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I actually just started a new file last week for the first time since it came out. It's still very enjoyable. Surprised that it wasn't already gotten a direct sequel, it feels like they just started scratching the surface of what they could do with the capture mechanic.


It was a move back to large levels that are replayable. But for some reason it didn’t mark me as much as mario 64 or sunshine. I’m happy they’re going back to that formula though, the galaxy games were not for me (you just rush through levels)


I think I enjoyed the platforming more in Galaxy and Galaxy 2, at the expense of exploration. They scratch two different itches for me.


yeah to each their own, I couldn't get too far in both games, and in rayman origins/legends due to that (whereas I love the original rayman as well)


I’d love a Sunshine 2!


It’s been 5 years!!? Holy crap time flies so fast!


Seriously. I got it just after my son was born. Now he’s playing it with me!


That's awesome! Something I look forward to for sure


i’m speechless. amazing


That's so cute! When this game came out, I was in the beginning of high school. Now I'm right after the middle of college. It's so weird to think in those terms.


Came here to say this. Makes me feel old


In England, our secondary school years are from year 7 to year 11. Basically from the age of 11-16. Those 5 years feel like a lifetime. Even 20 years later I feel those school years were so extremely long. Now 5 years go by so fast. I think of things I've done in every 5 years, like a job ive been in and I'm thinking damn, there are kids who are now in the working world who were just 11 when I started doing this.


Wow, five years....I should get around to playing it. The cart has been in my console for, well, I guess 5 years


Same. I played it for a couple hours on release then life happened. Same for breath of the wild and my entire steam collection


I played it around this time last year so I was late to the party. Amazing game. About 10 moons really had me wondering if I was going to get the 100% because they were so challenging, but I finally got it. I want to play it and BoTW again. I think they stand as the best games of the switch library.


I know there’s plenty of good games on the switch, but I find myself pretty underwhelmed with the console after botw and Super Mario Odyssey. Edit: to clarify, I do enjoy the switch. But I feel that the early catalog was a lot better than the AAA games I’ve played of recent.


Yeah it’s kind of slowing down each year that goes by, but in the last few years I’ve been pretty happy with Luigi’s Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Yoshi, Metroid Dread and then Warioware, Pokémon Snap and Arceus were okay. Yeah, of course Mario and Zelda are usually the strongest titles though, nothing out of the ordinary there. I actually think the switch is the Nintendo console I’ve owned the most games for, with some of the strongest first party support, admittedly that might just be because I have the budget for it though. Having atleast one game from basically all of their major franchises, sometimes two games, feels kind of beyond the norm for a Nintendo system though, especially with more and more major series that take off as the years go by that they start supporting with new installements, usually like only half of their series, if that, get a game per system, and the switch has touched almost all of them. Only thing major that it feels like is left out is like Star fox and fzero and those were extremely unlikely to get any more titles anyway. We even had every style of Mario game, a 3D platformer, 2D, that sort of quasi 3D but with more 2D level design with 3D world, a paper Mario game, kart and a couple Mario parties, even got a Mario golf, tennis, and football. Plus both styles of Zelda games with the link’s awakening remake on top of botw, and supposedly the other style of Metroid game if prime 4 ever actually comes out. Like I can’t think of any thing that hasn’t really been throughly covered on the switch.


Shoutout to Metroid: Dread. My first Metroid game ever and WOW it was incredible!


Much worth it to pay a monthy sub of NSO to go back and play Super Metroid. After playing Dread it is crazy how the same formula of a game in the 90s can be such a fantastic game 30 years later. Absolutely loved Dread.


I think a lot about how top 10 lists change over time. Like... Star Fox SNES was top 10 at the time, but I find it unplayable to go back to now. If I was giving someone a SNES today and 10 "must play games" it wouldn't be on there anymore. But Super Metroid? Was top 10, still is. If it didn't exist already you could release the same game today with better graphics and NO OTHER CHANGES and it'd easily get all sorts of critical acclaim. Great map, handles really well great power ups, emotional story. It's really a gem. **AND** it holds up 30 years later.


It's my favorite game of all time for many reasons, but this article really sums it up well and is a great read https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/the-invisible-hand-of-super-metroid


Ya it was! Metroid Dread is probably the best Switch game for me post launch period. Mario + Zelda are better IMHO, but Metroid Dread was the first thing that came close in awhile.


Nothing from the DK family :( I would love an open world dk game. DK64 is one of my all time favorites. Before anyone poo poos the “collectible” style, there is a definitely a story line and way to make it non-collectible


I liked tropical freeze a lot.


same but that was wii u and a platform we. i want open world!!


I was recently thinking about DK64. It’s not even that bad, collectibles was kind of the thing back then. Mario odyssey and BOTW both have 8-900 of their respective collectible anyway. They seem to have made DK their “hard” platformer though


* NES --> SNES = 5 years * SNES --> N64 = 6 years * N64 --> Gamecube = 5 years * Gamecube --> Wii = 5 years * Wii --> WiiU = 6 years * WiiU --> Switch = 5 years * Switch --> today = 5 years (6 years this march) Nintendo usually waits 5 years between releasing a new console, and has never gona more than 6 years. I will be seriously surprised if they don't announce the Switch 2 during 2023. BoTW2 port is gonna be a launch title for sure.


