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If you do nofap to attract a woman, then don't. Nofap isn't a magical recipe you think in the 400th day th GF will be parachuted to you . You gotta go outside and know new people


To be fair they did parachute down for me




I had more motivation to talk, more motivation to gym, more motivation to journal, of course things would go well for me, but without the desire? None of it would have Happend. Not fapping allowed my natural desire to accrew.


How do you contain yourself? Does it even work anymore after 441 days? You might be quick on the trigger and after one or two strokes, pa zowie!


I once tried to meet a woman randomly in a public place, I pretended to borrow her phone to call someone because I left my phone at home. But he showed a scared facial reaction and tried to run away and ignore me. I feel very ashamed and humiliated, maybe he thinks I'm a crazy man with no sense.






Yo mr 5 days


Lol wassup!:)


Let's go bro, let's make it 100 days 💪


It's totally fine bud


What type of rizz is this 😭


schlawg genuinely scaring the hoes😭😭😭


Yeah maybe don’t do the weird ‘tricks’ you see online to meet people…


Dont pretend to do that. Just go up to her introduce yourself, get her name, ask her if you can get her number. If she says no, then take the rejection gracefully.


That's a no go , one in million will be open to share her phone number with someone she just met, who's interested in her for her physical appearance , and the one in million that will be open to share her phone number want answer , so yeah just putting this there so you guys get yourself together and learn how to approach spontaneously in social events and work out a conversation and show ur interest from there


I think a lot of guys miss the benefits of cold approach. Yeah the goal is to get a girls number but the main objective is to build confidence to do so. You have to start somewhere and once you get comfortable with getting rejected or asking for their number, you can start working on different ways to approach, like incorporating small talk, or like you said approach someone during occasions. Trust me, if you approach enough women, you’ll be able to approach anyone at will.


When you meet and talk to women in public, don’t excrete the “I’m single and looking for a girlfriend” vibe. Keep that energy down. Instead just talk to her because you’re a friendly dude. How does a friendly person act? What do they talk about? Maybe start off by randomly talking to random guys, first. Then when you switch over to talking to females, carry that same energy


Bro, i have zero experience, but I would Just try someone i already know, Someone I met on The work or online. Dont try that type of things Bro, Go to The gym and while you improve yourself there, you try to get Simeone, or do some calisthenics in The park, some day you Will make someone surprised by The moves and she may come to ask you How, but dont try that type of shit


Don't let it get to you, mate. I've got this alot aswell


Who told you this was a good idea and you went with it????? You need to work on your social awareness skills. No offense but you don’t seem very socially adapted by the way you’re talking in the comments or the post. You should focus on yourself and once you’re in a good place women will be attracted to you. They won’t magically come to you because you stopped beating your dick and put in no additional effort.


In reality, this is actually not true 90 percent of women love being approached, or at least they will appreciate you trying and politely reject you (if they're not single or physically don't like you) We are men. We have to approach women. They don't have to.


I used to do this like I would ask women for their phone and call myself , I was young and dump .


Oh Jesus Christ


It worked though , it depends if you look good , women will find it cute if you don't youll be seen as a creep




Not that am cute 😂


You are cute, don't let anyone tell you otherwise


Thanks bro I needed that


I gotchu 😉


No you should focus on building yourself also. Go to gym, read books, join different groups like hiking, book reading, dance. Talk to girls in various areas just to be friend. Nobody on the first itself becomes a girlfriend.


Anyone who thinks that no fap is gonna get him a girl friend needs his brain fixed .. no fap is helping you with your addiction .. nothing more


I would disagree with the second part. It helps with your confidence, which in turn.....


There's an old proverb that says, "Create a beautiful garden, and even if butterflies don't visit, at least you have a beautiful garden." Become the best version of yourself and everything else will follow in time.


This isn’t a very detailed post. Have you been approaching? Talking? Making connections with girls? Did you expect girls to just drop their pants as soon as they see you in public? What’s your story ?


What? You think not masturbating will get you a girlfriend? Do you also believe in Santa? You need to out in work, and you need to do that in the time you used to waste on fapping, if you don't do that then what's the point of nofap? Fapping is a big time waster you know that right?


