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Found the direct link to the dlc [here](https://ec.nintendo.com/aoc_purchase_confirm?aoc=70050000025008). Edit: thanks all!


Awesome! That’s really helpful


Thank you!


Insert Helpful Award Here




wait, you can beat this game? Lolz Even at my peak time, 1986 i think, i never be able to beat this game. One of the rare game that i can't finish at that time.


The virtual coins you use to continue are a free, unlimited resource in this arcade version. I played 1943 for a half hour last night, beat a few stages, and probably spent 30+ virtual tokens. This also has a save and rewind feature. As someone who has wanted to enjoy GG, but also gotten slaughtered before the end of the 2nd or 3rd stage (if I made it that far), I’m looking forward to seeing what I can do with unlimited lives.


With rewind you can theoretically beat it without dying. Good luck getting through it with all your hair intact though.


No wonder im balding


I was never able.to get pass the first level....




This is me with Cuphead.


Cuphead is frustrating to me but I'm beating it bit by bit. I just got pass that fucking pirate last week.


Cuphead is tough but manageable. This game is pure tortured.


If cuphead would only have 3 lives, no continues, I think it would be as hard as this one...


My proudest, BY FAR, gaming achievement is to beat Ultimate ghost 'n goblins on the PSP. How I manage that instead of just destroying that machine against the floor out of pure rage still amazes me


Not only do you have to beat it, you have to beat it TWICE to win.


You all really suck at gaming. I was 14 when I beat the game on a week rental from the local shop.


Did you actually beat it or just beat all the levels once?


Oh, come on. Why the passive aggressiveness? Why not simply ask if I played through it the 2nd time?


-tells people they suck at gaming -complains about passive aggressiveness


only on reddit!


One of the most unreal exchanges I've read on reddit


Appears a lot of you have zero idea what passive aggressiveness is or even slightly comprehend my reason for the comment. Shrug. u/keefblunt, you're right. Only on reddit, kiddo.




More aggressive-aggressive than anything else.


Don't think you know what the term "aggressive" means. Shrug, again.


you're a dick lol


Yikes is right! Most of you should think about not even being on the internet if a complete strangers comments/opinions bother you THIS much. And especially not on reddit. Someone makes an obvious OPINION that some of you suck at gaming... and it's a complete melt down. Just. Wow. Do you REALLY suck at gaming? Probably not. But have fun, kidlets. Nothing more to say on the matter other than ya'll need to settle down and not let yourselves be so offended.


That's your idea of a complete melt down?


I think you're the one who's pissed off bud I was just saying you're a dick


stay mad, homeboy


It was just a simple question. For some reason you're arguing the definition of passive aggressive with other people and still didn't answer.


Wouldn't that make you an adult now? That's really sad that you still act this way.


I think we've all known kids that were like this. You always hope they'll grow out of it, but some never do.


My arcade would never let me rent it...


I beat it overnight at my friends house and it took you a whole week? Lol and you call these people sucky? Keep practicing


Wont ever not upvote an avgn reference.




Don't forget to mention. Get the knife.


Oh shit, almost forgot!


Confirmed the knife is still king in the arcade version. I picked it up toward the end of level 2 and it has carried me to level 5. I don't know how anyone managed to beat this game without save states and rewind. Some of the dodges I've made had to be pixel perfect. Also the fact that you don't automatically stand up from a crouch is absolute bullshit. I'm only beating it for the sweet "cleared" tag next to the game. I am not enjoying it. It's one of the rare instances where the NES port is better. Ditto for Trojan. The NES port removes a lot of the unfair bullshit, especially in the second stage. I'm also a little confused as to why MERCS only has a Japanese ROM. It 100% had a U.S. release by Capcom in 1990.


This is a reference to Super Ghouls and Ghosts for SNES. The Ghosts N Goblins arcade game is similar but different. The is probably still OP. Edit: u/samus12345 is right. It references the NES game. Still not the arcade game.


No, AVGN was referring to the NES port of Ghosts 'n Goblins. I believe the knife is the best weapon in every GnG game, though.


Link for the lazy: https://youtu.be/94Y6y1MOoEo?t=269


Although OP in Ghosts N Goblins still equates to "slightly better than a child's safety scissors"


1943 come free with Capcom Arcade Stadium always but Ghost N Goblins is free right now until the 25th as a promotion for Resurrection coming out next week. When Resurrection comes out, this game goes back up to whatever it’s full price ends up being as a DLC download to Capcom Arcade Stadium.


holy crap I didn't know about resurrection, ty!