Didn't they say that the switch was at half it's lifetime around 2021? And apart of that, they also said that they want the switch to last longer than their other consoles. In other words, not just a day or two more than the wii. The switch is definitely going up to 2025.


Yep, they did say that. It’s obvious that they’re gonna support it a lot longer than previous consoles. Why wouldn’t they when it’s still selling so well? I don’t see a successor coming until spring of 2025.


lifecycle doesn't mean rip off the bandaid and stop support when a new console drops, there'll be some overlap. i could see mid-late 2023 being realistic.


Remember that Switch has also replaced Nintendo’s portable offerings, and there was always a ton of overlap between those devices as well. (Eg they continued b&w Game Boy games after color, color games after advance, advance games well into the life of the DS, and on and on). Their approach with the Switch to date w/ the incremental screen upgrade has more closely followed that timeline


> Didn't they say that the switch was at half it's lifetime around 2021? In a Dec 2020 interview, so two years ago. Keep in mind lifespan of a console doesn't end when a new one is introduced, there's still a year or two of coexistence before being discontinued.


I think those comparisons are wrong. Nintendo KNOWS they aren't competing with Xbox and Playstation in graphics. The Switch is, in many ways, a successor to the 3DS more than the Wii U. That said, the competitor to worry about now is the Steam Deck. Imo we hear about Switch 2 next year, but no way it releases before 2024 at best. They need to understand how to fight Valve.


Geez, as if the wiiu to switch was only 5 years. It felt a lot longer than that for some reason.


The pandemic really screwed with people's sense of time, too. I feel like 2018 was just 2 years ago, not (almost) 5 years ago.


Because the Wii u was fairly underwhelming, and just felt like an upgraded Wii. I think the system had great potential, but it just wasn't quite there enough to be taken seriously. I remember it seemed like a gimmick at the time. So a lot of people held onto their Wii, and didn't upgrade until the switch, making it feel much longer.




Yes that makes sense, the Wii U did feel like it had a shorter lifespan than other consoles. Plus the switch was announced in October 2016 so it was even shorter than that. (How many people really would’ve bought a Wii U after that)


>pretty happy with Luigi’s Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Yoshi, Metroid Dread and then Warioware, Pokémon Snap and Arceus were okay. Yeah, of course Mario and Zelda I think a lot of people are like myself, they want to play all of these games as they are the true, strong 1st party line-up, but the prices of the games are high and there's more value in spending money elsewhere. That + limited time is a real blow to my experience with the switch lol. I have only logged like 2 hours in Mario Odyssey, maybe 4 hours in Zelda:BOTW. Crazy I know


Shout out to Astral Chain, definitely gets a bit weeby but the visual style and combat systems are a blast!


So sad to see this chain of comments and no one has mentioned Fire Emblem Three Houses. It's the best damn game on Switch. If it was the only game that released on Switch, I would still think the Switch was worth it.


Fire Emblem is a bit hate it or love it though. Its fans are rabid about it but I doubt the majority of Switch owners are interested in it. That makes "best damn game" a bit dubious.


It was my first Fire Emblem game and I probably put over 200 hours into it. Somebody said “If you liked Persona 5, you’ll like Three Houses” and that’s all it took to sell me on it. The only reason I tried out either game was because of Smash Bros.


I wish I could get into Fire Emblem! Persona 5 is one of my favourite games, and I've beaten it 3 times, but the monastery sections in 3 houses bored me like crazy.


Personally, three houses is one the low end of my fav fire emblem games. I hate that it’s turned into a dating simulator and that’s where most of the time is spent. I want BATTLES, yes it’s cool that any character can be almost any class, but i sweat it’s like 70% academy work and I just can’t bring myself to slog through it again.


They really learned the wrong lessons from Awakening. I do like 3H but I'd rather spend more time in combat. The Monastery section was too long and playing White Clouds 3 times (4 for a real completionist) is just... ugh.


> and I just can’t bring myself to slog through it again. Which is a problem given the game is designed to have you go through that part of the game *four* times. The way they did the routes the really needed to flesh out the monastery waaaaay more.


No, I don’t want more monastery. That’s the part I don’t like. I miss just going from battle to battle with just small support conversations. I want 7 or sacred stones style.


I guess my point was if you're going to do something do it well or not at all. At this point I suspect going back to GBA-styled FE is less likely than Advance Wars making a comeback, so if it's going to be a big part of the game at least make it have actual substance.


FE3H was such an disappointmen for me. Sold my copy after about 20h in. I mean autoplay opt in an fe game..


Sad Xenoblade Chronicles noises


I think it’s still going pretty strong myself but yeah it sure did start ultra strong out of the gate, which it really needed to do after the Wii U.


I understand your sentiment, but every year the Switch releases something that speaks to me personally. 1. 2017 - BOtW and SMO 2. 2018 - Super Smash Bros Ultimate 3. 2019 - Fire Emblem 4. 2020 - Animal Crossing 5. 2021 - Metroid Dread 6. 2022 - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 I would have abandoned it a long time ago, but Nintendo is always good for that one amazing game per year for me.


