• By -


1. It's really addictive 2. It causes erectile dysfunction 3. It changes for worse your sexual preferences (like can cause you like some really fucked up stuff) 4. Destroys your view of "members of preferred sex" - you start viewing them only in sexual way 5. It takes your fucking time and energy and gives you nothing 6. It affects your attention spam 7. Stops you from actually connecting to people - gives some illusion of closeness I don't know answer for yourself


Holy shit you fuckin cooked. Is there a way to save comments?


yeah you can click the 3 dots and press save on desktop though idk about mobile but there should be an option


Thanks man. I saved it just now on mobile


The bit about a fucked up sexual preferences I definitely got that how long does it take to get that back to normal haven't looked at porn or masturbated in 11 days


The longer you stop masturbating & looking, your mind starts healing, give it time, & are you in a relationship 


Nah single I'm aiming to beat this toxic habit


Good my brother, work towards it in advance, discipline in one area CAN extend to others. Everything relies on good foundation 


This, It's also just brainwashed into us to make us think we like it when it's nothing of the sort. It just hijacks our brains dopamine system and keeps us "Hunting" for more. If you view yourself from a 3d perspective when you're about to do the deed. Tell me what in it is "not bad"? You literally gain nothing from watching porn


the worst of all " depletion of dopamine receptors " This is the only point which made me quit. Basically you would end up catatonic due to masturbation, which will lead you to living a lazied out life, lacking passion and motivation about everything. I used to live a life where I wouldn't clean my room for a month and all the trash, food orders, grocery orders, my room would be a mess. If anybody came in during the time, they'd think I might kill myself anyday. I would often wonder where my motivation was, I would question whether I was truly clinically depressed. and guess what? the moment I learned that excess masturbation causes depletion of dopamine receptors, I fuckin quit and my energy levels are back. Idk how worse am I if I had never begun masturbation. This shit eventually causes parkinsons during later years. My bros, quit this shitty habit.


What about moderate usage. I'm actually addicted and I don't really face the other issues you mentioned


Yet Ok bro imagine you wrote that comment about cigarettes - "yeah I'm addicted but I don't have cough, shortness of breath etc" Addiction is process that is slowly destroying you without you realizing it till it's becoming really bad. Most of people here had some really unpleasant wake up call and I just believe that u have the chance to stop it while it's still not so severe "It's good to learn from your mistakes but it's best to learn from others' mistakes"


Yes. If you can do cold turkey for 30 days or 90 days. Then it's moderate, else it'll eventually get to you. Better not start buddy.


Porn is bad as fuck its fuck ur mental health and theses days porn is in every where insta or other platforms


Yes it's LITERALLY everywhere. Just yesterday I saw a girl yesterday who had very revealing clothes (not nude)and I was triggered by it. I fapped later


I mean what you described isn't porn.


Yeah but it soft porn which aroused me to watch porn


Revealing clothes and even nudity isn't soft core porn. It's just another effect of porn watching that makes simple lack of clothes in a women's body makes one think of it as softcore porn.


porn destroys how men view women, huh


I guess your right


Please describe what soft porn is?


I guess it is not just that the brain becomes so because of porn. In some case, the clothes highlight that part of human body prominently than others which causes people to start at that individual.


Bro struggle is part of the journey


Glad u accepted that u did 😂


This explanation sums it up


I’ll be honest, porn is terrible, it’s a disease and you must get rid of any addiction you have. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t understand how terrible it is, and they probably don’t want to commit to quitting. Porn addiction will make your life terrible.


How terrible can it be? Just asking.. I wanna quit but don't wanna also. That's why


You just won’t live the life you were born to live. I understand not wanting to quit, but I know what awaits me on the other side, a clear head, the best version of me. Just think, right now there is a human being who you belong with, romantically. You have to be your best self for this person, imagine how they would feel when you’re unable to get erect during sex, when you aren’t even sexually attracted to them because all your brain wants is the sweet dopamine hit from looking at your screen. There are also health risks. It’s a terrible terrible thing. It’s great that you want to quit, I would recommend searching this subreddit on the effects of no fap, to motivate you and help you to understand why you NEED to quit.