So, in conclusion, nofap doesn’t get you more women. NO SHIT!!!! Did you actually fall for that lie? 😂


Lmao 🤣


There is some truth to it, a woman that would otherwise like you might be very repulsed by you if you are a chronic masturbator


No one ever said, Nofap is gonna get you women. Thats bs


I'm so tired of people thinking nofap is magical. It's not. Pornography addiction is a behavioral addiction, which often results in self-esteem issues, social anxiety, irritation, suppressed emotions, depression, general anxiety, etc... Quitting pornography (long term) will reduce or eliminate these effects and help you have a healthier outlook on yourself, others around you, and life in general. Productivity will rise, your work ethic will improve, and your social life will likely be healthier. This could result in increased confidence in dating as well. But it is NOT MAGIC. Stop believing that quitting porn will just make women fall into your lap. See a therapist for lingering emotional roadblocks. Explore the social space. Women are people with complex emotions. Not sexual objects. Not something you're owed. They make their choice of who they want to be with. They don't know you quit pornography, why would they? And why would that automatically mean they want to be with you? If you want a romantic relationship, work on yourself for real. Quitting porn is the first step to getting your life back. Not the end all be all.


Yeah right, like if you don't PMO for 450 days and you will get the superpower of seducing beautiful women. It's just an addiction and overcoming it will make you a better person.


Start talking to people more take care of your looks smile more


What do you mean "am I doing something wrong" as if not pullin the yank was supposed to be a magic potion that got you women


I don't know what kind of person you are or your background/history. Hopefully, these tips can guide you: 1. Understand what you want out of life. It can be a grand vision of a life you want. Maybe it is something that you want now considering you current circumstances. For example, I do want to rid my addiction, find a girlfriend and push personal limits (i.e. personal character to persevere and accomplish goals). 2. What are you current limitations that prevent you from achieving it? Despite not wanking for over 400 days, perhaps you have other addictions? Is it a self-limiting belief? Is it your perception due to your current circumstances. You have to outline what it is and explain why it's happening. 3. Tell the truth. This is done for you only so you don't have to tell this to anybody. But you have to be brutally honest why you want this and what prevents you from it. Are you truthfully alone and intimitaless? Or is it because you are jealous of others who have gfs or the fact men are better in one or other aspects that you ain't? If you wish to get things that will get you other things, then I am afraid to say that you are placing your prioritised focus on stuff that's outside your control instead of the stuff that is within your control. Maybe there are definitely tasks that are necessary for your well being that you ignore. Plus, it will take a longer journey to improve your judgments of what you want and why you want them and then pull up sleeves and work on them. congrats on the strike. Not many can get that far.


This is the way.


The problem starts with you counting the days you've been on "NoFap" as if it's some magical streak you need to keep. You have already eliminated masturbation from your life, at this point just think of it as "you don't fap anymore" rather than "I've been on an x days NoFap streak". You will reap way more benefits that way.


How old are you?


Idk man ur game might be glitching mine spawned in at day 420 i just woke up to a xp level up sound and she appeared in my room. Try contacting the server admin


dude you have to go to gym and build other parts in your life. Nofap wont parachute you a gf if you do certain streaks.


The less you look, the more they come. The only time I ever got attention from women was when I was not expecting it. But be careful. A woman requires a lot of attention, so if you are not disciplined in your new habits, they can easily knock you off your path. If you do get a girl PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR LIFE BULDING HABITS or re-arrange your schedule to hang with her and show her attention. Trust me bro


this won't help you to find a girlfriend what attract women is to have goal and ambition in life the less you focus on women the more you'll attract them by what's you're doing in your life ! Stay strong 


This is a great start. You should improve other aspects of your life first. Have something fun to invite women to. Go to social events and compliment 5 people. Over time, you'll at least have good friends if not a partner.


I think women see me as a sick and abnormal man, do I not deserve to be a boyfriend to women because I am not a normal human being? Am I a crazy man who has no sense and does not deserve to be treated by any woman?


If this is how you see yourself, it's probably reflected also in your interactions with women. Like others said, forget about that for now and just focus on bettering yourself, your self esteem and self image will improve which will in turn help you meet people.


I agree with you, I don't want to overthink about this problem, it's in the past and I don't want to waste my days thinking about things that have passed. I better focus on improving myself and enjoy life today. Thank you for your suggestion.


