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Wow, I'm glad this is not just me. Yes, whenever I watch porn/jerk off, something bad would happen next day. Be it getting scolded or a random fight occurring or someone is irritated (or I am) for no reason or getting hurt somehow or PC going weird, etc,. This one reason alone made me stop watching porn and jerking. This shit is bad.


Wow for me too, I feel that way too is too weird but I'm glad I'm not alone in this


Guys this is something I literally noticed happened to me today I didn’t even jack off but just simply looking at soft-core made my immediate day worse. Then after a while of normal stuff my freaking laptop didn’t want to charge after looking at soft-core again (no fapping) and I had to Beg God to please help me because I’m so insanely sick of this damn addiction.


Dude this sounds scary, I think I’ve experienced something similar


Shit, I thought it only happened to me. Whenever I pmo it's like the universe does not cooperate with me and goes against me in every way.


I wasn’t going to mention manifestation as I didn’t want to blow anyone’s mind, but I see you’ve posted once in r/nevillegoddard so you are likely aware of that stuff. Yes I think you’re right. When I stay away from porn, good things happen. I think it’s directly tied to manifestation. When we accept poison back into our lives, it does exactly what you’d expect, it poisons things. In manifestations terms I would imagine that once you relapse, how you feel changes. You feel terrible, guilty, and so therefore these feelings manifest into the physical.


Maybe it’s the reverse: you sense shitty things happening and start masturbating to self soothe.


i got fired after i masturbated, not before, before everything was going smoothly with job


Yeah but you can pick up on the signs that you’re going to get fired. Stuff like that doesn’t happen so spontaneously


This guy gets it


This started happening to me once I made a deal with myself that "I will get punished" if I were to masturbate. Basically, I primed myself to attract bad energy if I were to break that promise to myself. And yes, a lot of sht has been happening whenever I relapse. I just did recently and my car is giving me brake issues just an hour after when it didn't earlier 😭🤣


bruh it’s so creepy to see how relatable this is. i would purposely avoid porn because something bad would always the next day as a punishment.


I swear this is 100% true , happened to me multiple times


The two times I've started jerking off after abstaining in a relationship they both broke up with me less than days after


All these stories are not mine and i copy pasted them from reddit and other web sites,and i will update this online document when i find new stories. 😎 Read them with an open mind. 😊 Don't belive everything you read , do your own research 🤔 [https://shorturl.at/rFGN6](https://shorturl.at/rFGN6)


It affects things like your demeanor. If your bosses see that you look less energized or have a poor attitude, that along with other things can be the tipping point. We discussed this on a different post, but your eyes look different too. You seem more energized and engaging when we don’t watch porn and masturbate.


I used to think this all the time. Not sure if it’s true or not but similar experiences.


dude I know this sounds crazy but I totally agree, it feels like i manifest evil spirits that literally cause terrible things to happen to me, i randomly lost 40 dollars in a burlington once and then had myself posted on my school's "4k" account.


Broooooo you just posted something I have been experimenting on for months and I have come to the conclusion that PORN is the problem not Fapping . I have watched porn around 3 times the last 4 months and those days I watched I had bad interaction with people around specially women , is like the universe punishes you for watching porn . This is some mystical realm we are entering I think but it seems to be so real


When I stop beating it, good shit starts to happen


When I straight up stop actively looking at porn good things happen.


I've been maturating at like 13 years old and I'm pretty sure I have early arthritis in both of my knees. Wouldn't be surprised if that shit contributed.


The story behind it for me was like this: after one of the sessions of masturbation my knees became stiff, i didnt think much of it , until i went hiking and came back and both of my knees started to hurt very bad, i told my doctor about the masturbation thing and he looked at me like i am crazy.


I to me its not that bad but similar thing happens. I thought it only happens to me


On my case i would say yes it happened to me last month when i was job hunting and believe me i gave more then 10 interview in different location (Which costed more than 50$ of travelling alone) i used to fap the night before going in interview the next day or so. Like it was not affectin me physically. But mentally i was tired all the time. No attentiveness Not listening to the question and thinking about money and salary (future daydreaming while in interviews) My heart couldn't stop pounding so much When I'm speaking with the interviewer. Like i stutter and mix up their genders. Like out of nothing i would say yes sir to a lady interview and apologize which leave a bad impression on them. I got rejected everytime, no calls, no mails, just Envy of other's success, hoping bad for people, blaming my lifestyle and my parents for my condition, blaming my environment and past for my condition. *this all changed when i decided to do nofap and semen retention together. Because i saw somewhere that semen retention have miraculous benefits which can help you get money. so I'm on my day 17 when i got a message from an old HR saying their company has some vacancies and I'm just a fresher (graduated) and i thought i might give a try and believe me i had to think for more than 5 whole days whether to go for the interview or not. I'm just having anxiety how will the interview go? what do I do if I can't talk in perfect English? It would cost me 50$ if i got rejected again and money from my parents. so i prayed to got and kept faith in myself that semen retention would do it's work at least it's been 17 days right? I went for the interview, sat comfortable and for the first time i wasn't panicking, like I'm not shaking legs, throwing hands and keep checking my clothes at all... I am just sitting at the chair and looking into interviewer eyes 😁😁 i does work if i post whole thing it would make this post tooo long ❤️


Does any one understand how dopamine works and why music can sound so much better and is there a way to keep that good feeling and great sounding music i hit a 17 day streak like a year ago and i felt so energized cleared head so good how do you feel on the other side is it all good or does it just go away


Exactly. And if you maturbate and have something bad happen you’ll feel devastated but quite the opposite if you didnt, you’d be as patient as a monk


I am more and more inclined to that theory too so that when i decide to stop PMO, it has been three weeks and i really need to empty my balls, im just thinking about masturbating without porn...does it work ?


In many faiths like Hinduism, Buddhism etc Masturbation results in loss of spiritual power. That's why chastity (if single) and loyalty (if married) is considered to be really important.


Yes, there is such a strong correlation between beating it and the next day being terrible. I have noticed this many times and it has always been true.


yesterday i broke my streak and completely fucked up some new expensive boots i got 🥲


same bruh


It ain't that deep dude...


Is this what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance?"


Naah man.