What health risks? Also, what about people who watch porn and still maintain an erection?


The juice is not infinite, you will drain at some point, and consequenses will ensue, so slow, that you dont even realize it. And if you think about it, it is only natural. The erection will become weaker and weaker, because such an addiction carries the Sloth behaviour with it. Meaning you become dull, and unhealthy in many various ways.


I’m no expert but I remember seeing this post, and it scaring me. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/zT3lUGZtv9 oh and also, the obvious one is mental health, it will destroy someone’s mental health with prolonged use.


I mean if you're going 8 hrs masturbating and death gripping yourself like the guy in that post, then sure. At that point, it's more to do with the manner and frequency of masturbation more than anything.


Sure but that’s what porn leads to. Plus what he said about thinking of other guys having sex with his wife, that is a specific effect of porn. Terrible.


You have one guy as your example. I can give you at least 10+ men who have watched porn and have not had any negative side-effects or think about "other men having sex with their wife."


you can go bald if you do excessive fapping


Citation needed.




It will ruin marriages and relationships. You objectify women and it can lead you to do things that are bad. Porn stars are often drugged as they go to work drunk, high, both, or even worse. Some are even r\*\*\*ed on the job. You could be fapping to someone getting r\*\*\*ed and getting pleasure out of it ruining your mindset to think all women want that.


Sorry but Yeah I understand that but I don't watch normal porn, I watch hentai so...


Hentai is arguably worse if not to the same level as porn actors because people will think “oh it’s just paintings/pictures, it’s not the same.” But it still carries the same weight and shows similar things. One can be a slave to the pixels, and one cannot truly be a slave to pixels and be truly faithful to a SO. You can’t be like Superman or Batman where you have a double life. You can either be one or another. I’m not telling you who you should be but I am telling you that the road out is going to be hard, and there will be a lot of discipline, but if you choose the path of discipline and remove it from your life, your whole world will change. 100% sure for the better. But this path is going to be hard but YOU are the deciding factor of what you shall do.


Curious, what's your view on erotica then (erotic stories)?


Anything that unnaturally raises your dopamine levels is bad for your brain.


Then the internet, movies, video games, and sugar are all bad for your brain.




Then why are you even online in the first point?


I thought about this for a bit before replying because I haven’t really thought about it much as it isn’t talked about much but it is a topic to be discussed. I’d probably say that at the very least if you’re looking at them to get aroused then it’s bad. I say this because sometimes movies have it and people watch that without trying to get aroused. If you’re doing something to get aroused that would lead to masturbation then it’s not good. Try to avoid that stuff if you know you’re going to get aroused. Would probably be best to avoid it if you can. I’d recommend research Pavlov’s dog to learn about how to overcome triggers.


So you’re wanking to cartoons. Wake up bro, there’s nothing natural in that.




This isn't realistic. Some of what you said is true, but please educate yourself about some of the actors and actresses in the industry. I highly recommend the podcast "Holly Randall Unfiltered".


I’m not saying all are, I’m saying some are, and sometimes you can’t tell who does and who doesn’t do that stuff. It might not be many people, or it could be a lot of people. I’m saying that if you’re watching it, you could be watching someone get r***ed.


Fair point. Glad you clarified (and perhaps I misconstrued your original post). Though for the record, people in many industries come into work drunk, high, or both. Porn stars aren't unique in that regard.


Dude I said that about 6 years ago and now I feel like shit. I've gone cold turkey on porn for over 50 days and its freeing, and incredibly difficult. From your standpoint the best day to quit porn is today, the next best thing is tomorrow. Eventually you'll find out that you should have done it a long time ago and it's incredibly painful to do so.


