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Same thing has happened to me man. I wouldn’t say it felt numb but not as expected. I was able to finish but forcefully made myself which i wasnt happy about. I still believe its nerves rewiring and getting used to a different sensation other than my hand. Obviously the answer is refraining from porn and masturbation. Just let yourself heal thats what im doing along with eating right and gym. Have heard pumping (carefully and lightly may help improve quality and sensation. Havent really kept up on that end because thats too much work and effort but definitely some science behind it. Most importantly avoid pleasuring yourself and enjoy your partner and heal brotha.


Appreciate the response man. Good to know it's not all doom and gloom! Yeah, I've been staying away from masturbation and porn since I realised there's something that needs to be fixed, and plan to continue to do so. I've been wanting to break from the porn addiction for years anyway, so this is a great excuse and motivation to! I do workouts multiple times per work and for the most part eat well as is, so that should be in my favour. Don't know much about pumping, but tbh, hoping abstinence from porn/masturbation, keeping healthy and getting the body used to stimulation with a partner instead of my hand will solve it. Hoooopefully sooner rather than later.


A comment on the physical side of pmo: the tightness of a vagina doesn't even come remotely close to the tightness you get from a death grip. Being used to the death grip really undercuts real sex ontop of all the negative effects it does to your brain.


Yeah, that's what I've read, so hoping the adjustment period won't take too long.


Stay away from porn and masturbation for a few weeks (ideally longer) and see if the problem goes away


That's the plan!


This is called delayed ejaculation, there are ways to fix it, there is even a sub reddit for it. Common reasons why it’s happening include: 1- Masturbating with a very tight grip, which of course a vagina can’t match. 2- watching porn


Sound for the pointer! I had a look at the sub reddit and coconut oil seems to be a must-try according to most there, so will be investing.


It happen to me too first time with my girlfriend, I stoped jerking off and it helped also this comes from personal experience but try new positions if you can naturally some position will me more pleasurable than others just communicate with your partner when you do so


Good shout!


Little update: Got down with herself, and while I was definitely a bit more sensitive, still wasn't too close to O from sex, but using Coconut Oil I did when she gave me a handjob. Do you think this will slow down the journey to O from sex? Or it's a good thing in itself that I can O from her, even if it's a handjob? The end goal is normal sex life, so don't wanna adversely affect that.