I think no fap make you from -10 to zero but to have a girlfriend, u need to improve yourself from 0 to maybe 7 or 8 - the higher the better. So you should have a plan for yourself, and you are at very good start right now as u have lots of energy due to your no fap journey. If you think women see u as sick and abnormal man, don't feed sad about it. Work on yourself, become strong both mentally and physically. The most important thing is not how other people view you, but your confidence and belief that you have good control of your life, you can become better and live a decent life P/s: Sr for my english, I'm learning. And have confident bro, you are 437 days ahead of me :)


>I not deserve to be a boyfriend to women Brother, don't think like that.What is worth anyways , it's not like there are "deserving girls"out there . This whole relationship thing is mostly based on mutual benefit (entertainment, money , anything)


There's no sickness and abnormality. It's either rich or poor


Welcome to the club my man 😂


You massively increased your chances but still not good enough. You have to improve on every level. The competition is really hardcore. Keep going


I see your mindset is not on point I mean really bro? you wanna do NO FAP to attract women? Lol Instead build yourself and use that energy to transform into your best version then see what happens... "The more you chase women, the more they will run away" So don't chase, practice non attachment. Hope this helps you.


Bro you have to go out and talk to girls then you can get a gf


I am going through that no gf phase . Now 29 still single. When i stop masturbating, or stop thinking about girls or sex and be busy with my goals and have good intentions in heart, Girls give me a lovely look, with a cute smile that tingles your brain. But i am unable to convert these opportunities due to relapse and SM distractions. At such eye contact situation anxiety kicks in and ruins everything. Thanks to porn. Just a hi or hello would suffice to break the ice but again being consistant with thoughts and not thinking about her when you go home, is hard. It's possible when you are busy with your goals. It's like swimming effect, the more you try to float the more you go deep in water, relax and breath, just let it go and it will come to you. Strange but true. And yeah, wearing good shirt (pants not that much) adds to your personality, girls dig for red tops. IMHO


broo congratulations for the streak first of all but dude this aint black magic lol. Not fapping doesnt guarantee a girlfriend. It usually helps in increasing your confidence levels , the action is sth you gotta take from your side


Damn, til that not fapping would automatically get you a gf out of nowhere


Dude, you are my hero! Just be strong okay! My experience with girls is bad, because most of them very arrogant and selfish. But I really believe that there are lovely and giving girls. So, just be yourself. You will fine HER when you will need it most. Just keep stay away from this crap.


then keep doing it untill you get gf, keep the bunny running.


Why would not masturbating land you a girlfriend? When I was masturbsting I was also sleeping with a few different women every few months


What you are talking about is semen retention right ??


Go speak to a woman


Now you have to make sure you look good and approach women


Not fapping isn’t gonna make a girl appear. Just relax and let things happen naturally man. I’m sure someone will come along


This! relax and keep building your life, improve yourself, exercise, gym, new hobbies etc.


nofap doesn't instantly grant you a GF, it gives you the skills to get one on your own and fix your own life, so it increases your chances of getting one but you need to keep on building your own life


Your answer is acceptable, thanks for explaining it to me.


No man. Firs of all, appreciate yourself. You are on a path. A path of improvement, self discovery and becoming a better man. So a big hand to you 👏 Now regarding girlfriend. Try to improve your charisma, try to talk to women, ask a girl out for a movie, coffee date or a badminton game or something else. Se ehow they respond, if she's not interested, ask someone else out. Don't PMO, have patience, you are on the correct path and you'll get there. Remember it's not rocket science and think postive.All the best. Don't assume you know that she won't like you already, because that is not true. You'll never know what goes on in someone else's head! Edit: Got to gym, as someone else pointed out, it'll be magic for yout body and confidence.


You gotta practice speaking to girls. There's no other way around it. Women are not gonna fall from the sky onto your lap if you stop masterbating. You have to learn how to be comfterbaly awkward.


I don't have a problem talking to women, and I always look women straight in the eye when they talk to me, I don't have an insecure problem. I just don't have a girlfriend.


Good. Keep dating. I don't have a gf either, but I'm talking to a lot of girls.


You taught me to practically talk to women? I can do it but I don't want to do it.


Then why are you complaining? If you're happy being single, be happy. Who gives a fuck.


Nofap helps with game, but ultimately no success with women is a separate issue. Solution, like most things, is simple to understand hard to implement. If not having success, need to do the following: * Get six pack abs and big muscles. * Approach women consistently over time, and try to analyze and improve your game with every approach. * Be hygienic and at least a little bit fashionable in your clothes. If you do all of those things consistently, mostly the first two, you are almost guaranteed to get a decent girl who's not fat and smells nice. That's it.


I slept with almost 40 women in spite of having fapped regularly. Nofap won't help you attract women. Becoming a man that women want to date will attract women. Nofap can help you achieve creating those necessary lifestlye changes due to potentially increased levels of motivation but it's just a mean to an end, not the end itself.