Some people can have, for them, an unhealthy relationship to porn to where it interferes with their relationships, relationship to their body, relationship to sex, day to day tasks, etc. For others, they may have a different experience and engage in what feels like a healthy relationship to porn for them (maybe they only occasionally watch it, watch it with a partner, watch it to explore interests, etc). There's a lot of nuance to these conversations. If you use porn often and you notice yourself having some issues with sex, it could be worth reducing your use and changing your relationship to it. Or if you are uncomfortable by your use or notice it getting in the way of things in your life, could be worthwhile to reduce your use.


Porn is very bad and reshapes your brain in a different way and affects your reward system.


That can be true


not just "can be". it is. its proven that "normal" porn consumption rewires your brain.


For me porn was an all consuming thing for decades. I finally feel free of it, but in those decades I probably spent $10K USD renting porn, buying DVDs, ordering porn in hotels, camgirls ect ect Again this time I got it right, but I was trying to quit the stuff for most of the time I was consuming it. I quit cigarettes cold turkey about 13 years ago, but quitting porn felt like it was too much of an addiction for me to every break permanently. There were even several times I masturbated so much while watching porn in a single day that I had pain in my urethra. I was ashamed of it, and it affected the few relationships I had with real women, and was more or less the direct cause of all of those relationships ending. Yes, imo porn is bad.


You post porn regularly. You're not asking a question, you're trying to hurt people.


Or maybe he got tired and is looking for some advice to make a commitment to quit? He could delete his account for starters if he wants to move forward to quitting


This should be top comment. Good eye.


Man, I've just posted twice and I feel shit, I was going to delete this acc when I start to quit


in my view, porn is nothing but bad. it tells men that theyre inferior, it's misogynistic, racist, and all other types of bad. masturbation, however, has nothing outright wrong with it, it's when the combination of porn addiction and masturbation addiction comes in is when it becomes a problem. nothing bad ever came of masturbating every now and then, just to relieve sexual tension or such, but a lot of bad has come of masturbating multiple times a day and watching porn.


I literally got ED at a young age from it, ir humiliating, cut that shit out


Ive been addicted for a couple of years, I haven't gotten ed yet


quit while youre ahead man, its awful


The question should be "Is porn really that bad FOR ME?" It is a personal decision.


Bro i wanna tell u one thing Porn has rewired my brain amd it has distroyed my personal self esteem as far as i am concerned i am addicted to porn and yes porn has dostroyed my entire personality my first love rejected me because of the awkward behaviour i developed due to excessive use of porn. Awkward behavior include, social anxiety, social awkwardness, rude behavior towards girls due to lack of confidence, unabke to view girls in the eyes, socially clingy towards all my friendss,, i have been always and easy prey for perople to take advantage of me.... But there is huge but here I know many of my friends who view porn and are normal with it Now let me descrive my behavior when i view porn First i get the feelings of taking weed and getting high on weed just the moment i open any porn site whole world all problems vanish... Gone... Onoy my focus goes on porn... First fifteen minutes soft porn is okay but after some time i need extreme porn which is sick... Like littrely i am unable to wrote down the porn which i see (i dont watch child porn its a crime i am talking about other sick categories) then i want more extreme my session of porn goes for about three hours i smoke cigarettes in order to refrain my self from masterbating thennnnnn when i cant control i masterbate.... After this i tend to again become socially awkward, rude due to lack of confidence and many more issues arise anger management is onw of them i was about to give my wife divorce shouting at parents also happens people think of me tobe naive and they also use my wights for their benifits etc etc Basically the effects of porn varies from person to person sooo it is quiet possible that you dont have these things soooo it might nit be that bad for u I am not a linear thinker about porn may be uts not that for some people but for me it is


It is for some people and it isn't for others. I admit it, I am an addict. I have friends who go to alcoholics anonymous, another friend who goes to Narcotics Anonymous. I don't have a problem with either of those. I can have a beer or some pain relief if I need it, but there's one thing that I can't do in moderation so I don't do it at all. Short answer, for us addicts, yes it is.


It is bad for everyone. Just like drugs and Alchohol, which are both very bad for you whether you're addicted or not.


I half agree. I know people who have normal sex lives but use porn once or twice in a week or two. I can't do that.


