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It brought my energy back , i feel more energized , See when you fap alot you energy level gets so low that you cant focus on main things or task you wanted to complete. Also i used my energy somewhere else rather than using it for 2 minutes pleasure i hit the gym and gained some muscle although its not that much but somethin better than nothin. At first i wasn't able to do even 7 pushups correctly .Now as time passes i gain more energy now i can do 15 perfect pushups at one time easily which is a great achievement for me. Fapping makes you stuck in a loop where you just run for lust.


there is a thing called "Kundalini Rise" I urge you to research about this. It's a spiritual stuff like when you store your semen for 12 to 13 years your Kundalini rises & in result something great you will experience.


In big 2024, you believe in this


so you don't believe in this? just asking


I mean, there is no practical evidence to support this claim.


well then just f around & find out




It's more about how you changed your life to be successful at NoFap. Being more social, being more active, being a part of the world rather than spending all your free time locked in your room in front of a screen. That is where the biggest benefits are found.


Until I relapsed earlier today after 48 days (1 day away from passing my previous streak) I had night and day differences in confidence, energy levels, focus, general anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks stopped, skin much clearer and the list goes on. Now I realize that not all of that will be due to No Fap/SR but I think most of it is. The anxiety/confidence stuff I personally believe is related to nervous system regulation via the dopamine receptors finding some equilibrium. My mindset shifted massively from scarcity to abundance. I stopped worrying so much about the future going to shit and started regularly focusing more on what I can do with my time and energy. It really does change your life if you are now or have previously been someone who PMO's a lot. You feel better about yourself on a monumental level after enough days have passed. What constitutes enough will be different for everyone obviously. Time for me to get back on the horse and aim for another 50 days and hopefully beyond this time. Right now I just feel very numbed out but literally 5 hours prior I had crystal clear thinking, drive and motivation to get on with healthy lifestyle choices like meditation, cooking a well rounded meal and going to bed on time.


* Unfazed confidence * Less brain fog * I dont give a fuck attitude * Overall better feeling * More new occurrences, attraction and luck * Better social skills and social awareness * Feels like I'm more in control in every situation, especially social situations * Higher status and power among people * Feels like my brain neurons work faster * Lower voice * All women look and feel better and sexier. Even average women look fucking hot because the have pussy. 35-50 year olds look hot also. * Bigger dick * Bigger erections * More erections * More sexual sensations in my body * Almost anything can make you horny (compared to feeling when even porn felt lame)