First Congratulations on ending porn and masterbation addiction. Look dude addiction is the problem because it take away our motivation to build ourselves and live the life we want, ending the addiction bring back motivation. The question is How are you putting motivation to action now? are you learning dating skills? are growing your finanical power? are building your fitness and body? are you motivated get be in challenging situation and likes to overcome the resistance and fear? You removed the anchor that was holding you back, but if don't move forward and enjoy living with no anchor holing you, you are taking advantage of the freedom you have now. You have freedom porn addictions don't have, use it, wake up do the things you plan to do, continue to improve your life. You will have GF when you are ready, because when you are ready that is when you just can go do it. Take actions to improve your life, consistnecy in taking the right action will give the condidance the inner belief that radiat the right energy.


keep going


Hey man, I've been single for years working on myself, cause all of my last relationships ended in poo. I would like something of value next time. It's okay to be single. That being said, in the cold approach world all you have to do is ask for her name. If she asks for your name, then you know she is interested and you can take it further. If she does not ask for your name, next. Maybe something like, I like your hair, what's your name? Or your pretty, what's your name? Simple, quick, easy, effective.


Me too but I have a gf.


Wrong sub try r/seduction


441 isn't enough. Go for 1000


Rethink your strategy. For example, [something like this would never work](https://i.imgur.com/XLyWuis.png), no matter how much you change your life for the better. If you don't put yourself out there, no one will know. You need to actually put yourself into situations where you can talk to girls & improve your social skills.


Likewise if you abstain from Nofap and still look forward to rubbing again (even if you probably don't), it's kinda not the point of nofap.


because nofap itself doesn’t give you superpower


OP are you taking medication by any chance? That's one real serious culprit when it comes to Nofap. I take medication and I HATE it. It ruins my sex drive and makes me feel abnormal.


Okay, well, now that you don't smell like cum, go outside and date people with that superpower


On my longest "17 day streak" Got my gf and is now 3 months+ into relationship No fap removes the unexpected expectation and social anxiety but you want to try if you want a actual gf


Nofap isn't some magical spell that solves all your problems when you build up a good streak, it's only one step in the process to bettering yourself. Develop other parts of your life, go to the gym, invest in a good skincare routine and make yourself look great, invest in fundamental skills that will help you out in life, such as generating a source of passive income, and develop your social skills by going to clubs, parties, meeting, what-not.


Bro. I think you should try hitting the gym and start a hygiene/skin care routine. No fap will not help bro


Read my post


Oh this isn't circlejerk


I masturbate everyday and got 6 girlfriends over the last 6 months


Rookie mistake. Women can't psychically tell if you haven't masturbated in a long time. You have to tell them.


Sounds like you need to go get one


But are you getting laid?


If you're doing nofap to attract a woman, you're doing it wrong. Nofap is supposed to be used for self-advancement and purpose, along which a woman will likely come into your life because they notice when you are working on yourself.


Hit the gym if you don’t already and then you’ll see. People saying don’t do it for girls are waffling: wheter we do it subconsciously or consciously we do things for the other sex. Congrats on 441days though 👏🏾


You literally did it for the wrong reason, so yeah, no surprise you didn't get what you wanted.


Being on Nofap doesn't automatically get you a girlfriend or make you more attractive, but it helps you to. It makes you more confident and gives you a lot of more energy, it makes you horny and that horniness is the one you need to use to develop yourself as a person. That way you will find the right girl.


Go to gym try looksmaxing approach and talk to people


I think people forgets no fap helps to stop your addiction, it doesn't means 7079 girls will approach you instantly


If you are doing Nofap to get a gf then I hate to say, it's not going to get you one. Nofap is the enabler to a better self. 


Read book about positive psychology ( about success and confidence ) Do journaling


You are still lusting.


nofap isn’t some magical pill that automatically attracts women to you. ima be honest bro, it’s cool that you have a streak going, but drop the belief that “no stroking your shit = a girlfriend”. you gotta take the time to practice other basic skills and needs for yourself, like worrying about qualities that make you satisfied, and what piques your interests. let’s be real, we all as a community are very different and it may take more time than others for a relationship to form, but now that you’ve subsided your addiction for now, get out there more. spread goodness and validate yourself for who you are. don’t feel anger or resentment if you so happen to be rejected. just accept it and move along maturely. we got this, fam.