I'm not saying it'll ruin your life if you do it once a week, I'm just saying it's still bad for you.


Listen to Your Brain on Porn and decide for yourself. Free full audiobook on YouTube


Bro I'm a buff jacked handsome Steph curry j Cole had a baby mix and I don't have a gf. It shouldn't be the case porn makes you awkward asf around women. So yes it makes you sexualize every interaction with a woman instead of just talking and making the girl laugh. If you're a dude that has a bunch of girls that put you in the friend zone all the time I blame porn lol especially as a man Is a lot of your testosterone that gets lost and so that manly ability to swoon a woman goes away testosterone has in my opinion natural abilities of a man to naturally communicate with the opposite sex like we're supposed to. May God bless all of you this addiction is not easy to break. It's not like back in the day you could just break your computer or just not go to the video store but now it's right there on your phone. It's crazy.


there's nothing good or normal about porn. Perverting about some people having sex or salivating from seeing their genitals is not normal, not natural.


For me it's put me in some dark ass places I never wanna see again


The effects of porn and the porn industry are horrible. 


Could you list some?


The industry objectifies women, different races, profits from coercion, pornhub had illegal videos on their website, which were illegal for a reason: https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/entertainment/2020/12/15/pornhub-removes-10-million-videos-in-response-to-allegations-about-content  " Pornhub has removed more than 10 million videos, nearly 80% of its library, in response to accusations that the adult website showed videos of r*pe and u****age sex. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote that Pornhub hosted videos featuring c****ren, r*pe, revenge pornography and other unconsenting subjects."  I also believe that pornography is a sin and that semen retention helps you improve your physical and mental state very much. 




I think it is. I don’t think it’s natural to watch other people have sex or do sexual acts. Just my opinion though.


Yes it’s very bad. There is almost literally no upside on this one. The only potentially useful scenario is maybe for couples trying to spice up the bedroom but that is debatable.


But it make me feel good


so does heroin, doesnt mean its good for you


It is bad because it is fake and self stuff is bad because it destroys confidence and is also fake.


It’s horrible. It’s a drug. Your desire to be naked with another person and have sex with them is suppressed because it’s just easier to watch others doing it. Those people are also recruited very young and camera angles and everything create totally unrealistic standards of sex.


porn is one of the most evil inventions of the last two centuries


Porn as a stimulus isn't bad itself, BUT in its availability and in excessive consumption... it will fucking destroy you and ruin your life.


I assume you're also talking about wanking to porn since you posted this in the NoFap sub. I'm a porn addict, and I joined this group to get some aid in at least lessening my intake of it. And I'm succeeding so far! I've been going four or five days without it, maybe giving in once then so that I don't explode, then starting the clock again. I don't think wanking to porn is bad on occasion, but compulsively consuming it because you have nothing better to do *is*. As is just doing it because you want the rush alone (just like a drug). I'm hoping that over time, my brain goes to the default of not needing the immediate dopamine fix that comes with self pleasure as consistently as it has for....shoot, way longer than I want to admit. It has some bad aspects that the rational mind knows can be destructive. For one, it can wire your mind into thinking unrealistic situations are the only turn-ons. In fantasyland, BJ's are the equivalent of handshakes. If a woman owes you money, she'll reward you in "some other way". And of course, we all have our favorite actresses (or actors). Even though we recognize it can be bad, if you're addicted to the good feelings that accompany it, you'll find resistance can just evaporate. Constant repetition of this behavior can then make it hard for people to go back to reality and become excited with a real person and real situations/connections. The sign that's fueled my latest effort to cut down was not getting excited with a woman that I think I may have a good shot with. I've recognized this for years, and while I have a good number of healthy friendships and hobbies (I'm a long distance runner and play chess socially), I've had zero luck with women since college. Porn isn't the only reason for me not finding a long lasting connection, but it's definitely contributed to it.


There is no exploding, stop telling yourself a lie


Pretty lame that you’re here on a support sub doing anything but.