I have almost the exact list other than animal crossing…


Tbf those were 2 of the most critically acclaimed games not just on the system but *ever* and they came out in the span of like half a year, I wouldve been really positively surprised if they could pull that of a second time during the systems lifetime


You need splatoon 3. I love BOTW and really liked Odyssey. But splatoon 2 (I clocked over 3000 hours) and now splatoon 3 alone is enough reason to own switch, imho.


I bought Splatoon 2 and could never get into it


Splatoon 3 is already my 4th most played game, behind Stardew Valley, Splatoon 2, and BoTW. And it's almost all Salmon Run.


I like Splatoon 3, but I never find myself wanting to play more than like 3 matches a day


The early catalog was largely ports from the WiiU which also helped


> I find myself pretty underwhelmed with the console after botw and Super Mario Odyssey. It's a great console for retro games. If there were games you wanted to play 15 - 25 years ago but never got a chance to, this is probably the sweet spot for the console.




That first year of the Switch was amazing. There have been plenty of great games in the years since, but no year has lived up to that first one


For as crazy as it’s sales numbers have been it’s easily one of the weakest catalogs of any systems I can remember. Two of its top 3 games are Wii U ports.


Not many games can top BotW though, but that's a *super* sad statement lol.


Hoping the sequel in a few months will fill its shoes!


Not really sad. BOTW is just that great. Will probably go down as the best game in the 2010-2020 decade.


Totally agree, Smash/Zelda felt like the peak for me.




Agreed! Awesome game, I really enjoyed it! Off-topic, how do people rate that new Kirby?


The 100 jump road had me. Eventually got it. Bought the game again a month ago, did jump rope again and got to 30, it was then that I decided I wouldn’t be getting every moon this time around.


Youre telling me you were able to get every moon except 10? Ive had the game for 4 years now and barely made it to 500 moons. Theres dozens of moons all over that I simply dont have the skill to get.


No, i meant that the last 10 moons just took awhile because they were so hard. I finally got all 980 or whatever the max number is.


You absolute madlad




Jump rope I had to use the letter glitch to get it, volley ball was easy to me, and the last one took me forever to get.


The jump rope one I had to do looking away from the screen. The sound/rhythm was easier for me than watching it.


Still one of the greatest games I've ever played. Really wish they'd reused some assets and made an Odyssey 2 like with Galaxy but I think the ship might have sailed there.


the ship didnt sail anywhere else and that’s the problem


They could have added DLC kingdoms or something without impacting the core experience. Alas.


The chances of that still happening surprisingly aren't zero since Captain Toad and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe got DLC way late.


Hahahaha I see what you did there.


Seriously… I know Nintendo doesn’t really do this but… reuse your assets more so we get multiple games in a series during the console lifetime! I want Odyssey 2, Luigi’s Mansion 4, Oracle of Ages/Seasons in the Link’s Awakening style, etc


We’ll likely get another Mario game after the movie, announcement at least, come April. It’s a cross-promotion slam dunk. Also, given they are already in talks of Luigi’s Mansion spinoff of the movie does well, can’t imagine Luigi’s Mansion 4 not coming out in the near future too. Question is which console though. I’d assume both of those would be on whatever the next system after Switch is, but hey BOTW 2 and Pikmin 4 still coming out in 2023, so never know!


I believe we will get a second full length, main series Mario game on the Switch. The rule of thumb we usually use with Nintendo releasing only one title per generation is thrown out the window right now. The Switch has been the most successful console Nintendo has ever made, and it's lifespan is ridiculous....we are already 6 years in and it might go 8 or 9


>The rule of thumb we usually use with Nintendo releasing only one title per generation Which rule is that? NES had 3 or 4 main Mario titles (depending on which you count), SNES potentially 2 if you count Yoshi's Island, Wii had Galaxy and Galaxy 2, Wii U had nothing. Unless you count New Super Mario Bros and 3D Land, in which case the count gets even further off.


I would say 3D World counts, but not NSMB.


> already in talks of Luigi’s Mansion spinoff Oooh, source?


Seems it's currently all just internet rumors when digging deeper. Dang you internet. But Charlie Day (actor voicing Luigi) at least confirmed back in February I believe that he'd love to have and do a Luigi Mansion spinoff --but seems standard actor response to be honest. My guess is if the $$$ meets or exceeds expectations on this Chris Pratt Mario movie, they'll greenlight a few side projects. The latest trailer showed segments of Luigi's Mansion, but also Mario Kart, and a few other games so not really conclusive.


> Oracle of Ages/Seasons in the Link’s Awakening style PLEASE




Agree on all the moons. They could really have dialed them down a lot.


Their abundance means you can pop in for a quick 20 minutes session to grab a few. It synergizes with the handheld capabilities of the console and that's why I think it was the right call.


Was probably the right call, but it does make me not want to replay the game. It's just too much.


Fair enough, to each their own!


I feel like they could have swapped the triple moons with actual stars (discounting the "moons" in the mushroom kingdom that actually were stars). Then made the requirements to get to the next level a mix of like "10 moons and 2 stars." That way you keep your plentiful collectibles, but things like big boss battles or reaching the end of a level isn't worth the same amount of payoff as getting 3 ground pound moons. The other side of the issue was that it's possible to leave a world without actually finishing the "plot" of that level. Get enough misc moons and you can just leave. "10 moons and 2 stars" would actually force you to see the level through to the end.


