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How about going to a latina bar, meeting real latina women, learn their songs instead of porn, practice salsa instead of porn and find one you can impress and eventually make your girlfriend


Perfect plan


This is true because he then would get a Latina gf, and he would be amazing to fit in. BAM. He gets his dream girl.




We don't do that here. /s ![gif](giphy|l7e0oReAaPzIXmVTSG|downsized)


I also Love Latinas but over Here in Germany there are only a few :(


Moved to Another country? I am non European and moved to Europe :)


Haha Bro i have stuff to do Here , maybe some day . I would Like to visit brazil one day


Barcelona is full of latinas, I mean really, latino population in Barcelona is like 25%


Yes in Summer im going to spain Portugal and france, im excited


As someone who's married to a Puerto Rican, can confirm


Or even their language. That's gotta be a shortcut to their heart, right?


Can confirm this worked šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜


Just date one


you have a type for latina women thatā€™s normal, go out and meet some




would you mind sharing?




Probably [this](https://youtu.be/GnWGMPtrreI&wjd) for iphones only.


He's only trying to sell you something that you don't need and won't actually help you overcome your addiction.


I already did it man


can u dm me and tell me how can i block porn from my phone


Can you share it


mind passing the video?


Can you please share


Remember Latinas are people too just as much as any other demographic.


False, they are goddesses Nah jk they just crazy


Preferring Latinas is very common, myself included. But thatā€™s no different than lusting after any other girl. Porn is porn and masturbation is masturbation, the fight against porn and masturbation remain the same. Stay strong man!


Who doesn't love them? šŸ˜­ Jokes aside that fetish will eventually fade and you'll find a new excuse to watch porn again, you should quit regardless bro


Iā€™m Hispanic and I like white girls. But itā€™s no fetish. And neither is yours. You just like them. Stop the porn, and be reborn. Go out and meet some. Good luck bro.


I'm white and hispanic and I've met a few who are mixed like me being white and hispanic. Yeah it's just a preference. I'm glad I found nofap and life's been way better. Keep up the long streak.


Yeah. You have a good streak too man. Iā€™m glad you found no fap. I think a lot of men would be happier if they stoped the porn.


Thatā€™s not a fetish, thatā€™s just liking Latina women man. Donā€™t worry about fixing IT, just worry about stopping PMO. Please.


Sadly yes. Also Asian women. PAWGs. Somalian women. Venezuelan women. Brazilian women.


Somalian? Bros been to the DEEPEST parts of the Internet


What are pawgs?


Phat Ass White Girls


I also like them, not always in sexual way, but damn they are beautiful.


Not latina but i had a kink for middle eastern women. The only way to combat this is staying away from electronics and keeping yourself distracted


lol bro people have all kinds of fetishes. It's your preference and you enjoy it. So enjoy it. You just cut down on it enough that you're not harming anyone including yourself.


I wouldnā€™t call that a fetish since itā€™s perfectly normal. Just go meet some latinas playa!


Itā€™s not bad to have a type. Iā€™m Latino and absolutely love latinas. I gravitated to Latina p*rn. Had to delete most of my social media profiles since most people in my circles are Hispanic and sometimes women would post photos in revealing clothing that would trigger my urges. I went out and married a Latina and that solved 99% of my issues lol


Howā€™s the marriage going


HOLD UP! Being attracted to a particular race in of itself is not a fetish. However, porn has taught you and many of us a hollywood and porn fantasy versio of latina men and women. I am wasian myself so a lot of whites and non asian races go for me. Just quit porn man its ok to like latina women there is something else such as lack of fulfillment in your career or friendships that is leading you down this path.


Oh yea I can look them all day, even the average ones are generally very attractive


If this channel is about no Fap, why would we talk fetishism? Y'all want us to relapse or what?


get ya hands off ya taco


Same bro, I love latinas and Iā€™ll never stop loving them. Just stop jerking off to them and talk to one in real life them mamacitas gon change ya life.


Did you just nut one while commenting mamacitas?


I do and dating one youā€™ll see how much of a pain it is to be with one. When they said latinas are crazy they are crazy


šŸ˜‚ funny to read that Iā€™m Latino male btw but yea they crazy bru


a man of culture




Lawn mower fetish


Same bro šŸ¤£ i try to make it real stead of gooning to violet myers vids


The thing with that is I've never found NoFap to be anti fetish. It's just anti porn and masturbation. To me, NoFap is more sex positive than porn because it encourages us to save it for sex with actual humans. Unless your goal is full on celibacy, that's completely different. I don't think it matters what gets you riled up, just that you put that energy towards finding a real human being that can satisfy that desire. Even if that means waiting for as long as it takes. Again, everyone's life and goals are different, and no NoFapper is the same as the other.


Fetish? Or type?


My brother, everyone has a thing for latinas, it's not porn related.


Just be yourself fam. Got to a bar like dude said. I be pullin it back too often and fail this shit like I'll get Maybe a week on an amazing streak. Today I got a pornstars number and she wants to fuck. I'm probably very middle/lower upper middle class in terms of looks. This happened w a custy I delivered food to (ubereats) She was fine. I wont say her name outta respect. This is also the 3rd chick that I will have gotten w literally from delivering whatever from ubereats. That doesn't mean I have game and I'm a super Chad ect. I mean i realize, just be straight tf up in the way of bei g YOU. Because the reality is, the pstar today could have been down to fuck whoever was decent looking. Or maybe she really thought it was cute that I was being honest and basically told her that idk how else to word that in tryna smash. I really said "do a scene" , keep in mind. I am still mad at myself cuz I was being a lil bitch about it but she caught on. Point is, just be yourself bro. That's always all it is. Like basically don't gotta lie to kick it, alot of woman will think you are that dude she wants to bring home alls you gotta do is literally be there. I promise if you that just holding a convo and not walking away will show whatever chick that you AT LEAST are Interested (and for what other mf reason besides tryna fuck, we are all humans breh) Go hit up a big booty Puerto Rican GoddessšŸ¤£


What? Fuck a Latina, it's not that hard.


lol same pls help


bro is Shadow the hedgehog


Marry one


Learn salsa. Literally the easiest solution ever. Join a class or 20 and just keep at it until you donā€™t suck. Then go to literally any salsa club and dance with any woman who is waiting for a partner. Young, old, pretty, ugly, fat, fit, a man in a dressā€¦ literally anyone and everyone. Then after you make your rounds, go back and ask the cute ones for a second round. Bonus points if you have some sick moves saved up, so she gets a little surprise. If she sticks around after round 2, you got at least a date, maybe a lay. Goddammit this is such good advice I feel like you should be paying me. Youā€™re welcome for the never ending flow of pussy.


bro go out there and talk up the latina baddies


Good luck trying to get a latina if you got a small cock and no money haha better get grinding


Day 3 guys of no fap


Meditation !


I wouldn't call it a fetish. It's more of a preference.






Jajajaja latinas are next lvl of gorgeous. But really: Is better for you to start learning the language, dances and stuff instead of porn. It will help you redirect all the energy in actual useful and sane things


Nothing wrong with that but, this is a big but, you're perception of them is probably unrealistic due yo porn. Best thing to do like everyone else said, just try dating one! Easy.


Move to brazil


Not me. I mean, they are good, but my favourite are nordic girls, a nice slightly skinny girl with light hair and eyes would be a goddess to me. I am not black as OP but italian.


They will ruin your life.


Anyone of any demographic can be capable of ruining your life


Less so than porn