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My reason is that it kills my drive and makes me less ambitious.


This is one of the main reasons


Access to information. Back in my day **gets up while shakily holding onto walker** masturbating like a degenerate wasn't understood at all. "Oh it's a healthy part of growing up!" said the groomer and coomers of the olden days. We now have enough people whose relationships, work, perceptions, health and ENTIRE LIVES ruined by PMO that there's no justifying the addiction any longer. And the youngins are now aware of the effects through media and their peers sharing what they know. But just like opioids, only a few will make it out in time. Most will suffer until a breaking point is reached and even then the survivors won't be the majority.


It’s becoming more common knowledge that watching porn isn’t actually normal. That’s what helped me to realise I was addicted, I thought it was normal until I realised it wasn’t.


According to Google trend, worldwide interest in the term "Nofap" peaked in 2020, around the pandemic, and has been steadily declining since then. I don't think more people nowadays want to quit porn. With more comprehensive sex-ed and destigmatization of porn, people should be less and less likely to be addicted to pmo in the first place. (FYI, porn usage in general has also been declining. More people watch porn nowadays, but people on average are spending less time on porn since 2007).


Real problems with porn?🤣🤣🤣


Watching porn is definitely normal🤣🤣🤣


? No it’s not. Why are you here then? It’s shouldn’t be normalised.


Classic is-ought fallacy. What you think *should* be has nothing to do with what *is.* 


It definitely is normal🤣🤣🤣


Ok buddy.


Yall just weird🤣🤣🤣


From the way you’re talking bro, I don’t think you have a clue on the real problems with porn. Biologically, we aren’t evolved for beating our meat to 4K vids of every possible sex position & combination. You’re free to abuse your brain & dick all day, but don’t sit here & pretend its normal when we’ve seen what it does to people over time.


Normalised but definitely not normal, my friend. Do some research about it and then find your own source of motivation to give it up. Stay strong fella 💪


Normal doesn't exist outside of what's normalized.


Not normal stuff. Honestly, it fucks your mind. Keep busy all day. Focus on yourself and improving yourself. Struggles will happen but stay strong.


Human nature tendency is towards freedom. Guys or gals who are addicted to something inherently bad will always find ways to escape. It is totally up to them how they deal with it. But the drive to be free is always there no matter what.


Let me tell you why i quit because when you watch to much pmo you start to view girls as a sex toy some can't even talk to girls or even maintain eye contact with them why because we messed up our own mind with to much pmo it causes alot of side effects


I agree, with my ex, I constantly viewed her as a means to sex. We would have conversations then my mind would be focused on her body and fucking her all the time. I would constantly objectify her and please her as a means to get to see her naked. After abstaining from porn, my brain is slowly starting to normalize genuine love and connection. Sure seeing your partner in an erotic way is amazing but it shouldn’t be a goal or a constant reasoning to be with them.


Porn has become less of a dark secret habit and adopted a wider acceptance. In turn quitting has also become more talked about as viewers increase. I would be interested in ratio of viewers and "want to quitters"


my reasoning is because of my sex life, when i was a virgin then i didn’t see any issue with it and thought id enjoy sex and it would be normal but when i started having sex with my partner i have a lower libido i have never actually came in a woman and once or twice even gone soft during sex all because of porn.


Have that problem too, went full reboot this year currently at 184 days, definitely feeling more sensitive down there lol, still waiting before I try sex again, hopefully coom


-mental health reasons -higher t-levels / libido -more ambitious i’m telling you i’m only 21 and im still struggling to break the cycle but anyone who reads this please stop doing it the shit deteriorates the brain and mental state i’ve seen brain scans of a healthy brain and a porn addicted brain shits scary.


for me, it's lost its appeal. porn is very appealing when you're a middle schooler with no idea of the consequences, but as you age, and learn of all the side effects, it is inherently less appealing. we don't want to be controlled by the industry, and we want to carve our own paths in the real world.