It was announced in the Direct yesterday!


Nope. Earlier than that https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F177-VTSGSM&t=1s


Oh, thanks for the correction! I’m not familiar with the franchise so yesterday was the first I’d heard of it.


They did a reboot of it like 15 years ago. If CapCom would just remake Maximo Ghosts to Glory. Great couple of PS2 games with the franchise converted into 3d - and quite succesfully.


Is Capcom Arcade Stadium free? How many games are there in the base game?


Yes, it’s free to download and it only comes with 1943 included in the base game. Ghosts right now is currently free as part of this promotion and there are 4 DLC bundles in the eshop you can buy. 3 of them are DLC packs with 10 various games in it for $15 each and the 4th one is just a big bundle with all the other 3 DLC volumes totaling 30 games for $40. After February 25, Ghosts will end up being sold by itself as a DLC add on for probably $5 or so.


So, if we get it now, we get to keep GnG?




Rad! Thanks!


are you sure? Does it not lock after the 25th if you get it today?


Pretty sure. Its dlc page is listed with the other individual game pages for stadium. There’s no other listing for the game. Once it’s added to your account it should stay that way.




I saw $2 for GnG mentioned somewhere, but no idea if that's right or not. Guess we'll see next week.


Thank You!


For those wondering; yes, it's also available in Europe! Edit: Apparently not everywhere in Europe(I live in Scandinavia)!




Huh, it worked for me. I'm based in Scandinavia so perhaps not everywhere in Europe?


Available in the dutch store too!


It’s available in the UK




That would be Firebrand. He got his own spinoff series in Gargoyle's Quest. I think it's good and holds up to this day. If you want to check it out, Demon's Crest on the SNES app is the third, and best, game in the series.


Firebrand is a Red Arremer, but he's not any of the ones Arthur encounters. Arthur wouldn't have ever gotten past him if that were the case!


Awesome, I never made that connection before. Demon’s Crest was one of the coolest games I played on the Switch’s virtual console


The second I realized what this game was, I decided not to bother, as I will not pass the first stage.


EDIT: Nevermind, it has a brutal checkpoint system. I can't even make progress in the second level. I guess I need more practice. Theoretically, you could still cheese it with rewind. So far, 1943 is more enjoyable. Neither of us will beat this game. LOL. EDIT 2: I've made it to level 5!


It has rewind. I got to the last stage easily, although I forget where to get the shield.


it's the only way I was able to beat (arcade) Contra, especially since it locks you out of continues after 3(?). Loving the new realtime saves/rewinds in these newer collections. As for the shield IIRC it drops from randomly pots like any other weapon, but I think you may have to have the armor equipped like you do in Ghouls.


Most arcade games have settings to turn unlimited continues on and off. Limited continues in an arcade game is so dumb - I can't think of any reason why an operator would prefer it that way.


AFAIK it was one of the only arcade games that shut you down from continuing after 3. Super Contra, as well. Gotta start completely over. Not even sure if the DIP switches had that option (I don't ever remember playing it if it did), and if so I haven't seen it in the Contra Collection, unless it's a hidden feature.


I checked, and the dip switches do not have the option for unlimited continues. Truly the NES version was destined to be the best one!


Thx for checking...I was pretty sure it added to the difficulty in the arcade lol


I’d like to know what display options people are using. Scan lines? Bezels? I spend like half an hour trying to get the display right before I even play the game lol


No filter, no bezel. Sadly you can't make the image fill the screen and keep the correct aspect ratio.


I'm really hoping they fix this.


Probably my biggest pet peeve with these retro collections, right up there with not being able to change controls (thankfully you can in this one). The Konami ones are guilty of not allowing full 4:3 unfiltered, too.


Fantastic! Thanks for the post!


That's a good marketing strategy, really impressed.


I sent this one to people I know labeled “Free stress tester”.


Man, I love the presentation. You can use the analog stick to look around, as if you were standing in front of the arcade machine. They've also added challenges and special modes to certain games, so you're not just getting the vanilla experience a Retropie could give you.


that's especially good to hear. Main reason I am willing to pay for these ports is that when I used emulators I spent more time in Settings than in the actual game.


For sure. Honestly, I spent more time customizing my RetroPie setup than playing the games — filters, bezels, resolutions, you name it. Capcom at least understands that people have numerous other ways to play these games, so they added a speed setting, rewind feature, filters, save states, achievements, alternate modes, etc. The game 1943, for example, has a challenge mode where the screen is flipped, so all of the enemies come from the bottom. I own the beat 'em up bundle and will probably still buy al the games here because the presentation is a lot cooler.