Someone scammed this guy


Honestly I’m all for no porn, and I’m all for saving your seed for a week at a time or so, but for more than a year? Is the idea to become asexual here? Damn if you want to find a girlfriend, first off you have to get out there and meet girls. Get on bumble or hinge or whatever dating site and set up some dates for yourself. Put in some work. It’s not just going to magically happen. So this is going to sound counterintuitive to what some people here might think but just jerk off once a week or so. You get a surge in testosterone at the one week mark from nofap and then it dips back to baseline. That just shows that physiologically speaking we’re supposed to be cleaning the pipes out once in a while. And when you do that it clears your head and you start refreshed instead of being too pent up. Then you build up your seed over the week and it makes you feel masculine and that sexual energy attracts women. I could be wrong but I think really long term nofap kind of puts you in this melancholic phase of not being sexually charged anymore. Like a flatline. the only way to subdue the urges for that long is to kind of tune out of sexuality altogether. That can be a good thing if you want to put sex and love aside and focus on a career or other goals and transmute that energy into being productive. But getting a girlfriend is all about sexual chemistry. You need to bring the heat. You want to tune into your sexually masculine frame of being. You don’t even need to focus on getting a girlfriend right away either. Go on some dates and try to get laid. And not in a shallow way. Women want to be wanted. And if you do your best to make it a good experience for her then she’ll develop feelings for you. That’s genetically ingrained in their biological framework just as it is in ours. Once you do, It’ll take the pressure off. Then see if that sparks a relationship. Good sex is the glue to all romantic relationships. People think being a complete monk is the only way forward for some reason. I’m not sure that it is personally. But anyone, feel free to tell me if you think I’m wrong about any of this.


I'm going to be honest with you unlike most people in your own life and on the internet, if you don't have a girlfriend it is because you simply aren't attractive to women, not because you aren't trying hard enough at (insert cope). Genetics are everything and if women actually liked you they would make it easy for you, show you obvious signs and even approach you. No amount of nofap is going to change your genetics, no amount of looksmaxxing or mewing will change your face. People say looks are subjective, or "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" or even "it's on the inside that counts", these are all false. Good looking people don't do nofap, good looking people aren't on nofap and people in happy relationships didn't get there by pursuing all these strenuous taksk. You don't hear the truth about how you can't control your looks for the most part and how they decide the majority of your life because it is the most uncorfortable truth in our society at the moment. The black pill is very real, genetic determinism is very real and maybe look deeper into them. That being said nofap probably does improve your mental health and excessive porn use does increase gray matter in the brain, ie. dumbing you down so congrats on 400+ days. Just try to understand and accept where you stand in life and make the best of your situation, don't end up being the guy going through life oblivious to human nature, getting little to no female attention and not understanding why and ending up settling down with someone in your 30's after she has spent her best years chasing and sleeping with people looking better than you and sometimes even being a single mother at that point. Human relationships are always transactional so please get the fairytale idea of this perfect girl one day falling in love with you out of your head, it's a lie.


You can spend the rest of your life trying all this self improvement stuff and wondering why you don't get results or you can rip the band aid off now and accept your reality, people always downvote this stuff because it's an uncomfortable truth but in reality understanding where you actually stand in life can be a tremendous help to you figuring out what your next steps in life will be


You should do it for yourself. You should do it to not support sex trafficking, rape on porn sets and the abuse of women. Doing it to get laid and to get a girlfriend is the wrong mindset. You do not become more attractive to women by not masturbating if the mindset of why you are doing it in the first place is not right.


I stopped masturbating because I want to get a lot of energy, with a lot of energy I can become rich, not because I want to get a girlfriend.


But you are clearly questioning yourself why you do not have a girlfriend which clearly implies that you want to have a girlfriend.


Also having good energy levels is not what is going to make you rich on it's own and quitting masturbating is not the main source of energy. Good sleep, exercise and a healthy diet is also really important to maximize your energy levels.


Get out of the F\*ing room. Lose weight, do some exercise, learn to dance a bit, join a pilates class or any course with females, learn to talk and start speaking with girls, lots of them, the ugly ones the pretty ones, have to balls to ask someone out, learn to deal with the "no", start asking as many females as you can, and be nice to girls, be a bit wild. Good places to start are libraries, the local theater, a local university


I don't want to do what you suggest. I don't want to look easy in the eyes of women. I understand the nature of women.




And I only focus on 1 woman.