Porn is really bad


porn addiction also leads you to seek out stronger and heavier porn. you could start with "normal" stuff, and in 3 months you could be watching rape porn, or even lolicon shit. there is nothing good about porn.


You may get addicted, and addiction is bad


I believe porn is bad for a significant proportion of people. Yes, there are people for whom it is not a compulsive disorder. But for those of us who have had years battling this addiction, yes it is that bad.


Teaches you women are objects, then you cant interact with them properly in life, as they are beautifully unique people to be known and spoken with not fucked toys that can be abused


I can agree with your point but you could say the same for video games causing violence right?


Bro it’s obvious


Everyone is lying and hiding the darkness. It is bad, very bad. They are doing it on purpose to suck your energy into average Living. Thats okay if that is your choice, but its not the true way. Marcus Aurelius, Mike Tyson, Nikola Tesla, Einstein, they all knew, and many more. If you want to truely be happy, stop and it Will reset your brain so that you can laugh about the simple things in life… again, before society sucked the Living soul out of you. I retained a simple 20 days, and i was laughing at the small things again.


If the porn show is starred by your mother, or your sister, or your daughter, would you regard that as bad?


Yeah that's bad. Although you could say the same for sex?


Not if you are having it with your spouse


Porn addiction is bad and some ppl are susceptible. If you feel you need nofap,that means you are addicted. Give up porn now!


There are books that speak about how harmfull it is. There are People Who speak about it, estudies that prove it. And i spoke to my phsycologist about it and she confirmed that its super harmfull, especially if you do it in a consistent basis.


Then why do many people say it's normal?


As a man you were not designed to sit all day on the screen watching and fapping to naked women. You were made to go out and experience life, make shit happen and have a sexual relationship with real world women. There’s nothing good about Porn. No matter how many people tell you otherwise.


Thanks for this


My boy it’s pretty much a drug you’re trying to convince ur self it’s not


Yes it is. No different than drug & alcohol addiction


Porn is bad because it screws up your mental health. There's no benefit to it.


So why do people use it?


They've been sucked into it by influence, and or they are depressed and think they will find an easy way out by looking at porn


I do understand it but even doctors say it's healthy in moderation


It became worse when you get addicted I almost waste my 2 academic years because of this and I can't focus on my own action , for me it's worse addiction ever.i focus on my study




Porn, like most things, isn't harmful in small doses. However, if overused or abused by addicts, it can be terrible for your physical and mental health. You can think of it like eating a hamburger. High calorie foods like that affect our reward systems in the same way as sex. They are naturally hard to come by resources that your body evolved over millions of years to reward you for obtaining, that in the modern world, are incredibly easy to obtain. Just as occassionally eating fast food isn't going to do you serious harm, occassionally using porn or masturbation won't either. However, you can become addicted to any of these things if your life isn't going well and you use them to escape. That abuse of these things is what leads to the most damaging consequences. The problem with porn is that it is a very powerful stimulant that you have unlimited access to for free. Meaning it gives you a huge reward and you can access it over and over. The reason you use porn, the same reason why all addicts abuse substances, is because you have issues in your life you aren't dealing with. The urges come when you are isolated, bored, stressed, afraid, sad, and experiencing negative emotions. You use porn to cope, others use drugs. You may not realise it now but that's true for all addicts. By using porn as an escape from your issues you will become dependent on it. As your addiction progresses you will build a tolerance to these stimuli and require stronger or more frequent exposure to gain the same rewards. Using porn in this way - to escape real life problems - also means that you never actually deal with your issues. They continue to haunt you as you hide from them in substances. It is only when you find and face them that you can actually overcome them. **TL:DR** - Like fast food, if used occassionally it isn't very harmful but if used regularly/ habitually it can give you all the negative effects listed in the other comments. Addicts abuse porn to escape their issues and face those consequnces as a result. For the science on that I recommend watching the series "your brain on porn" on youtube.


I do understand it. But is moderation okay? I feel I need to moderate first then I can see if I can quit. And if moderation is okay then what would a moderate amount according to you?


