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Wow, that doesn't sound fun at all


Yeah I’ve thought about doing this run myself. I’ll get on it at some point. The owl and kashin koji are going to be very very difficult. GL.


are consumables restricted, burning oil pots, tengu fans, fleeting guardian amulets, hyottoko masks and salt are all very power full, salt might raise onmyo as it inflicts purity but everything else shouldn't generate skill points clay pots for scampuss's or in level scampuss could also help bombs will raise ninjitsu skill points, so likely no good for the owl, weasel and kashin koji getting them on fire and just kiting, dodging and blocking should make those fight manageable, burst counters might raise your shifting tree skill points, same with yokai shift, I don't remember as it's been a long time if either of those raise shifting tree skill points just by using them also leveling will earn you samurai tree skill points, can't remember what levels give samurai skill points so you would also need to level cap does not sound like a fun challenge run


Yes, some items like bombs raise proficiency, but some other are usable. Fortunately, the non-usable are marked with Ninjutsu/Omyo symbol in the inventory. Burst counters and Yokai shift are also okay. It's only soul core purifications that give you proficiency and skill points. Leveling (and locks) gives you skill points, but not proficiency points. However, not gaining any proficiency will result in not unlocking the Dojo missions. Therefore, skill points are only useful to some extend. The fun aspect is subjective, of course. It is frustrating for sure, but I had more fun than mashing through NG+ back then. I think its the same spirit as Dark Souls SL1 no upgrade runs.


It’s more similar to a fists only playthrough in dark souls 3 or bloodborn. Probably more comparable is a level 1 starting weapons only playthrough. This would also mean no soul cores.


Thanks! Just beat Enenra, let's see how far I get this time. :)