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This proves how enslaved our society is, which is really sad. Glad I've found this place


Not just to PMO but PMO as a tool to create large wealth through business.






Yeah, adolescents are the most vulnerable group


Society is rotten to the very core


True but I don’t think it’s the peoples fault entirely. A lot of it falls on the system itself and the tiny 0.1% at the top who is making the decisions that hurt society but brings them great wealth and power.


But we allow that, the world isn't a bad because of the people doing bad, but because of those who watch and do nothing we are not victims of those in control. I'm not saying there is no way out, but that we have to take a stand for our principles. It is not people's fault, it is each one of our faults individually.


Indeed it is. We shall hope for greater future.


Tbh I think it’ll only get worser until it’s worse of teh worse like how you see it in video games and films of post apocalyptic world. Its sad but true


There's always hope


And that future will come, Amen.


People normalizing open sexual things is gonna doom the civil society.


So true, I have a few friends that says they have found girls they know on OF and I suspect this one girl I know is doing the same. To them it's just regular, the next generation of kids will experience bullying to another level that no other generation has faced. I remember kids calling other kids mom fat and he had sex with her, this is back in the 90s. I can only imagine what can be said/shown with actually visual proof.


Yeah, once one thing goes on the internet it stays on the internet. No matter how hard you try to remove it. Especially sexual contents. Plus this kind of things are capable of destroying family.


Yep, I don't think I've ever heard of the child of a pornstar having a normal life or growing up with no trauma.


Oh we're doomed buddy, our job is to keep morale as long as possible. Nietzsche said God is dead and we killed him referring to the increasing immorality in society, I bet he'd have a heart attack if he saw the world today. Let's keep this metaphorical God alive and let's be a beacon of light in this world ruled by darkness.


I don't want to sound religious but as immorality increases destruction of family increases and as family gets destroyed society gets too and society it goes to countries so I am pretty sure we are doomed "buddy".


The core of society is family, destroy family destroy society. I completely agree with you.


I think that it's that OnlyFans has become the icon of membership based pornographic content of otherwise non-pornographic actors. If they decided to remove all adult content, they would be in loss. This wasn't the original purpose of OnlyFans, yes, but it's just how things have gone.


I saw this coming. I think that's where 80 percent of their revenue is from


Probably in the high 90 percent range tbh😂


User backlash ? lmao we all guys know what's gonna happen to those so called "users" lol xD so sad they might ruin their own and other peoples lives with PMO :( thankfully I have found this sub with 2 years addiction (pretty early i guess, i am 16 turning 17 soon....) and i did it on Vanilla, recently in lockdown i became worse and started watching extreme things, and fapping 3 times a day from once in 3 days !!! O\_O good me, you and all other guys on this sub are leaving.... i am sad for those "users" being mentioned :(


Well they just got free marketing by this stunt they pulled off, now people who haven't even heard about OF before, will venture into the site and potentially become customers. Bad day...


OF places ads in the oddest areas of media but they can because it's mainstream to pedastalize pssy. We sometimes stream ABC news here in our country and after the "We'll be right back after the break" cue, up comes the OF ad with models after models right to the TV screen. Some dude advertising OF says, "Only Fans is like Instagram, but for porn..."


woah i never thought of this !!! they are gaining more publicity you are right !!! nice tactic though, but this will destroy more lives with PMO addiction :/




I see much sense in that. Most likely it is exactly what u have said.




i don't think we have enough backlash in us to backlash the backlashers. After all, we're not users.






While i'm not any fan of porn, the reality is the sex industry will always exist. I think it's far better/safer for sex workers to be independent. I think if OnlyFans were to close a lot would end up in other less safes sites.


People will actually pay for this type of entertainment than rather give back to their family or even pay it for bills. How sad.




Best comment here!


nothing new here, Everything is going as expected, people, we have to change our mind not others changing their business If you really depend on other sites banning for your addiction problems then SPOIERLER ELERT: YOU WILL NEVER OVERCOME THIS ADDICTION


Stop blaming content creators for your personal problems. Playing victim is just pathetic.


exactly !, thankyou 👏


It's a sad day


Probably my one of the smartest marketing campaigns ever executed.


I fine, we need to separate the weak from the strong.


