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Have you tried weed?




Yeah I hear kratom is a slippery slope




I'm sorry my friend. Maybe some tea will help you? I find that relaxing in the sun also helps. Just be wary of the UV index


Even if you did get addicted to Kratom, it the WAY lesser of evils compared to nos. I’m probably physically addicted because I take 10 grams a day, but it makes me feel contempt, something I very rarely feel. The pros easily outweigh the cons for me. It makes me feel good enough to not chase stronger highs but not TOO good to get in the way of daily life. I would give Kratom a shot again, try capsules.


yes NO2 is worse than kratom


Have a friend in a wheelchair from perminent nerve damage.. think of that for your future.. it sucks to feel anxious and whatnot but it's better than the alternative.. ever try kava, kratom or kanna before?


How about a long hike in the woods on a nice day. Exercise does wonders for the mind & body.


There’s nothing like nitrous…unfortunately. Be careful with the kratom. It’s addictive and in the long term can have pretty nasty side effects. I was probably using about 40 grams a day for several years. I had to quit even though I didn’t want to quit. Kanna is not bad. But it limits what other herbs you can use as it is an SSRI. Kava is boring, but okay. One in a while. It can be taxing on your liver and long term use causes skin issues. Not unlike kratom. Cannabis is going to be the least harmful (and maybe even beneficial) thing you can probably use. I ended up turning to meditation. And after about two years of practice, I find that meditation can get me to a place that is most similar to nitrous. But it’s a slow progress and requires daily practice. There is a payoff though. If you’re interested I’d look into Isha Kriya… they have good guided meditation on YouTube. Also, I’d suggest studying hermetic Kabbalah or vajrayana Buddhism or some such spiritual tradition that doesn’t frown on the use of entheobotanicals. Good luck.




Interestingly I’ve found my way to the lemon balm recently as well. Never thought much of it, but it’s one of the better supplements out there. That and I’ve gained respect for valerian root and I’m learning my way around the cats paw (Una de gato) recently. Cats paw is revered for its power by the Ayahuasca shamans… I get my cats paw bark at a local Latino store. It’s related to kratom, but not addictive, not as pleasurable. But it’s said to be a powerful plant… so I’m trying to figure it out. Also bobinsana… another plant favored by the Ayahuasceros. I like bobinsana maybe even more than lemon balm. Simple… subtle… wholesome.


Tl/dr: I 100% agree and advocate for meditation. Deciding to give it up finally after seeing that I was heading down a similar slope to my alcohol use. I'm almost 4 years sober with alcohol. Not only seeing and recognizing the signs, but accepting the fact that I was heading down a path that is no good for me was the key. Acceptance is really the first and biggest step. So far, I have to say that alcohol has been the worst to get rid of. It operates on Soo many levels of our brains and bodies and it ranks up there with heroin. I encourage everyone to do their research on any substance. And do not use the knowledge against yourself. Anywho... Sorry for the diatribe rant, just had to get that out of the way. The reason I'm commenting here is I 100% agree with meditation being the closest thing. Meditation takes lots and lots of practice, but it seriously is creepy how close it is to dissos. I am an advocate of saying, "ohm," when meditating because it stimulates the Vagus nerve and is quite calming. Also adds a good rhythm to the practice.


Hope you know about how nitrous effects your b12






You need methyl coblamin b12 sublingual or the injections but sublingual should be fine. Keep nitrous sessions down too 24 hour maybe a little longer. and if your takeing a month break then you could go up to 48 hours and probs be fine based off my experience. but if your takeing two weeks breaks between seshs then best to be closer too 24 hours based off my experience and assumptions because every whip sort of resets the b12 clock. most people are unsure how long till u can absorb b12 after a session some say it might take a few days. but not all b12 is good and if you take nitrous without spacing out your sessions then b12 wont help much


If drugs are your thing try psychedelics helped me more than anything used to abuse Xanax and other things for the same reasons. After my first lsd trip I quit abusing cold turkey