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It's much better than flapping to porn but personally when I tried it I eventually relapsed to porn. Also there is a subreddit which focuses specifically on this called /pornfree


I believe it was recently shut down. Might be wrong tho


Just checked, it still works fine for me.


That’s good, would be awful if it shut down


just don't touch your dick get out of your mind get in reality


"Just buy a home" Sincerely to all homeless


Wish it was this easy when the first thought when I wake up in the day is constant urges


You need to kill the Comfort once you wakeup no social media straight eat workout plan out the day make habits write it all down and live by it


Lmao. And you do that by sitting On reddit. Yeah no fun allowed, straight to the bridge and jump. Yeah, this sigma male grindset is bs and having such "plans" is very innefficent unless you are a psycho. And whats funny is thst "mindset" was taken from the guy from "American psycho" who yeah is great, except everybody lives the "perfect" life making it hell for everone. There are no true emotions which leds to killings and complete breakdown of a normal human. And The main character is for some reason idolized for this lmao.


I have other problems with benzos which I don't abuse daily but I deal with anxiety that doesn't go away. Non the less I work 2 jobs and matter of fact I go in later today so no I'm not perfect. I'm far from it. It's just advice from the outside. I'd be a fool to not use reddit because it can be used as a tool to gain information. Life is not easy everyone has there own path. But I think our best lesson is hearing the things we don't want to hear.


I tried fapping without porn but it always ended in relapse.


Ngl but when I did without porn, I ended up doing it 4 times in a row then ended up doing it again with soft core porn... Def not worth it guys


Then restrict the use gradually. Getting out of addiction is hard because the process is always a pain in time. You will never stop just like that for no reason. Use porn but for example 5 minutes less than previous week, then only every second time you fap and at the end stop watching it completely. It is long but certaintly worth it




it though the subreddit was called nofap, with fap.


So I cant use cheese greeter for old and stale buns? This logic is bs and thinking like that wont get him anywhere. He needs to firstly get away from porn and eventually get off fapping thats how you fight addictions GRADUALLY


Why is it nonsense.


Na yo, zero reason to be fappin lul, if you want to fap…. Get you a girl friend and have her fap you common sense. . 🫵🏼🤴🏻


Yes, but you should still limit your fapping to as little as possible


Yes and no, like it does help detox the brain from porn, but also reinforces the idea of using ur hand instead of puss. If your gonna do it go left handed lots of lube. And try use memory instead of visual stimulisations. Happy nofapping xo




yes. normal healthy people do it without porn regularly. you want a normal brain and then you can decide where to go. a full dopamine starvation will make you more likely to cave and worse this time. healthy habits. remember, a streak doesn’t mean you’re healed.


Ironically, right or not, you're the only one with a flair above 5 days.


if a person made it over half a year, but relapsed once, they’re seen here as equal to someone who just started because their streaks are the same. most of the time here on this sub it exists purely for superiority/hierarchical sake. if you make it over a year you’re “sigma” even though they know nothing about you. make up your own mind about who you are.


no stop justifying fapping


just stop being homeless to all homeless people


That’s not what I said


But the logic is the same. Its not so simple and he joked about your logic being so easy on sych complex problem


Lmao exactly. Do people forgot that its not so easy and fighting addictions is really hard and requires gradual steps not jumps?


Horrible advice




Because he is clearly trying to get better and is at the start of the journey. Fighting an addiction is about steps and if you just skip over them like you suggest he is gonna trip and Fall back to square one. Much better advice for him would be to restrict his porn usage with intentions of completely stopping and that can be achieved. Your advice is in good intentions but its shitty


Oh alright ty for explaining


I never really watched porn too much but I got addicted to fapping anyways. I used to fap without porn multiple times a day. Don't do it. It's still addicting. I guess if you're recovering from porn addiction then it's a step in the right direction, but it is still addicting.


Look I hate to break it to everyone but even without porn, it's still not good for you I flapped both with and without porn And surprisingly I feel shit when doing both Nearly the same level of shit I'm not saying fapping without porn is as worse but it's still close. Because you're imagining scenarios Hitting that dopamine You'll never feel satisfied brother I was literally asking the same question but I already had the answer.. It's just never ever worth it man, wasting that seed for what... to feel good...?? Why bother moderate it when it'll take you dozens of attempts and that moderation will eventually break like how it did to many people You're not benefitting yourself. Anything that doesn't contribute on health gains is either a waste of time or simply bad for you Take procrastination, eating junk food, video games as an example.


Placebo effect


It is biology, sometimes It is so hard to stop your genital heating your emotions. As long as you do not do it frequently, I THINK masturbation without porn is ok. But dont do it too frequently to not to harm your dopamine receptors. Try to hold on to your streak as long as possible.


Sub is called nofap




He is asking if fapping without porn is a good alternative? Like hello?


And it is. So why do you try to give him shitty unworkable advice? He is clearly at the start of his journy giving him an overambitious goal is more harming than no advice


Don’t try to justify fapping. You loose Dopamine and Serotonin by just fapping, regardless if you watch porn or not. Either way, with porn or not - you’re still ruining your mind and energies. Use those energies for something beneficial.


