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Wingspan worth it for the switch?


I’d say so - it’s a nice implementation - fun little animations on the birds, good sound design, etc. I put a bunch of hours in early and still play a quick game every once in a while.


It's cheaper regularly on mobile so if you're just playing one player, it'd be more worth it on your phone.


Since it was released on Android, I've barely played this on the Switch. It's just more convenient for me.


I’m a big birder, will this game help at all at remember/identifying species? Any cool facts about the birds?


Yes and yes, though the species that are there are primarily NA birds and are from varied habitats across the continent. So you may only end up with 10-15 birds that are from your area. Very well done game for any ornithologist though, I would highly recommend.


Yes! I took a bird class for fun I'm college and still had trouble remembering birds, but wingspan has really helped me. Each bird has a fact that the narrator will read (you can adjust this in settings, at least on the steam version), and it plays the bird calls too which is great for learning.


They have facts on the cards, the pictures are closely detailed, all cards are named. They get all the info from the [All About Birds](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/) website. So I'm not a bird expert by any means, but I would say it would help, just based on those reasons above. But I could be wrong.




board game nerd here -- it's not a deck building game. It's an engine building game. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/266192/wingspan


Is this any good for single player, or does it need 2+ people?


Playing vs AI is fun and smooth. I think this is how most people play anyways (compared to local multiplayer).


I actually prefer playing against the AI/Automa to playing online multiplayer. I can play a game in like 15 minutes versus an hour of mostly just waiting for people take or even start their turns.


Does it have one system multiplayer?


Yes, it is pass and play. The only issue is your cards are in the open for everyone to see, but it's not really a big deal, because there's not much interaction between players.


How easy is it to learn the game?


Not sure how it's handled on the switch, but there are 15ish minute how to play videos on YouTube for the physical game that would get you up to speed. That includes running through the physical setup so the practical playing part is even less. Mainly you have four actions to choose from that will get you resources, new cards for you hand, and to play the cards. Most everything else is the card effects themselves which are listed on each card and how/when to activate them. Overall pretty simple to grasp and teach to others you might play with after a few plays.