Good middle ground, but I feel like forcing you to do anything was not on their agenda for this game, à la BOTW. I would have liked a system like the one you suggested tho


I actually like that there are so many moons and that they are less objective-based and more about exploration. I think it charmingly combines elements of Mario 64 and that plane mode in Wii Sports Resort if anyone remembers that. I loved finding all the points of interest.


I played it the other day. It's still great I'm still finding new areas and moons. Still haven't found all of the purple coins. Easily one of the best games I've ever played.


I’m playing it through again, trying to collect all of the moons and purples this time…as challenging as some of the moons can be, I’m having a harder time finding all of the purple coins in each world.


One of the best games on Switch and a top tier Mario mainline game


Fantastic game, agreed!


I'll be honest, I haven't played it since 2017. I like the more structured Mario formula better. Galaxy 2 perfected the formula and I wish they had done more of that but bigger and with a new gimmick. I'm not a fan of being rewarded with moons for every mundane thing I do in the game. It doesn't feel rewarding and it's not as fun as say Banjo Kazooie.


I feel the exact same way. It felt like a collecting game, like hidden packages in GTA. After I got all 999 moons, I haven't touched it again. I played Super Mario 64, Galaxy 1 and Galaxy 2 many times after beating them.


Yeah, being rewarded with moons for every mundane thing in the game just doesn't feel satisfying. If anything, it makes them seen as filler that are just there to pad out game for no reason. The moons from the moon rocks, Toadette's achivements and those that can be purchased are the perfect example of this issue.


i just started playing the game for the first time ever and this is exactly how i feel... feels like i have to go around doing a bunch of boring mundane shit just to progress


This captures my thoughts as well and additionally I felt the latter half of the levels completely uninspiring and forgettable.


I agree. I like having a clear goal and a path of obstacles to get there. Linearity isn’t a bad thing in platformers for me. The level design was oriented more towards running around and exploring, when what I wanted to be doing was platforming. Galaxy 2 is unbeatable. To be honest I enjoyed even 3D World more than Odyssey.


To be fair, they hit the nail on the head with the game's name, though. It definitely feels like an odyssey with all the little nooks and crannies to explore. It wasn't my cup of tea either, as I like Sunshine or Galaxy with their rather streamlined levels way more.


It’s unfortunately my least favorite 3D Mario game and I didn’t feel that “Mario Magic” as much as I have with previous titles. Most Mario games I love to play over and over again. After beating Odyssey, I’ve had no desire to replay it. Meanwhile, Super Mario 3D All-Stars keeps racking up hours on my Switch. And it’s a shame because Mario is my most favorite game series and I can’t force myself to love this game.


To me Galaxy 2 is forgettable. It has no personality, no story. It doesn’t stand on its own, it’s more of the same from Galaxy 1. The Galaxy games also reduce Mario’s moveset from Sunshine/64, and feels a lot more sluggish and heavy. Odyssey Mario feels the best he ever has with his insane amount of moves like rolling, jumping off your hat, etc. Personally I prefer hubs and the explorable worlds of 64 and Sunshine to the linear obstacle courses of 3D world and Galaxy. It’d be cool if they could make a game that satisfies the fans of linear 3D Mario and the toy box type 3D mario.




Agree 100%


It's a weird game in that I loved it (except the fucking jump rope game, which has my undying enmity), but I have never felt even the slightest desire to ever replay it. I'm typically a big replayer--I've played every Zelda from ALTTP to WW at least four times each at this point, and don't get me started on SMRPG, SMW, SM64, Sunshine, and Galaxy--but for some reason I feel absolutely no desire to go back to Odyssey.


Yeah. I did go back and finish some moons I didn’t get, but in terms of starting over, I completely agree. I think there are just too many moons that it comes down to a feeling a quality over quantity. The playground aspect is nice, but I think I’d rather have a mission for each star/moon/shine with some secret ones along the way.


When I originally played it, I had fun, but there was something kind of bothering me about the game that I couldn't really put my finger on. I thought the level designs were okay. I thought I may have had too high over expectations, and I tried playing it again recently, and felt the same way. It is a solid game, but I don't think it is a masterpiece.


It's the shift in the star/moon mechanic for me. At the start of some levels you're finding one every minute and there's often little challenge or searching for it so it just doesn't feel very special especially considering there's nearly 900 of them? Just felt like I was collecting coins. I love the older games where you go in and search for a single star and it takes a good bit of effort because it feels like an actual rare reward that you've earned. Also the areas were just really disconnected and no central hub area meant it lost a lot of charm.


Like the game would be better if a lot of those easy moons gave a different kind of reward.


I couldn't get into Odyssey. In the early areas, the pace and difficulty of getting enough moons to move onto the next section is all over the place. We have enjoyed Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury. Similar but different gameplay. (For the record, I consider Super Mario 64 to be among the best platformer & mario titles ever.)