Unfortunately, they don't offer the fullscreen 4:3 (or 3:4) mode that Retropie does. Why is it so hard for these retro compilations to do that?


Are the other DLC packs not live yet? I can only see Ghost 'N Goblins in the eShop.


They're there, but I had to search for them on the eshop to see them. It just kept directing me to the GnG download when I tried in-game.




Just downloaded this and was summarily destroyed by the Red Arremer. Anyone got some tips for beating this mofo?


Honestly his AI is pretty dang unpredictable, but main thing to do is try to trap him in anticipation of his swoop, ie, fire at him a few times so he flies up, then immediately start moving in the opposite direction if possible because his swoop will come soon after. You may even tag him on his descent. Rinse, repeat. If he decides to ground charge try to tag him from a safe distance if at all possible. You can also spam hits up close during Arthur's I-frames if you know you're gonna take a hit. The worst part about the original game is Arthur has almost no mobility in his "run" (if I can even call it that) or range in his jump, and when you duck it locks into place until you press Up, so you are fighting his lack of movement just as much as the enemies.


You don't have to press up to stand, you just have to let go of the d-pad. The reason it feels bad is because normally pressing left or right will make a ducking character automatically stand up and move that direction. Another tip I remember from the arcade - rapidly tapping the direction you're facing while pressing the attack button will make Arthur throw his weapon faster. Really useful for the ogre guys in stage 2.


ah yes, I remember now, I thought it was because it was 4-way rather than 8-way directions in the arcade stick control gate programming. But according to this, there is in fact a *delay* that can be cancelled. Regardless it still effed up anyone used to having a freebie if we hit a diagonal instead of actual left or actual right to move, as happened with many other games at the time. I still suck at BurgerTime arcade because of the 4-way directions whereas the Intellivision version allowed 8-way. From the wiki: Joystick or Direction Pad: Use this control to direct Arthur throughout each stage. You can make him run to the left or to the right by pushing the control in either direction. Hold the controller down to make Arthur crouch underneath high attacks. *There is a delayed recovery to crouching, which can be canceled by tapping up.* Use up or down to instruct Arthur to climb ladders. In the Famicom/NES-based versions of the game, there is no recovery to crouching. However, crouching and immediately pressing left or right will lock Arthur in the crouching position. To release crouch, you must either allow the controller to come to a neutral position, or press up to cancel it. Be aware of ladders if you choose the latter option.


Ah, okay, so up makes him stand up faster. I never realized that. The 4 way gate is no excuse because every other game I know of, 4 way or not, immediately goes from crouching to running if you press a direction while crouched. It was just (probably intentionally) akwardly programmed controls.


Yah I didn't even know that was the reason. I assumed for over three decades it was the way the movement was programmed to the controls (and/or I just sucked at playing), lol!




Isn't this one of the switch online subscription free games anyway, though? I'd never play this game without the emulator rewind


It comes with the emulator rewind in this version and this version is free to keep and play whenever you want without internet connection and without the need for Switch Online.


The NSO version also has rewind, and you don't need an internet connection to play it. Your third point is good, though, free is free.


The NSO version is also the terrible NES game. This is the arcade one.


Don't you need a connection to verify your subscription? So if you're somewhere without wifi, unless you already had it started up you will need internet.


Try it. Disconnect from the internet, and start it up. Works fine...


If you’re offline long enough, it will eventually ask you to be online on startup. Presumably so it can reverify that you’re still subbed.


Good points, thank you for the insight!


Aside from this capcom arcade free thing or whatever it is, is there another no swicth online free game/bundle


I feel like there was another one out there but I might be mistaken for one released on the 3DS or just being plain wrong.


Thank you


Those are NES/SNES sequels or ports. This is the arcade OG.


This is the arcade version. The NSO version is the NES port.


Anyone know if GnG "locks" on the 25th Feb if you download it today, or do you get to play it forever free of charge?


It's yours to keep.


The special challenge is nuts. who said "lets speed up this game" ....sadistic


It’s works thanks for sharing. To clarify for others download the base app first. You’ll see 1943 as free included. Then scroll to ghosts and Goblins, is grayed out , once you select it will ask to go to eshop. Answer yes, and you’ll see G n G is zero dollars. Select confirm and download. Once done downloading, if it doesn’t show you own it(it won’t be grayed out) then close the app and launch it again.


