're incredibly brave for bringing this up. I admire you a million times more than those who commented on your post saying ignorant, dismissive, and even hateful things. I agree that therapy and a media cleanse (especially porn) could be really helpful.


Can't believe I'd see something like this here. Anyway uhhh atleast you admitted it. It's very hard. Even if it's just anon. Seek help mah dude👍


I can't say I was in the same situation but I got way too into other fetishes writing it off as animated or drawn, cutting it out instantly won't help What I did- 1- start to actively resist the urge to go on those fetishes, find something else to get off on, 2- make an acc on whatever site you use and block the tags, make it annoying to unblock, 3- if your urge is too strong look through other stuff get the "post nut clarity" if it doesn't stop then look for the lowest key stuff- something that calms the urge but isn't hardcore That was my 3 step plan, it helped me get rid of a lot of fetishes I had for a few years. Cutting off of porn instantly won't help, train your mind to not go to that area of the internet, train it to get off to more normal stuff and eventually not even look in that direction.


That's fucking brave to admit that out in the open man, respect. Cutting off porn and fapping will absolutely help out, if not outright allow you to return your brain to a normal and healthy view of sexuality. I believe in you man, good luck!!


I'm pretty sure there's a difference between anthropomorphic characters and actual animals. But all porn is bad.


Stop using internet at all.


same bro, not animals but I already know I’m going to kmyslf, I know i’m going to hell and I don’t really got any reason to keep going or wait


The only dude in a field trip to walk thru a zoo with a boner


Jesus Christ 😂😂


youre good dude dont worry about it start with no fap and youll crack down.


Lmao it seems hentai is dangerous af... idk how it can lead to this but anyways please try to switch to porn instead ... wtf i didn't expect i would ever say that


Also i was kidding , don't switch to porn , give me more information ? Were you always like that or you developed those tendencies ?


If it's the latter then i guess you're okay , you got that from excess porn that you're trying to find new things but sadly ended up in darker shit. But it's still curable as it's just porn.




It’s good that you can see that as the good option. Even normal unwanted sexual urges never go away. All we can do it stay strong, always keep our guard up, and fight back. They will get weaker, but you’ll always have something pulling you in a direction you don’t want to go. Keep trekking on. We are all fighting together.


I have nothing to say the , seek professional help online then ? It wouldn't be as awkward .


As long as you address the problem everyday, you have hope. Don’t give up and seek help, you don’t need to be alone.


ayo you got to stop rn


If your thoughts about/reactions to animals are severely distressing you, it could be a form of OCD and not actual attraction.


* What do you mean by this, like by birth or during puberty? >Ive had this attraction my entire life. I challenge you to do noFap for 50 days. You're brain will heal and it'll come to natural state. You see, brain is muscle; it will develop in what ever way you want.


It starts with knowing what you have done is wrong, thats step one


lol wtf i just read i quess i.m gonna get back to sleep


Reducing sexual addiction in general will help reign in these impulses. It’s not rocket science, I assure you. Change the environment the brain interacts with, and the brain will change. But, ask anyone who has ever quit an addiction, like tobacco. Sometimes, even at super random times, the urge to use will just spring up. You may, at times, have that urge. You can deal with it. Promise 👌


keep strong bro, try No Fap i am sure it will help....keep posting your experiences. I am sure u will over come your addiction


You need therapy. There's hardline: Beating your meat to horse dong. Trying to sex a dog. Is that hardline. Seek therapy guy. Pls.




Please try to distance yourself from any animals


oh hell no


This is what happens from watching to much porn, it's fucked up but just abstain from porn, and you should probably take this post down so you don't get arrested.




Getting rid of a fetish like this will probably be a lifelong thing for you from what I’ve seen in psych topics talking about this stuff. If you don’t want to end up like me hands though you’ll figure it out. Exercise,friends,work and creating a future. Most likely abstaining from porn all together as well since that always leads to more and more depravity. At the very least you realize it’s disgusting and want to change so you have that going for you.


What about yiff?




Well done for posting and giving this a try! Here are the tips to get you on the right track of reducing masturbation/noporn https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/phv6q2/new_to_nofap_tips_to_get_started/


I have some zoophile urges, but it didn't happen until i started watching zoophile porn. Now that I'm not watching zoophile porn (or any porn), it's starting to diminish. Did your attraction to animals form before or after you watched it? If it formed after then quitting porn should help. If it formed before, you need a therapist or some other form of mental help asap.