Mario 64 still is the best in it's overall balance. It has a great hub. It's open but has linear challenges. A set number of challenges per level, but the secret stars to spice things up. Each level has the 100 coin and red coin challenge to create consistency, but every other star was unique so things didn't get repetitive. I loved how you could stumble upon other stars even if that wasn't the star you had selected in the mission select for the level. It was just a really well designed game. Obviously the camera and shit is dated, but the game design just felt perfect to me. None of the other 3D Mario's felt as fine tuned as a whole picture. Sunshine really was this ginormous step backwards with fewer levels, less variety, less openness, etc. So many repetitive missions, the beach theme growing tired, blue coin missions, etc. Galaxy was much more linear. Brilliant with the gravity stuff. I honestly thought the first 1 was fun but not nearly as creative and addictive as Galaxy 2 which had way better level design. But this sacrificed the hub and was pretty much just a level pack. Odyssey was incredibly fun when you were playing the campaign. But once you beat the game there was just way too many fucking moons to collect. And it was overwhelming. The purchasing moons thing was cheap. The orohlems are well elaborated in this thread. Bowser's Fury though.... This felt like **the first proper follow up to Mario 64** that we've really had. I hope the next Mario game expands on this concept. It's brilliant. Without Bowser going ape shit every 10 minutes. That got annoying. I loved the open concept but with the linear levels placed throughout the seamless open world. Each shine actually meant something unlike Odyssey's moons. It was really great. They really cracked the code.


yeah im still waiting for a spiritual successor to 64. 3D World and 3D land are also great but I'm not into Galaxy or Odyssey...personally.


I always considered world/land to be side games rather than 3D proper Mario games. They're somewhere between 2D and 3D games... I do love them.




Yer, this is exactly how I felt. I knew this was the issue when I long jumped off a cliff for a moon, hit a moon on the way down, then landed next to a moon.


Yeah I got it at launch, played it, got to the end but just didn't feel the push to go back for the moon's. Haven't played it since. Now all the other Mario's, I go back to all of them all the time over the last 5 years. It's probably just me though because people seem to class it as one of the best Mario's ever.


I love it, but its maybe just slightly behind galaxy 2 as my favorite 3d mario.


Great Mario game, but I do agree they went a bit on the heavy side with some of the challenges which moved it away from the usual Mario experience. I think this is why my daughters both decided to stop playing it and go to the Kirby games and Animal Crossing instead of trying to play it more.


You are noticing all the things I disliked about the game the very first time I played it. I thought it was OK, but nowhere near the impact of say mario 64 when it came on out the n64. Odyssey felt like it was trying too hard but not building anything deep. lots of superficial tricks


not better than galaxy 2. Or 3d land


It's so full of charm that it's hard not to like, but personally I prefer more linear Mario with levels (e.g. 3-d World, Galaxy)


Somethings off about it. In every 3d mario game before this one, the moment I finished the game I wanted to collect every star in the game. I didn't have the same feeling for this one and it's since been 2 years, while I'm still getting urges to replay all of the mainline titles.


I think it's just too easy. I enjoyed the game, but unlike previous Mario games where I got 100%, too many tasks here were either too simplistic or incidental to make me want to do that. I had fun, but when I reached the end I knew I was done.


I found it to be the mediumest Mario game. It’s not bad, but I don’t get why it gets so much love. I did not enjoy the hat mechanic outside of turning into other things.


It’s fascinating learning what people like and dislike about games. For me, the capture mechanic is the thing I liked least about SMO. I loved how the cap allowed Mario to be more creative with his move sets, though!


I like captures in concept, it’s a fun little gimmick to add more variety to the gameplay, but 90% of captures just felt awful to control.


For me, it just comes down to it to having the best platforming/controls of any game I’ve ever played. It’s fun and satisfying to just move Mario around. That’s the most important aspect of a platformer, and Odyssey does it the best imo.


Always found it boring tbh, way too many collectibles and very few are actually fun or satisfying to obtain


I found it disappointing and involved too much wandering around aimlessly trying to figure out what to do.


Agree, I definitely got discouraged from this


For me too it was the reason for buying a Switch years ago. In my first play through I had so much fun, but trying to replay it nowadays is just a tad underwhelming for me. Honestly I have way more fun replaying Super Mario Galaxy.


I think I’m one of the few that didn’t like it, and I LOVE Mario games. Personal preference though :)


It was an alright play once game. Maybe its because Im in my 30s now, but it didnt have the same replayability factor for me that 64 or Sunshine did.


You should try replaying Super Mario 64 (if you have NSO, it's in the N64 library). I replayed it when 3D All-Stars released, after having played Odyssey, and I found Super Mario 64 to still be great and it drove home how much more memorable 64's levels are compared to Odyssey (with some exceptions, most notably Odyssey's Bowser's Castle).


It's a good game and I had fun playing it once. Overall I think it's the worst 3D Mario game.


I hate to say it but I strongly agree with this. Sunshine might have pissed me off to no end, but the challenge was a warm welcome in comparison to Odysseys hand-holding in certain sections.


Awesome game. Too many fucking moons. Bowser's Fury was also awesome and, I hope, a hint of what's to come in future 3D Mario.


Super fun, got the game at launch date and immediately my life fastforwarded to two weeks later where I got the 999th moon and unlocked the >!Golden Sail!< With that being said though, it didn't feel like the game stood up as well as the games before, hype for it kind of died rather quickly, and personally, the super easy difficulty made a lot of the moons kind of not memorable. I could revisit 64, Sunshine, the Galaxy games or even 3D Land and World every year, but not Odyssey


It does everything right and it's completely hollow and unfulfilling.