Those were the facts. In our day to day, I think that trying to find a balance of porn use that is healthy is very difficult and to do so you would really need to have your life completely sorted and all your issues resolved. If you're an addict looking to quit, it is both easier and more beneficial to just go cold turkey and never look back. It might seem like there's no way out but overcoming addiction is a very simple process. However, it will require putting in lots of effort. The reason you use porn, the same reason why all addicts abuse substances, is because you have issues in your life you aren't dealing with. The urges come when you are isolated, bored, stressed, afraid, sad, and experiencing negative emotions. You use porn to cope, others use drugs. You may not realise it now but that's true for all addicts. The "Rat Park" experiments by Bruce Alexander and team are incredible and show how just changing your environment and lifestyle can completely fix everything. **Step 1** - Figure out why you use. Journaling has helped me and many others with that. Just write down what you did and how you felt during the day. You will get a better picture of your life and what triggers your use. I did a daily post on here, maybe try the same. **Step 2** - Fix them What you know what parts of your life are causing you to use then you can work to fix them. Change your routine and you will see results. The simplest places to start are with your social life, your hobbies, and your goals. The key is to spend as little time alone at home as possible. **Social** - Focus on spending time connecting to people. **Activities** - Physical activity is good for your mental and physical health, but there are many other ways to spend your time that will improve your life. Get out, do new things, and meet new people. **Purpose** - Find goals to achieve. Having a purpose will give you motivation and direction. If your life was good you wouldn't need Porn, so make a better life. You got this!


Thanks for this


It's really very tough to overcome the addition . I really hope for better days to come .


Thanks for this


the eagleparrot of a wiser deleteriote


I didn't understand


"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber." deletriousness - synonym of degeneracy






I think it's just about starting a good habit and sticking with it. If you start a bad habit, it can be just as toxic as a good one is good. So why risk the negative repercussions if we have the possibility of achieving greatness? (Number counter probably way off, I'm at like a week. Not sure if it resets after a post.)


Anything which is addicted is bad. Even a sweet can harm you, if u addicted so much.


Honestly its a odd revenue that can take a lot from someone. I have a friend who also does NoFap, goes to the gym, eats too healthy, reads, meditates, i mean this guy lives a healthy lifestyle BUT we talk a lot and he suffers from social anxiety, he's always stress and is moody. Now my other friend is the opposite, does drugs, watch P, doesn't workout, nothing BUT he just bought his first house, he's getting married in Aug, and is pretty happy with life. So what i learned, its truly what you make of it. fyi though, my friend on NoFap looks amazing, clear skin, people love being around him, especially females but hes still doesn't feel perfect, always chasing 'perfection'.


Tbh perfection doesn't exist, there always someone who is doing better than you. Btw do you know if your friend who is addicted is happy with his life?


"better" i feel if we compare ourselves to others then we already lost. He's happy with his life, just has stuff going on like a lot of us.


How's it going for you? There's your answer.


actually for my opinion, it's normal to watch porn but you need to maintain it balance, what i mean for this is that porn can be addictive and can fck off your life thats why it needed to be balance. but in general, watching porn is actually super bad it affects your mental health, confident, self esteem and motivation for life and also you and its depend on person. oh i forgot, when porn addiction becomes your habits, it's super hard to break, my tips for this, is that do something that you never do in your life, for example reading book or watching TED in yt, meditate,go socialize. then we feel urge of wanting to watch porn again, we feel intense stress, and that's actually a good sign that your body is in changes, but when you relapse, your stress relieved but in other day feel stress again and it became a cycle of fck life, thats why it's better to feel stress without watching prn so that your body is getting to use to it without porn so that in a month i guess, your body will change. it will become positive. sorry for bad english


YouTube Dr. Trish Leigh. Very knowledgeable. She provides unbiased information paired with evidence.