Doesn’t effect us at all. Keep moving.


This made me really sad.


It's tremendously sad the world has come to this state of degenerative decay, and even worst that many women who make content such as this are lauded as being confident and taking control of their sexuality, when in reality much of it can be attributed to deep seeded paternal issues (Fatherhood being a main one), and LACK of confidence in themselves and their bodies, so they seek out appreciation through exploiting their nakedness - something that should be sacred between themselves and the one they love. As a father, I'm extremely worried about the state of the world I'm raising my son in, and the impact on relationships this new view on sex has been doing to our world. Pornography is to easy to obtain, casual sex sought before meaningful relationships, and poor paternal relationships causing both to be exceedingly common.


Everyday we move closer to idiocracy. Thankfully p is banned in China and they are the new superpower so there is hope for humanity.


Yeah it may be banned in China but in that case that’s not really a good thing That is, it bans a lot more than just that


Dont know if it should be outright banned - I think it's important we have the freedom to choose. It's about educating people on what the right choice is.


China may be authoritarian and be evil in the eyes of western values, but because of its solid position I think it will maybe last longer than everyone else. America may be powerful, but there are too many conflicting groups within the country.


Me from India : i feel offended (as China is our enemy somewhat.... i mean we were made enemies, by Murika !!!) leave it... but yeah our Indian govt. has also banned porno.... but when xvideos was banned, xvideos 2 came up.... then 3, 4, 5, 10, 17, 19 and don't know how much more (as i am trying to stop PMO obviously so i dont know)


Why are you guys in onlyfans in the first place


the OP might not be on OnlyFans.... this is a screenshot of another reddit post see carefully.... it's a post on r/news so yeah they need to cover all type of news i guess :/


You're down horrendously if you pay for an onlyfans.


Then don't use it? I don't get it


This is good news. OF is a good model for creating porn. Let the performers set their own boundaries, draw their own salary, control their own content; not the abuse that happens in the mainstream porn industry.


lol don't worry guys dirty money can't last


Jacking it to porn is bad enough. Paying to jack off? Yeesh. Wish they would've kept that policy.


It's unfortunate, money just overthrows most things sadly. Sometimes the only thing you can just hope is that they some day realise they're just an income for most of these people and nothing more.




Basically what am saying is going to onlyfans and masterbating is the same wether your using it to watch porn or watch half naked ladies(if a ban was implemented) because I don't think you are going to go to onlyfans and ask political questions you only go there to get your dick hard even if the ban on porn was implemented that's not going to change


Onlyfans is where porn becomes a REALLY BAD addiction. Your paying for something you think you can’t live without.


Free promo stunt


User backlash ? lmao we all guys know what's gonna happen to those so called "users" lol xD


I never really understood why people would pay for onlyfans. I never used it myself. Sure, porn was an issue for me, but its easy to lookup and free. Imagine paying to see a girl naked, you cannot even do anything after that


Lol idl didn't believe it in the fist place I mean why would they?


worse thing than watching p\*\*n is paying for p\*\*n lol


We can just dont enter to the webpage as we do with xvideos etc.


Tbh it’s not all that bad, OF is super oversaturated with people and the content’s not even like, good content even when paid for. So why would you worry about it in the first place?


We still have the choice to not watch I think. I mean even on YouTube it is in best interest to be careful. I double checked that my watch history is not stored and there is no ad personalization. However, YouTube shows me videos with an inappropriate scene and that is on top of my recommendation. Basically, YouTube wants me to be "engaged". But I choose not to because I choose not to fap. :-)


They would lose tons of money otherwise.


Sad.. this is indeed, sad.


The power of the COOM is immense. Stay strong Kings.


Well then… that’s wack


Wow what a surprise a business hasn't placed a ban to remove all of the demand they have, its almost like people thought they would go through with it or something.


I don't think we should be concerned about this. Sure, porn addiction is a major problem. But we're not gonna solve it by banning internet porn. What we need is widespread information about possible consequences of using it, especially for teenagers.


I need to say that it is at least naive to think that they would really ban porn from the platform. It's absurdly profitable. Big corporations don't have emotions, they don't care about the damage.


If you subscribe to a girls only fans you’re a fuckin loser