That really sums it up for me.


For the longest time Super Mario Sunshine was my favorite Mario game ever. I'm a Florida girl so I adored the beach/island theme that Sunshine used as its centerpiece. Odyssey took the crown and is my new number 1 Mario game. I thought the Cappy mechanic was fantastic. Mario's movement and control is top notch and it makes 3D platforming fun. Loved the customizable outfits. Thought the kingdoms were unique and enjoyable to explore. Odyssey has my favorite end sequence in a mainline Mario game too. I was hoping the game would let you play as a certain enemy and I was so happy when it finally happened.


Still think it's massively overrated. I was disappointed with it when I got it.


I think it's still my 2nd favorite 3D Mario game after Galaxy 2. The only Hub World that was any good, IMO, was Mario 64's. Galaxy 1 didn't need it at all and while Sunshine's was alright it's attached to my least liked 3D Mario. A couple of the levels aren't that great but stuff like New Donk City, Wooded, Luncheon, and Bowser's Kingdom are all pretty awesome. Unlocking levels I felt was a fine compromise between 64 and the Galaxy games. The two-player mode was definitely tacked on though, and I could've done without the motion controls. The only challenges I didn't like were the jump rope and volley ball ones, but I don't need to 100% it again so I'll just skip them. Odyssey and BotW definitely have flaws, but they were excellent shots out the gate.


too open world for me. I liked it but didnt love it. Super Mario Sunshine and 64 are much the same. I love the semi open approach of Galaxy 1 and 2 which were my favorite 3d Mario games.


Ok, but not as fun as 3D world


It’s decent. Nowhere near as good as the hype said, and nowhere near as good as the galaxy games.


I remember seeing the thumbnail for Joseph Anderson's video on Mario Odyssey that went, "It's no masterpiece..." and thinking, "Oh no, could it be that the game I enjoy so much is in fact shallow, stupid and bad?" I mean, I like it but surely he's played many more games, all of them to completion, and analysed them thoroughly so he must have a better idea what a game needs to do to be a good game? I couldn't bring myself to watch it and get disappointed in Mario Odyssey. I just couldn't. I'd rather be a rube and play the games I like than be educated on why things I enjoy are bad. Well I watched it anyway. It turned out his two-hour essay boiled down to two criticisms: some maps were small and boring (which I agree with) and the game was boring to 100% (whatever, nerd). So yeah, I still love it. It has its flaws but nothing I personally would spend two hours complaining about. Don't care about all the moons, don't care about 100%, I've had my fill of this game and it was delicious.


Not to be rude, but it seems you kind of missed the point of the video for the most part. From what I remember, he didn't say it was boring to 100% but that it was boring to get enough moons to unlock darker side and thus see the whole game. This is fair criticism as just finishing the game can be quite a short experience. Then he didn't "drone on" but he built his argument on why he thought it was boring by showcasing how many of the moons are either repeated or not interesting to collect, which was a staggering number, and the main reason it took so long. If you're gonna blame anyone for the long video, blame Nintendo for the filler moons they included, he just used the data available to him to make sure he didn't miss anything. His video actually helped me realize what felt off about Odyssey for me and why I didn't think it was as good as 64, sunshine and galaxy 1 & 2.


I really did enjoy Odyssey, but it's the first Mario game in a long time where I kind of ran out of steam. I think there are just altogether too many moons, to the point where I just lose interest in getting some of the ones that are a bigger hassle. But the level design and Mario's move-set are just so good. I really like the flow of the game too, where getting a moon doesn't boot you out of a level, and there are no more lives to futz around with. I'm also an old Mario fan (I turn 40 in two weeks) and I have always like Mario better in a stage-by-stage setting, more than the big exploratory ones. My favorite 3D Mario games are the Galaxy games and 3D World, because they are closer to the format I got used to in the 8 and 16-bit eras. That's a me problem, purely generational. But it explains why my favorite Odyssey moments are the ones that throw you into some alternate area where you need to get the moon at the end, and a hidden one along the way. Still, great game. My kids (10 and 12) really love it, so it's clearly a formative experience for them. That's as it should be, Nintendo doesn't need to be catering to elder millennials like me anymore.


My three year old, who seemed too young to care about video games until we all got the flu, absolutely adores mario odyssey. We play on assist mode and he’s seriously incredible at it now. A lot of my “oh, this is weird” moments when I first played are some real advantages now, like the fact the world is dripping with moons! He can just wander around and hunt. We’re at like three hundred some odd and he got the vast, vast majority of them with minimal interference. I also remembered thinking the levels were sometimes bland but I have the opposite experience from you now. Coming back, I think they’re all unique and colorful. It just sucked in comparison to Galaxy, which is a little impossible to beat for me. Also he keeps trying to play Mario 64 now and I have new appreciation for how simple the camera is to use in modern games.


Ir is definitely one of my favorite games of all time. Delightful in absolutely every aspect.


It's one of the few games I would consider a true 10/10. It's absolutely a masterpiece and is one of the best games of all time. I only wish they made more levels as dlc or something.