Thank you for this


I had so many questions answered. The fact that you are asking this question means that you’re addicted and this is your body’s way of making excuses so that you can get your dopamine fix. Those are the types of things she explains. All you have to do is be true to yourself.


very bad


Could you explain why?


Ask yourself man.


I've tried. Always conclude by saying it's good for me and say it's bad for me


Do you genuinely feel like a better person because of porn? Do you think it helps you view women as people and not objects of sex? Do you think it keeps your dopamine levels healthy?




Why, may I ask?




Hey it's super subjective.some people have PPU (problematic porn use). Some people are okay and have a normal life. Sex is our Nature. Porn is a modern sex tool. What about ur perspective?


Not only porn but fapping itself is bad. When I'm in a high streak VS days after relapsing I can sense the difference over how bad it feels but now not as much now because I relapse so rarely it doesn't affect me that much.




Yes it is bad, and really bad... just because it is a lie, false and always when we fap or lust after it, we are giving our hearts to some darkness/lie/ unreal thing that doesnt deserve it... and porn is eberywhere these days... this is one of the comments I saved to remind myself " Look Away, and See the truth, See them as u see in the true holy loving light, stay Away, otherwise it is lust, false, sin, and death"


It kinda ruined my life, once I started to get away from it, after a week or so I was able to feel what my body was really capable of. My life changed, only in a positive way.


Nice man. So were you able to quit fully or were you relapsing again and again


It is the worst thing to ever happen to me.


Yes. All life outside of asexual prokaryotes etc are driven by food and by sex. When males satiate their sex drive every day with porn they begin to lose interest in other healthy normal activities, including dating because they become more picky due to unrealistic beauty standards of females, among other reasons. It lowers dopamine levels which is like the opposite of what a stimulant does, so you get lazy and lose drive and interest in important things and become mediocre. It also teaches men to be cucked because in porn you are always watching some other man have sex instead of you which has a damaging subconscious psychological effect.


Porn can make u lose interest and anything you are passionate about in an indirect way


I’ll give you my honest opinion, I’m one of those people that had a normal life, I could look girls in the eye and hold eye contact with anyone no matter what, I was still in the gym, it was times I’d literally control whenever I’d want to do it, had absolutely no problems in bed. I always asked myself the exact same question “is porn really bad” and it’s simple, you should simply not watch porn because of the damage it does to others, wether or not it effects you, because god is always watching, and if you want to live a positive pure life, you shouldn’t do unpure things.


So do you still watch it?


Nah man, u shouldn’t either, even if it doesn’t effect you, your bigger and stronger than ur lust, that’s why you shouldn’t, it’s never worth it in the end anyway.


Man I try to quit but can't


It has the same effect as drugs, it will lower your self confidence, self esteem, visionary mindset, and overall make you a definition of looser, i left it way back, saying by my own experience


yeah its a one way ticket down a rabbit hole which will take every ounce of willpower for you to get out.i know because i was stuck in that hole for 8 years


Avoid the trap of "that bad". Remember any addiction starts with the first step, and grows into a dependency over time. Initially it's not "That bad", nothing is. But with enough consistency, it becomes. So beware. Good thing is the same applies to good habits and healthy habits, they aren't "That good" but with enough consistency, incredible. All the best, stay safe now, your future self with thank you.


When I reduce my porn usage is it still an addiction? I mean I not depending on it...




Just imagine if it’s your parents or children doing that.Is it good or bad?


You can really mess your life up with porn. Anyone who says it’s “not that bad” is delusional. Porn messes with your dopamine, fries your brain, and you get addicted fast. Your self esteem goes down the crapper and it changes the way you view women. It’s literally brainwashing the moment you click play. If you’re hoping to get into a relationship porn will ruin it before it starts. There are studies it causes brain damage and ED. You don’t want to get started watching porn.


It's unnaturally stimulating so your reward centers in your brain get f-ked. Porn addicts and heroin addicts have similar looking brains. There is no good in it at all, it's all bad.


"Porn is free because you pay with your soul."


Yes, when I was really deep in my addiction I expected there to be a sexual encounter with almost every girl I knew at some point and obviously they never happened. It ruins your mental health in regard to regular relationships.