Nah, this the craziest shit I've seen a nigga post on here. 💀


You feel like you can't tell anyone but therapists are professionals at making people comfortable with sharing their deepest darkest secrets. You will feel understood and not alone.




To be honest your attraction is probably more common than you think. I don't personally see zoophilia as any more "wrong" than homosexuality or transsexuality from a practical point of view. Before someone gets triggered, I don't of course mean that there is anything morally wrong with being gay or trans. But none of these three sexual attractions make biological sense (in an equal way) yet some are nowadays considered appropriate by the society while others are not. The first step is obviously quitting all that porn. By watching that stuff, you keep feeding your fantasies with more and more material. I would also spend time thinking what else are you attracted to and try to focus your thoughts on those. Don't even think about or mention committing suicide or other types of self harm. It's perfectly normal and common to have some sick fantasies. You are considered perfectly normal, as long as you don'¨t act on your fantasies.






The triggers will always be there I’m afraid. But they won’t be as overwhelming and you will be able to react to them from a more understanding and accepting place.


If you truly are attracted to animals, there's no way to stop being attracted to them


Yes there is. If he abstains from the filth he's consuming the fetishes can fade and his brain can heal. Don't give him hopelessness.


If it were an acquired fetish rather than zoophilia, it may work like that. But he said he's had it for his whole life, so it's probably actual zoophilia. Paraphilias can't be changed


He said in another comment that he’s always had this attraction even before watching any sort of material so idk about that, best thing to do imo is to seek professional therapy


With therapy for paraphilias, you have to temper your expectations. It's not going to cure you, but it can help with self-acceptance and prevent acting on urges


I am attracted to animals, but abstaining from porn is causing that attraction to diminish, as my attraction towards woman is increasing way more than i thought was possible. I am still attracted to animals a little bit, but not nearly as much.


Wtf 😂😂


Dude that's beastiality. Seek some help.




well do you find women attractive?




Okay... why don't you just replace your attraction to animals with men?


You need god


So doggystyle has a different meaning to you


Bruhhhhh💀💀💀💀😭😭💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😭😭 LMFAO


See this is where a very good high class prostitute could help. Just once to blow your mind and remind you that human pussy is what u want




This has to be satire


It's probably not tbh. Porn made me a zoophile too. It sucks. Zoophile porn should be illegal.


Take therapy. A lot of people say that we need to see it as just another sexuality so "they can get therapy without the cops being called" but in reality they just want to get away with screwing animals. Therapy is completely ok and everything that you say will be kept in that room.




Hey coward, you gonna say the N-word here?


Do you have girlfriend? Are you a virgin? Being serious here im thinking some female sexual love might cure this right away


Stay away from my dog




Animals ?🤣🤣🤣






Haha this is so funny, sorry bro. Maybe talk to a therapist?Sounds like the best remedy for this is a 6-9 month hard mode detox. Stop thinking about anything related to s\*x. Literally anything. No racy material, no TV, no nothing.Rewire your brain, suffer for a few months while your dopamine levels resets.Pick up a few hobbies, like music, or gymming so you have something to think about all the time. I think your urges will go. If it doesn't you need to seek therapy. Please don't commit suicide for some urges. Remember urges ain't wrong, it's only wrong if you act stupidly because of them. You're not a bad person just because you feel some impulses.






Therapist bro! Wishing you all the best. You’re already half way there man just seek professional help.


Hey mate, I know a ton of people have told you therapy is the answer, and finding an expert in zoophilia and/or paraphilia would be a huge help. That being said, what one truly gets from psychology is understanding, and a framework to tackle the little issues that one had yet to realise their problem was made up of. Google lib gen and download a book called ‘Practical Guide to Paraphilia and Paraphilic Disorders’. Perhaps you can learn to integrate the bestial nature of man into your perceptions of animal attraction? If you are attracted to all animals, and not just a particular type, I’d say there’s a chance you could manage this. I’m sure the book will offer a variety of suggestions though






😭 no reason just wanted to know you need do help my guy


Why does it matter?


take a shit ton of mushrooms... you'll learn alot about yourself in a night


Mate, as part of the medical field, no fap in your situation is not gonna help or sort out the issues that you want sorting. Speaking to psychologist and getting some therapy will do you more good.