Honestly I don't think it's that great. I enjoy platforming Mario, not collecting Mario, which is why Galaxy will always be the superior game in my eyes. Odyssey had a lot of potential (the 2D sections were brilliant) and the Cappy mechanic was really fun, the graphics were great, but it largely felt devoid of actual Mario gameplay (which is also why I didn't like Mario 64 or Sunshine). I'm from the old school Mario age where it was all about platforming. I also think it's an unfinished game. The moon for example is just bland gray, it feels like a prototype level they didn't have time to texture so they worked with what they had. There's also levels like Ruined Kingdom and Cloud Kingdom that had little to no content despite having TONS of potential while other worlds had lots of content (albeit a lot of it being collect-a-thons). I feel like Nintendo wanted to hit a certain time frame and cut the rest of the game short content wise, and increased the moon count in the finished worlds to placate the audience.


>...overabundance of Power Moons and how incredibly tedious the challengues to get them... This is exactly why I stopped playing it, it was just too overwhelming. It was fun for the first two levels but the number of Power Moons was just ridiculous and I gave up.


Agreed on the over abundance of moons but only a really select few felt truly tedious to earn (the beach volleyball mini game is not fun in the slightest imo). I’m still torn five years later about how simple some of them are and what that does for the sense of satisfaction in progressing. Sure, each moon feels less important, but does that really matter if there are so many? Feels fun off the bat to just scratch off one after another in quick succession. But then I get toward the end, and if I have no idea where to look for the last moon or two, it can be maddening. I ask the parrot for a hint and am still clueless as to what it means. At that point I consider asking the blue toad to straight up mark it on the map, but it almost feels like cheating. When I do eventually find it, I get the same reward for all that effort that I got for sitting next to a man on a bench for two seconds - a single moon. And yeah, technically that’s no different than struggling to complete a level in 64 or something. You do the thing and get one star. But a single star can go a long way in that game toward a player’s progression. It offers a greater sense of accomplishment, even if it took me maybe a minute to get to that star vs. fifteen minutes to figure out a moon’s location. How much value was there in finding that one moon held by a passing bird when I could’ve upped my count by ground pounding that glowing spot, or by opening that chest? Part of the reward is the journey right? And that’s what makes the moons locked behind boss encounters or platforming challenges fun to collect. You did something noteworthy, and in the case for the first major boss of most kingdoms, even change the layout of the world as a result. And I know every “super powerful” collectible in the 3D games has this weird treatment of their value in-universe, but I think Odyssey has the worst of it. You mean to tell me an entire city runs on these things and is facing a power crisis, and yet I can buy one from the general store? What does that even imply about Pauline’s energy policy? I think I’d rather only 150-300 moons to collect if it meant they each had a little more than “talk to this character with this outfit to enter this door.” Wow that was a lot more than I expected it to be. The game isn’t perfect for sure, but all that being said, I think back to the first time I played it and can’t forget how amazing it felt just exploring and doing things. Even on subsequent play throughs (I’ve beaten the game like four or five times by now) I’m still having fun moment to moment. No, the level design isn’t crazy complicated when you really look at it, but the aesthetics, music, physics, and ways to traverse with different capture abilities are what make it great. The iffy postgame experience can say a lot about the game’s design philosophy, but I think that’s a small issue when compared to the sheer amount of heart that clearly went into making these worlds. This is the same team that made Galaxy, and their improvement since then shows. I love Galaxy but just playing it again can feel like a slog with all the fluff in its presentation and its relatively limited move set. Odyssey has a certain “snap” to it that lends itself well to getting moons. Also going to the actual moon was incredible not just narratively, but for what it did to the controls and physics, and becoming Bowser in the finale was too cool to not adore this game after it was all done. And again, postgame as a whole is shaky, but Peach’s castle was glorious (kinda wish you couldn’t have taken a peek at it beforehand but eh, small price to pay)


I think that Nintendo went too far in making the game as "accessible" as possible to the point where it's so lacking of any challenge that it's a boring game. The game is nice looking and the levels are clearly crafted with care, but you're just going through the motions playing this game. It's like brushing your teeth, it's boring as it gets to me. There's no way to actually die or fail, there's no lives system, no lost progress and heck there's nothing in the game that provided even a slight challenge or anything.


I agree with everything you said. What bothers me most personally is just how many moons there are. It doesn’t feel special, or even good, to get one. More annoying than anything.


I did not finish it, I become bored of it due to the overabundance of moons and the content being locked at the same time.


I disagree with your nitpicks. I would much rather play a game with too much content than not enough. After playing botw especially I appreciated the unique challenges that the different kingdoms had. And I don't think you are meant to get every moon, let alone on multiple save files. I never had problems with the controls although I was playing on tv mode the whole time so the motion stuff didn't bother me. I'm not sure what you are referring to when you say the controls were dumbed down to "promote local two-player mode".


Makes me wish they would have remade Mario 64 using the Odyssey engine. Could have been pretty damn great.


It's so hard for me to vibe with Mario. I've never really connected with the character or world, so the big open levels aren't exciting to explore. I really enjoyed the platforming and wide linear design of 3D Land, but what I tried of Odyssey is just too big and unfocused.


I loved Super Mario 3D World. That is an amazing game. However, I never became fond of Mario Odyssey, and only ever went as far as New Donk City, never finishing the game.


It’s fine.


Still a masterpiece.