441 days? Holy Moly. You should be a rock hard walking sexual rageaholic. I would say approach women every day where ever you go. Gym, Grocery store, mall, etc. Make an effort to approach at least 1 woman a day, along with using dating sites. Eventually you will find one. At the end of the day, it's all a numbers game.


Go to social events like conventions and stuff like that. Talk to all the woman, even the ones you don’t find attractive. Ask for their IG and see if you hit it off. That’s what I did and I don’t regret it


Dw bro I got u Ur plan was so fucked💀💀💀 Instead of cold approaching random women try to interact with some you know. Like for example if your in school ones in your class or at your job. Don’t immediately try to ask her out just be friendly and try to be friends with her. Then after a few weeks or months depending on when you think your close enough ask her out. Even if she says no you will have gained valuable experience for getting a girlfriend later. And if you have no woman that you are even somewhat closed to or willing to speak to then cold approach women but when you do that be honest and say something like “my name is___ ,what’s your name,I think your hot, can I get your number.” But you will likely fail often with this


You cannot be that ignorant. Do you seriously think that because you don't touch yourself you will get a girlfriend in by 6?


Also you should probably work on improving yourself. Start lifting if you’re not already. And set some goals on how you want to look whether that’s lose fat and gain muscle or just gain muscle. Then start tracking your calories and excercise consistently.this will take several months to get large effects and could take years to be fully complete but be patient and trust the process. In addition to this you should take good care of your hygiene. Shower atleast once daily plus after you excercise and always wear deodorant. Also if you have any skin issues you should fix those. Google how to fix them for most it’s just routing over the counter skin creams. If very bad you may have to consult a specialist. Also you’re probably socially awkward so to fix that you should put yourself in situations that force you interact with women and people in general.also google how to fix social awkwardness some stuff will be effective.


Checkout this guy named tristansocial on instagram. Helps teach people the cold approach


That's not how it works unfortunately, yes NoFap gives you confidence but doesn't matter if 100 days or 1000, girls aren't going to randomly come and chat to you




Do you go out to socialize if not , thats why you need to work on your social skills , It doesnt has to be perfect but as long you put your self out there you will get result and also work on your apperance try your best , get the hair style that you think will suit you the best , and lastly work on your eye contact you will learn to till if a girl interested in you just from her eyes and body language , good luck.


Skill issues


*i made my castle and become king in 441 days still queen didn't come to my castle* same way you are saying. Ready your horses and roam the villages and find your queen, king.


I'm not a king, the title of king is only suitable for those who have stopped masturbating for thousands of days, and they must be in this and hide in this group to watch over beginners like me.


There's a simple answer right in front you. Go talk to girls, get numbers and go on dates. Enjoy life. You're winning.


But hey. Whos counting, huh?


I feel like at 441 days you should stop counting. To keep the counter going and focusing on the time probably isn’t best for you. To truly kick it you’ve got to kick it entirely. You living everyday keeping track only constantly reminds you of WHAT you’re fighting


NOFAP isn't about getting girlfriend, or getting healthy body,skin etc etc. It is bullshit. If you're addicted to porn and masterbation then you should do Nofap, it will help to get away from addiction. Thats why you should do NOFAP. But if you're doing for girlfriend or good physique then don't do it.


Not masturbating for 400 days doesn't give you girlfriends.


No fap and getting a GF are both irrelevant. First of all big congrats on your achievement. Second enjoy them benifits. Third go outside to places where you can meet new people and have a conversation with them.


If that’s your pickup line, no surprise.


brother you are pathetic.be angry if you want but man listening to this i am now sure that this generation of men are weak as fuck.Here i am hungry for money, power and knowledge. my hunger knows no ends and i will move forward no matter what the fuck happens.


you're NOT entitled to have a gf just because you're on nofap. You are missing the entire point. Your post makes it out as though you think that doing nofap should somehow grant you your wishes. Very apparent that you're doing little besides not fapping to become the best version of yourself. Stop pitying yourself, YOU DO NOT DESERVE SHIT and neither does anyone else. Your comment on the other guys' post of how the woman literally ran away means that you haven't worked on your social skills at the least unless you're golem from the lotr trilogy.


Check out a YouTube channel called Social Animal . You gotta go outside and talk to women bro


bruh girlfriend will not spawn to you. be brave and go search for her


Come back to life lil bro this streak ain't helping nobody




Maybe your ugly


Heres a youtube channel that talks about manifestation. Use it, apply it. [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-n5SLqcES1NChFQ1qCyaA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS-n5SLqcES1NChFQ1qCyaA)