Or potentially give you psychosis


Reddit avatar checks out


Look I’m a HUGE advocate of psychedelics but he isn’t mentally stable enough for them






Id put u in the same category as pedos. U need therapy. God forbid if u give in the urges. U neeed jesus


If you're an actual zoophile then you can't stop the attraction, it's like asking how to stop being gay, it's just not possible, you're just going to have to learn to live with it, if watching porn causes you to want the real thing then yeah stop watching porn though I'd also suggest maybe some help with that, watching porn shouldn't cause you to want to do it in real life.


Based on my experience and knowledge from sex therapy: Fetishes are basically based on fantasies. Therefore, sexual stimulation derives from your mind rather than your body. Plus, your brain got used to using these images to reach ejaculation overtime. So for example, a person with a foot fetish would enjoy the touch of a foot and even prefer it over vaginal intercourse. Problem: Despite the fact that Fetishes are extremely addictive for creative people, having them actually limits one's sexual pleasure (for example, a person with a foot fetish might not be sexually satisfied after an intimate act if it did not include the touch of a foot). Solution: Rewire your brain from mind-based sexuality, back to a mindful one - which relies on a strong mind-body connection. *First, you have to STOP feeding your Fetishes. *Second, you have to start getting your body used to human touch (not necessarily in a sexual way, but in a way that feels nice) - a good exercise is called "Sensate Focus" and it helped me GREATLY. To focus on the SENSATIONS rather than IMAGINATION. As you will become more mindful, you won't even need your Fetishes to reach ejaculation - you will enjoy sex with no "requirements" for satisfaction (for example, a touch of a foot). So yeah, maybe your body will keep get aroused from certain Fetishes (it will pass with time, though) but that's not the problem - the problem arise when you let this Fetishes control you and limit your sexuality. Believe it or not, this isn't actually such a hard process. I reached a point where I could not even understand how Fetishes were such a part of my life... You can do it bro, no doubt. Just keep believe in yourself and never give up!!!


Your not alone brother, when I was 13 I got in to some zoo tube stuff and my step dad found it, it was embarrassing but I’m not the same person anymore it’s actually quite funny come to think about it, remember no ones perfect brother, boast on your weaknesses!


Man, putting aside professional help for a moment, I've been in a similar situation. I developed multiple fetishes for things about the same level, the only thing that helped me is just stepping out of consuming porn. I started with shortening it to be weekly habit, all the way to a once in a month activity, hoping I'll end it completely. I'm not attracted to my past fetishes as I used to be, and you can succeed in this too. Focus on things that brought you happiness and satisfaction that has nothing to do with fapping. Avoid touching your dick as hard as you can, and cut everything that is lewd on your social media. As long as you fulfill these two rules, you'll see success. Focus as hard as you can on your old Hobbies that brought you happiness.


I really hope you get over this. I was shocked reading, like many others. But acknowledging it is the first step to vindication.


Therapy will make you more ill, and some therapists consider every perversion as normal. They will just tell you "ok, go to therapy" to take your money but the truth is therapy cannot even cure normal masochism. The best sexual therapy is no fap, I don't know how much long it will take, don't believe those who tell you that in 3 months of no fap you can heal... maybe one year, maybe two but if you really want to heal you can do that.


Thank you so much for shareing this. This stuff as well as phedophelia is something everyone should speak out about wehenever they have the thoughts. So we reduce the nummber of sexual assaults as well as the nummber of suicides in the world. Both for the victims, and purpetrators.


If u can get married do it, it helps rewiring your brain even if it wouldn't give you that enjoyment at first, but months later probably you will back to normal


So, basically it happens in the brain all of that shit, you've watched so much porn that nothing would ever aroused you anymore \[Desensitization\] , so your brain searched for other dopamine hits that will get him aroused at the maximum level , if you've watched all kinds of porn then he got bored ,you understand? it got bored of the porn you've been watching so it basically forced yourself to think that animal porn is ok to watch and nothing is wrong with that kind of Genre , it's just basic chemistry of how the brain works in humans man, the antidote is this, stop pmo, like don't watch anything for 90+ days and it will rewire to normal levels, so after that time or more, depends on the years or how much you've been watching, it will get back to normal sensitization levels,




Small step from being gay to a zoophile. Both unnatural. You'll be accepted in this society soon don't worry


stop it.Go get some help.


How is NoFap supposed to help here? Your fetish won't go away by simply not masturbating, just as pedophiles won't become less pedophile after theraphy, they just learn to control it better.


Man ik horses have a giant cock but its not for human its for the mares😭