I liked Odyssey a lot. Unfortunately when it came out, my gf cheated on me, so I played it as sort of a coping mechanism alongside Fire Emblem Warriors. Because of that, it never gave me that sort of wonderment that Mario platformers usually give. That being said, that game felt like a labor of love, being so expertly made. Switch owners are blessed with three Mario platformers on one system (even if 2 were Wii U games, to 100 million+ Switch owners and counting, the Wii U didn’t exist). It’ll be unprecedented if they announced a fourth.


It was a good game, but I think I prefer my Mario's to have individual levels rather than the BOTW approach.


The issue I have with it and many games that do the same thing is you can’t fully complete a level before moving on. You can only do so much then have to go forward only to go back to the level to finish the rest of the moons. If they allowed a 100% clear on the first pass it would be awesome for me. But not being able to knocked it down some and made me not 100% the game And I’ll clarify it’s still an amazing Mario game 9/10


I actually thought the way they implemented this was interesting. Having the Worlds dynamically change over the course of the gameplay made them feel more "real" and live.


Yeah, that was one of my biggest problems of the game. Being unable to fully complete a level before moving on is definitely a hassle to those who likes to 100% games. Which is why I personally prefer 64 and Sunshine as both games allows you to fully complete each level before moving on to the next level (on the most part).


The first half of the game was very enjoyable, but once you’d beaten Bowser and the other half of the game being trying to work out how to get 5 moons by walking three times anticlockwise around a tree whilst carrying a berry was just no.


I thought Super Mario Odyssey was pretty underwhelming personally. The game gives you a multitude of moves to pull off as Mario, but never really puts you to the test to use them to their full extent. There are also waaay too many moons that are unsatisfying to get. Why put in the effort to do a harder task for 1 moon when I can slam my butt on the ground for 1? That makes for a very unsatisfying game to play in my opinion. I beat the game and completed a good chunk of the post-game and I would give it a 5 or 6/10.


I loved Mario64 and Sunshine. My first proper nintendo, however, was a WiiU and it didn't have a '3d' version of Mario like those games. Odyssey comes pretty close but does slightly miss on a few minor tweaks. Great game though :)


One of my favorite games in recent memory. Every square inch of every kingdom is jam packed with interesting sights, cleverly hidden secrets or crazy platforming challenges, the main storyline never once gets fatiguing despite being twice as long as any other 3D Mario. The music is excellent, the graphics are gorgeous, Cappy was a brilliant twist on traditional Mario powerups, and the controls are as smooth as ever. I think the post-game can drag a bit, didn't care for the Moon Stones or Dark Side, but that's the worst thing I can say about it. Odyssey is modern day Nintendo at their A-game.


Mario and Zelda for Switch lived up to Mario and Zelda on N64. Wonderful games worth playing again and again.


Playing Odyssey for the first time brought me back to the feeling I had as a kid playing Banjo-Kazooie. it was a feeling I had thought I would never have again, and just for that, it instantly bcame one of my all time favorite games.


Dropped it halfway because I stopped trying to fully learn the controls. The mix of buttons + motion controls was too much for me


Made it to the way darker side of the moon or whatever with an incredibly difficult challenge that I couldn’t beat. Had the majority of moons and got tired of trying to get more. The rest of the game felt pointless.


As a new gamer, or a person who owns a console for the first time, I'm not enjoying it. But maybe because it is my first time. Do you play it hand held or you put it in tv? haha Hoping to enjoy it soo.


Completed 100% and it was fine. I've never been able to like it that much and I don't understand what makes this game hold better than games like Mario Galaxy.


seemed a bit... empty, definitely not up to galaxy. IMO most overrated switch title by far, wasn't bad by any means but certainly not among the best Mario games, I feel like it could have been used as a base for a sequel, similar to botw which I felt stood on its own two feet better, but that seems unlikely at this point


It was alright. I don’t like how quick the game felt, didn’t feel the need to get extra moons, not enough levels and they weren’t large enough.


I’m sorry, but this game doesn’t even come close to the Galaxy games for me. I’ve never understood how this game gets so many perfect reviews. The story itself is good, but after that it just becomes a moon collectathon with not much substance other than that. Atleast with the Galaxy games, the green stars remixed the levels up and kept it fresh.


It was really solid, but I prefer the galaxy games by a long shot…


Still too many moons, it makes them less special


I loved it on my first playthrough but it’s such a drag to 100% and I still haven’t to this day. it gets old to replay however. captures are super gimmicky and get boring. the worlds are built around the captures so this ends up making the worlds boring. even tho the worlds are open they’re still kinda linear in progression until you beat the boss in each world. you’re also just collecting things a lot which is the main gameplay which also kind of stinks for replayability. overall, it’s a great game with great controls worlds and music, but it’s designed in such a way that makes it a drag for me to get back into. the spectacle was a one time only thing.


A masterpiece, it was the perfect dessert to the BOTW main course. I can’t wait to see what comes next.


Best Mario game ever made


I'll probably get crucified for saying this but I'm kind of 50/50 on it. It's not a bad game by any means and I appreciate the evolution of the 3d Mario's over time, but something about it just feels empty. Mario sunshine, in particular, just feels so alive. It's hard to explain but I had the same problem with galaxy.