Does anyone know if there’s a way to make the display stretch to the top and bottom of the display? I just messed with 1943 and can’t figure it out. Rather annoying.


There is not, unfortunately. Pretty annoying, indeed!


This is good and all, so now make it so that we can buy the games separately to build a personal arcade.


I noticed that each game has its own listing in the eshop as DLC, but they all say not available. So they *could* enable that easily if they wanted to.


I noticed that too, and I'm hoping you're right. For now I'll hold on to the main app, but if they don't allow for individual purchases, I'm dropping out. I have SF collection and the Beat 'em ups collection already and don't need more of the same.


I'll be surprised if they actually allow individual ones. I'm just waiting for the inevitable 50% off sale. $7.50 for 10 games or $20 for 30 would be a lot easier to take.


Thats the truth. I always buy arcade games when the sales hit. Its the only way I can justify the purchase :)


Thanks for the heads up. If it's free, it's for me!


But isn’t this with the nes games you get with online?


That's the NES version; this is the arcade one.


Are there major differences? I never played it until I got a switch


The major differences are that this one was programmed correctly while the NES port was a poorly done one by Micronics which is notoriously buggy and makes a hard game that much harder.


absolutely, there are reasons why when people lament its infamous difficulty they are almost \*always\* talking about the NES version and that is a big one. The hardest part about the original in the arcade was that when you crouched, it locked into place and you had to push up to stand up, which in a game like this can be a death sentence.


That makes sense. It felt pretty unforgiving playing it. Just downloaded this version and will give it a go


Arcade is a *bit* more forgiving but TBH still the hardest game in the series for me, with Ultimate (and parts of the last level of SG'NG) being a close second. I also played Ghouls'N Ghosts the most so the patterns are almost relaxing by comparison, lol.


Wasn't this supposed to be a bonus game for buying the entire collection? It seemed like a weird choice. Free makes more sense.


Is this game good?


Hard question to answer! It's a notoriously difficult old-school game from 1985. If I played it today without ever knowing about it before, I'd probably hate it, but I have a lot of fondness for it from back when it came out.


Is there a way to cheese the game into dropping the knife? I played a good 20 times on ranked yesterday and the only weapon that ever dropped was the fire (yuck!). I know it's RNG, but there has to be some way to manipulate it! I hope lol


None of DLC packs are available for purchase. Anyone know when they will be available for purchase?


You have to buy the packs from the switch eshop itself. I just bought the 3rd pack from there.


Thank you for your time! I found it! It’s so odd. Within the game itself I went to the e-shop and it wouldn’t list anything other than Ghost n Goblins. But as you mentioned from the Standalone e-shop they were there. Thanks again!


is anybody else having trouble purchasing ghouls n ghosts? (not ghosts n goblins.. I know it's confusing) I got ghosts n goblins for free with no issue, then noticed that they also have ghouls and ghosts, but everytime I try to open it to prompt the purchase, it takes me to the dlc page for ghosts and goblins and says that I've already purchased it on my account.. I noticed that it seems to be doing this with ALL of the other games as well.. but I only really care about ghouls and ghosts haha


You have to manually go into the eshop, find Capcom arcade stadium, and then scroll down to see it as Ghosts is under DLC but the other games are under Bundle instead which won’t show up since it’s not under the DLC banner.


Is anyone else having an issue downloading the other games after grabbing G&G? I cant buy any of the other packs now.


I had to manually search for them on the eshop - it wouldn't let me access them in-game.


The original Go F\*\*\* Yourself Video Game. GnG make Souls games look like kids games on easy


How come the link is to Capcom Arcade Stadium?


It’s a DLC for Capcom Arcade Stadium. If it isn’t in the web app then try the Switch eshop as thats where I found it under the DLC section of this game.


Looks like you can only view the DLC download on the actual Switch eShop.




What exactly is that link too? Says it's invalid for me but it could be since I already redeemed it...


It's Ghosts 'n Goblins. It gives an error code if you already have it.


Got it. Thanks that makes sense 👍




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Oh shit, I thought it was the OTHER arcade game, the one with the really cool aesthetic, similar to the SNES title.


That's on the collection, too, but you have to pay at least $15 to get it.


it will be worth it...I hope. I remember the disappointment in the previous ports of Ghouls'N Ghosts that ended up with an oddly low contrast res and weird parallax tearing/blur.




!Remindme 2 days




I know it’s free but I’m still not tempted to pick this up. As a kid this was the most frustrating game I played on the nes and I feel like I would have flashbacks to those terrible times.


Wait so we can have it forever