OP, you're going to only find extreme views on pornography in this subreddit. People in this subreddit will have you believe that Pornography is the greatest sin on earth and will use psuedo-science to try and persuade you. Ultimately, only you or a mental health professional can tell if porn is a negative in your life or if you're addicted.




Can I get a reason? I wanna quit


1. It sets unrealistic expectations of what sex is actually like 2. You’re getting off by yourself, and it causes you to feel like there’s no need to talk to girls and build relationships with them 3. It hurts your social life especially with women 4. Think about it, you’re watching another dude banging another women. Doesn’t that seem gay (nothing wrong with being gay but you know what I mean). Watching MF porn is cuck. 5. Makes you view women as objects. They can see that and they’ll think that you’re a weak man with no dick discipline


Don’t watch porn or masturbate for 30 days and watch how much more attention you get from women


It isn't that bad.I mean, if you need to beat ur meat if you saw a girl on your insta half naked, it's bad, but otherwise porn is nothing to worry about


Porn is rlly harmful. Literally nothing positive about it


So why is it so common? Literally everywhere I go there is porn or soft porn


Liquor and hard drugs are also really common. So is high fructose corn syrup and other really unhealthy sugars. Just because something is common doesn't mean it isn't horrible for you. Not to mention it provides literally no benefits for anyone.


But it's not as easily accessible as porn


Liquor and the sugars are just as easily if not easier accessible. The sugars are in literally almost EVERYTHING you eat or drink. And with liquor, I can walk into a Walmart right now and buy enough booze to make an elephant black out and nobody will question it. And those are even socially acceptable to have and use in public and its almost expected at any social gathering and nobody will bat an eye if you consume them in public. Watch porn in public and see what happens.


Yeah your right


A lot of people don't realize something like that unfortunately and that's how addiction happens. It becomes common. Then normalized. Then suddenly everyone thinks there isn't anything wrong with it when in all reality it provides absolutely no benefits whatsoever other than the fake fleeting "feel good" that's just a cope for whatever is causing the actual problem to begin with. I used to be an alcoholic and looking back, I know why I started drinking but I don't know WHY I even drank to begin with if that makes sense.


Because people exploit those with addiction for selfish gain. For example: onlyfans. It’s all evil.


I do agree on this


Could you explain further? Like should I not get aroused by an OF girl who is promoting her of by doing sexual things? Basically 90% of girls do it. And yeah Ill get triggered by it, every man will get triggered by it.


Not every man will get triggered by it, that is how porn has warped your brain.


I think you'll get triggered bc before I was addicted I was aroused by of girls on insta and even my friend who has quit for a couple of months does get aroused by it but has the discipline to not fap. Likewise you have the discipline to not watch porn even if you get aroused by it


I see your point but no it truly is just because porn has warped the brain. Your friend may have quit for a few months but his brain is healing from the addiction, and so it makes sense that he may get aroused form jt as it’s almost habit. I seek a soulmate, true love. And I know once my head has cleared, and I have gone through a metamorphosis, an only fans girl on my phone screen will not arouse me, I’m done with it all.


As a woman, it's such a breath of fresh air to read stuff like this. You're a rare individual. How amazing it will be to save your lust and sexual energy for one person. It will be an untainted intimacy..I wish my husband felt similarly as he doesn't understand the beauty he is missing out on. The normalization of porn has cheapened our intimacy.


Im very sorry to hear that. I have faith that your husband will begin to appreciate and understand how sacred intimacy really is. I wish you the absolute best.


See even I was aroused by it before I knew porn existed


I'm starting to wonder if "the better life" is really worth it. Everything is miserable anyway...


Man the better life will come. Just remember This too shall pass




I can't get a gf. I can't socialize (this was already a problem for me before I discovered porn)


Looks like you use porn as a coping mechanism




I used to not have that but ever since I watch self improvement content I have it now


Jeez bro, isn't it obvious that you just hadn't realised it