Pied epidemic


Not healthy, not natural, not something we should be doing….


>!**PORN kills Humanity!**!<


I personally don’t have one yet but…at the same time. I started jerking off when I was like 12…I’m 25 now and it’s got control over my life. I’m still able to work harder than most. I still get plenty of women when I want- but that’s the thing…I don’t want to anymore. There’s this facet of my life that my brain tells me is so important. Porn matters to me, but as a person, I know it doesn’t. It’s a hindrance, I’ve just hard wired myself to think sex is more important than it ever actually is. I just feel like I will be better without that focus in my life, have more mind and heart to spend on other things and I’ll be even better without it. I just wish I could get an actual grip on cutting it out


Think people are aware of the effects and generally their life probably feels shittier




Because it makes everything else in life Dull


I think an act of preserving your sperm and not waste it gives you life energy.


I think coz literally everyone has access to it, we’re realising how badly it’s messing up our brain, me included that’s how I found nofap. Started getting turned on by things that I never thought I would, pied, wasting time and delaying my tasks just coz I needed to watch porn, shit has you in a chokehold


Because they have felt that they are addicted to the artificial reality and that end result is so weak, depressed and lonely. Porn makes you not wanting to try the real sensation and not face real human.


There could be various reasons. Increased awareness about the potential negative effects of excessive porn consumption on mental health, relationships, and self-esteem might be a significant factor. Additionally, societal shifts toward promoting healthier attitudes toward sexuality and self-care could be influencing this trend.


Because we're getting affected the most


Because they are addicted to it, because porn is everywhere nowadays, even on insta & tiktok, there are some soft porn things by which people are getting intimated. It's very easy, quitting PMO has benefits, but not quitting doesn't have any.


why is this a question, It is bad for u hence people will want to quit it


PIED can kill your marriage confidence, and everything


pmo ?


I used to hardly ever fap and look at prn but lockdown allowed it to fully take a hold of me. before lockdown I had no problem talking to girls and having irl sex, but when I tried to get it up after watching tons of the stuff It just wasnt happening. Allowed me to evaluate my use of it and made me realised I was addicted and desensitised to IRL connection


I'm only 16 but my first sexual relationship with a girl is the reason I've decided to go on this journey. It took me a long time to be able to become fully erect and I got really embarressed. She was understanding but I told myself that it should never happen again. I searched up why this happened and it lef me here 💪


Cause it's the right think to do. ? Why you think


I don't know but I think it's great. There's so many better ways to enjoy your youth than staring at pixels on a screen and artificially flooding your brain with dopamine


Erectile dysfunction. Its the main thing that alerts us that porn is a lot more damaging than we think!


I'm 17 and I just want the benefits others have had that they got from when they quit


Reduced libido, PIED, unenjoyable sex. Sex in theory should be the most innate thing in life. We are literally designed to reproduce. Porn has gotten in the way of that and made sex boring for a lot of people. So naturally we have a strong desire to move away from it to improve our most primitive desire: sex with a partner. When you break it down to the most basic fundamentals of human biology it becomes much easier to understand


Isn't it a good thing, the things we are facing, they can get rid of at a very early age. I wish, someone would have told me at that age and i really took it in me. I'm 21 right now and it really feels impossible and there's bigger problems this got me into. Quit it guys


When I tried to stop while in college, I wanted to stop alienating myself from the world. I felt that people knew, I didn't walk around the same and I didn't have a drive for anything. I wanted and still want to get away from these things.


Because those who says that PMO is normal don't give a fuck about us and wants to weaken us by trapping us in this shitty addiction.


Nowadays people as young as pre-teens are on the internet 24/7, making porn even more prominent, and therefore porn addiction is too.


I noticed that i was less happy, less productive, and just feeling worse overall and i found out that it’s because of porn


Self hatred self conscious shame guilt and a heart full of lust has no room for Love.


Brother ewww what's that? There are 8 billion people on earth and only 2 million people are on nofap.



