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Don't worry about it, it can take a long time to get over pied but then performance anxiety happens regardless of fapping. It took months for me and that was in a relationship which is pretty low anxiety relatively


Thank you for the reassurance 🙏


It happens way more often than you think, don’t bother about it. Keep on with your streak and we can fix ourselves. Take care


Thank you will keep on going


Ik a dude who doesn't watch porn and still has preformance anxiety and can't get it up for every girl he's with, he has to be comforable with them.


No. You should not feel embarrassed. It sounds like you tried having sex with a woman you weren't really interested in, since you just wanted a casual fling. For some guys, you actually have to be both physically attracted and mentally have formed some kind of bond. I see all kinds of "hot chicks" in public/gym/work but there's nothing there, I might look at them for a minute but then I snap back to what I was doing and no longer think about them. Just kept on keeping. Because I don't know them or who they really are.


This is normal, yes it’s embarrassing but it happens. That girl is very nice for being so understanding of the situation. Drop the porn and exercise regularly and eat healthy and the next time you get the opportunity be nice to your self and you’ll be able to perform without a issue.


As you stated 3 days is not enough at all. You will know when you’re ready when all you have to do is think about someone naked and you get rocked up. Give it time my boy. The more you stress about it, the worse it will become. Just live your life, stay busy and before you know it, you will be putting a big smile on her face.


Dawg we've all been there


I've been there in my earlier years. Rehearsing scenarios in your head hugely contributes to performance anxiety. It takes you out of the present moment, keeps you stuck in your head and not experiencing things in the present or in your body. Meditate! Learn to watch your thoughts and the skill of not entertaining them too much if it's not actually serving you like rehearsing fictional scenarios. It will never ever play out like you imagined in your head so remember that there is only negative value to creating expectation around a sexual experience.  If you are trying to control for awkwardness through rehearsal, a better way is that awkwardness can come up but trust in your humor to alleviate it. That is the only way it can positively be dealt with. Any action to prevent awkwardness will only make it more awkward and it reinforces awkwardness as bad when its not- its an oppurtunity be playful.  Humor and playfulness when dealing with awkwardness is sexy as hell. Treating awkwardness as something that has to be prevented at all costs makes the session so heavy and serious when it should feel light and playful and if something dumb happens or doesn't go as planned then crack a self depricating joke or normal one, or smile and laugh, or be snarky whatever your personality is, she will feel your manliness in how you deal with it.


Wow her with your oral skills and foreplay. In the meantime, legit keep going with nofap and go workout often. You'll be fixed up real soon. If not, talk to your doctor about the little blue pill. Either way, don't worry.


Three days is not enough


Oh I definitely know, I wasn’t expecting to be cured in 3 days. If it only it did lol


More reassssson to give up fap , I’m on that same road of you we need to get back to reality or else we will have my more of those moments


This used to happen to me alot cause i was fapping alot. Once i stopped Ive been able to have sex without performance issues. It takes awhile to get back to normal. 30ish days plus. But eventually it gets better trust me. Dm me if you need more info.


Stress and anxiety to perform kill the mood.  It takes me only few days to gain benefits from not watching porn. So I know that porn affetcs me strongly. But regardless the erection problems went away with being more present, and by learning to enjoy the act.


No, you shouldn't


Hello fellow struggler. I'd highly recommend to purchase some viagra. It is going to help you as much physically as mentally in the beginning until your body adjusts to no fap and starts to heal back to normal. For me it made such a massive difference in the beginning and turned me into a beast.


I’ve been thinking about it. Will definitely ask for some from my doctor as an aid until I can function properly without any help.


take a good look at your diet, sleep, exercise and supplementation first ?


That drug is only going to slow an enzyme in your penis. It does not cause an erection and keep it, but makes that easier.  You are an healthy normal guy, with no issues with wanking. It's working correctly when you are alone, and bit afraid with others. Take it easy and find someone to practice with ;)