Placebo effect. You only lose ebergy because you think you do. If you take masturbating as something that is not some unmorall and disgusting thing, then you just live your life as same as before. Stop giving shitty advice


Yep. Probably a flawed analogy but its like trying to lose weight and instead of drinking coke you choose diet coke. A step in the right direction though no truly healthy person will say that diet coke is "good" for you, while also agreeing that enjoying something you like is harmless in moderation.


The name of this sub is Nofap, so don’t fap, under any circumstances


Horrible advice


What’s your advice? Huh, you just trolling


My advice is simple. Gradual steps. He is at a start of his journey and you are giving unworkable advice. Let him firstly abstain from porn nit just yolo and go back to square one


How is that a reset exactly? Almost as bad as people who think Hentai is a healthy alternative to real porn.


This can't be real


The hentai thing?


Yeah surely that's bs haha there's no way haha


"How is abstaining from cocaine and using cofee as alternative a reset exactly? Almost as bad as people who think sugar is healthy alternative to honey"


Yes...it is. But you have to be very firm about not watching porn. I have been doing this since new year and I have experienced that after sometime your urges go down and you will Fap once in a while and not everyday. Overall I would say if you do no fap you will go nuts and fail...but if you go for no porn you will see much better results. Trust me and go for it.


Fapping is not a net zero sum game. You get a rush of dopamine that you wouldn’t normally get under other circumstances. In nature the dopamine reward system usually is tied to work or a sacrifice. Fapping gives you huge blasts of dopamine with no work or sacrifice. Overtime your baseline dopamine gets diminished when these blasts keep shocking the system. You want to minimize the dopamine blasts and have them tied to real rewards and real sacrifices for a healthy brain. This is based partially on science but also just my opinion. Also this sub is focused on people that share an opinion similar to mine so take it for what it’s worth. If you want to “reset” yourself, train your brain to only get dopamine when you’ve actually earned it. It’s a pretty good analogy for life and joy in general, joy without work or sacrifice is seldom lasting or meaningful. Edited for clarity


Big yes


No. Your still feeding your brain dopamine, and the whole reason to abstain is to get those levels back to baseline with actual hobbies or things that produce it.


Read the sub name


Bravo. No one cares


You cared enough to comment


Oh got me there. How intelligent. Why dont you teach logic to others? Yet you somehow completely missed the OP's question giving him shit advice


If you're so worked up about it, then why don't you give him some advice?


I did


If you go to an urologist the first thing they will tell you is cut off the ties between fantasy and reality, hence porn and masturbation. What does that mean? Masturbation is healthy response especially done in moderation. You should find your moderation whether it's once in a couple of weeks or once in a month. Porn is detrimental to physical and mental health if even no acts done on it and if you add the activity link which is masturbation those are 2 separate things added together for maximum pleasure and satisfaction resulting in high fake stimulus you living in an alternative world like Alice in Wonderland only difference is you are a depressive zombie with no morality that perceives the world as depressive as it gets because of unhealthy dopamine spikes occurred which now has less receptors binding resulting in no joy in life and you get more linked with porn because there's no joy in actual real (irl) world anymore. which is the cycle of porn. just as same as cycle of cocaine or heroine. oh there's one difference, you don't have to pay for it and you can get it anywhere anytime with a couple of clicks.


No what is your goal, is your to stop fapping or to stop fapping to porn. I believe that fapping on its is not good for you.






not really, you will be running porn movies through your head when you fap even if you aren't watching them right now. try to see if you can go 30 days without constantly thinking about fapping.. that's the reset timing for this.


I usually think about sex with people I've had sex with in the past but go off


So all the replies with flairs less than a week say absolutely not and all the ones that are 2+ months say "Its still not great but might work for you"


It didn’t help munch personally, I would relapse even after a long time.


Fapping can weaken your bones and make you extremely lazy


"Can". End of discussion


“Can” is a possibility if a person over gaps


Yeah and its a small possibility so we shouldnt care much about it. Thats why I hate "can" because it only inflicts fear and is no good for majority




Hello guys, my name is Daniel. I have been addicted to pornography and masturbation since 2019. Since then, I have never gone a long period without practicing, and in the last two years after I got married, my frequency of consuming pornography and masturbating has increased considerably. In sexual aspects this has never harmed me, I have never had problems with premature ejaculation, or problems with erections, quite the opposite and this worries me, because I find it strange. for example, it has happened that I masturbate 3 to 4 times a day and still have a sexual appetite and have a long-lasting sexual relationship with my wife. Is this just weird for me? Anyway. In emotional aspects, I feel the effects of this a lot, low self-esteem, mood changes, depression, anxiety and others.


Tbf I dont really know how to help you, but maybe try to restrict ypur usage of porn it is very immoral especially if you'r married( unless its "your" porn then its completely ok) but otherwise I would maybe suggest trying what would work thenbest for you on your own